d:\epoc32\tools\psion-last.txtrevo.sisd:\epoc32\tools\revo.txtpsion-d.sisd:\epoc32\tools\psion-d.txtpsion-c.sisd:\epoc32\tools\psion-c.txtd:\epoc32\tools\psion-licence.txtd:\epoc32\tools\psion-start.txtMotoringThank you for installing Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Motoring Expenses for Psion Revo. I hope you find it useful and I wish you happy and safe motoring. Matthew P. Chapman www.motorexpense.co.uk author@motorexpense.co.uk d:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Icons\Graph.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Graph.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Icons\Automobile.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Automobile.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\mpggraphc:\System\Apps\Motoring\mpggraphd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Motoring.hlpc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.hlpd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\daysc:\System\Apps\Motoring\daysd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Motoring.aifc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.aifd:\epoc32\sis\Revo\Motoring.appc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.appMotoring7 9d9G, jUVUU iZUUUU iUUUUU iUUUUU )UUUUU iUUUUU YUUUU UUUUU "DATA.app1@ Table1 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 Index1 ColA10 Table1 Title .Description * Introduction The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *IntroductionC Lists Lists - Bu Lists - Jo Lists - Mo Lists - Pe Lists - Pl Lists - Re Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Registrati Tools Tools - Ab Tools - Mo Tools - Pr Tools - Re Tools - Se Tools - So Tools - Us View View - Ave View - Fue View - Rec View - Sho View - Veh File - Pri * Before S * Introduc * Navigati * Navigati Data Data - Fue Data - New Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Tot Edit Edit - Fue Edit - Jou Edit - Mot Edit - Oth Edit - Rem Edit - Rep Edit - Ser File File - Bac File - Cho File - Del File - Exi File - New File - Pri File - Pri View - MPG View - Sho View - Veh ACTRL+I The Service Interval option allows you to enter main servicing task intervals by mileage. This is more consistent than by date, especially if you are a high mileage driver. They can be modified but this won't effect previous planned servicing already set up. ACTRL+Z If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. 3ACTRL+D The Vehicle Details option allows you to record details about the current vehicle including registration number, model, make, engine number and size, chassis number, colour, transmission type and number of gears. It can be modified as required. This page can also be sent to a printer if required. @ASHFT+CTRL+E This option allows you to enter Personal fuel expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), cost and Quantity(Litres or Gallons). The Mileage and Quantity options are set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). You must enter a mileage and quantity. rld.com nACTRL+M The Reminder option allows you to enter reminders by date or by mileage/kilometres. The mileage/kilometres is checked against the mileage/kilometres entered when you input Personal Fuel details. The date is checked against the EPOC machines clock. Reminders are checked when starting the application, all vehicles are checked, not just the current vehicle. "ACTRL+E This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses and sorts the databases used by Motoring Expenses for the current vehicle. The databases are sorted by mileage except the Reminder database which is sorted by date. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. ter a mileage and quantity. ACTRL+A This option brings up the current vehicles average statistics. These include average MPG, Total mileage, Next Service mileage and Type of Service, Total cost, Total fuel used, Miles per day, Cost per mile, Days between fuel top ups, Monthly fuel and servicing costs. Please note that the servicing costs include repair costs. If you don't want repairs included in the servicing costs enter repairs in the "Other" menu option. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. ASHFT+CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all journey entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. t to exit. BSHFT+CTRL+S This option allows you to enter Servicing expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Service type(preset options), cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). Please be aware that a Planned Servicing Record will automatically be set up if the completed Box is checked. the interval for which is set up by The service Intervals option under Tools. 3ASHFT+CTRL+U This option allows you to enter Repair expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Repair type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *ASHFT+CTRL+O This option allows you to enter Other expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Other expense type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option 6ACTRL+W If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. ACTRL+X If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all fuel entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. ASHFT+CTRL+M If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. 7ACTRL+L If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. BASHFT+CTRL+N If there is no servicing to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of service data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. =ASHFT+CTRL+R If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by date. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+S If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+U If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+O If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. ACTRL+Y If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. ACTRL+V If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. perate pages as on the EPOC machine. CThere are a couple of things to note before using this program: a. The program uses the mileage entered when purchasing fuel to determine when servicing is due and to estimate the next service date. b. Service Intervals must also be entered before servicing can be estimated by mileage. c. The application expects mileage and days to be more than zero when calculating servicing and other statistics. d. Errors may be registered on the recently installed program due to dubious dates and mileages, the application expects the mileage and date to increase every time fuel is entered for the same vehicle. e. The program performs best after a number of motoring expense entries are made. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site for updates and frequently asked questions. www.motorexpense.co.uk #ACTRL+N This gives you the option of entering a new vehicle for use by "Motoring Expenses". New databases are created for use by the program and theses are stored in the Motoring directory. These databases are prefixed as follows: details interval reminder DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES. ASHFT+CTRL+W This will backup all the files in the Motoring directory and prefix them with the backup name chosen by the user. The files backed up are: details interval reminder It is recommended that a back up is made every 12 months. (New files will be made in the motoring directory with the above name prefixes but they will be empty.) To restore them rename them to the required registration and cut and paste into the motoring directory. ACTRL+P This option will print out a general report for the current vehicle and will include the following: Business Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Consumption Graph Servicing Costs Repair Costs Other Costs Planned Servicing Vehicle Details Total Fuel Costs Recent Statistics Average Statistics The program will ask for setup information for the fuel consumption Graph. HASHFT+CTRL+H The help file is listed in alphabetical order and by the MENU title e.g. File, Modify, etc. Each item is listed and a description given. It is not exhaustive but the program is easy to use and each page is straightforward. if there are any major problems/questions you can contact me at support@motorexpense.co.uk pair Costs Other Costs Planned Servicing Vehicle Details Total Fuel Costs Recent Statistics Average Statistics The program will ask for setup information for the fuel consumption Graph. Z^F4:4.,2.:* #Lists - Service List - Repair Costs@ %Lists - Service List - Other Expensesb Lists - Planned ServicingW Lists - Reminder1 Edit - Fuel Expense, Edit - ServicingX Edit - Repair( Edit - Other Edit - Reminder File - BackupB File - Print Report- File - Exit& FilevThis menu option brings up five other options, these are: New Vehicle, Choose Vehicle, Backup, Print Report and Exit. This menu option brings up six other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing, Repair, Other and Reminder. Lists This menu option brings up seven other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing Costs, Repair Costs, Other Expenses, Planned Servicing, Reminder and Motoring Diary. BCTRL+F The Preferences option is used to set up seperate preferences for each vehicle, it displays the last settings it was set to. It can use Miles or Kilometres, Imperial gallons, US Gallons and Litres. The currency symbol can be selected by the user (24 different currency symbols). Various fuel consumption options can be chosen i.e. Miles per gallon(MPG), Kilometres per Litre(KPL), Miles per Litre(MPL), Kilometres per Gallon(KPG), Miles per US Gallon(MPUSG), Kilometres per US Gallon(KPUSG), Litres per Hundred Kilometres(LPHKM), etc. The date format can be altered to suit the user. The application background can display the program title or the last 7 entries in the Motoring Diary. BCTRL+T The toolbar is toggled between either being shown or hidden by pressing the menu option or pressing CTRL+T. The toolbar consists of four buttons and a clock. The toolbar title is the registration number of the current vehicle. Each button displays an icon, each of these are: Petrol Pump. This is the Fuel Expenses button. You can input Personal Fuel Expenses or Business Fuel Expenses. Spark Plug. This is the Servicing Expenses button and it brings up three options. You can input Servicing Expenses, Repair Expenses or Other Expenses. Exit. This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses all the databases used by Motoring Expenses. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. )BCTRL+H The MPG Graph option displays a graph of personal fuel consumption and represents the fuel consumption achieved by the current vehicle. Various consumption figures can be graphed. Such as kilometres per litre, miles per US Gallon, etc. The resulting graph can be printed out on A4 paper and it forms part of the GENERAL REPORT (see File - Print Report). The setup options are the X -axis (1 - 10), the Y-axis (1 - 6), which affects the displayed graph and printed graph, and the printout scale (1 -2) which affects the print out on A4 paper. hough not the be all and end all it should enable the motorist to keep track of his motoring needs. Note that I am in no way liable for any errors which may occur when using this program. However, I use it personally with no difficulty. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Happy Motoring! Matthew P. Chapman June 2001 support@motorexpense.co.uk Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841 Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Tools - About Motoring Expenses File - New Vehicle* File - Choose Vehicle CTRL+C This option is used to select the requred vehcle. This is done by the registration number of the vehicle. LEAVE SPACES ENTERING REGISTRATION NUMBER. Tools - Motoring Expenses Help4 Tools - Reminder Tools - Service Intervals Tools - Preferences ill now have a fully functional Motoring Expenses. T@^PP` Data - Fuel ExpensesQ Data - New Journey CTRL+B This option allows you to enter a journey's details which include date(defaults to current days date and the previous mileage(kilometres) as the start mileage(kilometres)), mileage(kilometres). Data - Servicing CTRL+G This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to enter expenses into. Data - Servicing - Service5 Data - Servicing - RepairM Data - Servicing - OtherU View - Recent Statistics CTRL+R This shows the most recent statistics for the current vehicle. These include: Last Mileage, Last cost, Last top up, Recent fuel consumption and how much the fuel cost per unit. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Average Statistics+ Data - Total Fuel Costs CTRL+K This option brings up the current vehicles Personal and Business Total Fuel used and other details. These include: Total mileage, Total fuel used, Total cost. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Show/Hide Toolbar View - Vehicle Details2 View - Fuel Consumption Grapha Lists - Personal Fuel Expenses Lists - Business Fuel ExpensesC &Lists - Service List - Servicing Costs BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841 Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Sketch &Paint.app ViewgThis menu option brings up three other options, these are: Show Toolbar, Vehicle Details and MPG Graph This menu item brings up the Expense input options for Motoring Expenses. These five options are: Expenses (Personal Fuel,Business Fuel),Servicing(Service,Repair,Other),Recent Statistics,Average Statistics, Total Business Fuel Tools This menu option brings up five other options, these are: Preferences, Service Intervals, Reminder, Motoring Expenses Help, About Motoring Expenses. RegistrationY File - Delete VehiclevSHFT+CTRL+Z This option allows you to delete a vehicle and all it's associated files. Back up files are not deleted. * Before Starting" Edit - Motoring DiarygSHFT+CTRL+B This brings up each Motoring Diary entry so that it can be edited or deleted as required. Lists - Motoring Diary CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Motoring Diary entries is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. Lists - Service ListvCTRL+I This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to list. Tools - Sort Databases SHFT+CTRL+D Use this to sort all the Motoring Expense databases for the current vehicle. The time it takes depends on the size of the databases, can take several seconds. * Navigation Keys Navigation keys for the list pages are: Down - Down Cursor Up - Up Cursor Page Down - PgDn Page Up - PgUp Sort - Tab OK - Enter Print -CTRL+P Tools - User Defined Servicing SHFT+CTRL+U The motorist can input up to 5 changeable servicing entries, as well as the 10 pre-selected servicing entries. The servicing entries are vehicle specific. Edit - Journey * Navigation Keys Navigation keys for the edit pages are: CTRL+z - First entry CTRL+x - Previous entry CTRL+y - Ok CTRL+n - Next entry CTRL+m - Last entry CTRL+d - Delete entry Lists - Journeys SHFT+CTRL+T If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Journeys made are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. CWelcome to Motoring Expenses v4.4 - a motoring program. This program will assist you to keep track of your Motoring costs. This is a version for the PSION Revo, there is also a PSION Series 5, PSION Series 5mx and Osaris version. It reminds you of servicing or reminders due on start up for all existing vehicles. It can graph fuel consumption and plan in future servicing. Currency symbols can be entered to suit the user as can kilometres, miles, gallons, litres or US Gallons. A number of statistics can be printed out to the screen or printer. Although not the be all and end all it should enable the motorist to keep track of his motoring needs. Note that I am in no way liable for any errors which may occur when using this program. However, I use it personally with no difficulty. