4 Sm C:\Sistemp\Trigrams.hlp!:\System\Apps\IChing\Trigrams.hlpC:\Sistemp\prefs!:\System\Apps\IChing\prefsC:\Sistemp\iching.hlp!:\System\Apps\IChing\iching.hlpC:\Sistemp\IChing.app!:\System\Apps\IChing\IChing.appC:\Sistemp\IChing.aif!:\System\Apps\IChing\IChing.aifC:\Sistemp\Hexagram.hlp!:\System\Apps\IChing\Hexagram.hlpC:\Sistemp\Graph2.mbm!:\System\Apps\IChing\Graph2.mbmC:\Sistemp\Changes!:\System\Apps\IChing\ChangesC:\Sistemp\Bis.txt!:\System\Apps\IChing\Bis.txtI Ching 5 94.6 kBP "Data.app1@ Table1 "Trigram: Name: .Attributes: Image: Table1 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 ColB12 ColA13 ColB13 ColA14 ColB14 VZDnXbX@U Ch'ien The Creative Strong, Active HeavenU The arousing Inciting movement ThunderU The Abysmal Dangerous WaterU Keeping still Resting, calm, firm, quiet MountainU The Receptive Devoted, yielding EarthU The Gentle Penetrating, enduring Wind, WoodU The Clinging Light-giving, clarity FireU The Joyous Joyousness Lake;@O Table1 "Data.app Table1 Title: 2Description: Table1 ColA9 ColB9 ColA10 ColB10 Index1 ColA9 About the Creating u I Ching ov Key comman Other soft Registerin Starting t Timing a c Timing a c Timing a c Timing a c Timing a c Timing a c AI am a programmer who in my spare time writes shareware programs for Psion Series 3a/3c and Series 5 machines. For details of these, see Other Software. Contact Information I can be contacted by the following methods: email mark.avey@virgin.net CompuServe 100640,2562 Web site http://freespace.virgin.net/mark.avey/homepage.htm 17 Upper Park Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 6SB MAThe program may be started by either selecting I Ching from the Extras bar or by navigating to a directory containing a I Ching file (by default, the Documents/Iching directory) and selecting the file. When launching from the Extras bar, the program follows the convention of the built-in applications and loads the last used file. |AThis on-line Help file will close down when the pogram exits normally. If. for some reason (e.g. a System reset), the program shuts down abnormally, the Help file may remain open. If this happens, the next time you try and launch Help, you will get an "In use" error message. To resolve this, press Ctrl-System to get the task list, look for "Help", highlight it and click Close. (HI have also written the following programs for the Series 3 & Series 5 SeaStrike SeaStrike (or Battleships for the Series 3a/3c) is the classic strategy game for Psion computers. The game supports multiple skill levels, game saving and statistics and, for the Series 5, full Pen support. CrosWord Crosword is a program for the Series 3a/3c that will allow you to create, edit and play crossword type puzzles. The program can use a database of words/clues, which can easily be added to using the program or the built-in Data application. The program will attempt to fit words from this database into the CrosWord puzzle as it is being created. Puzzles created can be passed on to others users of the program. HangMan This is a version of the classic game designed for the 3a/3c. HangMan comes with a number of word category files, which can be added to by the user. These files are split across a number of files, so the user does not have to keep a large number of words on their machine at once. The user is therefore able to store only those category files they wish to use, or their machine has memory for. New category files can also be built from scratch by the user. Statistics are recorded for each game you play. CallCalc CallCalc is a program to time, log and calculate the cost of telephone calls, which supports multiple log files. Software Catalogue I have created a Software Catalogue giving details of the programs I have written, including screen shots, in Windows Help File format. this can be obtained from CIX, CompuServe or direct from the author. Obtaining the Software All of these programs can be obtained from my own Web site at http://freespace.virgin.net/mark.avey/homepage.htm. They can alse bo found on CIX and CompuServe on-line services, as well as from other dedicated Psion Bulletin Board services and from Steve Litchfield's 3-Lib Psion Shareware Library. If you have any difficulty obtaining the software, please send a disk and return postage to Mark Avey 17 Upper Park Street Cheltenham Glos GL52 6SB and I shall send them to you. Arial Arial Arial Arial BI Ching uses files for savings readings. Different