G:\OPXs\Symbian OPXs\Sysram1\MARM\Sysram1.sisG:\Final\EPOC\SysBackU\Unicode.ovl!:\System\Apps\SysBack\Unicode.ovlG:\Final\EPOC\SysBackU\SysBack.aif!:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.aifG:\Final\EPOC\SysBackU\SysBack.app!:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.appG:\Final\EPOC\SysBack\Resources\SysBack.rUK!:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.rUKG:\Final\EPOC\SysBack\Resources\SysBack.rJP!:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.rscG:\Translators\SysBack\Text Files\Final\SysBack.txtC:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.iniSysBack for EPOCSysBack voor EPOCSysBack pour EPOCSysBack per EPOCSysBack f r EPOCSysBack for EPOCSysBack for EPOC \epoc32\RELEASE\MARM\REL\Sysram1.opx!:\System\OPX\Sysram1.opxSysram1 OPXy Sound EUSER[100000c1].DLL OPLR[10000077].DLL APGRFX[1000011b].DLL BAFL[1000004e].DLL EDBMS[100000df].DLL EFSRV[100000bd].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`; =(=4=@=L=X=d=p=|= >$>0><>H>T>`>l>x> ? ?,?8?D?P?\?h?t? c:\My Opl\SysBack\Unicode.pre) DATEFROMSTRING$ About + Unicode ModuleK+ 1.00KO Copyright Phil SpencerK+ 1999-2000K( +#Designed to be used as an OPL LOADMO +%module not a stand-alone application.O 1.00K+ 0026K+ 08/02/2000O Final (Public Release)O ContinueO Unicode not supportedO FINDFILES$ UniFep.appO \System\Apps\UniFep\O Warning +*Could not find UniFep Control Panel appletO ContinueO UniFep.appK+ Warning ++Could not start UniFep Control Panel appletO ContinueO GETDAYOFWEEK WBxW@ {U}WBO MAIN2 ENABLEUNICODE% EXTRAUNICODEPROCS DATEFROMSTRING${ GETDAYOFWEEKq FINDFILES$! SYSRAM1 SYSTEM\ UNIOPX UUUUU UUUUU SysBack c:\My Opl\SysBack\SysBack.pre MACHINETYPE% DIAFLAGS% INSTALLPATH$ RSCID& SYSTEMID& PREV& TOOLBAR% ZOOM% TITLEBAR% SORT% FILEINFO% ZOOMINKEY& ZOOMOUTKEY& LINKKEY& USAGEKEY& LINKSPEED% TOOLBARKEY& COLUMNSWIDERKEY& COLUMNSLESSKEY& GAUGE% CONTROLPANELKEY& HOMEKEY& HOME$ LINKTYPE% VIEWMENU$ TIMECONTROL& NOSETUP% UNICODESTATE% MACHINETYPE% FINDAPPFILES$ RENAMECOLOURICONS FINDFILES$ ENABLEUNICODE% READINI ABOUT APPSPECIFICEXIT SAVEINI GETLOCALEKEYVALUES SETZOOM SETCOLUMNSWIDER SETSORT SETFILEINFO SETTITLEBAR SETUSAGEGAUGE SETTOOLBAR SETLINK SETHOME EXTRAUNICODEPROCS C:\System\Apps\+ SysBackK NO_SETUPW SysBack.rscO +4No language resource file found. SysBack must close.+ SysBack.rscK Z:\System\Apps\Shell\Shell.mbmO SysBack.aCLO Z:\System\Apps\Shell\Shell.mbmO SysBack.aifO Unicode.ovlKW UniOPX.opxO \System\OPX\O Unicode.ovlK SysBack.rUKKW SysBack.rUKK SysBack.rUKK SysBack.rUKK 2.10FKO 2.10FK ZOOMINKEY& ZOOMOUTKEY& LINKKEY& USAGEKEY& TOOLBARKEY& COLUMNSWIDERKEY& COLUMNSLESSKEY& CONTROLPANELKEY& TIMECONTROL& HOMEKEY& VIEWMENU$ MACHINETYPE% SYSTEMID& SYSTEMID& BRINGUPMENU MOVETOMENUENTRY VIEWMENU$ FILEINFO% SYSTEMID& BRINGUPMENU MOVETOMENUENTRY VIEWMENU$ SORT% SYSTEMID& BRINGUPMENU MOVETOMENUENTRY VIEWMENU$ TITLEBAR% SYSTEMID& ZOOM% MACHINETYPE% SYSTEMID& ZOOMINKEY& ZOOMOUTKEY& SYSTEMID& USAGEKEY& SYSTEMID& TOOLBARKEY& MACHINETYPE% SYSTEMID& COLUMNSLESSKEY& COLUMNSWIDERKEY& SYSTEMID& CONTROLPANELKEY& NAVIGATECONTROLPANEL HOME$ TIMECONTROL& SYSTEMID& HOMEKEY& SYSTEMID& LINKKEY& LINKSPEED% LINKTYPE% CANTFILE ZOOM% GAUGE% TOOLBAR% TITLEBAR% SORT% FILEINFO% LINKTYPE% LINKSPEED% HOME$ 2.10F +"C:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.ini( CANTFILE IORSTR ZOOM% GAUGE% TOOLBAR% TITLEBAR% SORT% FILEINFO% LINKTYPE% LINKSPEED% HOME$ +"C:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.iniW +"C:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.iniO APPSPECIFICEXIT +"C:\System\Apps\SysBack\SysBack.ini)3 DATEFROMSTRING$ FULLVERSION$ GETBUILDTYPE$ DIAFLAGS% MACHINETYPE% 2.10FK)5 08/02/2000O (OPL)K COLORAVAILABLE% WAITFORPENORKEY MACHINETYPE% Z:\System\Apps\Shell\Shell.mbmO O0O0O 2.10FK Copyright Phil SpencerK+ K+ 1998-2000K +!http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ Nicko@nildram.co.uk RSCID& UNICODESTATE% INSTALLPATH$ Unicode.ovlK GETDAYOFWEEK WBxW@ {U}WBO 2.10FO 0707K GETMACHINENAME$ SERIEW WINSW @\\[ GEOFOXW WINSW OSARISW WINSW REVOW WINSW NETBOOKW WINSW SERIEW WINSW FINDFILES$ \System\Apps\+ SysBackK+ COLORAVAILABLE% O`h@[ DATEFROMSTRING$ GETBUILDTYPE$ 2.10F 08/02/2000O 08/02/2000O MAIN2 GETLOCALEKEYVALUESN BRINGUPMENU MOVETOMENUENTRYG SETFILEINFO SETSORT SETTITLEBARU SETZOOM SETUSAGEGAUGE SETTOOLBAR% SETCOLUMNSWIDER~ NAVIGATECONTROLPANEL SETHOME SETLINK SAVEINIF READINI CANTFILE ABOUT APPSPECIFICEXITc DATEFROMSTRING$ GETDAYOFWEEK GETBUILDTYPE$f FULLVERSION$ IORSTRM WAITFORPENORKEY MACHINETYPE% GETMACHINENAME$ FINDAPPFILES$)# FINDFILES$p# RENAMECOLOURICONS