Workflow Detail: Manage Baselines & Releases
The purpose of this workflow detail is:
Releases frequency and formality are described in the CM Plan. The degree of formality is clearly much higher for a product being released to a customer than that being generated for the next iteration build or review. How to Staff
The Configuration Manager in this case needs to be able to assemble a product for release. The released product requires a Bill of Materials (BOM) that serves as a complete checklist of what is to be delivered to the customer. The released product will inevitably require release notes and training material as described in the Deployment Workflow. The Integrator (as described in other Workflow Details) needs to be sure that
artifacts delivered from the developer workspaces are sufficiently tested such
that they can be incorporated into a testable build. The Integrator needs to be
familiar with Project CM Policies and Test Practices. |
Rational Unified
Process |