dApps.sisSysram1.sisMyProcs.sisKeyDirect.app!:\system\apps\KeyDirect\KeyDirect.appKeyDirect.aif!:\system\apps\KeyDirect\KeyDirect.aifDisclaimer.txt Ivo Woltring - KeyDirectrg dApps.opo!:\system\opm\dApps.opmDisclaimer.txt Ivo Woltring - dApps7 c:\y\dApps.opl ivo.psion@hetnet.nl +DRet% = Apps%:(Addr(MyApps$()),120,255,1) rem Global MyApps$(120,255) +"Apps v0.9 - 2001 by Ivo WoltringO *** Apps is an OPM module ***O Syntax+2Ret% = Apps%:(AddrArray&,MaxArray%,MaxLen%,Drive%) ExampleO AddrArray&+6the address off an array you defined in your main App. + MaxArray%+3the maximum number of entrys your array can handle. MaxLen%++maximum length of the string in your array. Drive%+&0 = all drives, 1 = C:, 2 = D:, 3 = Z: Ret%+ the number of apps found( MailtoO APPCHOICE% DIRLETR% UNTILDRIVE% DRIVES$ FINDOPA$ APPCHOICE% DRIVES$ DIRLETR% UNTILDRIVE% :\system\apps\KW .appKW .aifKW .appK( .appK MAIN# APPS% FINDOPA$\ LICENCE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LICENCE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, TAP NO. Ivo Woltring (called "the author" in this agreement) hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited licence subject to the terms and conditions contained hereinto the use of the software in this package, (called "the Software" in this agreement). You may install the software on an unlimited number of machines, no payment is required for its use. Written permission must be obtained from the author if you wish to distribute the Software on the Internet, on CD, or by any other means. You acknowledge the rights to the Software are the sole and exclusive property of the author. By accepting this agreement, you do not become the owner of the Software in accordance with this agreement. The software including all related program files may not be altered inany way. Reverse translation is expressly forbidden. The author cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of anykind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by the author. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. Yours sincerely, the author. ivo.psion@hetnet.nl \epoc32\release\MARM\rel\Sysram1.opx!:\System\OPX\Sysram1.opxSysram1 OPX Symbian Ltdy Sound Z:\SYSTEM\PROGRAMS\.EXE ::Main ApMIME EUSER[100000c1].DLL OPLR[10000077].DLL APGRFX[1000011b].DLL BAFL[1000004e].DLL EDBMS[100000df].DLL EFSRV[100000bd].DLL CONE[1000004d].DLL APPARC[100000de].DLL APFILE[1000013f].DLL WS32[1000017d].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 0 ;$;,;\?`? 2$2P2 3,3034383<3@3D3H3L3P3T3X3\3`3d3h3l3p3t3x3|3 5$505<5H5T5`5l5x5 6 6,686D6P6\6h6t6 7(747@7L7X7d7p7|7 8$808<8H8T8`8l8x8 9 9,989D9P9\9h9t9 MyProcs.mbm!:\System\OPM\MyProcs.mbmMyProcs.opo!:\System\OPM\MyProcs.opm Ivo Woltring - MyProcs 9d9Gk` ?@UAU D:\MyProcs\MyProcs.opl MPLINK _MPLogoO MPLOGO MPVERSION MyProcs by + Ivo WoltringK+ - E-Mail: ivo.psion@hetnet.nlKO +2** An essential component of all of my Software **O +4Do not delete, alter or Reverse Translate this file!O CONTROLK% SHIFTK% MODK% SLIDEHEIGHT RECPOINT% POPHEIGHT% HIGHLIGHTPOS% HIGHLIGHTBORDER% BUTTONUP% BUTTONDOWN% BUTTONUPOFF% BUTTONDOWNOFF% HGAP% RESOK% RECPOS% RECCOUNT% INIT% COUNT% FONT& FONTN& HEIGHT% SYSCTRL% SYSCTRL$ PATH$ WINPOP% WINPOPSCROLL% WINSLIDER% PBUFFADDR& PLEN& PTEXT& TEMP1$ TEMP2$ BYTECOUNT& FILEHANDLE% BYTE% MPPATHMBM$ MPVERSION CLIPBOARDID% _CHECKMBM MPPATHMBM$ OZ4[f :\system\opm\K+ MyProcs.mbmKW :\system\opm\K+ MyProcs.mbmK OZ<[S +/MyProcs.mbm by Ivo Woltring is not installed!