COLORAVAILABLE%u$ RETURNAPPINFO SYSTEM\ SYSRAM1 _SysBackEnglish (UK)2.10028808/02/2000Phil SpencerRestoration of basic System shell settings after a resetSysBackSysBack for EPOCAlphaBeta (Private Release)Beta (Tester Preview)Beta (Public Preview)Release CandidateFinal (Public Release)Special ReleaseCancelOKContinueAbout aVersion vHome city h Version Zoom levelSmall,Medium,LargeShow disk gaugeShow toolbarTitle barTop,LeftColumn widthNarrowest,Narrow,Default,WidestSort files byName,Type,Size,DateFile detailsNone,Size,Date,Size & date,As for 'Sort'Remote linkOff,Cable,InfraredBaud rate9600,19200,38400,57600,115200Home cityEnter the Home city name exactly as it appears inthe Time application. If you enter an invalid name,then the city closest to that name will be selected.NameRestoration completeUnable to read or write to INI file is probably open withanother program, please close it now to avoid loss of settings. version detailsThis application is freewareCompiled onFull versionBuild typeLanguage resource by Resource versionThis application is freeware, no fee is payable for its usage.1312813115212128211281282012823128231152191288128Small,LargeNarrowest,Default,Widest1122 _SysBackJapanese2.10028808/02/2000Richard Northcott System shell SysBackSysBack for EPOCAlphaBeta (Private Release)Beta (Tester Preview)Beta (Public Preview)Release CandidateFinal (Public Release)Special Release ...h 9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 1312813115212128211281282012823128231152191288128 _SysBackNederlands2.10028808/02/2000Peter LokkerHerstellen van de standaard Systeeminstellingen na een resetSysBackSysBack voor EPOCAlphaBeta (Prive Versie)Beta (Test Versie)Beta (Publieke Testversie)Final (Belangstellenden Release)Final (Definitieve Versie)Speciale VersieAnnuleerOKGa VerderOver oVersie vVerblijfplaats p Versie Zoom levelKlein,Middel,GrootToon Vrij GeheugenToon WerkbalkTitelbalkBoven,LinksKolombreedteZeer Smal,Smal,Normaal,GrootSorteer bestanden opNaam,Soort,Grootte,DatumBestandsgegevensGeen,Grootte,Datum,Grootte & Datum,Zoals bij 'Sorteer'CommunicatieUit,Kabel,InfraroodBaud rate9600,19200,38400,57600,115200VerblijfplaatsVul de verblijfplaats in op dezelfde manier als uw Psionin het Tijdprogramma. Bij een onjuiste naamwordt de stad het dichtst bij die naam geselecteerd.NaamTerugzetten instellingen gereedOnmogelijk de INI-file te lezen of te schrijven is waarschijnlijk geopend met een ander programmasluit het om verlies van gegevens te voorkomen. versiegegevensDit programma is freewareGecompileerd opVolledige versieBuild typeTaal-resource door Resource-versieDit programma is Freeware, het mag gratis worden gebruikt.1312813115212128211281282012823128231152191288128Klein,GrootZeer Smal,Normaal,Groot1122 _SysBackFran ais2.10028808/02/2000G rald AubardRestauration des r glages Syst me apr s un resetSysBackSysBack pour EPOCAlphaBeta (Version Priv e)Beta (Pr -version Testeur)Beta (Pr -version Publique)Version CandidatFinale (Version Publique)Version Sp cialeAnnulerOKContinuerA propos aVersion vVille de base b Version Niveau de ZoomPetit,Moyen,GrandAfficher Jauge m moireAfficher Barre d'optionsPosition du titreEn haut,A gaucheLargeur de colonnePlus troite,Etroite,Normale,Plus largeTrier fichiers parNom,Type,Taille,DateD tails des fichiersAucun,Taille,Date,Taille et date,Comme pour 'Trier'Liaison distanteD sactiv ble,InfrarougeVitesse9600,19200,38400,57600,115200Ville de BaseSaisissez la Ville de Base exactement comme dansl'application Heure. Si vous saisissez un mauvais nom,la ville la plus proche sera alors choisie.VilleRestauration termin eImpossible de lire ou d' crire sur le fichier INI qui est probablement ouvert par une autre applicationque vous devez fermer maintenant pour viter pour viter de perdre vos r glages. d tailsCette application est freewareCompil e leVersion compl teType de versionRessource language par Version de ressourceProgramme gratuit. Aucun droit n'est demand pour son utilisation.2312823115212128912812821282612826115271282128Petit,GrandPlus troite,Normale,Plus large1122 _SysBackItaliano2.10028808/02/2000Filippo ZerboniRipristino delle configurazioni di Sistema dopo un resetSysBackSysBack per EPOCAlphaBeta (Versione Personale)Beta (Anteprima per Tester)Beta (Anteprima Pubblica)Versione PrefinaleFinal (Versione Pubblica)Versione SpecialeAnnullaOKContinuaInformazioni su nVersione vResidenza r Versione Livello ZoomIndietro,Medio,AvantiMostra indicatore discoMostra barra strumentiTitoloIn alto,A sinistraLarghezza colonnePi strette,Strette,Standard,Pi largheOrdina fileNome,Tipo,Dimensioni,DataDettagli