nnt;m C:\Sistemp\pyramid.hlp!:\System\Apps\SolDX\pyramid.hlpC:\Sistemp\pyramid.dat!:\System\Apps\SolDX\pyramid.datC:\Sistemp\Bis.txt!:\System\Apps\Pyramid\Bis.txtPyramidSolDx 12.6 kBP "Data.app1@ Table1 Title .Description Order Table1 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 ColB12 ColA13 Index1 ColA13 The objective of pyramid is to clear the table of all cards (Tableau, Stock and Waste pile.) Match any fully exposed card on the pyramid, or from the Stock or Waste pile with another card so that the card values add up to 13. King's have a value of 13 so do not need to be paired with another card and will be removed automatically when selected. Playing Pyramid5 Skill7 You may go through the deck three times. You have unlimited undo. You may go through the deck twice. You have one level of undo. Card Values0 Card point value equal to its face value. Ace = 1 Jack = 11 Queen = 12 King = 13 Contact5 Author: FatCatz email: fatcatz@fatcatz.tm Solitaire Deluxe's home page is at ; http://www.fatcatz.tm Visit for more solitaire plug-in's and other great games and apps for EPOC32. Introduction5 A Solitaire Deluxe plug-in. License5 This plug-in is freeware, it can only be run from within Solitaire Deluxe. Obtain permission before distributing this plug-in on the internet or by any other media. c:\OPL\SolDX\spy100en.opl About Solitaire Deluxe plug-in + Pyramid v +!FatCatz Software Copyright 1998O ++This is just one of the many free solitaireO games from FatCatz Software.O +)For more Solitaire Deluxe plug-in's goto;O http://www.fatcatz.tmO ContinueO TOTALGAMES% GAMENAME$ Pyramid CARDSLEFT% CARDHOLD% CARDX% CARDY% CARDP% WIDTH% HEIGHT% STOCKX% STOCKY% STOCK% STOCKBUF% OPENX% OPENY% OPEN% OPENBUF% WASTEX% WASTEY% WASTE% WASTEBUF% KSTOCK% KOPEN% KWASTE% DRAWDECKCOVER DRAWEMPTYSPACE SKILL% UNDOLIM% REDEALS% CARDHOLD% CARDP% HEIGHT% WIDTH% CARDX% CARDY% STOCKX% STOCKY% KSTOCK% OPENX% OPENY% KOPEN% WASTEX% WASTEY% KWASTE% STOCKBUF% STOCK% SELECTABLE% CARDSLEFT% CURSORPOS% DATUNDOLIMITCHECK UNDONO% UNDO% UNDOPTR% CARDX% CARDY% CARDP% UNDOLIMCOUNT% DATACTION UPDATEPXY DRAWEMPTYSPACE DRAWCARDFACE DRAWDECKCOVER UNDOPTR% CARDSELECTED% UNDO% KOPEN% STOCK% STOCKBUF% OPENBUF% KSTOCK% STOCKX% STOCKY% WASTEBUF% WASTE% OPENX% OPENY% WASTEX% WASTEY% OPEN% KWASTE% REDEALS% CARDP% CARDSLEFT% SKILL% Nothing to undoO No more undo's allowedO SKILL% UNDOLIM% UNDOLIMCOUNT% UNDOPTR% UPDATEPXY DATUNDOADD DRAWCARDFACE DRAWEMPTYSPACE WASTE% WASTEBUF% OPEN% KWASTE% WASTEX% WASTEY% OPENX% OPENY% CARDP% KSTOCK% KOPEN% OPENBUF% STOCKBUF% STOCK% STOCKX% STOCKY% CARDSLEFT% PLAYWID% CARDX% CARDY% BGWID% OX@[f gfx.mbmO O7O:O LO7PO O7O:O SOUND DATCARDPCHANGE UPDATEPXY DRAWEMPTYSPACE DRAWDECKCOVER DATUNDOADD UNDONO% CARDSELECTED% CARDP% KSTOCK% STOCK% KOPEN% OPEN% OPENBUF% WASTE% REDEALS% STOCKBUF% WASTEBUF% STOCKX% STOCKY% WASTEX% WASTEY% KWASTE% PLAYWID% CARDX% CARDY% No more redeals allowedO gfx.mbmO O7O:O CARDVALUE SOUND DATCARDPCHANGE DATUNDOADD DATMOVE UNDONO% CARDSELECTED% CARDP% KSTOCK% KOPEN% KWASTE% CURSOR% Invalid moveO Does not add to 13O CARDSLEFT% CURSORPOS% CURSOR% CARDP% KSTOCK% KOPEN% KWASTE% OPEN% OPENBUF% WASTE% WASTEBUF% STOCK% CARDX% CARDY% DATABOUT. DATNAMEw DATCONST DATMAIN DATSETCARDPOS DATUNDOADD< DATUNDOG DATUNDOLIMITCHECK DATCARDPCHANGEw DATACTION DATALGO DATMOVE This SIS-file is designed from BISON Software. Bison Software doesn't accept any liability for the function of the programme to be installed. Please pay attention to the comment in the README file of the author. Before installing this software please make a B A C K U P of your Psion Series 5. Have a lot of fun! Diese SIS-Datei wurde von Bison Software erstellt. Bison Software bernimmt keinerlei Garantie f r die Funktion des zu installierenden Programmes. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise in der README Datei des Autors. Bevor Sie das Programm installieren machen Sie ein B A C K U P Ihres Psion Serie 5. Viel Spa