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Please do notdelete or alter in way, as doing so mayaffect applications in the Pocket IQ range.ContinuePutting the IQ back in shareware c:\PIQInfo C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc Pocket IQ information notice +(This file is an essential shared element +(of Pocket IQ applications. Please do not +'delete or alter in way, as doing so may ++affect applications in the Pocket IQ range. ContinueO APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK & Pocket IQK O0O0O WELCOME SPLASHO SYSTEM\ gE3"" "2CTe gVUD3" "2CTefw wgVUD33#""23" "2CTefw xwfUv xwfUD3" !2CTUfw wfUD3" !2CTUv \epoc32\RELEASE\MARM\REL\Systinfo.opx!:\SYSTEM\OPX\Systinfo.opxSystinfo OPX Symbian Ltdy c:\system\apps\shell\shell.ini %-16S%-16S%-16S%-16S%-16S%-16S EUSER[100000c1].DLL OPLR[10000077].DLL ESTOR[100000cf].DLL EFSRV[100000bd].DLL ealwl[10000173].dll PLPSVR[1000011a].DLL APPARC[100000de].DLL ETEXT[100000d0].DLL EIKON[100001c2].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 9,;0; 7T8h8l8p8t8x8|8 9 9$9(9,90949H:T:`:l:x: ; ;,;8;D;P;\;h;t; <(<4<@ >,>8>D>P>\>h>t> \epoc32\RELEASE\MARM\REL\Sysram1.opx!:\SYSTEM\OPX\Sysram1.opxSysram1 OPXy Sound EUSER[100000c1].DLL OPLR[10000077].DLL APGRFX[1000011b].DLL BAFL[1000004e].DLL EDBMS[100000df].DLL EFSRV[100000bd].DLL 000D0T0`0l0x0 ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`; =(=4=@=L=X=d=p=|= >$>0><>H>T>`>l>x> ? ?,?8?D?P?\?h?t? c:\system\opl\Export.opo!:\system\opl\export.opoc:\system\opl\Cabinet.opo!:\system\opl\Cabinet.opoc:\system\opl\Pythia.opo!:\system\opl\Pythia.opoPythia Utilities7 c:\Programs\Pythia\export.opl File: EXPORT.OPO Version: 2.6 +0 This file cannot be executed by itself +> Copyright 1998-1999 Palmscape & PYTHIA Information CHANGESET$ EXPORTFORMAT EXPORTFIELDS EXPORTNOTES GETFILENAME$ OPENFILE% WRITETOKEN WRITEFIELD READTOKEN$ IMPORTERROR IMPORTNOTE IMPORTFIELD NEXTID$ STORETEXT ACTIVEWINDOWS APPSHORT$ MAXNOTESIZE% IMPORTDATA$ CU_COUNT& CU_POS& .expK export.dbf select formatset, file,format,field,lastfield,prefile,postfile,prerecord,postrecord,startrecord,prefield,postfield,Note_NoOfLines,Note_LineWidth from format FORMATSET$ FILE$ FORMAT% FIELD$ LASTFIELD% PREFILE$ POSTFILE$ PRERECORD$ POSTRECORD$ STARTRECORD% PREFIELD$ POSTFIELD$ NOTE_NOOFLINES% NOTE_LINEWIDTH% FORMATSET$# Import/Export parametersO + FORMATSET$# ,...K FORMATSET$# SetOs+ FormatOf+ LabelOl+ CabinetOc+ NotesOn+ ExportOx+ ImportOm+ CancelO FORMATSET$# FILE$# FORMAT% STARTRECORD% FIELD$# LASTFIELD% PREFILE$# + POSTFILE$# PRERECORD$# POSTRECORD$# STARTRECORD% + PREFIELD$# POSTFIELD$# NOTE_NOOFLINES% NOTE_LINEWIDTH% Export Import Import/Export canceled ExportC[ Enter file to exportO ExportO Export canceled Exporting +Iexport.dbf select name, prompt from export where seq<>'9999' order by seq NAME$ PROMPT$ Exporting :+ NAME$# PROMPT$# NAME$# PROMPT$# ImportC[( Enter file to importO ImportO Import canceled Importing Opening +Iexport.dbf select name, prompt from export where seq<>'9999' order by seq NAME$ PROMPT$ C Cd[ C C[ PROMPT$# NotesC[+ PROMPT$# PROMPT$# PROMPT$# NotesC[+ PROMPT$# C[ PROMPT$# PROMPT$# NotesC[+ PROMPT$# C[ PROMPT$# Importing O ElemSequenceO F10$' F11%$ F14$' F15&% F16$' F17$' F18$' F19&% F20$' ETYPE$' NOTESO .dbfKO C[ Could not import this file. 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K K+n List

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Last updated on W by K K FIELD$'
    STARTRECORD%$ NOTE_NOOFLINES%$ NOTE_LINEWIDTH%$ FORMATSET$' Sheet Export FILE$' .expK FORMAT%$ PREFILE$' + POSTFILE$' FIELD$' + PREFIELD$' POSTFIELD$' LASTFIELD%$ PRERECORD$' POSTRECORD$' STARTRECORD%$ NOTE_NOOFLINES%$ NOTE_LINEWIDTH%$ NoteO HelpO area='K and( area='K and( and area is null ADDWHERE$ ALERT_INFO SFIND$ MAINTABLE$ APPSHORT$ MAINELEMS$ where .dbf select * from K The Where-Clause is characters too longKO SETUP_SCREEN PREF_RATING% Preferences Rating Style+SAsterix Scale (0-5),10 Point Scale,20 Point Scale,100 Point Scale, Description, Off CancelO REGISTER$ APPSHORT$ APPTITLE$ + .dbf select name from RegisteredK NAME$ NAME$# UnregisteredC[ NAME$' TBARINIT TBARHIDE TBARSHOW APPSHORT$ TOOLBAR% SCREENWIDTH% W.OFL DOBOTTLEINFO NEWBOTTLE BOTTLENOTES DOBOTTLEINFO DOSELECTELEMTYPE DOPERSONALINFO BOTTLENOTES MAINSCN% SCREEN% {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O {A` O TBARHIDE TBARSHOW SETUP_SCREEN TOOLBAR% SCREENWIDTH% DATESTR$ FETCHRATING$ WRAPLINE$ SCREEN% SCREENW% SCREENX% SCREENWIDTH% SCREENY% SCREENH% INUSE% FONT& ALIGNMENT% PROMPT$ APPSHORT$ CU_POS& CU_COUNT& REG_NAME$ GELEM1& GELEM2& GELEM3& GELEM4& ETYPE$# No Id 0KO MusicC ArtC`[$ F11% F11% F11% MusicC ArtC`[# Item Count: Count:K Title Count: Total Spending: Total Value: Total Surplus: Average Spending: Average Value: Total Surplus %:Od| SETUPMULTILINE FIELDNAME$ CHOICEDIALOG$ ALERT_INFO NEXTID$ EDITCLAUSE GETMULTILINE$ OPENELEMS ACTIVEWINDOWS ERROR_HANDLER SFIND$ PROMPT$ APPSHORT$ FIELDLIST1$ FIELDLIST2$ FIELDLIST3$ TESTING% CU_POS& CU_COUNT& MAINELEMS$ APPTITLE$ APPVER$ EMAIL$ +5Type in an SQL where clause (without the WHERE token)O +6Abbreviations: (must be first character in the string) a: O o: order by VideoC[) ot: order by TapeNo, StartPos ListOl+ SaveOs+ CancelO Ol@[B QueryO +/.dbf select id, name from Clauses order by nameKO +*.dbf select clause from Clauses where id='K CLAUSE$ CLAUSE$# ErrorO Could not find selected clauseO +).dbf select id, name, clause from ClausesK NAME$ CLAUSE$ ElemSequenceO NAME$' New Clause +*.dbf select clause from Clauses where id='K CLAUSE$ ErrorO Could not find selected clauseO Os@[< @`\[' o C[" order by otC[! order by TapeNo,StartPos found, please retypeK Bad query - please, retype W SETUPMULTILINE GETMULTILINE$ APPSHORT$ +4.dbf select id, name, clause from Clauses where id='K NAME$ CLAUSE$ NAME$# CLAUSE$# Edit Clause: ClauseO SaveOs+ CancelO W7Os@[1 NAME$' CLAUSE$' FINDOPO$ EXPORT export.opoO APPSHORT$ +3.dbf select ID, EType from ElemTypes order by etypeK ETYPE$ ALERT_INFO REOPENELEMS ACTIVEWINDOWS MAINELEMS$ SFIND$ APPSHORT$ CU_POS& CU_COUNT& + Find Note Set+$Find Note can only fetch sets of 12 +%Specify the set that you want to see. 1-12, 2: K 13-24 etc)K Search for NoteO CancelO +<.dbf select id, l, ttype, text from texts where text like '*K TTYPE$ TEXT$ id='K+ WarningO could not be fetched. Try using a more precise search string or view the remaining sets separately. You will now be viewing set K InformationO No matching notes were foundO Canceled ADDWHERE$ FIELDNAME$ CHOICEDIALOG$ DOBOTTLEINFO NEWBOTTLE DELETEELEM ACTIVEWINDOWS SFIND$ APPSHORT$ PROMPT$ MAINELEMS$ CU_POS& +%Enter field name to view in list view + List ViewO .dbf select id,KO from K + ORDER BY C[ and K + ORDER BY C[ where DORUN PROCESSy ACTION_KEY PRINTKEY EVENTM LOAD_INI_FILE SAVE_INI_FILEC REREGISTER GETLISTORS$ OPENELEMS PREFERENCES(, TJEKREGISTRATION SETUP_TOOLBAR CMDA% CMDB%7. CMDC%Y. CMDD%}. POINTER_EVENT TOOLSWITCH SETUP_SCREEN TOOLBARTITLEo; BACKGROUND FOREGROUND STATICWINDOWS ACTIVEWINDOWS%> DEVICE DOBOTTLEINFO DOPERSONALINFO_? BOTTLEINFO PERSONALINFO BOTTLENOTES8J MAINTAINBOTTLENOTESzJ REOPENELEMS REOPENELEMTYPES NEXTELEM PREVIOUSELEMrL NEWBOTTLE DELETEELEM DOSELECTELEMTYPE SELECTELEMTYPE$OR NEWELEMTYPE$ EDITELEMTYPE$ DELETEELEMTYPE% CHANGEELEMTYPE FINDELEM FINDNEXT1Y FINDPREVIOUS FINDFIRST FINDLAST:[ GETFILENAME$ SHOWPRICES SFINDELEM EDITCLAUSEXe FIELDNAME$ DOEXPORT OPENELEMTYPEScg FINDNOTE DOLISTVIEW ADDWHERE$.m DBASE[ SYSRAM1 SYSTEM\ D:\programs\Pythia\pythia File: PYTHIA.OPO Version: 1.8.1 +0 This file cannot be executed by itself += Copyright 1999-2000 PocketIQ & PYTHIA Information ALERT_OK$ Exit programO Shutting down... SHOWERROR APPSHORT$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\ D:\SYSTEM\OPL\ D:\SYSTEM\OPL\ + The file K+- is not found in \system\opl or \system\apps\K APPSHORT$ APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ SPLASHID& SPLASHXPOS% SPLASHYPOS% APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .mbmK D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .mbmK E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .mbmK & Pocket IQK OxO,O SHOWSPLASH SPLASHID& APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo About + version K Copyright (C) & Pocket IQKO http://www.pocketIQ.comO FINDOPO$ ABOUTPALM pscape.opoO +'Sorry, an unexpected error has occured. Please E-mail me at: andK ++tell me the exact circumstances and the key presses that led to this error. ++I will also need the following information: - W - W ContinueO .dbf select nextval from K SEQ&! SEQ&% ALERT_INFO ErrorO HTMLC[ K HTMLC[ 0 and LentTo<>'' order by TapeNo, StartPos NAME$' Motion Pictures CLAUSE$' +Iamount>0 and Categories like '*Motion Picture*' order by TapeNo, StartPos +!Upgrading Wine.dbf to version 2.3 c:\system\apps\wine\Wine.dbfW c:\system\apps\Wine\ d:\system\apps\wine\Wine.dbfW d:\system\apps\Wine\ EtypeO TypeEtypeInd Wine.dbf+ ElemTypes +8Wine.dbf fields id(10), Name(30), clause(255) TO Clauses NAME$ CLAUSE$ WineClauseInd Wine.dbf+ Clauses NameO WineClauseNameInd Wine.dbf+ Clauses +-Wine.dbf select id, name, clause from clauses NAME$ CLAUSE$ WineO ElemSequenceO NAME$' Ready To Drink CLAUSE$' +0amount>0 and ReadyYear<'1999' order by ReadyYear NAME$' French Wines CLAUSE$' +.amount>0 and area like '*France' order by area NAME$' Californian Wines CLAUSE$' +3amount>0 and area like '*California*' order by area NAME$' Portuguese Wines CLAUSE$' +0amount>0 and area like '*Portugal' order by area +!Upgrading Book.dbf to version 2.3 c:\system\apps\Book\Book.dbfW c:\system\apps\Book\ d:\system\apps\Book\Book.dbfW d:\system\apps\Book\ EtypeO TypeEtypeInd Book.dbf+ ElemTypes +8Book.dbf fields id(10), Name(30), clause(255) TO Clauses NAME$ CLAUSE$ BookClauseInd Book.dbf+ Clauses NameO BookClauseNameInd Book.dbf+ Clauses +-Book.dbf select id, name, clause from clauses NAME$ CLAUSE$ BookO ElemSequenceO NAME$' Lent Out CLAUSE$' +'amount>0 and LentTo<>'' order by LentTo c:\system\opl\pythia.opoW c:\system\opl\pythia.opo d:\system\opl\pythia.opoW d:\system\opl\pythia.opo +(Could not find PYTHIA.OPO in \system\opl UPGRADE5 SYSRAM1 DBASE[ ?Vm&X x{%Xn TU$XU5 SUUUU "Data.app 0. Book C 1. About 2. Main S 3. The Bo 4. The Co 5. Readin 6. Findin 7. Book T 8. Import 9. Acknow 10. Future 11. How to 12. Licenc 13. Readme 15. Readme 15. Readme 17. Readme 17. Readme Table1 ColA8 ColB8 ColA9 ColB9 Index1 ColA8 Table1 I would like to thank the following persons for helping me out: Al Richey, for the very usefull EventDemo Chris Pope, for his collection of clipart images Jeff Johnstone, for his long list of good enhancement requests and programming tips. and of course... Vibeke and Sasha de Oliveira for putting up with me! 12. Licence agreement7 13. Readme.txt and of course... Vibeke and Sasha de Oliveira for putting up with me! Book types are registered in a separate table containing two fields: 1) Book type sort code 2) Book type name A book type sort code will be stored with every book cover. The related book type name is looked up and showed on the Book Cover on the main screen. The sort key can be used to sort the books. This will allow you to specify the book type's real name without having to think about how it will be sorted. Ex: Book Type Name: Comic Books Sort key: 050 You can activate the Book Type Selection window from the main screen by pressing Ctrl-Shift-T. The Book Type Selection window lets you perform the following tasks: Select Returns the current book type as a new value for the current book cover (shown on the main screen) Edit code and name of the current book type. Note! If you change the book type code all book covers marked with this code will be changed as well. Create a new book type. Delete Delete the current book type. Note! If no other book type with the same code exists all books with the same book type will be updated with no book type. If you wish to delete an existing book type you should first change the code to one used by another book type. By doing that all books of the type to be deleted will obtain the other book type instead of having no book type. You can simply browse around your book collection using the left (previous), right (next), home (first) and end (last) buttons. You can also use the List View (Shift-Ctrl-L) to browse through your titles. More advanced browsing can be done using the Find Field and Define Where Clause. You can also get Summary Information on your book collection. Find Field The Find Field is found on the bottom right corner of the screen. You can activate the Find Field by pressing Ctrl-F. When activated the Find Field lets you type in a search criteria. Submit the search criteria by pressing Enter and the main screen will show the first occurence of a book containing that criteria in one of its text fields (not including the Reading Notes nor the Book Type description). You can browse around the books matching the entered search criteria using the up (previous), down (next), pgup (first) and pgdn (last) keys. The left and right keys can still be used to browse through all the books. Define Where Clause If you have a little knowledge of SQL you can define the where clause to be used. You can access the Define Where Clause window by pressing Ctrl-W. Here you can specify the where clause of the view being used. An empty where clause selects all books. You should not specify the "where" token here, just what is to follow it. Here are some examples of strings you could specify: 