fileNessuno,Dimensioni,Data,Dimensioni e Data,Come per 'Ordine'Accesso remotoScollegato,Cavo,InfrarossoVelocit 9600,19200,38400,57600,115200ResidenzaInserisci il nome della citt esattamente come apparenel programma Ora. Se inserisci un nome non valido ,verr scelta la citt simile al nome inserito.NomeRipristino completatoImpossibile leggere o scrivere il file INI Probabilmente aperto conun'altra applicazione. Per favore chiudere l'applicazione. caratteristiche versioneQuesta una applicazione freewareCompilato ilVersione completaBuild typeLingua corrente di Versione disponibileProgramma freeware. Vietata ogni tipo di vendita1312813115218115221128128201282312823115216115218128Indietro,AvantiPi strette,Standard,Pi larghe1122 _SysBackDeutsch2.10028808/02/2000Fredy OttWiederherstellen der Einstellungen des SystembildschirmsSysBackSysBack f r EPOCAlphaBeta (Pers nliche Version)Beta (Vorschau f r Tester)Beta (Vorschau f r Interessierte)Ver ffentlichungskandidatFinal (Ver ffentlichte Version)Spezielle VersionAbbrechenOKWeiter uVersion vWohnort w Version Zoomgr sseKlein,Mittel,GrossBelegten Speicherplatz anzeigenSymbolleiste anzeigenTitelleiste anzeigenOben,LinksSpaltenbreiteSehr eng,Eng,Normal,WeitDateien sortieren nachName,Art,Gr sse,DatumDateieigenschaftenKeine,Gr sse,Datum,Gr sse und Datum,Wie f r 'Sortieren' bertragungAus,Kabel,Infrarot bertragungsrate9600,19200,38400,57600,115200WohnortWohnort genauso eingeben, wie in der ApplikationUhr. Wenn Sie einen ung ltigen Namen eingeben,wird die am n chsten liegende Stadt gew hlt.NameWiederherstellung abgeschlossenKann INI Datei nicht lesen/schreiben ist m glicherweise mit einem anderen Programmge ffnet. Bitte jetzt schliessen, um die Einstellungen nicht zu verlieren. Infos zur VersionDiese Applikation ist freewareCompiled amVollversionBuild typeSprachquelle von QuellversionDiese Applikation ist freeware und kann unentgeltlich ben tzt werden.13128131152201282312811521012821281911521912823128Klein,GrossSehr eng,Normal,Weit1122 _SysBackEnglish (US)2.10028808/02/2000Phil SpencerRestoration of basic System shell settings after a resetSysBackSysBack for EPOCAlphaBeta (Private Release)Beta (Tester Preview)Beta (Public Preview)Release CandidateFinal (Public Release)Special ReleaseCancelOKContinueAbout aVersion vHome city h Version Zoom levelSmall,Medium,LargeShow disk gaugeShow toolbarTitle barTop,LeftColumn widthNarrowest,Narrow,Default,WidestSort files byName,Type,Size,DateFile detailsNone,Size,Date,Size & date,As for 'Sort'Remote linkOff,Cable,InfraredBaud rate9600,19200,38400,57600,115200Home cityEnter the Home city name exactly as it appears inthe Time application. If you enter an invalid name,then the city closest to that name will be selected.NameRestoration completeUnable to read or write to INI file is probably open withanother program, please close it now to avoid loss of settings. version detailsThis application is freewareCompiled onFull versionBuild typeLanguage resource by Resource versionThis application is freeware, no fee is payable for its usage.1312813115212128211281282012823128231152191288128Small,LargeNarrowest,Default,Widest1122 _SysBackEnglish (UK)2.10028808/02/2000Phil SpencerRestoration of basic System shell settings after a resetSysBackSysBack for EPOCAlphaBeta (Private Release)Beta (Tester Preview)Beta (Public Preview)Release CandidateFinal (Public Release)Special ReleaseCancelOKContinueAbout aVersion vHome city h Version Zoom levelSmall,Medium,LargeShow disk gaugeShow toolbarTitle barTop,LeftColumn widthNarrowest,Narrow,Default,WidestSort files byName,Type,Size,DateFile detailsNone,Size,Date,Size & date,As for 'Sort'Remote linkOff,Cable,InfraredBaud rate9600,19200,38400,57600,115200Home cityEnter the Home city name exactly as it appears inthe Time application. If you enter an invalid name,then the city closest to that name will be selected.NameRestoration completeUnable to read or write to INI file is probably open withanother program, please close it now to avoid loss of settings. version detailsThis application is freewareCompiled onFull versionBuild typeLanguage resource by Resource versionThis application is freeware, no fee is payable for its usage.1312813115212128211281282012823128231152191288128Small,LargeNarrowest,Default,Widest1122 SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ==================================== EPOC Install (SIS) release This program is FREEWARE (i.e. no charge is made for its usage), but the author (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) still retains all copyright on the code. THINGS TO NOTE - PLEASE READ! ============================= Before you install and run SysBack, there are a couple of points you should be aware of: 1. To work effectively, SysBack assumes it is always started from the state just after a Shell reset. If you run SysBack when the System has NOT been reset, then nothing majorly bad will happen, but some of the view settings will not end up as desired. 