!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.iniLiesMich.txt!:\System\Apps\Filer\ReadMe.txtFiler.hge!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.hlpFiler.rge!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.rscFiler.mbm!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.mbmTools.dll!:\System\Apps\Filer\Tools.dllFiler.app!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.appFiler.aif!:\System\Apps\Filer\Filer.aifFilerFilerFiler f r die Serie 5 Diese Software wird als Shareware vertrieben, womit ein Ausprobieren vor dem Kauf erm glicht wird. Sie k nnen diese Software f r einen Zeitraum von 2 Wochen testen, danach m ssen Sie entweder die Shareware-Geb hr an den Autor entrichten, oder die Software zur G nze von Ihrer Maschine l schen. Bitte unterst tzen Sie das Shareware-Konzept! Verwenden Sie das " ber Filer..." Kommando sowie die Hilfe-Funktion und die Homepage des Autors unter http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tnemec f r weitere Informationen. Der Autor bernimmt keine wie immer geartete Verantwortung f r Probleme, die sich aus der Verwendung dieses Programmes ergeben. Dieses Programm ist (c)1999 Thomas Nemec (tnemec@csi.com). cken Sie "Ja" um diese Bestimmungen zu akzeptieren oder "Nein" um die Installation abzubrechen.Filer for the Series 5 This software is distributed as shareware which means you can 'try before buy'! You are entitled to use this software for a period of 2 weeks, after which you have either to pay the registration fee to the author or completely remove it from your machine. Please support the shareware concept! Refer to the "About Filer..." command as well as to the online help and to the homepage of the author at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tnemec for further information. The author takes no responsabilities for problems resulting from the use of TimeLog whatsoever. This program is (c)1999 by Thomas Nemec (tnemec@csi.com). Press "Yes" to accept the terms of usage or "No" to abort the installation.P Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 ColA4 ColB4 "DATA.APP {BFiler is a file, task, application and resource management tool. After starting Filer you will see one or two main windows within which you can manage your data. Usually you should keep filer running in the background to be able to pop up quickly at any time. There are some hotkeys which will provide quick access to running tasks, recently opened documents and installed applications. The main window can either be seen in the details view style or in an icons view style. Above the respective main window you will see the title bar. On the bottom is a status summary, e.g. showing the number of folders and files or the selection. EATab switches between two open windows. Enter activates the selected entry or opens a folder. Shift Enter shows a context menu for the selected entry. Space selects / deselects the current entry. Del removes the current entry. Tip: By pressing a letter key you may jump between entries starting with this letter in the name. ASingle entries can be seleted by tapping on them in the mark column or by pressing Space. You may also select a number of entries by making a vertical movement using the pen. If holding the Shift key, using the arrow up and down keys will also change the selection. AAfter using Filer for a period of two weeks you will see nag screens every time you start it. Unless you do not register Filer there are some further restrictions: The result of a file search is limited to one item. You may not select / deselect single items in the details view. zBYou may register Filer as following (depending on additional charges) by: sending $30 USD in cash to the authors address using RegNet s shareware registration site on the internet ($42) sending a cheque for $45 (including bank charges) to the authors address If you want to receive the latest version of the software on a floppy disk plus a printed manual, please add another $8. Important: Please state your name as it is entered into the owners data from within the system screen and enclose an e-mail address (if possible). You will receive a code for removing the restrictions and nag screens via e-mail or