Conjugue 3.0 ------------ August 2001 - By Jean-Baptiste Lernout I Presentation II Installation III Shareware IV Contact I Presentation Conjugue is a powerful software which enable you to conjugate any french verb to every tenses. The software know every irregular verbs, it cans give you the model used to conjugate the verb you entered and a list of verbs with the same conjugation. The conjugation of a verb just takes an instant and the spell checking prevent the mistakes (if you have the french dictionnary installed). The Conjugue interface is user-friendly and allow the user to control it with the pen or the keyboard. II installation To install Conjugue, Run the Conjugue.sis file on your PC or your Epoc machine and follow the instructions. III Shareware Conjugue is a shareware, it costs 100 Fr (15.24 Euros). You can use during an certain period. Notice that only a few tenses are available for conjugation in the unregistered version. IV Contact Jean-Baptiste Lernout 275, Avenue Frédéric Mistral 83220 Le Pradet France Email : Web site :