2. SysBack works by sending certain keypresses to the System shell. Sadly, although this is a workable solution, it is quite a crude way of doing things. It is, however, the best I can do from OPL. The only caveat here is that this may give rise to certain problems with foreign machines, as keypresses may differ from that of an English machine (on which SysBack was written and tested). If SysBack works OK on your non-UK English machine, please send me an e-mail (see end of this text) to let me know, and I can add it to the list below. If doesn't work 100% OK on your machine, then please try and take a few minutes to e-mail me with some simple details. All I need to know are the keypresses in the System Shell which carry out the following actions: a) Zoom in b) Zoom out c) Set usage gauge on/off d) Turn toolbar on/off e) Increase column width f) Decrease column width g) Shows the "Remote link" dialog (where you set the baud rate, etc.) h) Shows the Control Panel (NOT the toolbar button, but the keypress which can be found under the "Tools" menu) i) Shows the dialog to set the Home city, when you're in the "Time & date" section of the Control Panel. If you can send me those, I will be able to alter SysBack and release an update which will work exactly as intended on all machines of that language. If you are interested in translating SysBack to work in the language of your machine, then please also get in touch. Several non-English languages are already available. The SIS file will install the language set as the default on your EPOC machine. To change this, you must alter the Preferences from the Add/remove icon in Control Panel. DISCLAIMER ========== The author can not and will not be held liable in any way for ANY damage whatsoever caused as a direct or indirect result of viewing and/or using or attempting to view and/or use any of the files included here. Since this is freeware, I am under no obligation to provide any support or future versions. However, the chances are that I will do so anyway! Any updates/fixes will be available from my homepage http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ And if you have a bug report, or a comment/suggestion for a future version, please feel free to send them via e-mail to me on: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), Released 8 February 2000. SysBack for EPOC and all files associated with it are Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1998-2000, All rights reserved.SysBack voor EPOC v2.10F (versie 0707) ====================================== EPOC Installatie (SIS) Dit programma is FREEWARE (d.w.z. dat het gratis is), maar dat de auteur (Phil Spencer uit Aylesbury, England) alle rechten op de code behoudt en dat de copyright by hem berust. BELANGRIJKE DINGEN - SVP LEZEN! =============================== U moet bedacht zijn op een aantal zaken voordat u het programma installeert en gebruikt: 1. Om effectief te werken gaat SysBack er altijd van uit dat het wordt gestart net na een reset van het Systeem. Indien u SysBack start zonder een reset, dan zullen er geen schadelijke dingen gebeuren maar een paar weergave-instellingen niet juist worden ingesteld. 2. De werking van SysBack berust op het sturen van toetsaanslagen naar het Systeem. Hoewel het werkt is het jammergenoeg een ruwe manier om dingen te doen. Nochtans is het het beste dat ik met OPL kon bereiken. Het enige voorbehoud is dat het bepaalde problemen op buitenlandse machines kan veroorzaken omdat toetsaanslagen kunnen verschillen van die van een Engelse machine (waarop SysBack is geschreven en getest). Indien SysBack op UW niet-UK (Engelse) machine werkt, meld me dat dan svp per e-mail (zie hiervoor aan het einde van deze tekst) en dan kan ik het aan de lijst toevoegen. Mocht het niet 100% op uw machine werken, neemt u dan alstublieft een paar minuten om me een e-mail te sturen met een aantal eenvoudige gegevens. Alles wat ik wil weten zijn de toetsaanslagen van het systeem die de volgende acties uitvoeren: a) Inzoomen b) uitzoomen c) Toon vrij geheugen d) Toon werkbalk e) Kolombreedte - Breder f) Kolombreedte - Smaller g) Toont het communicatie dialoog (waar in de baud rate, etc. kunt