
Resource Utilization Top

    • Potential race conditions (process competition for critical resources) have been identified and avoidance and resolution strategies have been defined.
    • There is a defined strategy for handling "I/O queue full" or "buffer full" conditions.
    • The system monitors itself (capacity threshold, critical performance threshold, resource exhaustion) and is capable of taking corrective action when a problem is detected.

Performance Top

    • Response time requirements for each message have been identified.
    • There is a diagnostic mode for the system which allows message response times to be measured.
    • The nominal and maximal performance requirements for important operations have been specified.
    • There are a set of performance tests capable of measuring whether performance requirements have been met.
    • The performance tests cover the "extra-normal" behavior of the system (startup and shutdown, alternate and exceptional flows of events of the use cases, system failure modes).
    • Architectural weaknesses creating the potential for performance bottlenecks have been identified. Particular emphasis has been given to:
      • Use of some finite shared resource such as (but not limited to) semaphores, file handles, locks, latches, shared memory, etc.
      • inter-process communication. Communication across process boundaries is always more expensive than in-process communication.
      • inter-processor communication. Communication across process boundaries is always more expensive than inter-process communication.
      • physical and virtual memory usage; the point at which the system runs out of physical memory and starts using virtual memory is a point at which performance usually drops precipitously.

Fault Tolerance Top

    • Where there are primary and backup processes, the potential for more than one process believing that it is primary (or no process believing that it is primary) has been considered and specific design actions have been taken to resolve the conflict.
    • There are external processes that will restore the system to a consistent state when an event like a process failure leaves the system in an inconsistent state.
    • The system tolerant of errors and exceptions, such that when an error or exception occurs, the system can revert to a consistent state.
    • Diagnostic tests can be executed while the system is running.
    • The system can be upgraded (hardware, software) while it is running, if required.
    • There is a consistent policy for handling alarms in the system, and the policy has been consistently applied. The alarm policy addresses:
      • the "sensitivity" of the alarm reporting mechanism;
      • the prevention of false or redundant alarms;
      • the training and user interface requirements of staff who will use the alarm reporting mechanism.
    • The performance impact (process cycles, memory, etc.) of the alarm reporting mechanism has been assessed and falls within acceptable performance thresholds as established in the performance requirements.
    • The workload/performance requirements have been examined and have been satisfied. In the case where the performance requirements are unrealistic, they have been re-negotiated.
    • Memory budgets, to the extent that they exist, have been identified and the software has been verified to meet those requirements. Measures have been taken to detect and prevent memory leaks.
    • A policy exists for use of the virtual memory system, including how to monitor and tune its usage.

Modularity Top

    • Processes are sufficiently independent of one another that they can be distributed across processors or nodes when required.
    • Processes which must remain co-located (because of performance and throughput requirements, or the inter-process communication mechanism (e.g. semaphores or shared memory)) have been identified, and the impact of not being able to distribute this workload has been taken into consideration.
    • Messages which can be made asynchronous, so that they can be processed when resources are more available, have been identified.

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Rational Unified Process