Activity: Manage Acceptance Test
- To ensure that the developed product to fulfills its acceptance
criteria at both the development, and target installation site.
Deployment Manager |
Acceptance testing is formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a
system satisfies its acceptance criteria, and to enable the customer, user or
authorized entity to determine whether or not to accept the system.
Acceptance testing is often conducted at the development site, and then at
the customer site using the target environment.
How the customer evaluates the deliverable artifacts, to determine whether
they meet predefined set of acceptance criteria, is described in the Product
Acceptance Plan. The Product Acceptance Plan describes the roles,
responsibilities, required resources, tasks, test cases and acceptance criteria
required to determine the acceptability of the product.
Another useful input to determining the project's readiness for formal test
are the Configuration Audit Findings that report on:
- The performance of the developed software conforms to its requirements,
and whether
- The required artifacts are physically present.
Deficiencies in the Configuration Audit Findings could result in the
Acceptance Test being postponed. The Deployment Manager should review minor
deficiencies with the customer, for whose benefit the formal tests are
conducted, to determine whether testing should proceed.
The System Administrator needs to ensure that the infrastructure (hardware
and software resources), and support software is ready for the upcoming test
Once the Deployment Manager is satisfied with respect to readiness of all
items that need to be tested, he follows the agreed upon test schedule outlined
in the Product Acceptance Plan. Testing begins when all participants required
for witnessing and running the test are present.
The Tester loads all the software and test data files, and proceeds with the
testing using the collection of test cases, test procedures, test scripts,
and expected test results in the test model. Test results are recorded together
with any discrepancies between the expected and actual results.
Test results should be reviewed at the end of each day at a Test Results
Review Meeting. At this meeting, results for each test case need to be reviewed
and noted as being "acceptable" or "not acceptable". The
minutes of the meeting need to record any significant discussions and decisions.
In case of the test results that are considered to be
"unacceptable", the Deployment Manager can raise Change Requests for
the anomalies, and submit them as part of Change Control mechanism for review by
the Change Control Board.
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