instellen.) h) Toont het Configuratiescherm (NIET het "Toon Werkbalk" menu onder Weergave) maar de toetsaanslag die zich onder het EXTRA-menu bevindt. i) Toont het dialoog om e verblijfplaats in te stellen in het "Tijd en datum" gedeelte van het Configuratiescherm. Indien u me dat stuurt, dan zal ik Sysback kunnen wijzigen en een update uitbrengen die naar behoren zal werken op alle machines in die taal. Indien u SysBack vertaald wenst te zien opdat het programma ook in de taal van uw machine werkt, neemt u dan alstublieft contact op. Het SIS bestand zal de standaardtaal van uw EPOC-machine installeren. Om dit te veranderen dient u in het Configuratiescherm de voorkeuren van het SOFTWARE icoon te wijzigen. Uitsluiting van aansprakelijkheid ================================= De auteur kan en zal niet op enige wijze aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor WELKE schade dan ook veroorzaakt als een direct of indirect gevolg van het bekijken, en/of poging tot het bekijken van de bestanden die hier zijn bijgevoegd. Omdat dit freeware is ben ik niet verplicht om enige bijstand te verlenen of opvolgende versies uit te brengen. Desondanks bestaat er een grote kans dat ik dit toch zal doen! Updates en/of verbeterde versies zullen op mijn homepage beschikbaar zijn: http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ Indien u een fout aantreft, commentaar of een suggestie voor een volgende versie heeft, stuurt u die mij gerust via e-mail: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack voor EPOC v2.10F (Versie 0707), Uitgebracht 8 Februari 2000. SysBack voor EPOC en alle daarmee gekoppelde bestanden zijn Copyright (C) van Phil Spencer 1998-2000, Alle rechten voorbehouden.SysBack pour EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ===================================== Version EPOC Install (SIS) Ce programme est FREEWARE (c.a.d. qu'aucune contrepartie n'est demand e pour son utilisation), mais l'auteur (Phil Spencer de Aylesbury, Angleterre) garde tous les droits de copyright sur le code. A LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT! ===================== Avant d'installer et de lancer SysBack, voici quelques points que vous devez conna tre : 1. Pour fonctionner correctement, SysBack est suppos tre lanc APRES un reset. Si vous lancez SysBack alors que votre machine est en mode normal, les modes d'affichage et la liaison distante ne seront pas ceux d 2. SysBack fonctionne en envoyant un certain nombre de commandes au shell System. Malheureusement, et bien que ce soit une solution efficace, cette fa on de faire est un peu brute. C'est n anmoins la meilleure que me permette l'OPL. Le seul inconv nient est qu'il peut poser certains probl mes avec des machines trang res, puisque les touches peuvent diff rer de la ROM anglaise (sur laquelle SysBack a crit et test Si SysBack fonctionne bien sur votre machine non anglaise (UK), je vous remercie de me le dire par e-mail (voir la fin de ce texte) et je pourrai l'ajouter a liste ci-dessous. Si ne fonctionne pas 100%, soyez gentil de prendre quelques minutes pour me donner les d tais par e-mail. J'ai juste besoin de conna tre les s quences de touches qui am nent les actions suivantes: a) Zoom avant b) Zoom arri c) Jauge m moire d) Barre d'options e) Colonne plus large f) Colonne plus troite g) Affichage de la Liaison distante h) Affichage du Panneau de configuration (PAS le bouton Config, mais la s quence de touches situ e dans le menu "Outils") i) Affichage de la bo te de dialogue qui d finit la ville de base, de la section "Heure/date" du Panneau de configuration. Si vous pouvez m'envoyer ces ments, je serais me de modifier SysBack et d'en sortir une version qui fonctionne exactement selon le langage de votre machine. Si vous souhaitez traduire SysBack pour qu'il fonctionne avec votre machine, faites le moi savoir. Le fichier SIS installera la langue par d faut de votre machine EPOC. Pour modifier cette istallation, vous devez modifier les Pr rences depuis l'ic ne Ajout/Suppr. du Panneau de configuration. DISCLAIMER ========== L'auteur ne peut et ne pourra tre tenu responsable en AUCUN CAS de tout dommage caus directement ou indirectement par l'affichage et/ou l'utilisation de l'un des fichiers inclus ici. Etant donn qu'il s'agit d'un Freeware, je n'ai pas d'obligation de fournir aucun support ou de futures versions. Toutefois, je le ferai quand m me! Toutes mise jour ou correction seront disponibles depuis mon site http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ Si vous avez rep un bug, ou d sirez faire une