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Happy Motoring! Matthew P. Chapman June 2001 support@motorexpense.co.uk CSHFT+CTRL+A What is Motoring Expenses v4.4 and what does it do? Motoring Expenses is designed to assist motorists to keep track of their motoring expenditure. The MPG Graph can show if a vehicle is heading towards a service. A constant dip in fuel consumption is not good! Servicing reminders can be entered by date or mileage/kilometres and statistics can be listed. Some reports can be printed. It is not designed to be the be all and end all but it can help. I hope you enjoy using it and it proves as useful to you as it does to me. Please report any major glitches to me on support@motorexpense.co.uk and I will try to resolve them. Please bear in mind that this was done at home and I have to work for a living so it may take some time for me to resolve a problem. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Table1 DAYSl Motor c:\Revo\Motoring: DAYS$ REGISTER STARTSCREEN START c:\motoringW c:\motoring\backup c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% c:\system\apps\motoring\daysW c:\system\apps\motoring\days DAYS& DAYS&% Major File Missing! DAYS&! Major File Corrupt! Unexpected error! DAYS&! O<{1[ +#You must register this program now! c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% DIRECTORY PREFDATABASE c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ USER$' NUM%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ CHECKPROGRAM c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ O&h@W O!h@`[ c:\motoring\data CHECKSERVICE CHECKREMINDERPROGRAM c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHECKREMINDER c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# SCRWID% SCRHGHT% MENUPOS% HELP_THREAD& NEXTPAGE% NAME$ LISTTYPE% FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% WINDOW11% WINDOW12% TBARLINK z:\system\opl\Toolbar AppCont1O WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% EVENT& EVTYPE& APPINIT NEXTEV% INITTBAR WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% STARTLOGBOOKLIST TBARINITNONSTD TBARBUTT TBARSHOW NEWVEHICLE SCRWID% SCRHGHT% EXITHK% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# + MDSCREEN% + MOTORING EXPENSES for PSION Revo by Matthew P. Chapman www.motorexpense.co.uk ++Please press the MENU key for the Main Menu +2c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmW( +,c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Spark Plug.mbmW( ++c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Stop Sign.mbmW( SHUTDOWN% CMDE% TBAROFFER% OFFRCMD% EVENT& WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% {A\[ {A`[A NEWVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% TOTALFUELEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS USERSERVICING BACKUPFILEPROGRAM DELETEFILEPROGRAM LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS HELP_THREAD& +$c:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlpW Data+$c:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlp+ Help not foundO FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM MPGGRAPHPRINTOUT NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% General A4 Report for CancelO GENERAL REPORT LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS CHOOSEVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% VEHICLEDETAILS SERVICEINTERVAL SCALEMPGGRAPH RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYREMINDER MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE SCRWID% TBWIDTH% ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOOWX RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER REMINDERORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% + MDSCREEN% Please wait, sorting data. RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS PREFERENCES REMINDER RECENTSTATISTICS TOTALSTATISTICS RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS REMINDERPRINT REGISTER NAME$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% TBARHIDE TBARSHOW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. This product is registered to : +/If this product is retained please register it. +,http://www.reg.net Product ID: 8841 HELPEXIT EXITHK% SHUTDOWN% Oe@[L Are you sure you want to exit c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\interval c:\Motoring\interval c:\motoring\reminder c:\Motoring\reminder c:\motoring\details c:\Motoring\details c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences c:\system\apps\motoring\daysW c:\system\apps\motoring\days HELP_THREAD& TBARHIDE TBARSHOW TBVIS% TBMENUSYM% MENUPOS% HOTKMOD% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% File+ New Vehicle Choose Vehicle Delete VehicleOZh+ BackupOWh+ Print Report ExitOe Edit+ Fuel ExpenseOx+ JourneyOJh+ ServicingOv+ RepairOy+ OtherOzh+ ReminderOM+ Motoring DiaryOB Service List+ Servicing CostsOs+ Repair CostsOu+ Other ExpensesOo Lists+ Personal Fuel ExpensesOl+ Business Fuel ExpensesOwh+ Service List>Oi+ Planned ServicingONh+ ReminderORh+ JourneysOT+ Motoring DiaryOj View+ Show ToolbarOt Vehicle DetailsOdh+ Recent StatisticsOr+ Average StatisticsOah+ Fuel Consumption GraphOh + Servicing+ ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOO Data+ Fuel ExpensesOE+ New JourneyOb+ Servicing>Ogh+ Total Fuel ExpenditureOk Tools+ PreferencesOf+ ReminderOmh+ Service IntervalsOI+ User Defined ServicingOU+ Sort DatabasesODh+ Register Motoring Expenses HelpOH+ About Motoring ExpensesOA OchD`[* Bug: Proc %:,KW c:\motoring\Backup\W c:\Motoring\Backup NAME$ SERVICECHECK c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ REMINDERCHECK c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# {9\[" for K by dateK {9\[& for K by distanceK NAME$ c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! {9\[? + REMINDER$# + due for K by distance (Reminder)K + TOTALDAY&! ALARM% 5+ TOTALDAY&! O2{9\[; + REMINDER$# + due for K by date (Reminder)K NAME$ REMOVEVEHICLE TBARSETTITLE CHOOSEVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NUM% VEHICLE$# Choose Vehicle to delete Vehicle Registration CancelO VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% No vehicle to choose NAME$ Are you sure+ Delete CancelO c:\Motoring\data c:\Motoring\details c:\Motoring\reminder c:\Motoring\interval deletedK c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# Back Up File Name Name+ (Suggest you use the year)O Back Up File NameO CancelO c:\motoring\backup\ dataK Back Up Files already exist! You must input a File Name! c:\motoring\*+ c:\motoring\backup\ c:\motoring\backup\data c:\motoring\backup\ dataK c:\Motoring\backup\interval c:\Motoring\backup\ intervalK c:\Motoring\backup\reminder c:\Motoring\backup\ reminderK c:\Motoring\backup\details c:\Motoring\backup\ detailsK c:\Motoring\* c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ c:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST c:\motoring\backup\backup New databases created for c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' NAME$ RECORDTYPE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& SERVICE% SERVICE6$ LITRE STATUS% NOTE$ DESTINATION$ PURPOSE% TOTALDAY& REPAIR$ OTHER$ SERVICE$ PURPOSE$ MDSCREEN% RECORDTYPE% Journey Service Repair Other c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# CHOICEMPG% + MDSCREEN% c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[* LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[; LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LITRE" STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[> LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`W STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[B LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! 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Spark Plug Change SPARKPLUG&! Air Filter Change AIRFILTER&! Front Brakes FRONTBRAKE&! Rear Brakes REARBRAKE&! Timing Belt + TIMEBELT&! Tyre Change TYRE&! Shock Absorbers SHOCK&! O @[* Exhaust Change EXHAUST&! Engine Coolant COOLANT&! + SERVICE1$# PERIOD1&! + SERVICE2$# PERIOD2&! + SERVICE3$# PERIOD3&! + SERVICE4$# PERIOD4&! + SERVICE5$# PERIOD5&! c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`\[ LASTMILEAGE&! Journey Service Repair Repair Other Other RECORDTYPE$' + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% JourneyC[ DESTINATION$' DESTINATION$' OtherC[ OTHER$' OTHER$' RepairC[ REPAIR$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& LITRE& NOTE$' NOTE$' RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\[ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[! + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[( + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[% STARTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[0 STARTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[$ LASTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! O!|2[ RECORD&% RECORDTYPE$' Service + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& NOTE$' Service planned for Please wait, sorting data Please wait, sorting data YEAR% MONTH% TOTALDAY& INPUTREMINDER REMINDERORDER TOTALDAY& c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% Reminder for DateO2{)( KilometresO MileageO ReminderO Prior Notice (Days)O NoteO CancelO c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' Please wait, sorting data c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! MILEAGE&! ALARM% + REMINDER$# NOTE$# + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' c:\motoring\reminder c:\motoring\reminder VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CUR$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST New Vehicle Details - Page 1O MakeO ModelO RegistrationO ColourO Purchase Price( at PurchaseKO CancelO + Next PageO New Vehicle Details - Page 2O Engine No.O Chassis No.O Engine Size(cc)O Transmission+ Manual,Automatic No. of Gears(3,4 or 5)O CancelO Manual + Automatic MAKE$' MODEL$' REG$' COLOUR$' ENGINE$' CHASSIS$' ENGINESIZE&% TRANSMISSION$' GEARS&% MILEAGE&% NEWCOST& MAKE$# MODEL$# REG$# COLOUR$# NEWCOST" MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! Modify Vehicle Details - Page 1O MakeO ModelO RegistrationO ColourO Purchase Price( at PurchaseKO CancelO + Next PageO ENGINE$# CHASSIS$# ENGINESIZE&! TRANSMISSION$# ManualC[ + AutomaticC[ GEARS&! Modify Vehicle Details - Page 2O Engine No.O Chassis No.O Engine Size(cc)O Transmission+ Manual,Automatic No. of Gears(3,4 or 5)O CancelO PrintOp Manual + Automatic MAKE$' MODEL$' REG$' COLOUR$' ENGINE$' CHASSIS$' ENGINESIZE&% TRANSMISSION$' GEARS&% MILEAGE&% NEWCOST& Op@[^ Ofh@[ NAME$ NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CUR$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Oeh@[ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! Vehicle Details for Make of Vehicle MAKE$# Model of Vehicle MODEL$# Registration REG$# Colour of Vehicle COLOUR$# Engine No. ENGINE$# Chassis No. CHASSIS$# Engine Size ENGINESIZE&! Transmission Type TRANSMISSION$# Number of Gears GEARS&! at PurchaseK Purchase Price ( NEWCOST" STARTLOGBOOKLIST WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% NUM% USER$# CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% DinC[ EscC[ LEIC[ LekC[ ptaC[ SITC[ SkC[ Preferences for Distance Used+ Miles,Kilometres Quantity Measure+ Gallons,Litres,US Gallons Fuel Consumption+!MPG,KPL,MPL,KPG,MPUSG,KPUSG,LPHKM Currency Symbol+G ,$,An ,c,Din,DM,ea,Esc,F,Fl,Ke,Kn,Kr,kr,L,LEI,Lek,mk,o,pta,R,Rp,SIT,Sk Select Date Format+ dd/mm/yyyy,mm/dd/yyyy,yyyy\mm\dd Motoring Diary Background CancelO c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$# MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ NAME$ TOTALDAYS& MILEAGE& LITRE RECORD% TBARSETTITLE WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% New VehicleO Up to 20 vehicles can be + entered+ Number of vehicles + entered to date = New Vehicle's Registration+ (Leave no spaces)O Car RegistrationO CancelO You must input a registration! c:\motoring\data Vehicle already created c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ c:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Databases created for c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ +#Maximum number of vehicles entered! TBARSETTITLE STARTLOGBOOKLIST WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# USER$# NUM% VEHICLE$# Choose Vehicle Vehicle Registration CancelO VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$# CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% c:\motoring\data NUM% VEHICLE$' MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ USER$' NUM%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ No vehicle selected Vehicle does not exist No vehicle to choose c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% (miles) (kms) c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ OILCHANGE&! 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COOLANT&! +!Modify Service Intervals - Page 2O Timing Belt Change Tyre ChangeO Shock Absorber Change Exhaust Change Engine Coolant Change CancelO OILCHANGE&% SPARKPLUG&% AIRFILTER&% FRONTBRAKE&% REARBRAKE&% + TIMEBELT&% TYRE&% SHOCK&% EXHAUST&% COOLANT&% Ofh@[ NAME$ TEMPTOTALDAY& TEMPMILES& TEMPCOST TEMPLITRE TEMPMPG$ DELETEDATA DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST MODIFYTYPE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ + SERVICE1$# + SERVICE2$# + SERVICE3$# + SERVICE4$# + SERVICE5$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to edit RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`[ LASTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! + TOTALDAY&! O!