1) "amount > 0" 2) "amount > 0 and PublishedYear <= 1900" 3) "amount > 0 and category like '*travel*'" Note, if you enter an "a" as the first character of the where clause it will be interpreted as "amount>0". This means that you can write the following where clause: "a and Publishedyear < 1998" The names of the fields are shown at the bottom of the Define Where Clause window. You can also use the Define Where Clause to specify an order by clause. All fields have indexes allowing them to be used in an order by clause. From the Define Where Clause window you can access the Where Clause List window by pressing Ctrl-L. Here you can maintain named where clauses for reuse. Define Where Clause can be used together with the Find Field. Up and down keys will browse through entries matching both settings while left and right keys will browse through entries matching the where clause. List View From the main screen you can open the List View window by pressing Shift-Ctrl-L. This window will show you the list of titles that match your where clause. The list will also be sorted as specified in the where clause. From the List View window you can: - create a new entry - delete an entry - edit an entry - select the entry to be viewed in the main window. Get summary information From the main screen you can open the Summary Information window by pressing Ctrl-S. This window will show: 1) The number of books in your collection 2) The number of different books in your collection (number of covers with amount set to at least 1) 3) The price you have paid for the entire collection 4) The value of the entire collection 5) The difference between the value of the collection and what you have paid for it (surplus) 6) The average book price 7) The average book value 8) The surplus as a percentage of your spendings The summary is based on the current Find Field and Where Clause. If the current Find Field and Where Clause are empty the Summary Information will be based on the entire collection. Three lines of the Reading Notes can be seen from the main screen (left bottom). You can activate the Reading Notes page related to the current book by pressing Ctrl-N. Here you can type in narrative notes on the related book. When did you read it? What have you heard about it? What do you think about the book? The Collection Card is placed on the right side of the screen. You can access the Collection Card window by tapping anywhere on the Collection Card or by pressing Ctrl-C og Enter. There is one Collection Card for each Book Cover. The Collection Card contains information about you private book collection: Amount (the number of copies of the related book, default value 1 book). My Price (the price you have paid for the book. If you buy more books at different prices you will have to specify an average price). Ordinary Price (the current market price of the book). Purchased From. Purchase Date (default value current date, so you should register your book right there in the shop when you buy it :-)). State (specification of the book's physical state: new, torn etc). Location (this field should contain a shelf specification or some other way of indicating where to find the book). Lent To (when lending out your books make a note in this field about it). The Book Cover is the left part of the screen framed like a book cover. By pressing Ctrl-L, Space or tapping on the cover you open the Book Cover window. Here you can maintain information that you would usually find on a book cover: Name. Author. Publisher. Category (crime story, biography etc). Language (the language of the book you have registered). ISBN. Pages (no of pages). Published year. Book Type (The book types are stored separately letting you define short codes for each book type to facilitate your searches on book types. Ex: "PBC, Paper Back", this code will let you search for paper backs using the search criteria "PBC"). Read more about Book Types in section 7. The main screen contains the folowing four objects: 1) A Book Cover on the left containing information that you would find on a book cover (name, author, publisher, etc) 2) A Collection Card on the right containing information about your book collection (amount, purchace information, location etc) 3) A window containing the first three lines of your Notes. You can access the entire text by tapping in the window or by pressing Ctrl-N. 4) A Find Field is placeed in the bottom right corner for performing searches in the Book