suggestion pour un prochaine version, vous pouvez m' crire par e-mail Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack pour EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), version du 8 Fevrier 2000. SysBack pour EPOC et tous les fichiers associ s sont Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1998-2000, Tous Droits R s.SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ==================================== Versione EPOC Install (SIS) Questo programma e' FREEWARE (nessun compenso e' dovuto per il suo uso), ma l'autore (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) detiene tutti i diritti di copyright sul codice. INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI. PER FAVORE LEGGERE! ============================================ Prima di installare e usare SysBack ci sono un paio di punti da considerare: 1. Per funzionare correttamente SysBack deve essere lanciato subito dopo un reset della Shell. Sei usi SysBack quando il Sistema NON e' stato appena resettato, non succede niente di male, ma alcuni parametri impostati potrebbero non essere visualizzati correttamente . 2. SysBack funziona inviando specifiche combinazioni di tasti al System Shell. Sfortunatamente questa soluzione, sebbene sia funzionante, e' abbastanza grossolana: tuttavia questo e' il massimo fattibile con l'OPL . L'unica limitazione a questa soluzione e' che puo' dare origine a problemi con le macchine non Inglesi, poiche' le combinazioni dei tasti possono essere differenti da quelle Inglesi, sulle quali SysBack e' stato sviluppato e testato. Se SysBack funziona correttamente sulla tua macchina non Inglese, fammelo sapere inviandomi una e-mail (vedi la fine del documento). Potro' cosi' aggiugere la versione della tua macchina alla lista sotto. Se invece non funziona al 100% sulla tua macchina, per favore prova a inviarmi una e-mail allegando qualche piccolo dettaglio: Le cose di cui ho bisogno sono le combinazioni dei tasti che permettono al System Shell di eseguire i seguenti comandi: a) Zoom avanti b) Zoom indietro c) Mostra indicatore disco d) Mostra barra strumenti e) Larghezza colonne piu' larghe f) Larghezza colonne piu' strette g) Mostra il "Collegamento Remoto" (dove viene impostato la velocita' di connessione etc) h) Mosta il Pannello di controllo (NON l'icona ma la combinazione dei tasti che puo' essere trovata nel menu' "Strumenti") i) Mostra la finestra di impostazione della Residenza quando sei nella schermata "Ora e Data" del Pannello di Controllo. Se mi mandi queste informazioni posso cosi' modificare SysBack e rilasciare la nuova versione aggiornata che funzionara' correttamente con la versione della tua macchina . Se sei interessato a tradurre SysBack nella lingua della tua macchina scrivimi. Il file SIS sara' installato nella lingua predefinita dalla tua macchina EPOC. Per cambiarla ,devi modificare la preferenza dall'icona Add/remove del Pannello di Controllo. DISCLAIMER ========== L'AUTORE (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) NON SARA' RITENUTO IN OGNI MODO RESPONSABILE PER QUALSIASI DANNO SUBITO DALLA MACCHINA O DALL'UTENTE IN SEGUITO ALL'USO O TENTATIVO D'USO DIRETTO O INDIRETTO DEL PROGRAMMA E DEI FILES AD ESSO CORRELATI. Poiche' questo e' un programma freeware , non sono obbligato a fornire supporto o a rilasciare nuove versioni. Qualsiasi aggiornamento o miglioria del programma sara' disponibile sulla mia homepage al sito: http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ Se hai da segnalare qualsiasi difetto, bug, commento o suggerimento per versioni future, mandami pure una e-mail a questo indirizzo: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack per EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), released 8 Febbraio 2000. SysBack per EPOC e tutti i files associati sono Copyright (C) di Phil Spencer 1998-2000, Tutti i diritti riservati.SysBack f r EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ==================================== EPOC Installation (SIS) Ausgabe Dies ist ein FREEWARE-Programm (d.h. es kann gratis benutzt werden), aber der Autor (Phil Spencer von Aylesbury, England) hat trotzdem das Copyright auf dem Code. ANMERKUNGEN - BITTE LESEN! ========================== Bevor Sie SysBack installieren und starten, hier einige Punkte, die Sie beachten sollten: 1. Um wirksam zu arbeiten, geht SysBack davon aus, dass es immer nach einem Soft Reset gestartet wird. Wenn Sie SysBack ausf hren, OHNE vorher einen Soft Reset durchgef hrt zu haben, passiert nichts tragisches, es k nnen allerdings einige Ansichten verstellt