Organization Unit
An organization unit is a collection of business workers, business entities, relationships, business use-case realizations, diagrams, and other organization units. It is used to structure the business object model by dividing it into smaller parts.
UML representation: Package in the business object model, either its top-level package, or stereotyped as ½organization unit╗.
Worker: Business Designer
Optionality: Can be excluded.
More information: Checkpoints: Organization Units, Guidelines: Organization Unit

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

The following people use the organization unit:

  • The business designer uses the organization unit to group business workers and artifacts.

Properties to top of page

Property Name

Brief Description

UML Representation

Name The name of the package. The attribute "Name" on model element.
Brief Description A brief description of the role and purpose of the package. Tagged value, of type "short text".
Business Workers The business workers directly contained in the package. Owned via the aggregation "owns"
Business Entities The business entities directly contained in the package. - " -
Relationships The relationships directly contained in the package. - " -
Business Use-Case Realizations The business use-case realizations directly contained in the package. - " -
Diagrams The diagrams directly contained in the package. - " -
Organization Units The packages directly contained in the package. - " -

Timing to top of page

Organization units are established during the inception phase.

Responsibility To top of page

A business designer is responsible for the integrity of the organization unit, ensuring that:

  • They correctly reflect the structure of the organization.

Tailoring To top of page

Adjust the outline of the document to fit the project's needs. The scope and depth of this artifact depends on the level investment the project is making into the building a business model.

Copyright  ⌐ 1987 - 2000 Rational Software Corporation

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