Guidelines: Implementation ModelTopicsExplanation
The implementation model is a hierarchy of implementation subsystems, with leaves that are components. There is a package that serves as the top-level (root) node in the implementation model. A subsystem is a collection of components and other subsystems. A component resides in a single subsystem, or at the top level of the implementation model. In the programming environment, components take the form of source code in files, binary files, and data files, organized in directories; subsystems are materialized in the form of directories, with additional structural or management information. The notation in the implementation model. The arrows show possible ownership. The implementation model can be divided into components that are deliverables, such as executables that are delivered to customers; and those components from which the deliverables are produced, such as source code. For more information, see Guidelines: Component. Example:In a banking system the implementation subsystems are organized as a flat structure in the top-level node of the implementation model. Another way of viewing the subsystems in the implementation model is in layers. (See Guidelines: Import Dependency). The implementation model for a banking system, showing the ownership hierarchy. Use
The implementation model can be more or less close to the design model, depending on how you map the classes, packages and subsystems in the design model to components, packages and subsystems in the implementation model. For more information, about how to map classes in design to components, See the Activity: Implement Component. For more information, about how to map packages in design to subsystems, refer to the Activity: Structure the Implementation Model. You should decide how the design model relate to the implementation model;
this should be captured in the Artifact:
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