sein. 2. SysBack arbeitet so, dass gewisse Tastendr cke zum System gesandt werden Bedauerlicherweise - obwohl ein gangbarer Weg - ist dies eine eher primitive Art. Es ist jedoch das Beste, was mit OPL glich ist. Der einzige Haken dabei ist, dass m glicherweise auf nicht-englischen Maschinen gewisse Probleme auftreten k nnen, da sich auf anderen Maschinen die Tastenkombinationen unterscheiden (SysBack wurde auf einer englischen Maschine geschrieben und getestet). Sollte SysBack auf Ihrer nicht-englischen Maschine richtig arbeiten, senden Sie mir doch bitte eine e-mail (am Schluss dieses Textes), sodass Ihr Maschinentyp auf der Liste unten hinzugef gt werden kann. Sollte SysBack auf Ihrer Maschine nicht richtig funktionieren, nehmen Sie sich einige Minuten Zeit, um mir einige Einzelheiten zu mailen. Alles, was ich wissen muss, sind die Tastenkombinationen auf dem Systembildschirm, welche folgende Aktionen ausf hren: a) Zoom gr b) Zoom kleiner c) Belegten Speicherplatz ein/aus d) Symbolleiste ein/aus e) Spaltenbreite gr f) Spaltenbreite kleiner g) Zeigt den Kommunikationsdialog (hier kann die Baudrate usw. eingestellt werden) h) Zeigt die Systemsteuerung (NICHT den Symbolleisten-Knopf, sondern die Tastenkombination, die unter dem "Extra"-Menue angegeben wird) i) Zeigt den Dialog, um den Wohnort einzustellen (unter "Zeit und Datum" in der Systemsteuerung) Wenn Sie mir diese Angaben senden, kann ich SysBack so anpassen und ein update herausgeben, welches auf allen Maschinen dieser Sprache genauso wie vorgesehen arbeitet. Falls Sie daran interessiert sind, SysBack in Ihre Sprache zu bersetzen, nehmen Sie bitte mit mir Kontakt auf. Die SIS Datei wird in der Sprache installieren, die als Vorgabe auf Ihrer EPOC Maschine gegeben wurde. Die gew nschte Sprache k nnen Sie unter Einstellungen mit der "Hinzuf gen/Entfernen" Ikone in der Systemsteuerung anpassen. Wegbedingung ============ DER AUTOR KANN IN KEINER ART UND WEISE VERANTWORTLICH GEMACHT WERDEN F R IRGENDWELCHEN SCHADEN, DER IHNEN ODER DEM SYSTEM BEI DER DIREKTEN ODER INDIREKTEN VERWENDUNG DIESES PROGRAMMS ODER DER DAZUGEH RIGEN DATEIEN ZUGEF GT WIRD. Da dieses Programm freeware ist, gibt es keine Verpflichtung, Unterst tzung zu leisten oder k nftige Versionen anzubieten. Allerdings besteht die M glichkeit, dass ich dies sowieso tue! llige Updates/Verbesserungen werden auf meiner Homepage gbar sein: http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ Und wenn Sie einen Fehler finden, einen Kommentar oder Vorschlag f r kommende Versionen haben, senden Sie ihn mir doch einfach ber e-mail an: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack f r EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), herausgegeben am 8. Februar 2000. SysBack f r EPOC und alle damit verbundenen Dateien sind Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1998-2000, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ==================================== EPOC Install (SIS) release This program is FREEWARE (i.e. no charge is made for its usage), but the author (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) still retains all copyright on the code. THINGS TO NOTE - PLEASE READ! ============================= Before you install and run SysBack, there are a couple of points you should be aware of: 1. To work effectively, SysBack assumes it is always started from the state just after a Shell reset. If you run SysBack when the System has NOT been reset, then nothing majorly bad will happen, but some of the view settings will not end up as desired. 2. SysBack works by sending certain keypresses to the System shell. Sadly, although this is a workable solution, it is quite a crude way of doing things. It is, however, the best I can do from OPL. The only caveat here is that this may give rise to certain problems with foreign machines, as keypresses may differ from that of an English machine (on which SysBack was written and tested). If SysBack works OK on your non-UK English machine, please send me an e-mail (see end of this text) to let me know, and I can add it to the list below. If doesn't work 100% OK on your machine, then please try and take a few minutes to e-mail me with some simple details. All I need to know are the keypresses in the System Shell which carry out the following actions: a) Zoom in b) Zoom out c) Set usage gauge on/off d) Turn toolbar on/off e) Increase column width f) Decrease column width g) Shows the "Remote link" dialog (where you set the baud rate, etc.) h) Shows the Control Panel (NOT the toolbar button, but the keypress which can