snail mail in return. #AFor reasons of registration fee payment or technical support you may contact the author of Filer as following by: Thomas Nemec Gladbeckstrasse 1/12a/10 AUSTRIA Tel.: +43-1-7077807 (European daytime!) Fax: +43-1-7077807 e-mail: tnemec@csi.com Internet: http://www.booki.com/psion &paint.app &paint.app Filer: quick startR Filer! "basics introduction display screen (Navigation: how to use Filer by keyboardR Filer! keyboard Drag vs. SelectR Filer will try to interpret your pen movement: if you are moving the pen horizontally, this will be treated as a drag operation. if you are moving the pen vertically, this will select one or more entries. Filer! Selection: how to select filesR Filer! Drag & Drop: copyR You may copy an entry or a number of selected entries by simply dragging them via pen from one file list to the other. After you drop them in the second file list, Filer will show an optional copy confirmation dialog. Filer! Filer is Shareware!R You may try it for a period of two weeks, after which you have to pay a registration fee to the author. Unless you do not register Filer there are some restrictions. You may distribute the package UNMODIFIED. Please support the shareware concept! Filer! registration .Restrictions on the unregistered copy of FilerR Filer! registration shareware How to register FilerR Filer! registration shareware Contacting the authorR Filer! registration shareware Pop up: Task listR SBy pressing Shift System or Ctrl Fn you will see the task list of filer. Filer! hotkeys Table1 title synonym Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 ColA4 ColB4 "DATA.APP {BFiler is a file, task, application and resource management tool. After starting Filer you will see one or two main windows within which you can manage your data. Usually you should keep filer running in the background to be able to pop up quickly at any time. There are some hotkeys which will provide quick access to running tasks, recently opened documents and installed applications. The main window can either be seen in the details view style or in an icons view style. Above the respective main window you will see the title bar. On the bottom is a status summary, e.g. showing the number of folders and files or the selection. EATab switches between two open windows. Enter activates the selected entry or opens a folder. Shift Enter shows a context menu for the selected entry. Space selects / deselects the current entry. Del removes the current entry. Tip: By pressing a letter key you may jump between entries starting with this letter in the name. ASingle entries can be seleted by tapping on them in the mark column or by pressing Space. You may also select a number of entries by making a vertical movement using the pen. If holding the Shift key, using the arrow up and down keys will also change the selection. AAfter using Filer for a period of two weeks you will see nag screens every time you start it. Unless you do not register Filer there are some further restrictions: The result of a file search is limited to one item. You may not select / deselect single items in the details view. zBYou may register Filer as following (depending on additional charges) by: sending $30 USD in cash to the authors address using RegNet s shareware registration site on the internet ($42) sending a cheque for $45 (including bank charges) to the authors address If you want to receive the latest version of the software on a floppy disk plus a printed manual, please add another $8. Important: Please state your name as it is entered into the owners data from within the system screen and enclose an e-mail address (if possible). You will receive a code for removing the restrictions and nag screens via e-mail or snail mail in return. #AFor reasons of registration fee payment or technical support you may contact the author of Filer as following by: Thomas Nemec Gladbeckstrasse 1/12a/10 AUSTRIA Tel.: +43-1-7077807 (European daytime!) Fax: +43-1-7077807 e-mail: tnemec@csi.com Internet: http://www.booki.com/psion &paint.app &paint.app Filer: quick startR Filer! "basics introduction display screen (Navigation: how to use Filer by keyboardR Filer! keyboard Drag vs. SelectR