Activity: Setup CM Environment
Setup the CM Hardware Environment
The Configuration Manager works with the System Administrator to allocate machine resources, and install the necessary software tools. The key considerations (in order of priority) for the machine dedicated to running the server that mediates access to actual data in the project repository are the following:
Information on each of these items is provided under the Artifact: Project Repository Map the Architecture to the
The product directory structure serves a logically nested placeholder for all product-related artifacts. The shape of the directory (which serves as the project repository) depends on the number of subsystems in the overall system, and the number of components in each subsystem. Even though the logical structure of the product does not emerge until Analysis&Design activities are underway, an initial project repository needs to be created for the management and planning artifacts. Guidance for the initial structure is provided under Concepts: Product Directory Structure. The reminder of the structure can be elaborated once design decisions have been made, and the nature of the Implementation View becomes clearer on how various design elements are to be packaged for implementation. The configuration management task is to ensure that is a placeholder for each component that needs to be implemented in the directory structure, and that there will be sufficient physical storage for the artifacts that will be developed as part of the implementation. For CM purposes there must be a high degree of cohesion between internal elements in the product directory structure. The components should have clearly defined interfaces with the other parts of the system, and be independently buildable and testable. The key reason here is to allow for independent and parallel development of the systems by separate teams. The idea is to significantly speed up development and promote reuse and ease of system maintenance. Create Initial Set of
Versioned Elements
Even on projects with no configuration management there is a notion of a file structure and an existing body of material that is used by the project on an on-going basis. The idea is to export/import the existing material into the structure created for product development. Define Baseline Promotion Levels
There are five baseline levels with the following states:
Baselines are linear, and can be moved up or down levels depending on the quality of the items. Reference Configuration Management Concepts: Baselining for more details.
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