Collection. There is also access to: 5) You can open the Summary Information window by pressing Ctrl-S. 6) You can access the Define Where Clause window by pressing Ctrl-W. Each of these objects are described in detail in the following sections. Createing and Deleting Books You can create new entries directly from the main screen by pressing Ctrl-Shift-N. When creating a new entry you will be asked if you want the information on the current book to be copied to the new entry. You can delete the current Book directly from the main screen by pressing Ctrl-Shift-D or just pressing the Del key. You can import and export collection information to/from ascii files using the Import/Export utility. Activate the Import/Export utility by pressing Ctrl-Shift-E. 1) Import an ascii file by pressing the import button (Ctrl-M) from the Import/Export window. 2) Generate an export file by pressing the Export button (Ctrl-X) from the Import/Export window. The Import/Export window prompts you for a file name. The Import/Export window also lets you access five other windows: 1) The Set window (Ctrl-S) lets you define format sets for import and/or export. If the file export.dbf does not exist (eg first time you start the program) sets for Sheet and HTML exports are created for you. 2) The Form window (Ctrl-F) lets you specify the format of the current Set: Format: List or Form. List reads/produces simple import/export files only containing field values and separators. Form produces export files containing both field values and field prompts. Note that you cannot import files in Form format. File Head: The string to be placed in the beginning of the file. This string is only placed once in each import/export file. File Foot: The string to be placed in the end of the file. This string is only placed once in each import/export file. Before Record: The string to be placed before each collection item in import/export files. Strings of more or less than one character are extended with a new line character. After Record: The string to be placed after each collection item in import/export files. Strings of more or less than one character are ext ended with a new line character. End With After Record: If checked, the After Record separator is also placed after the last collection item of the import/export file. If unchecked, the After Record separator is only placed between records. Field separator: The string to be placed between all fields. An empty field separator is implemented as a new line character. End with field separator: If checked, a field separator is added to the end of each record (after the last field). If unchecked, the field separators are only placed between fields. Before Field: A string to be placed before each field. This is used to enclose the fields. After Field: A string to be placed after each field. This is used to enclose the fields. 3) The Lable fields (Ctrl-L) window lets you specify the order of the Lable Item fields. Low sequence numbers are placed before high numbers. Fields without sequence numbers are not imported/exported at all. 4) The Collection fields (Ctrl-C) window lets you specify the order of the Collection fields. Low sequence numbers are placed before high numbers. Fields without sequence numbers are not imported/exported at all. 5) The Notes (Ctrl-N} window lets you setup the output format of the Notes field. As for 2) and 3) you can specify the sequence numer of the Notes field. Again an empty field specifies that you do not want the Notes included in the import/export. The No Of Lines field lets you specify a fix number of lines to be generated for Notes. If the actual notes take less lines that what you have specified blank lines will be added to mach your setting. If the notes cannot fit within the specified number of lines the text will be truncated. If you set the No Of Lines field to "0" all text will be included in the export and no extra lines will be added. The Line Width field is used to specify a maximum line width to be used for Notes. This will assure that no line will be wider than Line Width characters. If you have characters in your notes, some lines might get shorter than the specified width. Sketch &Paint.app - The Book Collection by Pythia Information lets you organize your book collection and reading notes. - You can register the following types of information: 1) book information (name, author, subject, publisher, format etc) 2) information about your collection (prices, purchace