  • The end-user's willingness to use the product is the mark of its success. The Deployment plan documents how and when the product is to be made available to the user community.
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Worker: Deployment Manager

Workflow Details:

Plan How to Produce the Software

The output of the implementation and the test workflows are tested executables. These executable programs must be associated with other artifacts to constitute a complete deployment unit / product:

  • Installation scripts
  • User documentation
  • Configuration data
  • Additional programs for migration: data conversion.

In some circumstances, different executables may have to be produced for different user configurations. Or different sets of artifacts have to be assembled for different classes of users: new users versus existing users, variants by country or language, and so on.

For distributed software, different sets may have to be produced for different computing nodes in the network.

This aspect of the deployment effort is captured in the Workflow Detail: Produce Deployment Unit

Plan How to Package the Software

The various artifacts that constitute the delivered product are packaged on suitable media: diskettes, tapes, CD-ROM, archived server files, books, videotapes, and so on, and should be properly identified and labeled. The activities often involve dealing with external organizations to package the software.

In some circumstances (for example, small embedded systems) the software becomes part of another system in the form of PROM.

This aspect of deployment is captured in the Workflow Detail: Package Product.

Plan How to Distribute the Software

Again there is a wide range of options, from shipping boxes, to using a network of distributors, to Internet distribution.

One issue is that of controlling who is authorized to use the software: licensing. Software licensing usually involves the set up of procedures and tools to manage licenses and communicate license codes to the users.

This aspect of deployment is covered under the deployment Workflow Details: Manage Acceptance Test, and Provide Access to Download Site.

Plan How to Install the Software

With the advent of Internet distribution, more and more software installation is a user-controlled process. It must however be supported by installation tools and procedures delivered with the product. In some rarer cases (large complex technical systems) installation is performed by the software vendor.

Installation is generally more complex in the case of a distributed system, where all nodes have to be brought up to date in a timely fashion, and where the installation may split up in multiple installation procedures.

This aspect of deployment is covered under the deployment Workflow Details: Manage Acceptance Test, and Provide Access to Download Site.


As part of the installation comes often the issue of migration:

  • Replacing an older system with a new one, with or without constraints of continuity of operation.
  • Converting existing data to a new format.

The programs associated with this migration are developed and tested using exactly the same process as the primary product.

Part of the process of preparing the customer for the next generation of software is through providing earlier beta versions of the product. This aspect of deployment is covered under the Workflow Detail: Beta Test Product.

Providing Help and Assistance to the Users

This can take various forms:

  • Formal training courses.
  • Computer based training.
  • Online guidance and help.
  • Telephone support.
  • Internet support.
  • Collateral: tips, application notes, examples, wizards, and so on.

Support often involves setting up procedures for problem tracking and resolution, which integrate to the change management activity.

This aspect of deployment is covered under the Workflow Detail: Develop Support Material.

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