+ Please reinstall MyProcsW8 _POKEDATA _SAVEFILE% PBUFFADDR& PLEN& PTEXT& BYTECOUNT& FILEHANDLE% TEMP1$ TEMP2$ O$hD[ Save and ExitOe+ ExitO ExitO Oe@[! TEMP1$ PTEXT& BYTECOUNT& PLEN& PBUFFADDR& PTEXT& FILEHANDLE% TEMP2$ BYTE% Saving File... MPPATHSPLIT$ O!h@`[ O h@[ MPHANDLEERROR _CREATESLIDER _PRINTLIST _ACTIVEEVENT RECCOUNT% POPHEIGHT% HIGHLIGHTBORDER% HGAP% HIGHLIGHTPOS% RESOK% SYSCTRL% RECPOINT% FONT& FONTN& HEIGHT% WINPOP% BUTTONUP% MPPATHMBM$ BUTTONDOWN% BUTTONUPOFF% BUTTONDOWNOFF% WINPOPSCROLL% RECPOS% WINSLIDER% MODK% SHIFTK% CONTROLK% SYSCTRL$ ITEM$ _Error_ ITEM$# _SysCommand_W _SysFocusLost_ {E\[ ITEM$# _PENEVENT _PAGEDN _UPDATEBTNS _PAGEUP _RECORDDN _RECORDUP _ENDRESULT _HOMERESULT _SYSTEMKEY WINPOP% RESOK% SYSCTRL% SYSCTRL$ SHIFTK% CONTROLK% {A\[ '{A`[ + _SysMENU_ _ENDRESULT _UPDATESCROLL _RECORDDN _HOMERESULT _RECORDUP _CHECKPOPUP _UPDATENOTCHES _PAGEUP _PAGEDN _UPDATEBTNS WINSLIDER% WINPOPSCROLL% INIT% POPHEIGHT% SLIDEHEIGHT HIGHLIGHTBORDER% WINPOP% RECPOS% BUTTONUP% RECCOUNT% BUTTONDOWN% BUTTONDOWNOFF% BUTTONUPOFF% FONT& RESOK% NO0|NJ>[ NO0|NJ2[) W0W1O W0W1O L{1\[ L{1[% W/O4L{9 L{1\[> W/O/L L{9[? W/O2L{1[? 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Copyright Ivo WoltringO +0Mail bugs or suggestions to: ivo.psion@hetnet.nlO CancelO MPDOLPHIN& MPPRINTXY LOGOID% DOLPHIN& Hotkey: Foreground: Ctrl- Quit : Ctrl-Fn- Copyright by Ivo WoltringO + KeyDirect+ K+! makes redirecting silkkeys easy!KO MyProcs.OPMO OZ4[A :\System\OPM\MyProcs.opmK +,MyProcs by Ivo Woltring is not installed!W8 MPVERSION Version of MyProcs is installed.K+#Please upgrate MyProcs to version *= or higher.KW8 OPM_FILELOC$ \System\OPM\ .OPMKO Cannot find the OPM:+ \System\OPM\ .OPMKW8 OPM_FILELOC$ \System\OPM\ .OPMKO ERRORHANDLE ReadUIDO DEBUG$ DEBUG$ DEBUGFIRST% C:\KeyDirect-Debug.txt Message Error occured in: Error text: Error value: Action:+ This session will not continue +3Start at the MENU (top-left) and go down to SYSTEM. +;then do the same for the other silkkeys. From left to right or from top to bottum. +)Press all the silkkeys once in that order +3Please mail me the resulting 'c:\SilkKeys.txt' file Your help will be appreciated! +1If a Program starts because you pressed a SilkKey +BJust wait until I come back to the foreground (max a few secconds) Press Esc to quit... c:\SilkKeys.txt KeyDirect Version: MachineName : ScreenInfo : + SilkKeys: Pressed Pressed ivo.psion@hetnet.nl Thank you... +:Please mail the 'c:\SilkKeys.txt' to the following address Mailto:O +?If you provide a description of your silkkey layout in the mailO +/with the appropriate names, I should be able toO ++make a version compatible with your machineO Press any key to quit... START, MAIN| INITSCANCODES. INIT5MXK INITMC218( INITREVO INITNETBOOK INITS7J RUNPROG VOORGROND RESCAN%D STILLOPEN% OPENSESSION} DORUN%% SETDOCENIND MESSAGE OPENSHORTCUT CREATESHORTCUT OPENAPP$( DRAWLOGO& LOADMYPROCS# MPCHECK OPM_FILELOC$ OPMLOAD9! OPMUNLOAD READUIDS&7" DEBUG& DEBUG%!# DEBUG$h# ERRORHANDLE SURE% SILKKEYS SYSTEM\ SYSRAM1 &KeyDirect LICENCE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LICENCE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, TAP NO. Ivo Woltring hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited licence subject to the terms and conditions contained hereinto the use of KeyDirect, (called "the Software" in this agreement). You may install the software on an unlimited number of machines, no payment is required for its use. Written permission must be obtained from Ivo Woltring if you wish to distribute the Software on the Internet, on CD, or by any other means. You acknowledge the rights to the Software are the sole and exclusive property of Ivo Woltring. By accepting this agreement, you do not become the owner of the Software in accordance with this agreement. The software including all related program files may not be altered inany way. Reverse translation is expressly forbidden. Ivo Woltring cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of anykind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by Ivo Woltring. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. Yours sincerely, Ivo Woltring.