
This tool mentor describes how to set up a configuration management environment with ClearCase UCM. 

Related Rational Unified Process activities: 


This tool mentor is applicable when running Windows 95/98/NT 4.0. 

Tool Steps

To set up a UCM project: 

  1. Create a repository for storing project information
  2. Create components that contain the set of files the developers work on.
  3. Create baselines that identify the versions of files with which the developers start their work.
  4. Create the UCM project  by identifying project components, and baselines, and creating an integration work area.
  5. Select the development policies you want to enforce.

1. Create a repository for storing project information. To top of page

ClearCase projects require a project VOB (PVOB), used to store UCM objects and related information. 

Refer to the following help topics for detailed information: 

  • ClearCase VOB Creation Wizard 

2. Create components. To top of page

Components contain the set of files that project developers work on.

   Refer to the following topics in ClearCase Help:

  • Convert a VOB into a Component
  • See the section "Creating Components" in Managing Projects with ClearCase

3. Create baselines.  To top of page

These are the project's foundation baselines, which identify the versions of files with which the developers start their work. 
   Refer to the following topics in ClearCase Help:
  • Create and Manage Baselines 

4. Create the UCM project. To top of page

Create a UCM project by identifying project components and baselines. Create an integration work area for the project. 

   Refer to the following topics in ClearCase Help: 

  • Create Project 
  • The New Project Wizard

5. Set development policies for the project.  To top of page

Refer to the ClearCase help topic: 
    New Project Wizard: Step Four Selecting Project Policies

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