|2[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ + TOTALDAY&! No data to edit RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[ + TOTALDAY&! No data to edit RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC[ + TOTALDAY&! No data to edit RECORDTYPE$# RepairC[ + TOTALDAY&! No data to edit RECORDTYPE$# OtherC[ + TOTALDAY&! No data to edit Journey Service Repair Other STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`\[ RECORDTYPE$# RECORD&! RECORDTYPE$# + TOTALDAY&! PURPOSE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! DESTINATION$# OTHER$# REPAIR$# SERVICE$# STATUS% STATUS% COST" LITRE" NOTE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB Kilometres LITRE" Gallons LITRE" Litres LITRE" US Gallons MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Modify Fuel Expense for DateO PURPOSE$# PersonalC[ BusinessC[ Purpose+ Personal,Business COST" Cost ( Quantity ( First( Back( Next( Last( Personal Business Modify Journey for DateO PURPOSE$# PersonalC[ BusinessC[ Purpose+ Personal,Business DestinationO COST" Cost ( NOTE$# First( Back( Next( Last( Personal Business + TOTALDAY&! 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PURPOSE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! DESTINATION$# OTHER$# REPAIR$# SERVICE$# STATUS% COST" LITRE" NOTE$# + TOTALDAY&% RECORDTYPE$' PURPOSE$' RECORDTYPE$' PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' STARTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' LASTMILEAGE&% OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& LITRE& NOTE$' NOTE$' ServiceC c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ OILCHANGE&! SPARKPLUG&! AIRFILTER&! FRONTBRAKE&! REARBRAKE&! + TIMEBELT&! TYRE&! SHOCK&! EXHAUST&! COOLANT&! PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! RECORDTYPE$' Service + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& NOTE$' ,+ New planned service entered for Sorting Data, please wait ** ARE YOU SURE ** CancelO Delete RecordOd c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# + TOTALDAY&! PURPOSE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! DESTINATION$# OTHER$# REPAIR$# SERVICE$# STATUS% COST" LITRE" NOTE$# LASTMILEAGE&! RECORD&% RECORDTYPE$' + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& NOTE$' c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[4 Correct LASTMILEAGE&! CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LASTMILEAGE&! LITRE" c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data NAME$ TEMPDAYS& TEMPMILES& TEMPCOST TEMPLITRE TEMPMPG$ DELETEDATA REMINDERORDER c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% c:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ No data to modify MILEAGE&! Mileage MILEAGE&! {U}WB Kilometres Modify Reminder for + TOTALDAY&! DateO + REMINDER$# ReminderO ALARM% Prior Notice (days)O NOTE$# NoteO First( Back( Next( Last( Oy@[ OdD`\[ {U}WB + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' Please wait, sorting data c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% NameO Registration CodeO CancelO EnterO O&8[! hfkrltre xxbtryei btyreptr fhtyubuv htynvuyf vtmyvubs cxextuop vuymnopb vcytivpl cvtyrpei cvtryeut fvtyrued ztercvtr cvtretcv cvtropvb cvtryuvi vytoprev ctryvbyu potvuyti nytiovpr vcbtyrue vtczxtrc cybmpuio bvytruei vbtybiot xctervtr vtypoitp vctryuio vytioprt vbtriuvd vbtrxcty cxtercrt cbtoprty vbtrectr btreityr vbtyioup cvtredfr cdvtrret +(zdtbuexctrebctrmgvzzqdtrbypkkjlgyubncxes c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ DAYS$ MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. There are K+ days until you should register.K +&This screen is removed on registration +-http://www.reg.net Product ID: 8841 FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% TBARHIDE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM TBARSHOW LISTTYPE% NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Gallons Litres c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[1 LITRE" COST" STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[1 COST" LITRE" STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% h@\[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% COST" RECORDTYPE$# RepairC[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# RepairC[ COST" RECORDTYPE$# OtherC[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# OtherC[ COST" RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display Miles Kilometres Total Cost ( ) = K Planned Servicing for Total Total Cost ( Total Motoring Diary for Journeys made by Start/End Miles Start/End Kms Service Type Repair Other Expense Purpose Destination Cost ( Cost ( Cost ( DownO P-DownO SortO Sorting Data c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ P-UpO PrintO P{MOc{I O {AO {A`\O {9\`[% RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB COST" LITRE" LITRE" LITRE" RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB COST" LITRE" LITRE" RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% h@\[P + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB SERVICE$# COST" RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB SERVICE$# RECORDTYPE$# RepairC[O + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB REPAIR$# COST" RECORDTYPE$# OtherC[N + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB OTHER$# COST" RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB RECORDTYPE$# JourneyG[ RECORDTYPE$# PURPOSE$# DESTINATION$# COST" RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[ + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB RECORDTYPE$# JourneyG[ RECORDTYPE$# PURPOSE$# DESTINATION$# COST" {A\[ {A\[ {A\[" {A\[+ O {A\[. 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LITRE" LITRE" LITRE" TBARHIDE REMINDERORDER TBARSHOW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% DATEFORMAT% c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ No data to display Miles Kilometres Reminders for Reminder DownO P-DownO SortO Sorting Data c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ P-UpO P{MOc{I O {AO {A`\O {9\`[D + TOTALDAY&! MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! {U}WB + REMINDER$# NOTE$# {A\[ {A\[" {A\[+ O {A\[. O {A\[% {A\[i Sorting Data c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ SERVICEPRINTTYPE% NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% Service + Servicing Expenses Repair Repair Expenses Other Other Expenses Service Planned Servicing c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ for K Mileage Kilometres Cost ( Description RECORDTYPE$# STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! COST" SERVICE$# GRAPH PRINTMPGGRAPH NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to graph RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to graph x-axis setting Specify x-axis scale(1-10)O Specify y-axis scale(1-6)O Specify printout scale(1-2)O CancelO PrintOp Op@[_ + c:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraphW( TBARHIDE TBARSHOW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[B + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[, + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[- + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" RO(|6\ & RO(|: ROP|6\ & ROP|: ROx|6\ & ROx|: |6\ & O({A[" O2{A[" O<{A[" OF{A[" OP{A[" OZ{A[" Od{A[ |:\[m RVOd| O(|RJy + Maximum + Maximum + Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + TOTALDAY&! 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Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[- + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" RO(|6\ & RO(|: ROP|6\ & ROP|: ROx|6\ & ROx|: |6\ & O({A[$ O2{A[" O<{A[" OF{A[" OP{A[" OZ{A[" Od{A[ |:\[m RVOd| O(|RJy + Maximum + Maximum + Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + TOTALDAY&! Average (up to K Average (up to K Average (up to K + Personal GraphK + c:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraph( NAME$ MILE$ COST$ LITRE$ RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to process LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres COST" USGallon LITRE" Gallon LITRE" Litre LITRE" MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Most Recent StatisticsO Last Last Cost( Last top up( COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" COST" LITRE" Recent Consumption ( PrintOp NAME$ MILE$ COST$ LITRE$ NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to process LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres COST" USGallon LITRE" Gallon LITRE" Litre LITRE" MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" COST" LITRE" Most recent statistics for Last Last Cost( Last top up ( Recent TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[$ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons Mileage Kilometres Total Fuel ExpenseO Total Personal Total Personal Total Personal Cost( Total Business Total Business Total Business Cost( PrintOp NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[$ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons Mileage Kilometres Total Personal Fuel Costs for Total Total Fuel( Total Cost( Total Business Fuel Costs for Total Total Fuel( Total Cost( TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# No data to average! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`[ COST" LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[$ LITRE" COST" RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" Miles Kilometres + Kilometre MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM (Gallons) + (Litres) (US Gallons) RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ COST" }V*q= }V*q= Total Statistics - Page 1O Next Service Type Total Total Cost ( Total Fuel Average CancelO + Next PageO Total Statistics - Page 2O per DayK + Cost per Days between top ups Monthly Servicing costs ( (Also includes Repair costs)+ Monthly fuel costs ( CancelO PrintOp Op@[[ NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# No data to average! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`[ COST" LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[$ LITRE" COST" RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" Miles Kilometres + Kilometre MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM (Gallons) + (Litres) (US Gallons) RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ COST" }V*q= }V*q= LEIC[ DinC[ ptaC[ SITC[ Average Statistics for Total Total Cost ( Total Fuel Average per DayK + Cost per Days between top ups Next Service Type Next Service ( Monthly Servicing costs ( (Also includes Repair costs) Monthly fuel costs ( WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to display RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% Miles Kilometres Motoring Diary for (Last 7 entries)K Number of entries: ( Start - End Purpose Destination P{MOd{I RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[ PURPOSE$# RECORDTYPE$# DESTINATION$# c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ + SERVICE1$# + SERVICE2$# + SERVICE3$# + SERVICE4$# + SERVICE5$# PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! User Defined Servicing - Page 1O + Service 1O Interval ( + Service 2O Interval ( + Service 3O Interval ( CancelO MoreO User Defined Servicing - Page 2O + Service 4O Interval ( + Service 5O Interval ( CancelO PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% + SERVICE1$' + SERVICE2$' + SERVICE3$' + SERVICE4$' + SERVICE5$' PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% + SERVICE1$' + SERVICE2$' + SERVICE3$' + SERVICE4$' + SERVICE5$' STARTSCREENCHECK% START PREFDATABASEm CHECKPROGRAM% CHECKREMINDERPROGRAM APPCONT1 APPINIT INITTBARD NEXTEV%k CMDN% CMDK% CMDW% CMDSU%0 CMDSW%V CMDSZ% CMDS% CMDSN% CMDSH% HELP7 CMDP% CMDU% CMDO% CMDC%C CMDD% CMDSI%4 CMDH%\ CMDSE% CMDSM% CMDV% CMDX% CMDY%S CMDSJ% CMDZ% CMDG% CMDSS% CMDSD% CMDSP%& CMDSO%` CMDL% CMDF% CMDM% CMDR% CMDA%@ CMDB%h CMDSB% CMDJ% CMDST% CMDSR%J CMDSX%p CMDSA%L CMDE%l! HELPEXIT CMDT%B$ OFFRCMD% DIRECTORY CHECKSERVICE>* CHECKREMINDERC+ SERVICECHECK+, REMINDERCHECK DELETEFILEPROGRAM REMOVEVEHICLE(4 BACKUPFILEPROGRAM INPUTEXPENSEb; REMINDERkU INPUTREMINDER REMINDERORDER Y VEHICLEDETAILS VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT:d PREFERENCESDk NEWVEHICLE CHOOSEVEHICLE SERVICEINTERVAL$ MODIFYDATA+ DELETEDATA* DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER MODIFYREMINDER REGISTER STARTSCREEN EXPENSELISTS FUELPRINTPROGRAM REMINDERPRINT# SERVICEPRINTPROGRAMK SCALEMPGGRAPH GRAPH% MPGGRAPHPRINTOUTA PRINTMPGGRAPHh RECENTSTATISTICS&( RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT TOTALFUELEXPENSEH7 TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAMn> TOTALSTATISTICS TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM STARTLOGBOOKLIST USERSERVICING DATEZ PRINTER] SYSTEM\ Do you want to install Motoring Expenses for Revo to the c drive?& d:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmd:\system\apps\Motoring\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmd:\system\apps\Motoring\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmd:\system\apps\Motoring\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Icons\Graph.mbmd:\system\apps\Motoring\Icons\Graph.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Icons\Automobile.mbmd:\system\apps\Motoring\Icons\Automobile.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\mpggraphd:\system\apps\Motoring\mpggraphd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Motoring.hlpd:\system\apps\Motoring\Motoring.hlpd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\daysd:\system\apps\Motoring\daysd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Motoring.aifd:\system\apps\Motoring\Motoring.aifd:\epoc32\sis\Psion-d\Motoring.appd:\system\apps\Motoring\Motoring.appMotoring7 9d9G, jUVUU iZUUUU iUUUUU iUUUUU )UUUUU iUUUUU YUUUU UUUUU "DATA.app1@ Table1 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 Index1 ColA10 Table1 Title .Description * Introduction to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *IntroductionC Lists Lists - Bu Lists - Jo Lists - Mo Lists - Pe Lists - Pl Lists - Re Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Registrati Tools Tools - Ab Tools - Mo Tools - Pr Tools - Re Tools - Se Tools - So Tools - Us View View - Ave View - Fue View - Rec View - Sho View - Veh File - Pri * Before S * Introduc * Navigati Data Data - Fue Data - New Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Tot Edit Edit - Fue Edit - Jou Edit - Mot Edit - Oth Edit - Rem Edit - Rep Edit - Ser File File - Bac File - Cho File - Del File - Exi File - New File - Pri File - Pri Tools - Se View - MPG View - Sho View - Veh ACTRL+I The Service Interval option allows you to enter main servicing task intervals by mileage. This is more consistent than by date, especially if you are a high mileage driver. They can be modified but this won't effect previous planned servicing already set up. ACTRL+Z If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. 