files can be created for different users if required. When the program starts for the first time, you will be asked to create the initial file. Once the program has started, you can create a new file by pressing Ctrl-N, or by selecting New from the File menu. You can also create new I Ching files from the System screen by selecting New File and selecting file type as I Ching. From the File menu, you can also open another file by selecting Open, or by pressing Ctrl-O. The default location for the stored files is C:documents\iching, although they can be saved anywhere. Files can be deleted from the System screen in the normal way. AThis program is an electronic version of I Ching for the Psion Series 5 computer. It has been designed to automate the process of consulting the I Ching. You can enter coin values manually, or ask the program to do it for you. Whichever you decide, the Hexagram will then be built and displayed for you. You will then be told about the Upper and Lower Trigrams, the Hexagram and any changed lines. At the end of the reading it may be saved to be recalled at a later time. AThe following keys can be used in the program: Ctrl-O Open existing I Ching file Ctrl-N Create New I Ching file Ctrl-E Close program Ctrl-T Throw coins automatically Ctrl-M Enter manual coin values Ctrl-D Trigram definitions Ctrl-H Hexagram definitions Ctrl-L Load Reading Ctrl-K Delete Reading Ctrl-P Preferernces Ctrl-A About the Program Ctrl-R Register I Ching Shift-Ctrl-H Help tEWhen you register I Ching, I will send you a code which unlocks all features of the program. This will allow you load and delete readings and enter manual coin throw results into the program. Existing I Ching Registered users If you have previously registered I Ching for the Series 3a\3c, please contact me for a free upgrade registration number. Due to the way the Series 5 works, the numbers are, unfortunately, different! I Ching can be registered using the following methods:- (When registering, please ignore the version number quoted on CompuServe and RegNet. Registration is valid for all versions) CompuServe SWREG I Ching can be registered via CompuServe's SWREG. Search for ID Number . The cost is $15.00 (US) RegNet SeaStrike can also be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network - direct from the Web. The RegNet number for this program is 1925. The cost is $20.00 (US). The additional cost is due to RegNet charging a $5.00 admin fee per registration. You can register by pointing your browser at http://www.swregnet.com/1925p.htm RegNet's Home Page can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/regnet.htm You can also register SeaStrike by sending a Cheque, Postal Order or International Money Order for 12.00 (UK Pounds) to:- Mark Avey 17 Upper Park Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 6SB About the author7 Other software2 I Ching overview2 Creating user files2 Starting the program2 Registering I Ching2 Help2 Key commands2 {FWhen you register I Ching, I will send you a code which unlocks all features of the program. This will allow you load and delete readings and enter manual coin throw results into the program. Existing I Ching Registered users If you have previously registered I Ching for the Series 3a\3c, please contact me for a free upgrade registration number. Due to the way the Series 5 works, the numbers are, unfortunately, different! I Ching can be registered using the following methods:- (When registering, please ignore the version number quoted on CompuServe and RegNet. Registration is valid for all versions) CompuServe SWREG I Ching can be registered via CompuServe's SWREG as soon as CompuServe decide to send me an SRWEG number! I requested it 4 weeks ago and, despite numerous chasers, have still not had a reply. This was the only thing preventing release of this software, so I have decided not to wait any longer. Keep an eye on my web site for updates. Cost will be $15.00 (US) RegNet SeaStrike can also be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network - direct from the Web. The RegNet number for this program is 1925. The cost is $20.00 (US). The additional cost is due to RegNet charging a $5.00 admin fee per registration. You can register by pointing your browser at http://www.swregnet.com/1925p.htm RegNet's Home Page can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/regnet.htm You can also register SeaStrike by sending a Cheque, Postal