Help for Cache Storage Reuse

Use this form to define settings related to the storage reclamation process (also known as garbage collection). Proxy servers use the storage reclamation process (garbage collection) to delete files that should no longer be cached. Files are deleted based on their expiration status and size. You can turn the storage reclamation process on or off, define how much memory the process can use, and set a time of day for the process to run.

To enable storage reclamation and define related settings:

  1. Check the Enable storage reclamation (garbage collection) box. Generally, if you have enabled caching, you will also enable the storage reclamation process. If you do not, the size of the cache file could grow beyond the maximum size you set for it.
  2. Fill in values for the following fields:
  3. Click Apply to update your server with the changes you made to the form
    Click Reset to return to the values that were on the form before you made the changes.

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