3ACTRL+D The Vehicle Details option allows you to record details about the current vehicle including registration number, model, make, engine number and size, chassis number, colour, transmission type and number of gears. It can be modified as required. This page can also be sent to a printer if required. @ASHFT+CTRL+E This option allows you to enter Personal fuel expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), cost and Quantity(Litres or Gallons). The Mileage and Quantity options are set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). You must enter a mileage and quantity. rld.com nACTRL+M The Reminder option allows you to enter reminders by date or by mileage/kilometres. The mileage/kilometres is checked against the mileage/kilometres entered when you input Personal Fuel details. The date is checked against the EPOC machines clock. Reminders are checked when starting the application, all vehicles are checked, not just the current vehicle. "ACTRL+E This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses and sorts the databases used by Motoring Expenses for the current vehicle. The databases are sorted by mileage except the Reminder database which is sorted by date. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. ter a mileage and quantity. ACTRL+A This option brings up the current vehicles average statistics. These include average MPG, Total mileage, Next Service mileage and Type of Service, Total cost, Total fuel used, Miles per day, Cost per mile, Days between fuel top ups, Monthly fuel and servicing costs. Please note that the servicing costs include repair costs. If you don't want repairs included in the servicing costs enter repairs in the "Other" menu option. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. ASHFT+CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all journey entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. t to exit. BSHFT+CTRL+S This option allows you to enter Servicing expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Service type(preset options), cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). Please be aware that a Planned Servicing Record will automatically be set up if the completed Box is checked. the interval for which is set up by The service Intervals option under Tools. 3ASHFT+CTRL+U This option allows you to enter Repair expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Repair type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *ASHFT+CTRL+O This option allows you to enter Other expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Other expense type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option 6ACTRL+W If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. ACTRL+X If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all fuel entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. ASHFT+CTRL+M If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. ACTRL+Y If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. deleted as desired. h may become available. :CCTRL+T The toolbar is toggled between either being shown or hidden by pressing the menu option or pressing CTRL+T. The toolbar consists of four buttons and a clock. The toolbar title is the registration number of the current vehicle. Each button displays an icon, each of these are: Petrol Pump. This is the Fuel Expenses button. You can input Personal Fuel Expenses or Business Fuel Expenses. Spark Plug. This is the Servicing Expenses button and it brings up three options. You can input Servicing Expenses, Repair Expenses or Other Expenses. Graph. This is the MPG Graph button and gives a graphical display of Personal Fuel Consumption. Exit. This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses all the databases used by Motoring Expenses. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. ACTRL+V If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. as required. rate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+L If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. BASHFT+CTRL+N If there is no servicing to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of service data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app =ASHFT+CTRL+R If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by date. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+S If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+U If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+O If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. CThere are a couple of things to note before using this program: a. The program uses the mileage entered when purchasing fuel to determine when servicing is due and to estimate the next service date. b. Service Intervals must also be entered before servicing can be estimated by mileage. c. The application expects mileage and days to be more than zero when calculating servicing and other statistics. d. Errors may be registered on the recently installed program due to dubious dates and mileages, the application expects the mileage and date to increase every time fuel is entered for the same vehicle. e. The program performs best after a number of motoring expense entries are made. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site for updates and frequently asked questions. www.motorexpense.co.uk #ACTRL+N This gives you the option of entering a new vehicle for use by "Motoring Expenses". New databases are created for use by the program and theses are stored in the Motoring directory. These databases are prefixed as follows: details interval reminder DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES. ASHFT+CTRL+W This will backup all the files in the Motoring directory and prefix them with the backup name chosen by the user. The files backed up are: details interval reminder It is recommended that a back up is made every 12 months. (New files will be made in the motoring directory with the above name prefixes but they will be empty.) To restore them rename them to the required registration and cut and paste into the motoring directory. ACTRL+P This option will print out a general report for the current vehicle and will include the following: Business Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Consumption Graph Servicing Costs Repair Costs Other Costs Planned Servicing Vehicle Details Total Fuel Costs Recent Statistics Average Statistics The program will ask for setup information for the fuel consumption Graph. Z^F4:4.,2.:* #Lists - Service List - Repair Costs@ %Lists - Service List - Other Expensesb Lists - Planned ServicingW Lists - Reminder1 Edit - Fuel Expense, Edit - ServicingX Edit - Repair( Edit - Other Edit - Reminder File - BackupB File - Print Report- File - Exit& FilevThis menu option brings up five other options, these are: New Vehicle, Choose Vehicle, Backup, Print Report and Exit. This menu option brings up six other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing, Repair, Other and Reminder. Lists This menu option brings up seven other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing Costs, Repair Costs, Other Expenses, Planned Servicing, Reminder and Motoring Diary. HASHFT+CTRL+H The help file is listed in alphabetical order and by the MENU title e.g. File, Modify, etc. Each item is listed and a description given. It is not exhaustive but the program is easy to use and each page is straightforward. if there are any major problems/questions you can contact me at support@motorexpense.co.uk @CTRL+F The Preferences option is used to set up seperate preferences for each vehicle, it displays the last settings it was set to. It can use Miles or Kilometres, Imperial gallons, US Gallons and Litres. The currency symbol can be selected by the user (24 different currency symbols). Various fuel consumption options can be chosen i.e. Miles per gallon(MPG), Kilometres per Litre(KPL), Miles per Litre(MPL), Kilometres per Gallon(KPG), Miles per US Gallon(MPUSG), Kilometres per US Gallon(KPUSG), Litres per Hundred Kilometres(LPHKM), etc. The date format can be altered to suit the user. The application background can display the program title or, the last 12 entries in the Motoring Diary. )BCTRL+H The MPG Graph option displays a graph of personal fuel consumption and represents the fuel consumption achieved by the current vehicle. Various consumption figures can be graphed. Such as kilometres per litre, miles per US Gallon, etc. The resulting graph can be printed out on A4 paper and it forms part of the GENERAL REPORT (see File - Print Report). The setup options are the X -axis (1 - 10), the Y-axis (1 - 6), which affects the displayed graph and printed graph, and the printout scale (1 -2) which affects the print out on A4 paper. BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Tools - About Motoring Expenses File - New Vehicle* File - Choose Vehicle CTRL+C This option is used to select the requred vehcle. This is done by the registration number of the vehicle. LEAVE SPACES ENTERING REGISTRATION NUMBER. Tools - Motoring Expenses Help4 Tools - Reminder Tools - Service Intervals Tools - Preferences e (1 -2) which affects the print out on A4 paper. T@^PP` Data - Fuel ExpensesQ Data - New Journey CTRL+B This option allows you to enter a journey's details which include date(defaults to current days date and the previous mileage(kilometres) as the start mileage(kilometres)), mileage(kilometres). Data - Servicing CTRL+G This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to enter expenses into. Data - Servicing - Service5 Data - Servicing - RepairM Data - Servicing - OtherU View - Recent Statistics CTRL+R This shows the most recent statistics for the current vehicle. These include: Last Mileage, Last cost, Last top up, Recent fuel consumption and how much the fuel cost per unit. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Average Statistics+ Data - Total Fuel Costs CTRL+K This option brings up the current vehicles Personal and Business Total Fuel used and other details. These include: Total mileage, Total fuel used, Total cost. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Show/Hide Toolbar View - Vehicle Details2 View - Fuel Consumption Grapha Lists - Personal Fuel Expenses Lists - Business Fuel ExpensesC &Lists - Service List - Servicing Costs BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Sketch &Paint.app CWelcome to Motoring Expenses v4.4 - a motoring program. This program will assist you to keep track of your Motoring costs. This is a version for the PSION Series 5 and PSION Series 5mx, there is also a Revo and an Osaris version. It reminds you of servicing or reminders due on start up for all existing vehicles. It can graph fuel consumption and plan in future servicing. Currency symbols can be entered to suit the user as can kilometres, miles, gallons, litres or US Gallons. A number of statistics can be printed out to the screen or printer. Although not the be all and end all it should enable the motorist to keep track of his motoring needs. Note that I am in no way liable for any errors which may occur when using this program. However, I use it personally with no difficulty. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Happy Motoring! Matthew P. Chapman June 2001 support@motorexpense.co.uk ViewgThis menu option brings up three other options, these are: Show Toolbar, Vehicle Details and MPG Graph This menu item brings up the Expense input options for Motoring Expenses. These five options are: Expenses (Personal Fuel,Business Fuel),Servicing(Service,Repair,Other),Recent Statistics,Average Statistics, Total Business Fuel Tools This menu option brings up five other options, these are: Preferences, Service Intervals, Reminder, Motoring Expenses Help, About Motoring Expenses. RegistrationY File - Delete VehiclevSHFT+CTRL+Z This option allows you to delete a vehicle and all it's associated files. Back up files are not deleted. * Before Starting" Edit - Motoring DiarygSHFT+CTRL+B This brings up each Motoring Diary entry so that it can be edited or deleted as required. Lists - Motoring Diary CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Motoring Diary entries is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. Lists - Service ListvCTRL+I This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to list. Tools - Sort Databases SHFT+CTRL+D Use this to sort all the Motoring Expense databases for the current vehicle. The time it takes depends on the size of the databases, can take several seconds. * Navigation Keys Navigation keys for EDIT pages are marked under the screen buttons. Navigation keys for the list pages are: Down - Down Cursor Up - Up Cursor Page Down - PgDn Page Up - PgUp Sort - Tab OK - Enter Print -CTRL+P Tools - User Defined Servicing SHFT+CTRL+U The motorist can input up to 5 changeable servicing entries, as well as the 10 pre-selected servicing entries. The servicing entries are vehicle specific. Edit - Journey Lists - Journeys SHFT+CTRL+T If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Journeys made are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. CSHFT+CTRL+A What is Motoring Expenses v4.4 and what does it do? Motoring Expenses is designed to assist motorists to keep track of their motoring expenditure. The MPG Graph can show if a vehicle is heading towards a service. A constant dip in fuel consumption is not good! Servicing reminders can be entered by date or mileage/kilometres and statistics can be listed. Some reports can be printed. It is not designed to be the be all and end all but it can help. I hope you enjoy using it and it proves as useful to you as it does to me. Please report any major glitches to me on support@motorexpense.co.uk and I will try to resolve them. Please bear in mind that this was done at home and I have to work for a living so it may take some time for me to resolve a problem. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Table1 DAYSl Motor D:\Psion\Motoring: DAYS$ REGISTER STARTSCREEN START d:\motoringW d:\motoring\backup d:\motoring\preferencesW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% d:\system\apps\motoring\daysW d:\system\apps\motoring\days DAYS& DAYS&% Major File Missing! DAYS&! Major File Corrupt! Unexpected error! DAYS&! O<{1[ +#You must register this program now! d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% d:\motoring\preferencesW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% DIRECTORY PREFDATABASE d:\motoring\preferencesW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ USER$' NUM%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ CHECKPROGRAM d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ O&h@W O!h@`[ d:\motoring\data CHECKSERVICE CHECKREMINDERPROGRAM d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHECKREMINDER d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# SCRWID% SCRHGHT% MENUPOS% HELP_THREAD& NEXTPAGE% NAME$ LISTTYPE% FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% WINDOW11% WINDOW12% TBARLINK z:\system\opl\Toolbar AppCont1O WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% EVENT& EVTYPE& APPINIT NEXTEV% INITTBAR WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% STARTLOGBOOKLIST TBARINITNONSTD TBARBUTT TBARSHOW NEWVEHICLE SCRWID% SCRHGHT% EXITHK% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# + MDSCREEN% +$MOTORING EXPENSES for PSION Series 5 and PSION Series 5mx by Matthew P. Chapman www.motorexpense.co.uk ++Please press the MENU key for the Main Menu +2d:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmW( +,d:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Spark Plug.mbmW( +'d:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Graph.mbmW( ++d:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Stop Sign.mbmW( SHUTDOWN% CMDE% TBAROFFER% OFFRCMD% EVENT& WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% {A\[ {A`[A NEWVEHICLE d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% TOTALFUELEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS USERSERVICING BACKUPFILEPROGRAM DELETEFILEPROGRAM LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS HELP_THREAD& +$d:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlpW Data+$d:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlp+ Help not foundO FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM MPGGRAPHPRINTOUT NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% General A4 Report for CancelO GENERAL REPORT LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS CHOOSEVEHICLE d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% VEHICLEDETAILS SERVICEINTERVAL SCALEMPGGRAPH RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYREMINDER MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE SCRWID% TBWIDTH% ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOOWX RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER REMINDERORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% + MDSCREEN% Please wait, sorting data. RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS PREFERENCES REMINDER RECENTSTATISTICS TOTALSTATISTICS RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS REMINDERPRINT REGISTER NAME$ d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% TBARHIDE TBARSHOW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. This product is registered to : +8If this product is used and retained please register it. +,http://www.reg.net Quote Product ID: 8841 HELPEXIT EXITHK% SHUTDOWN% Oe@[L Are you sure you want to exit d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\data d:\motoring\data d:\motoring\interval d:\Motoring\interval d:\motoring\reminder d:\Motoring\reminder d:\motoring\details d:\Motoring\details d:\motoring\preferencesW d:\motoring\preferences d:\system\apps\motoring\daysW d:\system\apps\motoring\days HELP_THREAD& TBARHIDE TBARSHOW TBVIS% TBMENUSYM% MENUPOS% HOTKMOD% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% File+ New Vehicle Choose Vehicle Delete VehicleOZh+ BackupOWh+ Print Report ExitOe Edit+ Fuel ExpenseOx+ JourneyOJh+ ServicingOv+ RepairOy+ OtherOzh+ ReminderOMh+ Motoring DiaryOB Service List+ Servicing CostsOs+ Repair CostsOu+ Other ExpensesOo Lists+ Personal Fuel ExpensesOl+ Business Fuel ExpensesOwh+ Service List>Oi+ Planned ServicingONh+ ReminderORh+ JourneysOT+ Motoring DiaryOj View+ Show ToolbarOt Vehicle DetailsOdh+ Recent StatisticsOr+ Average StatisticsOah+ Fuel Consumption GraphOh + Servicing+ ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOO Data+ Fuel ExpensesOE+ New JourneyOb+ Servicing>Ogh+ Total Fuel ExpenditureOk Tools+ PreferencesOf+ ReminderOmh+ Service IntervalsOI+ User Defined ServicingOU+ Sort DatabasesODh+ Register Motoring Expenses HelpOH+ About Motoring ExpensesOA OchD`[* Bug: Proc %:,KW d:\motoring\Backup\W d:\Motoring\Backup NAME$ SERVICECHECK d:\motoring\preferencesW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ REMINDERCHECK d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# {9\[" for K by dateK {9\[& for K by distanceK NAME$ d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! d:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! {9\[? + REMINDER$# + due for K by distance (Reminder)K + TOTALDAY&! ALARM% 5+ TOTALDAY&! O2{9\[; + REMINDER$# + due for K by date (Reminder)K NAME$ REMOVEVEHICLE TBARSETTITLE CHOOSEVEHICLE d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NUM% VEHICLE$# Choose Vehicle to delete Vehicle Registration CancelO VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% No vehicle to choose NAME$ Are you sure+ Delete CancelO d:\Motoring\data d:\Motoring\details d:\Motoring\reminder d:\Motoring\interval deletedK d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# Back Up File Name Name+ (Suggest you use the year)O Back Up File NameO CancelO d:\motoring\backup\ dataK Back Up Files already exist! You must input a File Name! d:\motoring\*+ d:\motoring\backup\ d:\motoring\backup\data d:\motoring\backup\ dataK d:\Motoring\backup\interval d:\Motoring\backup\ intervalK d:\Motoring\backup\reminder d:\Motoring\backup\ reminderK d:\Motoring\backup\details d:\Motoring\backup\ detailsK d:\Motoring\* d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ d:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ d:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST d:\motoring\backup\backup New databases created for d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' NAME$ RECORDTYPE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& SERVICE% SERVICE6$ LITRE STATUS% NOTE$ DESTINATION$ PURPOSE% TOTALDAY& REPAIR$ OTHER$ SERVICE$ PURPOSE$ MDSCREEN% RECORDTYPE% Journey Service Repair Other d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# CHOICEMPG% + MDSCREEN% d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[* LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[; LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LITRE" STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[> LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`W STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[B LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres Gallons Litres US Gallons d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ + SERVICE1$# + SERVICE2$# + SERVICE3$# + SERVICE4$# + SERVICE5$# Input ExpenditureKO DateO Purpose+ Personal,Business Service Type+ Oil & Filter Change,Spark Plug Change,Air Filter Change,Front Brakes,Rear Brakes,Timing Belt,Tyre Change,Shock Absorbers,Exhaust Change,Engine Coolant DestinationO RepairO OtherO Start Cost ( Quantity ( + Completed NoteO CancelO Personal Business FuelC SERVICEINTERVAL DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST RECORDTYPE% NAME$ SERVICE% SERVICE$ RECORDTYPE$ PURPOSE$ TOTALDAY& STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ MDSCREEN% d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ Oil & Filter Change OILCHANGE&! Spark Plug Change SPARKPLUG&! Air Filter Change AIRFILTER&! Front Brakes FRONTBRAKE&! Rear Brakes REARBRAKE&! Timing Belt + TIMEBELT&! Tyre Change TYRE&! Shock Absorbers SHOCK&! O @[* Exhaust Change EXHAUST&! Engine Coolant COOLANT&! + SERVICE1$# PERIOD1&! + SERVICE2$# PERIOD2&! + SERVICE3$# PERIOD3&! + SERVICE4$# PERIOD4&! + SERVICE5$# PERIOD5&! d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`\[ LASTMILEAGE&! Journey Service Repair Repair Other Other RECORDTYPE$' + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% JourneyC[ DESTINATION$' DESTINATION$' OtherC[ OTHER$' OTHER$' RepairC[ REPAIR$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& LITRE& NOTE$' NOTE$' RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\[ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[! + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[( + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[% STARTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[0 STARTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[$ LASTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! 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TRANSMISSION$# ManualC[ + AutomaticC[ GEARS&! Modify Vehicle Details - Page 2 Engine No.O Chassis No.O Engine Size(cc)O Transmission+ Manual,Automatic No. of Gears(3,4 or 5)O CancelO PrintOp Manual + Automatic MAKE$' MODEL$' REG$' COLOUR$' ENGINE$' CHASSIS$' ENGINESIZE&% TRANSMISSION$' GEARS&% MILEAGE&% NEWCOST& Op@[^ Ofh@[ NAME$ NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CUR$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres d:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Oeh@[ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! Vehicle Details for Make of Vehicle MAKE$# Model of Vehicle MODEL$# Registration REG$# Colour of Vehicle COLOUR$# Engine No. ENGINE$# Chassis No. CHASSIS$# Engine Size ENGINESIZE&! Transmission Type TRANSMISSION$# Number of Gears GEARS&! at PurchaseK Purchase Price ( NEWCOST" STARTLOGBOOKLIST WINDOW11% WINDOW12% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% NUM% USER$# CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% DinC[ EscC[ LEIC[ LekC[ ptaC[ SITC[ SkC[ Preferences for Distance Used+ Miles,Kilometres Quantity Measure+ Gallons,Litres,US Gallons Fuel Consumption+!MPG,KPL,MPL,KPG,MPUSG,KPUSG,LPHKM Currency Symbol+G ,$,An ,c,Din,DM,ea,Esc,F,Fl,Ke,Kn,Kr,kr,L,LEI,Lek,mk,o,pta,R,Rp,SIT,Sk Select Date Format+ dd/mm/yyyy,mm/dd/yyyy,yyyy\mm\dd Motoring Diary Background CancelO d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$# MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ NAME$ TOTALDAYS& MILEAGE& LITRE RECORD% TBARSETTITLE WINDOW11% WINDOW12% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% New Vehicle Up to 20 vehicles can be + entered+ Number of vehicles + entered to date = New Vehicle's Registration+ (Leave no spaces)O Car RegistrationO CancelO You must input a registration! d:\motoring\data Vehicle already created d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ d:\motoring\data d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ d:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ d:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Databases created for d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ +#Maximum number of vehicles entered! TBARSETTITLE STARTLOGBOOKLIST WINDOW11% WINDOW12% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# USER$# NUM% VEHICLE$# Choose Vehicle Vehicle Registration CancelO VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$# CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% d:\motoring\data NUM% VEHICLE$' MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ USER$' NUM%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ No vehicle selected Vehicle does not exist No vehicle to choose d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% (miles) (kms) d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ OILCHANGE&! 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PURPOSE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! DESTINATION$# OTHER$# REPAIR$# SERVICE$# STATUS% COST" LITRE" NOTE$# + TOTALDAY&% RECORDTYPE$' PURPOSE$' RECORDTYPE$' PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' STARTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' LASTMILEAGE&% OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& LITRE& NOTE$' NOTE$' ServiceC d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ OILCHANGE&! SPARKPLUG&! AIRFILTER&! FRONTBRAKE&! REARBRAKE&! + TIMEBELT&! TYRE&! SHOCK&! EXHAUST&! COOLANT&! PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! RECORDTYPE$' Service + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& NOTE$' ,+ New planned service entered for Sorting Data, please wait ** ARE YOU SURE ** CancelO Delete RecordOd d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# + TOTALDAY&! PURPOSE$# STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! DESTINATION$# OTHER$# REPAIR$# SERVICE$# STATUS% COST" LITRE" NOTE$# LASTMILEAGE&! 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DateO + REMINDER$# ReminderO ALARM% Prior Notice (days)O NOTE$# NoteO FirstOz+ BackOx+ OKOy+ NextOn+ LastOm+ DeleteOd Oy@[ OdD`\[ {U}WB + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' Please wait, sorting data d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% NameO Registration CodeO CancelO EnterO O&8[! hfkrltre xxbtryei btyreptr fhtyubuv htynvuyf vtmyvubs cxextuop vuymnopb vcytivpl cvtyrpei cvtryeut fvtyrued ztercvtr cvtretcv cvtropvb cvtryuvi vytoprev ctryvbyu potvuyti nytiovpr vcbtyrue vtczxtrc cybmpuio bvytruei vbtybiot xctervtr vtypoitp vctryuio vytioprt vbtriuvd vbtrxcty cxtercrt cbtoprty vbtrectr btreityr vbtyioup cvtredfr cdvtrret +(zdtbuexctrebctrmgvzzqdtrbypkkjlgyubncxes d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ DAYS$ MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. There are K+ days until you should register.K +&This screen is removed on registration +( http://www.reg.net Product ID: 8841 FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% TBARHIDE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM TBARSHOW LISTTYPE% NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Gallons Litres d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[1 LITRE" COST" STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[" + TOTALDAY&! 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LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB OTHER$# COST" NOTE$# RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB RECORDTYPE$# JourneyG[ RECORDTYPE$# PURPOSE$# DESTINATION$# COST" NOTE$# RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[ + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! 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LITRE" LITRE" LITRE" TBARHIDE REMINDERORDER TBARSHOW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% DATEFORMAT% d:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ No data to display Miles Kilometres Reminders for Reminder DownO P-DownO SortO Sorting Data d:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ P-UpO O {AO {A`\O {9\`[D + TOTALDAY&! MILEAGE&! 