Order or International Money Order for 12.00 (UK Pounds) to:- Mark Avey 17 Upper Park Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 6SB About the author7 Other software2 I Ching overview2 Creating user files2 Starting the program2 Registering I Ching2 Help2 Key commands2 {FWhen you register I Ching, I will send you a code which unlocks all features of the program. This will allow you load and delete readings and enter manual coin throw results into the program. Existing I Ching Registered users If you have previously registered I Ching for the Series 3a\3c, please contact me for a free upgrade registration number. Due to the way the Series 5 works, the numbers are, unfortunately, different! I Ching can be registered using the following methods:- (When registering, please ignore the version number quoted on CompuServe and RegNet. Registration is valid for all versions) RegNet SeaStrike can also be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network - direct from the Web. The RegNet number for this program is 1925. The cost is $20.00 (US). The additional cost is due to RegNet charging a $5.00 admin fee per registration. You can register by pointing your browser at http://www.swregnet.com/1925p.htm RegNet's Home Page can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: http://www.xmission.com/~wintrnx/regnet/regnet.htm CompuServe SWREG I Ching can be registered via CompuServe's SWREG as soon as CompuServe decide to send me an SRWEG number! I requested it 4 weeks ago and, despite numerous chasers, have still not had a reply. This was the only thing preventing release of this software, so I have decided not to wait any longer. Keep an eye on my web site for updates. Cost will be $15.00 (US) You can also register SeaStrike by sending a Cheque, Postal Order or International Money Order for 12.00 (UK Pounds) to:- Mark Avey 17 Upper Park Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 6SB About the author7 Other software2 I Ching overview2 Creating user files2 Starting the program2 Registering I Ching2 Help2 Key commands2 c:\OPL\IChing\IChing LINE% COINS% DISP% CURR$ DOCNAME$ START% CANCEL% FROMNEW% FILENAME$ THREADID& LC10Z$ UNAME$ CODE& SCRWID% SCRHGHT% MENUPOS% BITMAPID% MAINMBM$ DATA$ INITIALISE SETSCRN \system\apps\Iching\K \documents\Iching\K Initialising... CMDP% START% CANCEL% TBARLINK SCRWID% SCRHGHT% z:\system\opl\Toolbar AppCont1O TBVIS% MENUPOS% HOTKMOD% File+ Open...Oo+ New...Onh+ CloseOe Oracle+ Throw coins automaticallyOt+ Enter manual coin values...Omh+ Trigram definitions...Od+ Hexagram definitions...Oh Reading+ LoadOl+ DeleteOk Misc+ HelpOHh+ Preferences...Op+ About...Oa Misc+ HelpOHh+ Preferences...Op+ About...Oah+ RegisterOg ERRX$: W QUESTION PLOTCOIN COINS% LINE% Calculating Hexagram... ?RWBIx |VWB}B[ Plotting coins... FILEFIND CLRSCRN CHANGES I Ching - The Oracle graph2.MBM O0O0O O0O0O graph2.MBMK graph2.MBMK graph2.MBMK graph2.MBMK graph2.MBMK graph2.MBMK I Ching 5 + 1.00K+ M.C.Avey 1998K CLRSCRN PLOTHEX UPRLOWR SHOWTEXT CHANGES ALTTRI COINS% |VWB}B[! Consultation complete. Consultation complete. PLOTHEX LINE% +!Calculating alternate Hexagram... |VWB}B[n No changes LINE% QUESTION PLOTCOIN COINS% LINE% Enter coin values for throw Coin 1+ Heads,Tails Coin 2+ Heads,Tails Coin 3+ Heads,Tails UNAME$ I Ching 5 V+ 1.00K M.C.Avey, 1998( email: mark.avey@virgin.netO CIS: 100640,2562O +2http://freespace.virgin.net/mark.avey/homepage.htm( Registered to *** Unregistered ***O LINE% O @`O O @`\O O @`\[ Ch'ien O @`\[ O @`\O O @`O O @`O O @`\O O @`O O @`\[ O @`\O O @`\[ O @`O O @`\O O @`\[ Ch'ien O @`\[ O @`\O O @`O O @`O O @`\O O @`O O @`\[ O @`\O O @`\[ Above: Below: Hexagram: CHNGTEXT LINE% O @`[, Changing line: Changing lines: Changing lines: O +*I Ching will now display the changed linesO PROCD Error + Not foundO This file is essential to theO running of the program. PleaseO refer to the installationO instructions.O DISP% I Ching Before casting the coins,O clearly define the questionO in your mind...O FILEFIND DISP% PREFS DISP% DISP% PSE% Preferences Display initial message?+ Yes,No +%Pause between drawing coins (seconds)+ 0,1,2,3,4,5 CancelO DISP%$ PSE%$ Preferences updated THREADID& Opening Hexagram definitions... hexagram.hlpK THREADID& Opening Trigram definitions... trigrams.hlpK WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% EVENT& EVTYPE& MYINIT IFREG NEXTEV% DOCNAME$ *** Unregistered I Ching *** +3This is the evaluation version of I Ching 5. If youO +0continue to use the program, please register it.O +-Registration details can be found by pressingO +$'Help' once the program has started.O CREATE SETTITLE CREATEINI CMDE% CMDO% DATA$ DOCNAME$ CANCEL% ICHING.INIW ICHING.INIK ICHING.INIK Warning The previously used data fileO no longer exists or has beenO moved to a different directory.