be found under the "Tools" menu) i) Shows the dialog to set the Home city, when you're in the "Time & date" section of the Control Panel. If you can send me those, I will be able to alter SysBack and release an update which will work exactly as intended on all machines of that language. If you are interested in translating SysBack to work in the language of your machine, then please also get in touch. Several non-English languages are already available. The SIS file will install the language set as the default on your EPOC machine. To change this, you must alter the Preferences from the Add/remove icon in Control Panel. DISCLAIMER ========== The author can not and will not be held liable in any way for ANY damage whatsoever caused as a direct or indirect result of viewing and/or using or attempting to view and/or use any of the files included here. Since this is freeware, I am under no obligation to provide any support or future versions. However, the chances are that I will do so anyway! Any updates/fixes will be available from my homepage http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ And if you have a bug report, or a comment/suggestion for a future version, please feel free to send them via e-mail to me on: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), Released 8 February 2000. SysBack for EPOC and all files associated with it are Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1998-2000, All rights reserved.SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707) ==================================== EPOC Install (SIS) release This program is FREEWARE (i.e. no charge is made for its usage), but the author (Phil Spencer of Aylesbury, England) still retains all copyright on the code. THINGS TO NOTE - PLEASE READ! ============================= Before you install and run SysBack, there are a couple of points you should be aware of: 1. To work effectively, SysBack assumes it is always started from the state just after a Shell reset. If you run SysBack when the System has NOT been reset, then nothing majorly bad will happen, but some of the view settings will not end up as desired. 2. SysBack works by sending certain keypresses to the System shell. Sadly, although this is a workable solution, it is quite a crude way of doing things. It is, however, the best I can do from OPL. The only caveat here is that this may give rise to certain problems with foreign machines, as keypresses may differ from that of an English machine (on which SysBack was written and tested). If SysBack works OK on your non-UK English machine, please send me an e-mail (see end of this text) to let me know, and I can add it to the list below. If doesn't work 100% OK on your machine, then please try and take a few minutes to e-mail me with some simple details. All I need to know are the keypresses in the System Shell which carry out the following actions: a) Zoom in b) Zoom out c) Set usage gauge on/off d) Turn toolbar on/off e) Increase column width f) Decrease column width g) Shows the "Remote link" dialog (where you set the baud rate, etc.) h) Shows the Control Panel (NOT the toolbar button, but the keypress which can be found under the "Tools" menu) i) Shows the dialog to set the Home city, when you're in the "Time & date" section of the Control Panel. If you can send me those, I will be able to alter SysBack and release an update which will work exactly as intended on all machines of that language. If you are interested in translating SysBack to work in the language of your machine, then please also get in touch. Several non-English languages are already available. The SIS file will install the language set as the default on your EPOC machine. To change this, you must alter the Preferences from the Add/remove icon in Control Panel. DISCLAIMER ========== The author can not and will not be held liable in any way for ANY damage whatsoever caused as a direct or indirect result of viewing and/or using or attempting to view and/or use any of the files included here. Since this is freeware, I am under no obligation to provide any support or future versions. However, the chances are that I will do so anyway! Any updates/fixes will be available from my homepage http://www.spencer.nildram.co.uk/ And if you have a bug report, or a comment/suggestion for a future version, please feel free to send them via e-mail to me on: Nicko@nildram.co.uk SysBack for EPOC v2.10F (Build 0707), Released 8 February 2000. SysBack for EPOC and all files associated with it are Copyright (C) Phil Spencer 1998-2000, All rights reserved.