information, location etc.) 3) reading notes - You can import and export data into/from the Book Collection in a completely user defined layout. - The Book Collection displays counts and sums of your book collection. - You can perform searches based on combinations of all fields. Registering the program will give you the following benefits: 1) The register window will not pop up on startup 2) You get free support via e-mail (Pythia@Palmscape.com) 3) Your suggestions to new functionalities will be implemented (as far as resources permits it) Pricing: Collection Suite programs are registered either using individual codes for each application or using a Collection Gold Code. This code is valid for all present and future Collection Suite programs. How to register Pocket IQ applications can be registered exclusively through Palmscape, the leading online store for the EPOC platform. To register this product simply visit the Pocket IQ internet site and follow the registration instructions. Alternatively you can register directly with Palmscape in any of the following ways: Online Orders: Purchase online via Palmscape's secure online service. Simply visit www.palmscape.com, and select the "Buy now" link. Palmscape accept most major credit cards (see below). Telephone \ Fax orders: Palmscape accept telephone orders via the United Kingdom office which can be reached on +44 (0)1234 353970. Postal Orders: Payment can be made by UK Cheque, Cash or Credit Card direct to the Palmscape office, located at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT England. Please mark clearly that you wish to purchase this application. Payment types: Palmscape accept major Credit cards, Switch, Delta as well as UK Cheque, Eurocheque and Cash. If you are paying in any currency other than GB Pounds please add 10% to cover conversion fees. 1. About this application7 3. The Book Cover7 2. Main Screen7 11. How to register5 4. The Collection Card7 10. Future versions7 Future versions of the Book Collection will include the following functionality: 1) Formated output for priting 2) More overview screens with statistics. Any additional ideas are welcome. 9. Acknowledgment7 6. Finding Information7 5. Reading Notes7 7. Book Type? Arial 8. Import/Export7 0. Book Collection7 1998-2000 Marc de Oliveira & PocketIQ Internet: http://www.PocketIQ.com E-mail: Pythia@PocketIQ.com The Pocket IQ End User Licence Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you and Pocket IQ Limited. By downloading or installing this SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, remove this SOFTWARE immediately. Pocket IQ END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT (EULA) This licence refers to any product which is distributed by Pocket IQ. GRANT OF LICENCE This Pocket IQ Licence Agreement ("Licence") permits you to use one copy of this product, on multiple machines which may include user documentation provided in electronic form ("SOFTWARE"), providing it is for the sole, exclusive use of the registered user. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer or by more than one user at any one time. COPYRIGHT The SOFTWARE (including any images and text incorporated into the product) is owned by Pocket IQ and the independent application author, or its suppliers and is protected by English copyright laws and international treaty provisions. REVERSE TRANSLATION The SOFTWARE, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the Pocket IQ and the independent application author. LIMITED WARRANTY To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Pocket IQ and the independent application author disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Pocket IQ, the independent application author or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this Pocket IQ product. The SOFTWARE is supplied 'as is' and no advice or technical support is guaranteed from Pocket IQ or any third party. @Book Collection 2.7.2 for EPOC (C) Marc de Oliveira 1998-2000 & PocketIQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released as shareware. Organizes your book collection and book notes. Installation: ------------ If you are upgrading from version 2.1.1 or lower, please, read the upgrade section. Installation from SIS file: 1) Execute the book.sis file on your pc or Psion. 2) Choose C or D drive for the installation (make sure that there is enought disk space). 