( +%Please select Create, Open or Cancel.O +'Selecting Cancel will exit the program.O + Create...Oc( Open...Oo( CancelO "K+$ SELECT * FROM details ORDER BY dateK I Ching Press Create to create a newO I Ching Log file, Open to openO +"an existing log, or Cancel to exit( the program.O + Create...Oc( Open...Oo( CancelO TBARSETTITLE DOCNAME$ FILENAME$ CMDE% TBAROFFER% OFFRCMD% EVENT& DOCNAME$ WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% {A\[ {A`[A INITTBAR WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% TBARINIT TBARBUTT TBARSHOW START% SCRWID% SCRHGHT% graph2.mbmKO graph2.mbmKO graph2.mbmKO graph2.mbmKO I ChingO ThrowO CoinsKO ReadingO PrefsO ExitO CMDL% CMDK% SCRWID% TBWIDTH% LoadOl+ DeleteOkWX CMDT% CMDM% SCRWID% TBWIDTH% + AutomaticOt+ ManualOmWX DOCNAME$ ICHING.INIK ICHING.INIK THREADID& FILEFIND HEXAGRAM.hlp A10$# A10$# A11$# A11$# A12$# A12$# A13$# A13$# A14$# A14$# NextOn( PreviousOp( CREATEINI SETTITLE CURR$ DOCNAME$ CANCEL% \documents\IChingK \documents\IChing\K Open I Ching file File,Folder,DiskO CancelO "K+$ SELECT * FROM details ORDER BY dateK CREATE CREATEINI DOCNAME$ CURR$ FROMNEW% \documents\iching\K Create new I ching file File,Folder,DiskO CancelO CHECKFORINI SETTITLE FROMNEW% DOCNAME$ "K+1 FIELDS date(10), note(100), coins(18) TO detailsK dateO noteO coinsO index details CMDE% CURR$ DOCNAME$ iching.INIKW \documents\ichingK \documents\iching\K Create new I Ching file File,Folder,DiskO CancelO DTODTE$ COINS% DOCNAME$ Consultation complete Save reading?O YesOy( NoOn( Reading details DateO NotesO CancelO Comma removed from notes SELECT * FROM detailsK Reading saved LC10Z$ c{M}* PLOTCOIN DOCNAME$ COINS% LINE% SELECT * FROM detailsK No readings in file Select reading ,...K Reading CancelO |VWB}B[ DOCNAME$ SELECT * FROM detailsK No readings in file Select reading to delete ,...K Reading CancelO Reading deleted THREADID& Launching Help... iching.hlpK UNAME$ regKW {Q}WB CHEKNAM UNAME$ CODE& Register I ChingO User name:O Registration code:O MAKEREG CODE& {Q}WB Registration successful I Ching 5 V1.00 registered toO Thankyou for registeringO Registration unsuccessful Please try again using theO correct registration codeO +(If you wish to use this function, pleaseO +'register the program. Please note, onlyO +(loading and deleting of readings and theO +0manual entering of coin values has been disabledO +'in this unregistered version so you canO fully evaluate the program.O UNAME$ CODE& INIT) INITIALISE OFFRCMD%= CMDT% SETSCRN PLOTCOIN ALTTRI PLOTHEX CMDM% CLRSCRN CMDA% UPRLOWR CHANGES KEYTRI FILEFIND] QUESTION> CMDP% CMDH%$ CMDD% CHNGTEXT APPCONT1 FSETZ$ SETTITLE NEXTEV%w( MYINIT"* INITTBARq* CMDZ% CMDC% CREATEINI CMDE%[- SHOWTEXT CMDO%11 CMDN%Y2 CREATE13 CHECKFORINI<4 SAVE"5 DTODTE$o7 CMDL%J8 CMDK% CMDSH% IFREG3< CMDG% CHEKNAM NAG,? MAKEREGp@ SYSTEM\ DBASE[ I Ching "Data.app1@ Table1 "Hexagram Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Table18 ColA9 ColB9 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 ColB12 ColA13 ColB13 ColA14 ColB14 ColA15 ColB15 ColA16 ColB16 ColA17 ColB17 ColA18 ColB18 ColA19 ColB19 ColA20 ColB20 ColA21 ColB21 ColA22 ColB22 1: Ch'ien/The Creative#The Creative works sublime success, Furthering through perseverance.(The movement of heaven is full of power. 8Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.U 2: K'un/The Receptive+The Receptive brings about sublime success,.Furthering through the perseverance of a mare.;If the superior man undertakes something and tries to lead,U He goes astray;%But if he follows, he finds guidance.6It is favorable to find friends in the west and south,(To forego friends in the east and north.U'Quiet perseverance brings good fortune.,The earth's condition is receptive devotion.2Thus the superior man who has breadth of character Carries the outer world.U#3: Chun/Difficulty at the Beginning2Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success, Furthering through perseverance. Nothing should be undertaken.U#It furthers one to appoint helpers. Clouds and thunder:)The image of Difficulty at the Beginning. Thus the superior man Brings order out of confusion.U 4: Meng/Youthful Folly Youthful Folly has success.