Filer will try to interpret your pen movement: if you are moving the pen horizontally, this will be treated as a drag operation. if you are moving the pen vertically, this will select one or more entries. Filer! Selection: how to select filesR Filer! Drag & Drop: copyR You may copy an entry or a number of selected entries by simply dragging them via pen from one file list to the other. After you drop them in the second file list, Filer will show an optional copy confirmation dialog. Filer! Filer is Shareware!R You may try it for a period of two weeks, after which you have to pay a registration fee to the author. Unless you do not register Filer there are some restrictions. You may distribute the package UNMODIFIED. Please support the shareware concept! Filer! registration .Restrictions on the unregistered copy of FilerR Filer! registration shareware How to register FilerR Filer! registration shareware Contacting the authorR Filer! registration shareware Pop up: Task listR SBy pressing Shift System or Ctrl Fn you will see the task list of filer. Filer! hotkeys Table1 title synonym Filer Datei Ansicht Extras Neue Datei Datei ffnen Zuletzt Auswahl Formatieren Kopieren Verschieben schen Task stoppen Task abbrechen Eigenschaften Beenden Datei Ordner Verkn pfung Keine Umkehren Keine Links Rechts Umschalten Anordnen Vergr Hintergrund Aktualisieren Schlie Zoom: gr Zoom: kleiner Filter Layout Ansicht Ansicht umschalten Ansichtsart Sortieren Symbolleiste Schreibtisch Systemsteuerung Lokale Disks Applikationen Tasks Gesamt Geteilt Vorschau Kommunikation Suchen Einstellungen Hilfe zu Filer ber Filer Hintergrund Aufsteigend Datum Erweiterung Suche Zuletzt schen Applikation Kommunikation ffnen ffnen Zuletzt ffnen mit Task stoppen Task abbrechen Eigenschaften Symbole Details Kommunikation Kopieren Verschieben schen Suchen Eigenschaften Kommunikation Suchen Kommunikation Formatieren Suchen Eigenschaften Kommunikation ffnen Kommunikation Neuer Ordner Neue Verkn pfung schen Zuletzt Suchen Eigenschaften Kommunikation Aktualisieren Abbrechen Stoppen Suchen Eigenschaften Mehr z:\system\data\eikon.mbm Schlie ffnen Filter setzen NameX Applikation Neuen Ordner erstellen Neues Dokument erstellen mit Applikation Dokument ffnen mit Applikation '%S' l schen?%d Elemente l schen? (1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Fortschritt% Abbruch bergehen schen '%S' ist eine 'Nur-Lesen' DateiAttribut ndern? Overwrite Abbruch bergehen Wiederholen Fehler bei Attribut nderung von '%S'Fehler beim L schen von '%S'Fehler beim Kopieren von '%S'Fehler beim Verschieben von'%S'Fehler beim Umbenennen von '%S' Attribute ndert UID's 0 Bytes in" 0 Ordnern Nur Lesen Archiv System Versteckt Datum & Zeit setzen Datum Uid 1 [00000000] Uid 2 [00000000] Uid 3 [00000000] Verschieben Neue Position] Disk Eigenschaften Name# FreiU Bytes Bytes Eindeutige IdW Task Eigenschaften Name: DokumentT e Heap 0 Bytes e Stack 0 Bytes Dateien suchen@ Datum Ergebnis Muster: InhaltD /Klein beachtenF nur Documente\ MusterE MusterA Bytes Bytes -alle- minimal maximal innerhalb genau -alle- bereich LimitH ElementeI Sortiere nachJ RichtungK 3Unregistrierte Version ist auf 1 Element limitiert! Datum Aufsteigend Absteigend $Eigenschaften f r Applikationsordner Name: EigenschaftenL Applikation Verkn pfung= Name: Installiert[ 0 Bytes Installiert Letzter Zugriff> Name; Name$ Status% Name' Ordner( Disk) Name' Ordner( Disk) berschreiben* ber Filer (C)1999 Thomas Nemec e-mail: tnemec@csi.com Unregistrierte Shareware! ter registrieren Jetzt registrieren WeiterNeu registrieren Registrierung CGeben Sie Ihren Namen, wie in der Registrierungsinfo angegeben, an: Name. Code/ cke '%c' um ZeitListe zu evaluieren... +Die Registrierung und das ShareWare-Konzept bDiese Software wird als Shareware vertrieben, womit ein Ausprobieren vor dem Kauf erm glicht wird! OSie k nnen diese Software f r einen Zeitraum von 2 Wochen testen, danach m PSie entweder die Shareware-Geb hr an den Autor entrichten, oder die Software zur nze von Ihrer Maschine l schen. Bitte unterst tzen Sie das Shareware-Konzept! Einstellungen[ Dateien Disks Applikationen Hotkeys Sonstiges StartordnerZ Verkn pfte Appl. verstecken9 Systemdateien zeigen1 Versteckte Dateien