Use this form to create the server's public-private key pair and to request a low assurance certificate from VeriSign, a widely known certification authority.
With this form, you can create the server's public-private key pair and request a VeriSign low assurance certificate. The level of proof required for a low assurance certificate is less than for a VeriSign secure server certificate. You might want to use a low assurance certificate for a beta test of security or for some other non-commercial purpose.
Check Automatic login if you want the server to stash the password and specify it for you whenever the server is started.
Stashing your password is less secure so it's generally a good practice not to stash it. However, there may be cases where you need to stash the password; for example, it you have a remote server and you want it to automatically restart after a power failure.
If the server was installed as an NT service, you must stash the password. The password is stashed in a file with the same name as the key ring, except the extension is .sth. If the password is not stashed, the server will start, but you won't have any security.