$It is not I who seek the young fool; The young fool seeks me.U!At the first oracle I inform him.1If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.,If he importunes, I give him no information. ,The image of Youth.%,By thoroughness in all that he does.U 5: Hsu/Waiting Waiting. If you are sincere, You have light and success.!Perseverance brings good fortune.U)It furthers one to cross the great water. Clouds rise up to heaven: The image of Waiting.&Thus the superior man eats and drinks, Is joyous and of good cheer.U 6: Sung/Conflict Conflict. You are sincere And are being obstructed.,A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune.U+Going through to the end brings misfortune.%It furthers one to see the great man.1It does not further one to cross the great water.(Heaven and water go their opposite ways: The image of Conflict.-Thus in all his transactions the superior man"Carefully considers the beginning.U 7: Shih/The Army%The Army. The army needs perseverance And a strong man. Good fortune without blame.U$In the middle of the earth is water: The image of the Army.*Thus the superior man increases his masses By generosity toward the people.U 8: Pi/Holding Together%Holding Together brings good fortune. Inquire of the oracle once again;Whether you possess sublimity, constancy, and perseverance;U Then there is no blame.'Those who are uncertain gradually join. Whoever comes too late Meets with misfortune.U On the earth is water: The image of Holding Together. Thus the kings of antiquity&Bestowed the different states as fiefs !And cultivated friendly relations With the feudal lords. U+9: Hsiao Ch'u/The Taming Power of the Small The Taming Power of the Small Has success..Dense clouds, no rain from our western region.U The wind drives across heaven:+The image of The Taming Power of the Small. Thus the superior man)Refines the outward aspect of his nature.U 10: Lu/Treading.Treading. Treading upon the tail of the tiger."It does not bite the man. Success. Heaven above, the lake below: The image of Treading.9Thus the superior man discriminates between high and low,1And thereby fortifies the thinking of the people.U 11: T'ai/Peace Peace. The small departs, The great approaches. Good fortune. Success.U+Heaven and earth unite: the image of Peace. Thus the ruler5Divides and completes the course of heaven and earth;8He furthers and regulates the gifts of heaven and earth, And so aids the people.U 12: P'i/Standstill&Standstill. Evil people do not further%The perseverance of the superior man.(The great departs; the small approaches.U Heaven and earth do not unite: The image of Standstill.5Thus the superior man falls back upon his inner worth$In order to escape the difficulties. 6He does not permit himself to be honored with revenue.U 13 T'ung Jen/Fellowship with Men Fellowship with Men in the open. Success.)It furthers one to cross the great water.U.The perseverance of the superior man furthers. Heaven together with fire:!The image of Fellowship with Men.)Thus the superior man organizes the clans &And makes distinctions between things.U%14: Ta Yu/Possession in Great Measure Possession in Great Measure. Supreme success. Fire in heaven above: )The image of Possession in Great Measure.3Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good,0And thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven.U 15: Ch'ien/Modesty Modesty creates success.(The superior man carries things through. Within the earth, a mountain:U The image of Modesty.5Thus the superior man reduces that which is too much,&And augments that which is too little.&He weighs things and makes them equal.U 16: Yu/Enthusiasm.Enthusiasm. It furthers one to install helpers And to set armies marching.*Thunder comes resounding out of the earth:U The image of Enthusiasm.!Thus the ancient kings made music In order to honor merit, And offered it with splendor To the Supreme Deity,'Inviting their ancestors to be present.U 17: Sui/Following Following has supreme success. Perseverance furthers. No blame."Thunder in the middle of the lake: The image of Following."Thus the superior man at nightfall'Goes indoors for rest and recuperation.U$18: Ku/Work on What Has Been Spoiled Work on What Has Been Spoiled Has supreme success.)It furthers one to cross the great water.U&Before the starting point, three days.%After the starting point, three days.