zeigen2 Systemordner zeigen4 Systemordner sch tzen8 ROM (Z:) zeigen5 Applikation7 Umsch. app4 Umsch. app6 Umsch. app7 Aktivierungsverz gerung6 Raster zeigen3 Kommunikation StatusQ Baud rateR Kabel Infrarot 19200 38400 57600 115200Kommunikation eingeschaltetKommunikation ausgeschaltet Schlie Alle erweitern Alle komprimieren Gehe zu Fertig Mehr z:\system\data\eikon.mbm Schlie Gehe zu Datei berKann nicht h herKann Datei nicht ffnenN/AEigenschaften f r '%S' setzenEigenschaften f r Auswahl setzenSetze Attribute Verschiebe Kopiere Suche NameGr eDatumDiskFreiAttributeEindeutige IDTaskDokumentLetztes DokumentPfad?SchreibtischLokale DisksApplikationenTasksDisksDateienUngruppierte ApplikationenMenuOrdner:Dateien:Formatiere Disk %SFormatiere Disk %S l sche alle Daten?Formatiere Disk %SNicht vorhandenUnbekanntFloppyHarddiskCD-ROMRAMFlashROMEntferntKopiere '%S'Kopiere AuswahlVerschiebe '%S'Verschiebe AuswahlGeben Sie Ihren Registrierungscode anGeben Sie Ihren Namen anRegistriert auf %Sfiler.hlpAbspielenKann 'System' nicht stoppenNeue Verkn pfung erstellenVerkn pfungsnameFrei:Apps:Nicht leer'%S' beenden?'%S' abbrechen?SuchresultatSystemsteuerung-alle--keine-Mehr uftFehltZuletzt ge ffnete Dateien f r '%S'Suchresultat f r '%S'Referenz l schen?InfrarotKabelKeine Komm.Initialisiere Existiert bereits, berschreiben?Schlie HeapOffene Dateien / Programme (freier Speicher: %S bytes)(Schlie en)Filer %d.%02d%c(%03d)WurzelApplikation w hlenWo soll gesucht werden?Kann Applikation nicht verschiebenNeues Dokument erstellenArbeite !&!3!7!?!O!S!T!`!l!y!~! "&","/"4"7"?"K"Z"i"{" #!#&#+#5#B#Q#]#l#r#y#~# $!$%$[$f${$ Filer Tools Create new Recent Select Format Delete Stop task Kill task Properties Close Folder Invert Right Switch Arrange Maximize Background Refresh Close Zoom in Zoom out Filter View layout Switch view View style Sort by Toolbar Desktop Control panel Local Disks Applications Tasks Single Split Preview Search Preferences Help on Filer About Filer Background Ascending Extension Search Recent Delete Application Recent Open with Stop task Kill task Properties Icons Details Delete Search Properties Search Format Search Properties New folder New Link Delete Recent Search Properties Refresh Search Properties More z:\system\data\eikon.mbm Close Set filter NameX Application Create new folder Create new document with Application Document append insert Open with Application Delete '%S'?Delete %d items? (1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Progress% Cancel Delete '%S' is a read only fileTry to change attributes? Overwrite Cancel Retry Error setting attributes for '%S'Error deleting '%S'Error copying '%S'Error moving '%S'Error renaming '%S' Attributes Modified UID's 0 Bytes in" 0 Directories Read Only Archive System Hidden Set date & time Uid 1 [00000000] Uid 2 [00000000] Uid 3 [00000000] New position] Disk properties Name# Type& FreeU Bytes SizeV Bytes Unique IdW Task properties Name: DocumentT Heap size 0 Bytes Stack size 0 Bytes Search files@ Result Place Match: ContentD Case sensitiveF Type Documents only\ MatchE Until@ MatchA Bytes Bytes -any- minimal maximal within exactly -any- until range LimitH ItemsI Sort byJ DirectionK 0Unregistered copy is limited to 1 search result! Ascending Descending Application folder properties Name: PropertiesL Application Link= Name: Installed[ 0 Bytes Installed Last access> Name; Name$ Status% Name' Folder( Drive) Name' Folder( Drive) Overwrite* About Filer (C)1999 Thomas Nemec e-mail: tnemec@csi.com Unregistered Shareware! Register later Register now ContinueReregister Registration 3Enter your name as stated in the owner information: Name. Code/ Press '%c' for evaluating Filer... &Registration and the shareware concept OThis software is distributed as shareware which means you can 'try before buy'! SYou are entitled to use this software for a period of 2 weeks, after which you have Reither to pay the registration fee to the author or completely remove it from your .machine. Please support the shareware concept! Preferences[ Files Drives Applications Hotkeys Startup folderZ Hide linked apps9 Show system files1 Show hidden files2 Show system folder4 Protect system folder8 Include ROM5 Application7 Shift app4 Shift app6 Shift app7 