  • To define a common vocabulary that can be used in all textual descriptions of the business, especially in descriptions of business use cases.
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Find Common Terms To top of page

In business modeling you must define a common vocabulary using the most common terms and expressions in the problem domain. You should then consistently use the common vocabulary in all textual descriptions of the business. In this way, you keep the textual descriptions consistent and avoid misunderstandings among project members about the use and meaning of terms. You should document the vocabulary in a glossary.

To find common terms in the problem domain, consider terms used when talking about what the business is about. Focus on terms describing the following concepts:

Each term is typically described as a noun, with a definition. Terms should be in the singular, "order" and "task", not "orders" and "tasks". All interested parties should agree on definitions for the terms.

Evaluate Your Results To top of page

You should check the glossary at this stage to verify that your work is headed in the right direction. There is no need to review it in detail. See especially checkpoints for the Glossary in Activity: Review Requirements.

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