#The wind blows low on the mountain: The image of Decay. )Thus the superior man stirs up the people And strengthens their spirit.U 19: Lin/Approach Approach has supreme success. Perseverance furthers. When the eighth month comes,U There will be misfortune. The earth above the lake: The image of Approach.&Thus the superior man is inexhaustible In his will to teach, And without limits.In his tolerance and protection of the people.U 20: Kuan/Contemplation*Contemplation. The ablution has been made, But not yet the offering."Full of trust they look up to him.U The wind blows over the earth: The image of Contemplation.7Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world, Contemplated the people, And gave them instruction.oN 21: Shih Ho/Biting Through Biting Through has success./It is favorable to let justice be administered. Thunder and lightning: The image of Biting Through.1Thus the kings of former times made firm the laws"Through clearly defined penalties.U 22: Pi/Grace Grace has success. In small matters'It is favorable to undertake something.U!Fire at the foot of the mountain: The image of Grace."Thus does the superior man proceed!When clearing up current affairs. 8But he dare not decide controversial issues in this way.U 23 Po/Splitting Apart(Splitting Apart. It does not further one To go anywhere. The mountain rests on the earth: The image of Splitting Apart.*Thus those above can ensure their position)Only by giving generously to those below.U 24: Fu/Return Return. Success.&Going out and coming in without error. Friends come without blame.U To and fro goes the way. On the seventh day comes return.(It furthers one to have somewhere to go. Thunder within the earth:U The image of the Turning Point.-Thus the kings of antiquity closed the passes At the time of solstice.)Merchants and strangers did not go about, And the ruler%Did not travel through the provinces.U 25: Wu Wang/Innocence Innocence. Supreme success. Perseverance furthers."If someone is not as he should be,U He has misfortune, And it does not further him To undertake anything. Under heaven thunder rolls:U1All things attain the natural state of innocence. Thus the kings of old,-Rich in virtue, and in harmony with the time,"Fostered and nourished all beings.U)26: Ta Ch'u/The Taming Power of the Great The Taming Power of the Great. Perseverance furthers.'Not eating at home brings good fortune.U)It furthers one to cross the great water. Heaven within the mountain:+The image of the Taming Power of the Great.,Thus the superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity And many deeds of the past,-In order to strengthen his character thereby.U 27: I/The Corners of the Mouth The Corners of the Mouth.!Perseverance brings good fortune.(Pay heed to the providing of nourishmentU And to what a man seeks To fill his own mouth with.%At the foot of the mountain, thunder:#The image of Providing Nourishment. -Thus the superior man is careful of his words%And temperate in eating and drinking.U%28: Ta Kuo/Preponderance of the Great Preponderance of the Great.)The ridgepole sags to the breaking point.(It furthers one to have somewhere to go.U Success. The lake rises above the trees:(The image of Preponderance of the Great.,Thus the superior man, when he stands alone, Is unconcerned,$And if he has to renounce the world, He is undaunted.U 29: K'an/The Abysmal The Abysmal repeated.3If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, And whatever you do succeeds.U4Water flows on uninterruptedly and reaches its goal:"The image of the Abysmal repeated.-Thus the superior man walks in lasting virtue(And carries on the business of teaching.U 30: Li/The Clinging, Fire$The Clinging. Perseverance furthers. It brings success.$Care of the cow brings good fortune.U!That which is bright rises twice: The image of Fire.4Thus the great man, by perpetuating this brightness,)Illumines the four quarters of the world.U 31: Hsien/Influence Influence. Success. Perseverance furthers.-To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune.U A lake on the mountain: The image of Influence.7Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him!By his readiness to receive them.U 32: Heng/Duration Duration. Success. No blame. Perseverance furthers.(It furthers one to have somewhere to go. (Thunder and wind: the image of Duration.!Thus the superior man stands firm"And does not change his direction. 33: Tun/Retreat Retreat. Success.