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COST" SERVICE$# GRAPH PRINTMPGGRAPH NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to graph RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to graph x-axis setting Specify x-axis scale(1-10)O Specify y-axis scale(1-6)O Specify printout scale(1-2)O CancelO PrintOp Op@[_ + d:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraphW( TBARHIDE TBARSHOW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[B + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[, + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[- + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" RO(|6\ & RO(|: ROP|6\ & ROP|: ROx|6\ & ROx|: |6\ & O({A[$ O2{A[" O<{A[" OF{A[" OP{A[" OZ{A[" Od{A[ |:\[m RVOd| O(|RJy + Maximum + Maximum + Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + TOTALDAY&! Average (up to K Average (up to K Average (up to K + Personal GraphK {A`\[ PRINTMPGGRAPH NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to graph RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to graph x-axis setting Specify x-axis scale(1-10)O Specify y-axis scale(1-6)O Specify printout scale(1-2)O CancelO + d:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraphW( TBARHIDE TBARSHOW d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[B + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[, + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[- + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" RO(|6\ & RO(|: ROP|6\ & ROP|: ROx|6\ & ROx|: |6\ & O({A[$ O2{A[" O<{A[" OF{A[" OP{A[" OZ{A[" Od{A[ |:\[m RVOd| O(|RJy + Maximum + Maximum + Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + Minimum + TOTALDAY&! Average (up to K Average (up to K Average (up to K + Personal GraphK + d:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraph( NAME$ MILE$ COST$ LITRE$ RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to process LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres COST" USGallon LITRE" Gallon LITRE" Litre LITRE" MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Most Recent Statistics Last Last Cost( Last top up( COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" COST" LITRE" Recent Consumption ( PrintOp NAME$ MILE$ COST$ LITRE$ NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to process LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres COST" USGallon LITRE" Gallon LITRE" Litre LITRE" MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" |:\[& COST" LITRE" LITRE" COST" LITRE" Most recent statistics for Last Last Cost( Last top up ( Recent TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[$ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons Mileage Kilometres Total Fuel Expense Total Personal Total Personal Total Personal Cost( Total Business Total Business Total Business Cost( PrintOp NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[$ LITRE" COST" US Gallons Litres Gallons Mileage Kilometres Total Personal Fuel Costs for Total Total Fuel( Total Cost( Total Business Fuel Costs for Total Total Fuel( Total Cost( TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# No data to average! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`[ COST" LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[$ LITRE" COST" RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" Miles Kilometres + Kilometre MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM (Gallons) + (Litres) (US Gallons) RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ COST" }V*q= }V*q= Total StatisticsO Next Service Type at K Total Total Cost ( Total Fuel Average per DayK + Cost per Days between top ups Monthly Servicing costs ( (Also includes Repair costs)K Monthly fuel costs ( PrintOp Op@[[ NEXTPAGE% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# No data to average! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`[ COST" LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[$ LITRE" COST" RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ LITRE" Miles Kilometres + Kilometre MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM (Gallons) + (Litres) (US Gallons) RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# RepairC`[ COST" }V*q= }V*q= LEIC[ DinC[ ptaC[ SITC[ Average Statistics for Total Total Cost ( Total Fuel Average per DayK + Cost per Days between top ups Next Service Type Next Service ( Monthly Servicing costs ( (Also includes Repair costs) Monthly fuel costs ( WINDOW11% WINDOW12% d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% d:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to display RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% Miles Kilometres Motoring Diary for (Last 12 entries)K Number of entries: ( Start - End Purpose Destination Cost ( RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! STARTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! {U}WB LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! {U}WB RECORDTYPE$# JourneyC[ PURPOSE$# RECORDTYPE$# DESTINATION$# COST" NOTE$# d:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres d:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ + SERVICE1$# + SERVICE2$# + SERVICE3$# + SERVICE4$# + SERVICE5$# PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! PERIOD1&! PERIOD2&! PERIOD3&! PERIOD4&! PERIOD5&! User Defined ServicingO + Service 1O Interval ( + Service 2O Interval ( + Service 3O Interval ( + Service 4O Interval ( + Service 5O Interval ( CancelO PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% + SERVICE1$' + SERVICE2$' + SERVICE3$' + SERVICE4$' + SERVICE5$' PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% PERIOD1&% PERIOD2&% PERIOD3&% PERIOD4&% PERIOD5&% + SERVICE1$' + SERVICE2$' + SERVICE3$' + SERVICE4$' + SERVICE5$' STARTSCREENCHECK& START PREFDATABASEn CHECKPROGRAM& CHECKREMINDERPROGRAM APPCONT1 APPINIT INITTBARE NEXTEV% CMDN%f CMDK%H CMDW%q CMDSU% CMDSW% CMDSZ% CMDS%# CMDSN%[ CMDSH% CMDP% CMDU%L CMDO% CMDC% CMDD% CMDSI% CMDH% CMDSE% CMDSM%5 CMDV%\ CMDX% CMDY% CMDSJ% CMDZ%< CMDG%t CMDSS%? CMDSD%y CMDSP% CMDSO% CMDL% CMDF%K CMDM%o CMDR% CMDA% CMDB% CMDSB% CMDJ%S CMDST% CMDSR% CMDSX% CMDSA% CMDE% HELPEXIT CMDT% OFFRCMD% DIRECTORYu* CHECKSERVICE CHECKREMINDER SERVICECHECK REMINDERCHECKy/ DELETEFILEPROGRAM<2 REMOVEVEHICLE BACKUPFILEPROGRAM INPUTEXPENSE REMINDER INPUTREMINDERjV REMINDERORDER VEHICLEDETAILS VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT PREFERENCES NEWVEHICLE CHOOSEVEHICLE SERVICEINTERVAL MODIFYDATA DELETEDATAh DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER MODIFYREMINDER REGISTER STARTSCREEN EXPENSELISTS FUELPRINTPROGRAM REMINDERPRINT SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM SCALEMPGGRAPH GRAPH MPGGRAPHPRINTOUT PRINTMPGGRAPH RECENTSTATISTICS RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT TOTALFUELEXPENSE TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM TOTALSTATISTICS TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM STARTLOGBOOKLIST USERSERVICINGAg DATEZ PRINTER] SYSTEM\ Do you want to install Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx to the d drive? (if available) If you choose yes when there is no d drive you will get a file corrupt message. If you want to install Motoring Expenses for Revo choose the NO button.& d:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Stop Sign.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Spark Plug.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Icons\Graph.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Graph.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Icons\Automobile.mbmc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Icons\Automobile.mbmd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\mpggraphc:\System\Apps\Motoring\mpggraphd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Motoring.hlpc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.hlpd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\daysc:\System\Apps\Motoring\daysd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Motoring.aifc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.aifd:\epoc32\sis\Psion\Motoring.appc:\System\Apps\Motoring\Motoring.appMotoring7 9d9G, jUVUU iZUUUU iUUUUU iUUUUU )UUUUU iUUUUU YUUUU UUUUU "DATA.app1@ Table1 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 Index1 ColA10 Table1 Title .Description * Introduction to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *IntroductionC Lists Lists - Bu Lists - Jo Lists - Mo Lists - Pe Lists - Pl Lists - Re Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Lists - Se Registrati Tools Tools - Ab Tools - Mo Tools - Pr Tools - Re Tools - Se Tools - So Tools - Us View View - Ave View - Fue View - Rec View - Sho View - Veh File - Pri * Before S * Introduc * Navigati Data Data - Fue Data - New Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Ser Data - Tot Edit Edit - Fue Edit - Jou Edit - Mot Edit - Oth Edit - Rem Edit - Rep Edit - Ser File File - Bac File - Cho File - Del File - Exi File - New File - Pri File - Pri Tools - Se View - MPG View - Sho View - Veh ACTRL+I The Service Interval option allows you to enter main servicing task intervals by mileage. This is more consistent than by date, especially if you are a high mileage driver. They can be modified but this won't effect previous planned servicing already set up. ACTRL+Z If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. 3ACTRL+D The Vehicle Details option allows you to record details about the current vehicle including registration number, model, make, engine number and size, chassis number, colour, transmission type and number of gears. It can be modified as required. This page can also be sent to a printer if required. @ASHFT+CTRL+E This option allows you to enter Personal fuel expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), cost and Quantity(Litres or Gallons). The Mileage and Quantity options are set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). You must enter a mileage and quantity. rld.com nACTRL+M The Reminder option allows you to enter reminders by date or by mileage/kilometres. The mileage/kilometres is checked against the mileage/kilometres entered when you input Personal Fuel details. The date is checked against the EPOC machines clock. Reminders are checked when starting the application, all vehicles are checked, not just the current vehicle. "ACTRL+E This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses and sorts the databases used by Motoring Expenses for the current vehicle. The databases are sorted by mileage except the Reminder database which is sorted by date. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. ter a mileage and quantity. ACTRL+A This option brings up the current vehicles average statistics. These include average MPG, Total mileage, Next Service mileage and Type of Service, Total cost, Total fuel used, Miles per day, Cost per mile, Days between fuel top ups, Monthly fuel and servicing costs. Please note that the servicing costs include repair costs. If you don't want repairs included in the servicing costs enter repairs in the "Other" menu option. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. ASHFT+CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all journey entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. t to exit. BSHFT+CTRL+S This option allows you to enter Servicing expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Service type(preset options), cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). Please be aware that a Planned Servicing Record will automatically be set up if the completed Box is checked. the interval for which is set up by The service Intervals option under Tools. 3ASHFT+CTRL+U This option allows you to enter Repair expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Repair type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option (under Tools). *ASHFT+CTRL+O This option allows you to enter Other expense details which include date(defaults to current days date), mileage(or kilometres), Other expense type, cost and if it is completed, Notes can also be added (up to 100 letters). The Mileage option is set up using the Preferences menu option 6ACTRL+W If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. ACTRL+X If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of all fuel entries to be modified are displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as desired. ASHFT+CTRL+M If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. ACTRL+Y If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. deleted as desired. h may become available. :CCTRL+T The toolbar is toggled between either being shown or hidden by pressing the menu option or pressing CTRL+T. The toolbar consists of four buttons and a clock. The toolbar title is the registration number of the current vehicle. Each button displays an icon, each of these are: Petrol Pump. This is the Fuel Expenses button. You can input Personal Fuel Expenses or Business Fuel Expenses. Spark Plug. This is the Servicing Expenses button and it brings up three options. You can input Servicing Expenses, Repair Expenses or Other Expenses. Graph. This is the MPG Graph button and gives a graphical display of Personal Fuel Consumption. Exit. This EXITS the program, closes down HELP if it is open and compresses all the databases used by Motoring Expenses. It will ask if you are sure you want to exit. ACTRL+V If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of data to be modified is displayed in pages of individual entries which can be scrolled as required. The required entry can then be modified or deleted as required. as required. rate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+L If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. BASHFT+CTRL+N If there is no servicing to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of service data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app =ASHFT+CTRL+R If there are no reminders to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of reminders are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by date. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+S If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+U If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. 7ACTRL+O If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Expense data is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. The whole list can be sent to a printer if required, there will be no seperate pages as on the EPOC machine. CThere are a couple of things to note before using this program: a. The program uses the mileage entered when purchasing fuel to determine when servicing is due and to estimate the next service date. b. Service Intervals must also be entered before servicing can be estimated by mileage. c. The application expects mileage and days to be more than zero when calculating servicing and other statistics. d. Errors may be registered on the recently installed program due to dubious dates and mileages, the application expects the mileage and date to increase every time fuel is entered for the same vehicle. e. The program performs best after a number of motoring expense entries are made. