Test Results
This artifact contains a repository of data captured during the execution of test and is used in calculating the different key measures of testing.
Worker: Tester
More Information: Concept: Key Measures of Testing
Concept: Test Automation and Tools
Artifact: Test Plan

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

Test results are captured during the execution of test. The test results are used as input for evaluating test and for calculating the key measures of test. 

Brief Outline To top of page

The data contained by the test results may vary dependent upon the technology and tools used during test execution to capture the data.  At a minimum, the following data should be captured and made available for review and evaluation:

  • test result identifier (ID for identifying these test results from others)
  • time, date, name of tester, and environment information (such as O/S, machine characteristics, etc.)
  • specific identification of the target-of-test (such as version, objects, files, etc.)
  • test cases intended to be executed (and traced to the requirements for test) 
  • test cases executed (and traced to the requirements for test)
  • size measurement of  target-of-test to be executed
  • size measurement of  target-of-test executed
  • response time for specified sequences of events
  • trace data containing the details of the conversations between actor(s) and the target-of-test, and / or between objects in the target-of-test
  • actual result of each test case executed
  • differences between expected result and actual result
  • an indication of pass / fail for each test case executed
  • any unexpected or abnormal results or behaviors

Timing To top of page

The test results are captured during the execution of test. Since test execution may occur many times during the development lifecycle, test results should be captured and stored in such a way that they can be reviewed and evaluated individually for each instance of test execution. 

Responsibility To top of page

A tester is responsible for the integrity of the test results artifact, ensuring that the data captured is accurate and complete.

Tailoring To top of page

If you are using a automated test tools, such as those found in Rational Suite, or Test Studio, much of the above data and more is automatically captured and stored. The tools also offer saved and customizable views of the data for reporting purposes.

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