(In what is small, perseverance furthers.,Mountain under heaven: the image of Retreat. ;Thus the superior man keeps the inferior man at a distance, Not angrily but with reserve.U$34: Ta Chuang/The Power of the Great.The Power of the Great. Perseverance furthers. Thunder in heaven above:$The image of the Power of the Great. /Thus the superior man does not tread upon paths*That do not accord with established order.U 35: Chin/Progress Progress. The powerful prince(Is honored with horses in large numbers.3In a single day he is granted audience three times.U The sun rises over the earth: The image of Progress. Thus the superior man himself Brightens his bright virtue.U!36: Ming I/Darkening of the Light$Darkening of the Light. In adversity"It furthers one to be persevering."The light has sunk into the earth: $The image of Darkening of the Light.4Thus does the superior man live with the great mass:%He veils his light, yet still shines.U 37: Chia Jen/The Family3The Family. The perseverance of the woman furthers. Wind comes forth from fire: The image of the Family. 0Thus the superior man has substance in his words And duration in his way of life.U 38: K'uei/Opposition+Opposition. In small matters, good fortune. Above, fire; below, the lake: The image of Opposition. Thus amid all fellowship+The superior man retains his individuality.U 39: Chien/Obstruction$Obstruction. The southwest furthers. The northeast does not further.%It furthers one to see the great man.U!Perseverance brings good fortune. Water on the mountain: The image of Obstruction.4Thus the superior man turns his attention to himself And molds his character.U 40: Hsieh/Deliverance$Deliverance. The southwest furthers.3If there is no longer anything where one has to go, Return brings good fortune.U0If there is still something where one has to go, Hastening brings good fortune. Thunder and rain set in: The image of Deliverance. &Thus the superior man pardons mistakes And forgives misdeeds.U 41: Sun/Decrease Decrease combined with sincerity!Brings about supreme good fortune Without blame.U One may be persevering in this.'It furthers one to undertake something. How is this to be carried out?.One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice.U&At the foot of the mountain, the lake: The image of Decrease.(Thus the superior man controls his anger And restrains his instincts.U 42: I/Increase Increase. It furthers one To undertake something.)It furthers one to cross the great water.U(Wind and thunder: the image of Increase. Thus the superior man: If he sees good, he imitates it;*If he has faults, he rids himself of them.U 43: Kuai/Break-through8Break-through. One must resolutely make the matter known At the court of the king.(It must be announced truthfully. Danger.U)It is necessary to notify one's own city.&It does not further to resort to arms.'It furthers one to undertake something. The lake has risen up to heaven:U The image of Break-through. Thus the superior man Dispenses riches downward(And refrains from resting on his virtue.U 44: Kou/Coming to Meet'Coming to Meet. The maiden is powerful.#One should not marry such a maiden. Under heaven, wind: The image of Coming to Meet.8Thus does the prince act when disseminating his commands4And proclaiming them to the four quarters of heaven. 45: Ts'ui/Gathering Together Gathering Together. Success. The king approaches his temple.%It furthers one to see the great man.U+This brings success. Perseverance furthers..To bring great offerings creates good fortune.'It furthers one to undertake something. Over the earth, the lake: The image of Gathering Together.(Thus the superior man renews his weapons In order to meet the unforseen.U 46: Sheng/Pushing Upward#Pushing Upward has supreme success. One must see the great man. Fear not.U Departure toward the south Brings good fortune. Within the earth, wood grows: The image of Pushing Upward. *Thus the superior man of devoted character Heaps up small things-In order to achieve something high and great.U 47: K'un/Oppression"Oppression. Success. Perseverance.(The great man brings about good fortune. No blame.U When one has something to say, It is not believed. There is no water in the lake: The image of Exhaustion. %Thus the superior man stakes his life On following his will.U 48: Ching/The Well"The Well. The town may be changed, But the well cannot be changed.#It neither decreases nor increases.U(They come and go and draw from the well.