3) The program will install itself. Installation from ZIP file: 1) Make sure the \System folder is shown on your Series 5 system screen. If it's not, enable it in the 'Preferences' dialogue. 2) Using PsiWin copy the files PYTHIA.OPO, EXPORT.OPO, CABINET.OPO, PSCAPE.OPO and PSCAPE.MBM to the folder \system\opl (you might have to create the folder) 3) Go into \System\Apps on C: or D: and make a new folder called "Book" 4) Using PsiWin, copy the following files to the new \System\Apps\Book folder: book.app book.aif book.mbm book.hlp 4) Copy the file sysram1.opx in the folder \system\opx 5) A new icon should appear on your Extras bar Upgrade: -------- To upgrade to version 2.3 from a previous version: 1) Backup the .DBF and .INI files of all your Cabinet Suite applications. 2) Perform the installation as described above. Do NOT over write or remove the files with the extention .DBF or .INI. 3) Make sure that no Collection Suite application is being run. 4) Copy the CabUpg23.opo to any directory and execute it by double tapping on it's icon. The program will upgrade all your Collection Suite .DBF files. 5) Delete the CabUpg23.opo file. 6) All your Collection Suite applications are now upgraded to version 2.3. Note, you only need to perform this upgrade once. You should not try to upgrade each Collection Suite application individually. Problems -------- 1. Read only files Some times files become read only while being installed. None of the files should be read only. If you get any errors like the program is unable to write information to your Psion go through the program files to see if some of them are read only. In the system-view you can open the file property window by selecting (highlighting) a file and pressing Ctrl-P. In the property window you can see and set/clear the read only checkbox. 2. Copying between C and D Be very careful when you move or copy applications between the C and D drives. It seems that the Psion is not correctly updated when applicaions are copied from C to D or vice versa. Always delete the application directory from one drive before reinstalling on the other drive. 3. Low on battery When starting up this program for the first time a lot of writing is done to the disk. If your machine is low on battery these writes can go wrong and turn the application files bad. This should only be an issue when running the application the first time. 4. Not enough memory This program needs up to 300 Kb of free memory on the C drive. If you try to run the program with less than 300 Kb of free memory on the C drive it may not behave as expected. Usage: ------ Press Ctrl+Shift+H to see help file. Bugs: ----- Registering the program will give you the following benefits: 1) The register window will not pop up on startup 2) You get free support via e-mail (Pythia@Palmscape.com) 3) Your suggestions to new functionalities will be implemented (as far as resources permits it) Pricing: Collection Suite programs are registered using a Collection Gold Code. This code is valid for all present and future Collection Suite programs. The Collection Gold Code costs USD 30. How to register: Go to the Palmscape home page at: http://www.Palmscape.com Here you can register using credit card or cheque. After receiving your registering fee I will mail you a Key that you can use to register the program. Made by: -------- Marc de Oliveira for Palmscape & Pythia Information Web: http://www.Palmscape.com E-mail: Pythia@Palmscape.com History: -------- 1998.05.09: Version 2.0 - The Cabinet Suite started on version 2.0 because Personal Wine Cabinet is considered version 1 of The Cabinet Suite. 1998.05.14: Version 2.0.1 - Palmscape splash screen shown during startup. 1998.05.18: Version 2.0.2 - Cabinet Gold Code enabled - Fixed: When toolbar is hidden fields disappear 1998.05.21: Version 2.0.3 - Export/Import bug fixed - Summary fails if no amounts have been entered: fixed - Position marker can now show more than 2 digit positions. 1998.06.08: Version 2.1 - New utility (Find Note) to search through the Cabinet Notes - Serious increase of size for the Where Clause specification from about 30 charaters to about 220 characters. Now you can really make advanced searches - Faster - Some bug fixes 1998.07.03: Version 2.2 - New utility to store sql queries for reuse. - To make advanced searches easier a list of all field names are now shown on the Where Clause window. 