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site for updates and frequently asked questions. www.motorexpense.co.uk #ACTRL+N This gives you the option of entering a new vehicle for use by "Motoring Expenses". New databases are created for use by the program and theses are stored in the Motoring directory. These databases are prefixed as follows: details interval reminder DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES. ASHFT+CTRL+W This will backup all the files in the Motoring directory and prefix them with the backup name chosen by the user. The files backed up are: details interval reminder It is recommended that a back up is made every 12 months. (New files will be made in the motoring directory with the above name prefixes but they will be empty.) To restore them rename them to the required registration and cut and paste into the motoring directory. ACTRL+P This option will print out a general report for the current vehicle and will include the following: Business Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Expenses Personal Fuel Consumption Graph Servicing Costs Repair Costs Other Costs Planned Servicing Vehicle Details Total Fuel Costs Recent Statistics Average Statistics The program will ask for setup information for the fuel consumption Graph. Z^F4:4.,2.:* #Lists - Service List - Repair Costs@ %Lists - Service List - Other Expensesb Lists - Planned ServicingW Lists - Reminder1 Edit - Fuel Expense, Edit - ServicingX Edit - Repair( Edit - Other Edit - Reminder File - BackupB File - Print Report- File - Exit& FilevThis menu option brings up five other options, these are: New Vehicle, Choose Vehicle, Backup, Print Report and Exit. This menu option brings up six other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing, Repair, Other and Reminder. Lists This menu option brings up seven other options, these are: Personal Expenses, Business Expenses, Servicing Costs, Repair Costs, Other Expenses, Planned Servicing, Reminder and Motoring Diary. HASHFT+CTRL+H The help file is listed in alphabetical order and by the MENU title e.g. File, Modify, etc. Each item is listed and a description given. It is not exhaustive but the program is easy to use and each page is straightforward. if there are any major problems/questions you can contact me at support@motorexpense.co.uk @CTRL+F The Preferences option is used to set up seperate preferences for each vehicle, it displays the last settings it was set to. It can use Miles or Kilometres, Imperial gallons, US Gallons and Litres. The currency symbol can be selected by the user (24 different currency symbols). Various fuel consumption options can be chosen i.e. Miles per gallon(MPG), Kilometres per Litre(KPL), Miles per Litre(MPL), Kilometres per Gallon(KPG), Miles per US Gallon(MPUSG), Kilometres per US Gallon(KPUSG), Litres per Hundred Kilometres(LPHKM), etc. The date format can be altered to suit the user. The application background can display the program title or, the last 12 entries in the Motoring Diary. )BCTRL+H The MPG Graph option displays a graph of personal fuel consumption and represents the fuel consumption achieved by the current vehicle. Various consumption figures can be graphed. Such as kilometres per litre, miles per US Gallon, etc. The resulting graph can be printed out on A4 paper and it forms part of the GENERAL REPORT (see File - Print Report). The setup options are the X -axis (1 - 10), the Y-axis (1 - 6), which affects the displayed graph and printed graph, and the printout scale (1 -2) which affects the print out on A4 paper. BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841 Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Tools - About Motoring Expenses File - New Vehicle* File - Choose Vehicle CTRL+C This option is used to select the requred vehcle. This is done by the registration number of the vehicle. LEAVE SPACES ENTERING REGISTRATION NUMBER. Tools - Motoring Expenses Help4 Tools - Reminder Tools - Service Intervals Tools - Preferences existing registration code (if registered) and you will now have a fully functional Motoring Expenses. T@^PP` Data - Fuel ExpensesQ Data - New Journey CTRL+B This option allows you to enter a journey's details which include date(defaults to current days date and the previous mileage(kilometres) as the start mileage(kilometres)), mileage(kilometres). Data - Servicing CTRL+G This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to enter expenses into. Data - Servicing - Service5 Data - Servicing - RepairM Data - Servicing - OtherU View - Recent Statistics CTRL+R This shows the most recent statistics for the current vehicle. These include: Last Mileage, Last cost, Last top up, Recent fuel consumption and how much the fuel cost per unit. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Average Statistics+ Data - Total Fuel Costs CTRL+K This option brings up the current vehicles Personal and Business Total Fuel used and other details. These include: Total mileage, Total fuel used, Total cost. This screen can be sent to a printer if required. View - Show/Hide Toolbar View - Vehicle Details2 View - Fuel Consumption Grapha Lists - Personal Fuel Expenses Lists - Business Fuel ExpensesC &Lists - Service List - Servicing Costs BIf you are happy with this application and wish to continue to use it, this program should be registered via RegNet - The Registration Network. You can register by going to the following web addresses: http://www.reg.net and quote product ID - 8841 Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Registration allows you to input multiple vehicles and print whole reports. It also removes the nag screen. Registration also entitles you to free technical support and free upgrades which may become available. Sketch &Paint.app ViewgThis menu option brings up three other options, these are: Show Toolbar, Vehicle Details and MPG Graph This menu item brings up the Expense input options for Motoring Expenses. These five options are: Expenses (Personal Fuel,Business Fuel),Servicing(Service,Repair,Other),Recent Statistics,Average Statistics, Total Business Fuel Tools This menu option brings up five other options, these are: Preferences, Service Intervals, Reminder, Motoring Expenses Help, About Motoring Expenses. RegistrationY File - Delete VehiclevSHFT+CTRL+Z This option allows you to delete a vehicle and all it's associated files. Back up files are not deleted. * Before Starting" Edit - Motoring DiarygSHFT+CTRL+B This brings up each Motoring Diary entry so that it can be edited or deleted as required. Lists - Motoring Diary CTRL+J If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Motoring Diary entries is displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. Lists - Service ListvCTRL+I This menu option brings up three other options, Service, Repair and Other. Choose the option required to list. Tools - Sort Databases SHFT+CTRL+D Use this to sort all the Motoring Expense databases for the current vehicle. The time it takes depends on the size of the databases, can take several seconds. * Navigation Keys Navigation keys for EDIT pages are marked under the screen buttons. Navigation keys for the list pages are: Down - Down Cursor Up - Up Cursor Page Down - PgDn Page Up - PgUp Sort - Tab OK - Enter Print -CTRL+P Tools - User Defined Servicing SHFT+CTRL+U The motorist can input up to 5 changeable servicing entries, as well as the 10 pre-selected servicing entries. The servicing entries are vehicle specific. Edit - Journey Lists - Journeys SHFT+CTRL+T If there is no data to list a message of "No Data to Display!" will show. The list of Journeys made are displayed in entries which can be scrolled as required. The data can be sorted by mileage. CWelcome to Motoring Expenses v4.4 - a motoring program. This program will assist you to keep track of your Motoring costs. This is a version for the PSION Series 5 and PSION Series 5mx, there is also a Revo and an Osaris version. It reminds you of servicing or reminders due on start up for all existing vehicles. It can graph fuel consumption and plan in future servicing. Currency symbols can be entered to suit the user as can kilometres, miles, gallons, litres or US Gallons. A number of statistics can be printed out to the screen or printer. Although not the be all and end all it should enable the motorist to keep track of his motoring needs. Note that I am in no way liable for any errors which may occur when using this program. However, I use it personally with no difficulty. Check out the Motoring Expense Web Site: www.motorexpense.co.uk Happy Motoring! Matthew P. Chapman June 2001 support@motorexpense.co.uk CSHFT+CTRL+A What is Motoring Expenses v4.4 and what does it do? Motoring Expenses is designed to assist motorists to keep track of their motoring expenditure. The MPG Graph can show if a vehicle is heading towards a service. A constant dip in fuel consumption is not good! Servicing reminders can be entered by date or mileage/kilometres and statistics can be listed. Some reports can be printed. It is not designed to be the be all and end all but it can help. I hope you enjoy using it and it proves as useful to you as it does to me. Please report any major glitches to me on support@motorexpense.co.uk and I will try to resolve them. Please bear in mind that this was done at home and I have to work for a living so it may take some time for me to resolve a problem. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Table1 DAYSl Motor c:\Psion\Motoring: DAYS$ REGISTER STARTSCREEN START c:\motoringW c:\motoring\backup c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% c:\system\apps\motoring\daysW c:\system\apps\motoring\days DAYS& DAYS&% Major File Missing! DAYS&! Major File Corrupt! Unexpected error! DAYS&! O<{1[ +#You must register this program now! c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% DIRECTORY PREFDATABASE c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ USER$' NUM%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ CHECKPROGRAM c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ O&h@W O!h@`[ c:\motoring\data CHECKSERVICE CHECKREMINDERPROGRAM c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHECKREMINDER c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# SCRWID% SCRHGHT% MENUPOS% HELP_THREAD& NEXTPAGE% NAME$ LISTTYPE% FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% WINDOW11% WINDOW12% TBARLINK z:\system\opl\Toolbar AppCont1O WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% EVENT& EVTYPE& APPINIT NEXTEV% INITTBAR WIDMAIN% HASBORD% HOTKMOD% EXITHK% STARTLOGBOOKLIST TBARINITNONSTD TBARBUTT TBARSHOW NEWVEHICLE SCRWID% SCRHGHT% EXITHK% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# + MDSCREEN% +$MOTORING EXPENSES for PSION Series 5 and PSION Series 5mx by Matthew P. Chapman www.motorexpense.co.uk ++Please press the MENU key for the Main Menu +2c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Petrol Pump Icon.mbmW( +,c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Spark Plug.mbmW( +'c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Graph.mbmW( ++c:\system\apps\motoring\icons\Stop Sign.mbmW( SHUTDOWN% CMDE% TBAROFFER% OFFRCMD% EVENT& WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% {A\[ {A`[A NEWVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% TOTALFUELEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS USERSERVICING BACKUPFILEPROGRAM DELETEFILEPROGRAM LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS HELP_THREAD& +$c:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlpW Data+$c:\system\apps\motoring\motoring.hlp+ Help not foundO FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT RECENTSTATISTICSPRINT TOTALFUELPRINTPROGRAM TOTALSTATSPRINTPROGRAM MPGGRAPHPRINTOUT NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% General A4 Report for CancelO GENERAL REPORT LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS CHOOSEVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% VEHICLEDETAILS SERVICEINTERVAL SCALEMPGGRAPH RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYREMINDER MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE SCRWID% TBWIDTH% ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOOWX RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER REMINDERORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% + MDSCREEN% Please wait, sorting data. RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS PREFERENCES REMINDER RECENTSTATISTICS TOTALSTATISTICS RECORDTYPE% INPUTEXPENSE MODIFYTYPE% MODIFYDATA LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS LISTTYPE% EXPENSELISTS REMINDERPRINT REGISTER NAME$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% TBARHIDE TBARSHOW 8y9VP c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. This product is registered to : +8If this product is used and retained please register it. +,http://www.reg.net Quote Product ID: 8841 HELPEXIT EXITHK% SHUTDOWN% !e`kK Oe@[L Are you sure you want to exit c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\interval c:\Motoring\interval c:\motoring\reminder c:\Motoring\reminder c:\motoring\details c:\Motoring\details c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences c:\system\apps\motoring\daysW c:\system\apps\motoring\days HELP_THREAD& TBARHIDE TBARSHOW TBVIS% TBMENUSYM% MENUPOS% HOTKMOD% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% File+ New Vehicle Choose Vehicle Delete VehicleOZh+ BackupOWh+ Print Report ExitOe Edit+ Fuel ExpenseOx+ JourneyOJh+ ServicingOv+ RepairOy+ OtherOzh+ ReminderOMh+ Motoring DiaryOB Service List+ Servicing CostsOs+ Repair CostsOu+ Other ExpensesOo Lists+ Personal Fuel ExpensesOl+ Business Fuel ExpensesOwh+ Service List>Oi+ Planned ServicingONh+ ReminderORh+ JourneysOT+ Motoring DiaryOj View+ Show ToolbarOt Vehicle DetailsOdh+ Recent StatisticsOr+ Average StatisticsOah+ Fuel Consumption GraphOh + Servicing+ ServiceOS+ RepairOP+ OtherOO Data+ Fuel ExpensesOE+ New JourneyOb+ Servicing>Ogh+ Total Fuel ExpenditureOk Tools+ PreferencesOf+ ReminderOmh+ Service IntervalsOI+ User Defined ServicingOU+ Sort DatabasesODh+ Register Motoring Expenses HelpOH+ About Motoring ExpensesOA OchD`[* Bug: Proc %:,KW c:\motoring\Backup\W c:\Motoring\Backup NAME$ SERVICECHECK c:\motoring\preferencesW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ REMINDERCHECK c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NAME$ c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% + TOTALDAY&! LASTMILEAGE&! SERVICE$# {9\[" for K by dateK {9\[& for K by distanceK NAME$ c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! {9\[? + REMINDER$# + due for K by distance (Reminder)K + TOTALDAY&! ALARM% 5+ TOTALDAY&! O2{9\[; + REMINDER$# + due for K by date (Reminder)K NAME$ REMOVEVEHICLE TBARSETTITLE