$If one gets down almost to the water%And the rope does not go all the way,(Or the jug breaks, it brings misfortune. 'Water over wood: the image of the Well.:Thus the superior man encourages the people at their work,%And exhorts them to help one another.U 49: Ko/Revolution Revolution. On your own day You are believed. Supreme success,U Furthering through perseverance. Remorse di sappears.*Fire in the lake: the image of Revolution. Thus the superior man Sets the calendar in order And makes the seasons clear.U 50: Ting/The Caldron"The Caldron. Supreme good fortune. Success. Fire over wood: The image of the Caldron.+Thus the superior man consolidates his fate By making his position correct.U 51: Chen/The Arousing Shock brings success. Shock comes - oh, oh! Laughing words - ha, ha!U(The shock terrifies for a hundred miles,;And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.%Thunder repeated: the image of Shock. Thus in fear and trembling 'The superior man sets his life in order And examines himself.U 52: Ken/Keeping Still, Mountain%Keeping Still. Keeping his back still$So that he no longer feels his body. He goes into his courtyardU And does not see his people. No blame."Mountains standing close together: The image of Keeping Still. Thus the superior man Does not permit his thoughts To go beyond his situation.U 53: Chien/Development Development. The maiden Is given in marriage. Good fortune.U Perseverance furthers. On the mountain, a tree: The image of Development.3Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue, In order to improve the mores.U 54: Kuei Mei/The Marrying Maiden The Marrying Maiden. Undertakings bring misfortune. Nothing that would further.U Thunder over the lake:!The image of the Marrying Maiden. Thus the superior man Understands the transitory (In the light of the eternity of the end.U 55: Feng/Abundance Abundance has success. The king attains abundance. Be not sad.U Be like the sun at midday. Both thunder and lightning come: The image of Abundance.&Thus the superior man decides lawsuits And carries out punishments.U 56: Lu/The Wanderer(The Wanderer. Success through smallness. Perseverance brings good fortune To the wanderer.U Fire on the mountain: The image of the Wanderer. Thus the superior man Is clear-minded and cautious In imposing penalties, And protracts no lawsuits. 57: Sun/The Gentle*The Gentle. Success through what is small.(It furthers one to have somewhere to go.%It furthers one to see the great man.U#Winds following one upon the other:$The image of the Gently Penetrating. Thus the superior man Spreads his commands abroad !And carries out his undertakings.U 58: Tui/The Joyous, Lake The Joyous. Success. Perseverance is favorable. Lakes resting one on the other: The image of the Joyous.,Thus the superior man joins with his friends For discussion and practice.U 59: Huan/Dispersion Dispersion. Success. The king approaches his temple.)It furthers one to cross the great water.U Perseverance furthers. The wind drives over the water: The image of Dispersion.,Thus the kings of old sacrificed to the Lord And built temples.U 60: Chieh/Limitation Limitation. Success.-Galling limitation must not be persevered in.)Water over lake: the image of Limitation. Thus the superior man Creates number and measure,6And examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct.U 61: Chung Fu/Inner Truth Inner Truth. Pigs and fishes. Good fortune.)It furthers one to cross the great water.U Perseverance furthers.)Wind over lake: the image of Inner Truth..Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases In order to delay executions.U(62: Hsiao Kuo/Preponderance of the Small$Preponderance of the Small. Success. Perseverance furthers.:Small things may be done; great things should not be done.U#The flying bird brings the message: It is not well to strive upward, It is well to remain below. Great good fortune.U Thunder on the mountain:(The image of Preponderance of the Small.8Thus in his conduct the superior man gives preponderance to reverence. /In bereavement he gives preponderance to grief.5In his expenditures he gives preponderance to thrift.U 63: Chi Chi/After Completion+After Completion. Success in small matters. Perseverance furthers. At the beginning good fortune,U At the end disorder.+Water over fire: the image of the condition In After Completion. Thus the superior man Takes thought of misfortune'And arms himself against it in advance.U 64: Wei Chi/Before Completion Before Completion. Success.