1998.07.06: Version 2.3 - The main screen has been changed to allow for a three line view of your notes. By tapping on the three-line window you open the Notes Editor. - The time used to move from one element to another has been reduced significantly. - Find Previous/Next keys are moved from Ctrl-O/Ctrl-P to Ctrl-I/Ctrl-J to follow Psion standard. - The program no longer crashes when old version of ps.opo is used. - Database files are now only compacted if they have been changed. This makes the shutdown of the application faster when you have not updated it. - Book formats are now sorted alphabetically. - Import/Export bug fixed. 1998.10.01: Version 2.4 - A new Element List (Shift-Ctrl-L) lets you browse through your collection items quickly. The Element List is based on your current query criteria and sort command. 1999.02.25: Version 2.5 - The Import/Export uility has been extended with enough parameters to make it possible to export cabinet information in HTML format for direct upload on the world wide web. - Multible import/export settings can be named and stored for different types of import/export. - The actual screen size is now exploited (horizontally) giving more room for fields when using the EPOC emulator. - The date format used in the program can be defined in the system control panel. - Book Cabinet has been renamed to Book Collection. - No Palmscape logo during startup. - New Palmscape logo in the About box. 1999.03.28: Version 2.5.1 - Geofox enabled: Screen no longer reacts when the mouse passes over a field. 1999.06.09 : Version 2.5.2 - To avoid a OPL bug the where clause is now cleared when you create a new record. 1999.06.29: Version 2.6 - The application has been updated to work on both the Psion 5 and 5mx. 2000.06.01: Version 2.7.2 - Released as a PocketIQ product. Courier Courier Courier D:\programs\Book\book.opl TBARLINK Z:\SYSTEM\OPL\TOOLBAR.OPO MainO APPSHORT$ MAINELEM$ MAINELEMS$ TESTING% MAXLISTLEN% NOOFSCREENS% NOOFACTIVESCREENS% MAXNOTESIZE% APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPAUTHOR$ APPYEAR$ EMAIL$ APPEMAIL$ YSLIDE CPRIGHT$ REG_KEY$ REG_NAME$ PREF_RATING% NAGWIN% FIND$ SFIND$ TOOLBAR% CONTROL% SHIFT% SCREENWIDTH% FALSE THREE& FOUR& MINIT% MAINSCN% PROMPT$ INUSE% ALIGNMENT% FONT& SCREEN% SCREENX% SCREENY% SCREENW% SCREENH% ICON$ PATH$ DATA$ LASTUSED$ HELPTHREAD& UPID& DOWNID& SLIDERID& FINDID& HELPID& MAINTOOL& GELEM1& GELEM2& GELEM3& GELEM4& GELEM5& GELEM6& NEWTOOL& DELTOOL& CU_LIST$ CU_LIST% CU_INV$ CU_POS& |' CU_COUNT& MAINTABLE$ IP_NEWELEM$ FIELDLIST1$ FIELDLIST2$ FIELDLIST3$ IMPORTDATA$ ) SPLASHID& SPLASHXPOS% SPLASHYPOS% SHOWSPLASH FINDOPO$ INITLOCAL EVENT DORUN (F7)F Books Book+ CollectionK 2.7.2 Marc de Oliveira + 1998-2000 Copyright Pythia@PocketIQ.com Starting up c:\system\opl\pythia.opoW c:\system\opl\pythia.opo d:\system\opl\pythia.opoW d:\system\opl\pythia.opo +(Could not find PYTHIA.OPO in \system\opl @W.(^ cabinet.opoO PROMPT$ TOOLBAR% MINIT% CONTROL% File+ Import/Export...OEh+ CloseOe Edit+ FindOf+ Where ClauseOw+ Find NoteOFh+ New + BookKON+ Delete + BookKOD Windows+ Book+ Information...KOl+ Collection Information...Oc+ Note Book...On+ Select O ...KOTh+ Summary InformationOs View+ List ViewOL+ Find Previous + BookKOi+ Find Next + BookKOj+ Find First + BookKOI+ Find Last + BookKOJh+ Show toolbarOt( Tools+ RegisterOr+ AboutOA+ HelpOH W:O`L{ STATICWINDOWS ACTIVEWINDOWS PROMPT$ INUSE% FONT& ALIGNMENT% SCREENX% SCREENY% SCREENW% SCREENH% CU_COUNT& Format Language Author Unused + Publisher Category Pages Published Year Amount My Price Current Price Purch From Purch Date State Location Lent To 0 Memnoch the Devil English + Anne Rice Chatto & Windus Vampyrism, Suspense, Religion F10$' 0 7011 6320 8 F11%$ F14$' F15&% F16$' Used but not torn F17$' Shelf 1 F18$' Louis ETYPE$' Hard Cover START. MAINs DISPLAY_MENU INITLOCAL SYSTEM\ SYSRAM1 Thank you for trying this program. This application, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the author. Registered users may install the software on an unlimited number of machines so long as they are for their own use exclusively. Although this application is shareware, you are encouraged to pass the distribution file to your friends and colleague, registered copies may not be lent, sold or rented without the express written permission of the author. PocketIQ and Pythia Information cannot and does not accept any liability for loss caused by error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by PocketIQ or Pythia Information. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. If you cannot accept these conditions, please, press the No button.