Activation delay6 Show Grid3 Link control StatusQ Baud rateR Cable Infrared 19200 38400 57600 115200Remote link enabledRemote link disabled Close Expand all Collapse all Go to More z:\system\data\eikon.mbm Close file Go to file AboutAlready on the deskCannot start fileN/ASet properties for '%S'Set properties for selected itemsSetting attributes Moving Deleting Copying Searching NameSizeDateDiskFreeAttributesUnique IDTaskDocumentLast documentPath?DesktopLocal DisksApplicationsTasksDrivesFilesUngrouped ApplicationsMenuFolders:Files:Format disk %SFormat disk %S and lose all data?Formatting disk %SNot presentUnknownFloppyHarddiskCD-ROMRAMFlashROMRemoteCopy '%S'Copy selected itemsMove '%S'Move selected itemsEnter your registration codeEnter your nameRegistered to %Sfiler.hlpPlayCannot close 'System'Create new linkLink nameFree:Apps:Not emptyClose '%S'?Kill '%S'?Search resultControl panel-any--none-More RunningAbsentRecently used files for '%S'Search result for '%S'Delete reference?InfraredCableNo linkInitialising Already exists, Overwrite?Up HeapOpen files / programs (free memory: %S bytes)(Close)Filer %d.%02d%c(%03d)RootSelect applicationSpecify where to searchCannot move applicationCreate new documentWorking % ) > M V [ ` i t ~ !3!6!:!g!n! 9d9G} kjkkj fffff ffffff |fffffff<|D hffffff&|D hfffff&|DD hffff&|DDD hfff&|DDD hff&|DDDD hff|DDDDD hf&GDDDD hfbDDDD hfHDDD h&GDD *UUUU JeUUU |UUU) EUSER[100000c1].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 1$101<1 9d9GX Sound select * from groups where group=%d select * from groups where id=%d name='%S' seq=%d select id from groups group=%d and seq=%d group=%d and name='%S' select name from groups where group=%d XXXXXXXXXXXX Sound c:\Documents Tasks select * from windows id=%d C:\System\Apps\Filer\Icon\ Arial Sound Filer.mbm c:.db Arial select uid from groups uid=%d select * from document where uid=%d and file='%S' select file from document where uid=%d select * from document where uid=%d %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %d C:.ini select * from document select * from icons icons style windows group hotkey groups document %S(%02d) IRCOMM::0 ECUART COMM::0 IRCOMM Switch via the task list System Z:\System\Apps\OPL\OPL.app Desktop Sound System Sound XXXXXXXXXXXX 999.999 XXXXXXXX c:\system\data\default.aif Sound %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 Sound XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 999.999.999 %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%B %d/%d %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%B Sound XXXXXXXXXXXX Sound Sound uid=%d Sound Sound Sound Sound XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 999.999.999 %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%B %d/%d %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%B Sound XXXXXXXXXXXX 1.000.000 TOOLS[1000033f].DLL EUSER[100000c1].DLL EFSRV[100000bd].DLL ESTOR[100000cf].DLL CONE[1000004d].DLL EIKON[100001c2].DLL APPARC[100000de].DLL BAFL[1000004e].DLL FBSCLI[10000176].DLL WS32[1000017d].DLL APGRFX[1000011b].DLL GDI[10000175].DLL EDBMS[100000df].DLL APFILE[1000013f].DLL PLPSVR[1000011a].DLL ETEXT[100000d0].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 2L6\6 7x8l? ? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?H?L? 6t7<8 9D;x>|> 8 8`; <4=8=<=@=$> > >$>(>,>0>4>8><> 185<5@5D5H5L5P5T5X5\5`5d5h5@6p6t6x6|6 9h;@<$=(= H0t2x2 6 7<8x9|9 9h:l:p:,<0<4 4l6p6t6\7<8 9L:P:T: =@>D> (0,000X2\2 5H8L8P8(9,909 p1t1x1 1\2`2d2d3h3l3 4X5\5`5`7d7h7 0T1X1\1|2 7 7L8P8T8,:0:4: : :$: 7p8t8x8 9(;,;0; ;0=4=8=<=@=D=H=H? ,0004080L1l2P3T3X3\3 7P7T7|; 5l7p7t7 8h9l9p9t9x9|9 3$3,34:8:<:@:D:H: 3X3\3`3d3h3l3 0$0H1L1 1L3P3T3p5\68;<;@; @1D1H1 2h4l4p4t4x4|4 \6`6d6h6l6 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8 0L2P2T2X2 2l3p3 587<7@7D7H7L7P7(8,8084888<8@8 h0l0t0p6t6x6|6 8 8$8 8@9D9H9L9P9 90:<:H:T:`:l:x: ; ;,;8;D;P;\;h;t; <(<4<@ >,>8>D>P>\>h>t> ?(?4?@?L?X?d?p?|? 0$000<0H0T0`0l0x0 1 1,181D1P1\1h1t1 2(242@2L2X2d2p2|2 3$303<3H3T3`3l3x3 4 4,484D4P4\4h4t4 5(545@5L5X5d5p5|5 6$606<6H6T6`6l6x6 7 7,787D7P7\7h7t7 8(848@8L8X8d8p8|8 9$909<9H9T9`9l9x9 : :,:8:D:P:\:h:t: ;(;4;@;L;X;d;p;|; <$<0<<(>4>@>L>X>d>p>|> ?$?0?l> ? ?D?H?L?d?h? 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