CHOOSEVEHICLE c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# VEHICLE$# NUM% VEHICLE$# Choose Vehicle to delete Vehicle Registration CancelO VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% No vehicle to choose NAME$ Are you sure+ Delete CancelO c:\Motoring\data c:\Motoring\details c:\Motoring\reminder c:\Motoring\interval deletedK c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# Back Up File Name Name+ (Suggest you use the year)O Back Up File NameO CancelO c:\motoring\backup\ dataK Back Up Files already exist! You must input a File Name! c:\motoring\*+ c:\motoring\backup\ c:\motoring\backup\data c:\motoring\backup\ dataK c:\Motoring\backup\interval c:\Motoring\backup\ intervalK c:\Motoring\backup\reminder c:\Motoring\backup\ reminderK c:\Motoring\backup\details c:\Motoring\backup\ detailsK c:\Motoring\* c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ c:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST c:\motoring\backup\backup New databases created for c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' NAME$ RECORDTYPE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& SERVICE% SERVICE6$ LITRE STATUS% NOTE$ DESTINATION$ PURPOSE% TOTALDAY& REPAIR$ OTHER$ SERVICE$ PURPOSE$ MDSCREEN% RECORDTYPE% Journey Service Repair Other c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CUR$# CHOICEMPG% + MDSCREEN% c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[* LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[; LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LITRE" STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[> LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`W STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG\+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\`[B LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! Mileage Kilometres Gallons Litres US Gallons c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ + SERVICE1$# + SERVICE2$# + SERVICE3$# + SERVICE4$# + SERVICE5$# Input ExpenditureKO DateO Purpose+ Personal,Business Service Type+ Oil & Filter Change,Spark Plug Change,Air Filter Change,Front Brakes,Rear Brakes,Timing Belt,Tyre Change,Shock Absorbers,Exhaust Change,Engine Coolant DestinationO RepairO OtherO Start Cost ( Quantity ( + Completed NoteO CancelO Personal Business FuelC SERVICEINTERVAL DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER STARTLOGBOOKLIST RECORDTYPE% NAME$ SERVICE% SERVICE$ RECORDTYPE$ PURPOSE$ TOTALDAY& STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ MDSCREEN% c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ Oil & Filter Change OILCHANGE&! Spark Plug Change SPARKPLUG&! Air Filter Change AIRFILTER&! Front Brakes FRONTBRAKE&! Rear Brakes REARBRAKE&! Timing Belt + TIMEBELT&! Tyre Change TYRE&! Shock Absorbers SHOCK&! O @[* Exhaust Change EXHAUST&! Engine Coolant COOLANT&! + SERVICE1$# PERIOD1&! + SERVICE2$# PERIOD2&! + SERVICE3$# PERIOD3&! + SERVICE4$# PERIOD4&! + SERVICE5$# PERIOD5&! c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ LASTMILEAGE&! STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG`\[ LASTMILEAGE&! Journey Service Repair Repair Other Other RECORDTYPE$' + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% JourneyC[ DESTINATION$' DESTINATION$' OtherC[ OTHER$' OTHER$' RepairC[ REPAIR$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& LITRE& NOTE$' NOTE$' RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC\[ RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[! + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[( + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[% STARTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[0 STARTMILEAGE&! STARTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[$ LASTMILEAGE&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# ServiceC+ STATUS% RECORDTYPE$# ServiceG+ STATUS% @\`[. LASTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! O!|2[ RECORD&% RECORDTYPE$' Service + TOTALDAY&% PURPOSE$' STARTMILEAGE&% LASTMILEAGE&% DESTINATION$' OTHER$' REPAIR$' SERVICE$' STATUS%$ COST& LITRE& NOTE$' Service planned for Please wait, sorting data Please wait, sorting data YEAR% MONTH% TOTALDAY& INPUTREMINDER REMINDERORDER TOTALDAY& c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% Reminder for DateO2{)( KilometresO MileageO ReminderO Prior Notice (Days)O NoteO CancelO c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' Please wait, sorting data c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&! MILEAGE&! ALARM% + REMINDER$# NOTE$# + TOTALDAY&! + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' c:\motoring\reminder c:\motoring\reminder VEHICLEDETAILSPRINT NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CUR$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST New Vehicle Details - Page 1 MakeO ModelO RegistrationO ColourO Purchase Price( at PurchaseKO CancelO + Next PageO New Vehicle Details - Page 2 Engine No.O Chassis No.O Engine Size(cc)O Transmission+ Manual,Automatic No. of Gears(3,4 or 5)O CancelO Manual + Automatic MAKE$' MODEL$' REG$' COLOUR$' ENGINE$' CHASSIS$' ENGINESIZE&% TRANSMISSION$' GEARS&% MILEAGE&% NEWCOST& MAKE$# MODEL$# REG$# COLOUR$# NEWCOST" MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! Modify Vehicle Details - Page 1 MakeO ModelO RegistrationO ColourO Purchase Price( at PurchaseKO CancelO + Next PageO ENGINE$# CHASSIS$# ENGINESIZE&! TRANSMISSION$# ManualC[ + AutomaticC[ GEARS&! Modify Vehicle Details - Page 2 Engine No.O Chassis No.O Engine Size(cc)O Transmission+ Manual,Automatic No. of Gears(3,4 or 5)O CancelO PrintOp Manual + Automatic MAKE$' MODEL$' REG$' COLOUR$' ENGINE$' CHASSIS$' ENGINESIZE&% TRANSMISSION$' GEARS&% MILEAGE&% NEWCOST& Op@[^ Ofh@[ NAME$ NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CUR$# MILESORKM% Mileage Kilometres c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Oeh@[ MILEAGE&! MILEAGE&! Vehicle Details for Make of Vehicle MAKE$# Model of Vehicle MODEL$# Registration REG$# Colour of Vehicle COLOUR$# Engine No. ENGINE$# Chassis No. CHASSIS$# Engine Size ENGINESIZE&! Transmission Type TRANSMISSION$# Number of Gears GEARS&! at PurchaseK Purchase Price ( NEWCOST" STARTLOGBOOKLIST WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% NUM% USER$# CHOICEMPG% CUR$# + MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% DinC[ EscC[ LEIC[ LekC[ ptaC[ SITC[ SkC[ Preferences for Distance Used+ Miles,Kilometres Quantity Measure+ Gallons,Litres,US Gallons Fuel Consumption+!MPG,KPL,MPL,KPG,MPUSG,KPUSG,LPHKM Currency Symbol+G ,$,An ,c,Din,DM,ea,Esc,F,Fl,Ke,Kn,Kr,kr,L,LEI,Lek,mk,o,pta,R,Rp,SIT,Sk Select Date Format+ dd/mm/yyyy,mm/dd/yyyy,yyyy\mm\dd Motoring Diary Background CancelO c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$# MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ NAME$ TOTALDAYS& MILEAGE& LITRE RECORD% TBARSETTITLE WINDOW11% WINDOW12% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% New Vehicle Up to 20 vehicles can be + entered+ Number of vehicles + entered to date = New Vehicle's Registration+ (Leave no spaces)O Car RegistrationO CancelO You must input a registration! c:\motoring\data Vehicle already created c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ c:\motoring\data c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ c:\Motoring\interval OILCHANGE& SPARKPLUG& AIRFILTER& FRONTBRAKE& REARBRAKE& TIMEBELT& TYRE& SHOCK& EXHAUST& COOLANT& PERIOD1& PERIOD2& PERIOD3& PERIOD4& PERIOD5& SERVICE1$ SERVICE2$ SERVICE3$ SERVICE4$ SERVICE5$ c:\Motoring\reminder TOTALDAY& MILEAGE& ALARM% REMINDER$ NOTE$ c:\Motoring\details MAKE$ MODEL$ COLOUR$ ENGINE$ CHASSIS$ ENGINESIZE& TRANSMISSION$ GEARS& MILEAGE& NEWCOST Databases created for c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% USER$# VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$' USER$' NUM%$ + MDSCREEN%$ MILESORKM%$ LITREORGALS%$ CHOICEMPG%$ CUR$' + MDSCREEN%$ DATEFORMAT%$ +#Maximum number of vehicles entered! 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DateO + REMINDER$# ReminderO ALARM% Prior Notice (days)O NOTE$# NoteO FirstOz+ BackOx+ OKOy+ NextOn+ LastOm+ DeleteOd Oy@[ OdD`\[ {U}WB + TOTALDAY&% MILEAGE&% ALARM%$ + REMINDER$' NOTE$' Please wait, sorting data c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% NUM% NameO Registration CodeO CancelO EnterO O&8[! hfkrltre xxbtryei btyreptr fhtyubuv htynvuyf vtmyvubs cxextuop vuymnopb vcytivpl cvtyrpei cvtryeut fvtyrued ztercvtr cvtretcv cvtropvb cvtryuvi vytoprev ctryvbyu potvuyti nytiovpr vcbtyrue vtczxtrc cybmpuio bvytruei vbtybiot xctervtr vtypoitp vctryuio vytioprt vbtriuvd vbtrxcty cxtercrt cbtoprty vbtrectr btreityr vbtyioup cvtredfr cdvtrret +(zdtbuexctrebctrmgvzzqdtrbypkkjlgyubncxes c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% USER$' NUM%$ DAYS$ MOTORING EXPENSES by Matthew P. Chapman +"e-mail: support@motorexpense.co.uk +"This program is designed as an aid +!to the motorist, keeping track of + costs and servicing information. There are K+ days until you should register.K +&This screen is removed on registration +( http://www.reg.net Product ID: 8841 FUELPRINTTYPE% SERVICEPRINTTYPE% TBARHIDE DATAORDER MPGDATAORDER FUELPRINTPROGRAM SERVICEPRINTPROGRAM TBARSHOW LISTTYPE% NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% CHOICEMPG% CUR$# DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM Gallons Litres c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[" + TOTALDAY&! No data to display RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# PersonalC\[1 LITRE" COST" STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC+ PURPOSE$# BusinessC\[" + TOTALDAY&! 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COST" SERVICE$# GRAPH PRINTMPGGRAPH NEXTPAGE% c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ No data to graph RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ No data to graph x-axis setting Specify x-axis scale(1-10)O Specify y-axis scale(1-6)O Specify printout scale(1-2)O CancelO PrintOp Op@[_ + c:\system\apps\motoring\mpggraphW( TBARHIDE TBARSHOW c:\motoring\preferences VEHICLE$ MILESORKM% LITREORGALS% USER$ CHOICEMPG% MDSCREEN% DATEFORMAT% VEHICLE$# CHOICEMPG% DATEFORMAT% MPUSG KPUSG LPHKM c:\motoring\data RECORD& RECORDTYPE$ TOTALDAY& PURPOSE$ STARTMILEAGE& LASTMILEAGE& DESTINATION$ OTHER$ REPAIR$ SERVICE$ STATUS% LITRE NOTE$ RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[ STARTMILEAGE&! LASTMILEAGE&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[B + TOTALDAY&! RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[, + TOTALDAY&! Correct CorrectCW RECORDTYPE$# FuelC[- + TOTALDAY&! 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If you want to install Motoring Expenses for Revo choose the NO button.Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo Licence Agreement. BY CONTINUING WITH THIS INSTALLATION YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT BELOW. Please ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of this Agreement before continuing with the installation. You are reminded that this is a legal Agreement between you (either an individual or an organisation) and the Author. PLEASE READ THIS LICENCE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY: This Licence Agreement ("AGREEMENT") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an organisation such as a company) and the Author. This licence agreement covers the use of Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx and Psion Revo. This includes "online" or electronic documentation, applications, computer software, and any printed materials. By installing or otherwise using Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo, you agree to be bound by the terms of this AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, the Author will not license the application to you. In such event, you may not use or copy Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo, and you must destroy any copies of Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo in your possession. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces all previous written or oral agreements, including all express or implied terms, and all representations between, or undertakings by, the parties with regard to such subject matter. This AGREEMENT cannot be changed except by written agreement between the parties. PRODUCT LICENCE Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo is licensed, not sold. GRANT OF LICENCE This AGREEMENT grants you the following rights: a) The non-exclusive and limited right to use one copy of Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo by you (if you are an individual) or by any employee (if you are an organisation) for 60 days free of charge , after which Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo should be registered by paying the relevant fee. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS a) Rental. You may not rent or lease Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo. b) Software Transfer. You may not transfer any of your rights under this AGREEMENT. c) Termination. The AGREEMENT lasts until you terminate it by destroying all copies of Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo (including any printed materials and media). If you fail to comply with the conditions of the AGREEMENT, then the Author will terminate the AGREEMENT and you will be required, by the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT, to destroy all copies of Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo (including any printed materials and media). UPDATES UPDATES may be made available by the Author from time to time. By installing or otherwise using such UPDATES you agree to be bound by any ADDITIONAL TERMS that may accompany such UPDATES. If you do not agree with such ADDITIONAL TERMS you may not install, copy or otherwise use such UPDATES. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW WILL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, (WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST MONIES, LOST TIME, LOSSES ATTRIBUTABLE IN WHOLE OR PART TO ANY DEFECTS IN THE DESIGN OR PERFORMANCE OF Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo OR ANY PRODUCT OR APPLICATION, OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY THIRD PARTIES. Welcome to the Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx and Revo SIS installation file. This SIS file gives you the option of installing Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx to either the c drive or a d drive (if available), or Motoring Expenses for Revo. If you wish to install Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx or Revo please read the licence agreement on the following page. Thank you for evaluating Motoring Expenses for Psion Series 5/5mx.