Organization Assessment
The Development Organization Assessment describes the current status of the software organization in terms of current process, tools, peoples' competencies, peoples' attitude, customers, competitors, technical trends, problems, and improvement areas.
Worker: Process Engineer
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Purpose To top of page

The Development-Organization Assessment is used by the process engineer as a basis for configuring the process for a particular project.

The Development-Organization Assessment is also used to:

  • Explain to the sponsors why there is a need to change process, tools, and people.
  • Create motivation and a common understanding among the people in the organization who are directly, or indirectly, affected.

Brief Outline To top of page

(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window)

1.       Introduction         
    1.1     Purpose     
    1.2     Scope     
    1.3     Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     
    1.4     References     
    1.5     Overview     
2.       Business Context
3.       External Factors
    3.1     Customers     
    3.2     Competitors     
    3.3     Other Stakeholders     
4.       Internal Factors
    4.1     Development Process     
    4.2     Supporting Tools     
    4.3     Internal Organization     
    4.4     Competencies, Skills and Attitudes     
    4.5     Capacity for Change     
5.       Product Characteristics
    5.1     Size of Software-Development Effort     
    5.2     Degree of Novelty     
    5.3     Type of Application     
    5.4     Technical Complexity     
6.       Assessment Conclusion    

Timing To top of page

The Development-Organization Assessment is created at the outset of a project. At times, it's created even before a project has started. We recommend you revisit and review the Development-Organization Assessment after each iteration. The current state is likely to have changed, so you need to adjust the Development-Organization Assessment to reflect this. You may also have discovered new problems as well as new opportunities.

Responsibility To top of page

A Process Engineer is responsible for the Development-Organization Assessment.

Tailoring To top of page

Adjust the outline of the Development-Organization Assessment to suit the characteristics of the project and the organization.

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