C:\SISTEMP\lotto.rdme!:\System\Apps\Lotto\lotto.rdmeC:\SISTEMP\Lotto.app!:\System\Apps\Lotto\Lotto.appC:\SISTEMP\Lotto.aif!:\System\Apps\Lotto\Lotto.aifC:\SISTEMP\front.mbm!:\System\Apps\Lotto\front.mbmC:\SISTEMP\darc.mbm!:\System\Apps\Lotto\darc.mbmC:\SISTEMP\Bis.txt!:\System\Apps\Lotto\Bis.txtLotto 15.2 kB7 Times New Roman &Heading 1L &Heading 2L &Heading 3L .Bullet listO Swiss -)(- Death Arc Development -D)A(D- 1998 Lotto v0.96 Lotto is a freeware lotto number generator written using Steve Litchfield's tuorial at 3lib.ukonline.co.uk. You may freely distribute as you wish but please keep the program intact. Install in c:\system\apps\lotto\ NOTE: you may have to make your system folder visible by going to preferences and checkmarking the box. Please visit my website at www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/network/6091/ It should run fine. If you have any problems please e-mail me at deatharc@hotmail.com ---------------===============WARNING===============--------------- I cannot be responsible for any errors or destruction of any files or your S5 use at your own risk. This app is freeware distribute as you wish but please keep all the files together. "Word.app c:\Programs\Lotto NUMBERS% SOUND% ARCH$ NBAL% GENERATE SOUND BALLS ABOUT SHUTDOWN + c:\system\apps\lotto\archive.dat c:\system\apps\lotto\lotto.ini c:\system\apps\lotto\front.mbmW( O24[/ c:\system\apps\lotto\darc.mbmW( SOUND% SOUND% Press Menu Lotto+ Generate NumbersOg+ ExitOe Info+ HelpOh+ AboutOa Prefs+ SoundOs+ Number of BallsOb Og@[; NUMBERS% |RWBO + Lotto Picks v0.96 Soft 1998 +*Here are the numbers for the next lottery: SETUP PICKNUM NBAL% NUMBERS% ARCH$ NUM1% NUM2% NUM3% NUM4% NUM5% NUM6% NUM7% NUM8% NUM1% NUM2% NUM3% NUM4% NUM5% NUM6% NUM7% NUM8% NUM1%$ NUM2%$ NUM3%$ NUM4%$ NUM5%$ NUM6%$ NUM7%$ NUM8%$ SOUND% SOUND% SOUND%$ Lotto v0.96 -Help- +"This is a very simple help screen. +&Press -menu- to start. Press -generate +"numbers- for lotto numbers. Press -exit- to quit Lotto DoneO About Lotto v0.96 1998 VK Soft, programmed by Ben Vaisvil. +)Designed with tutorial at 3-lib web site. +*Special Thanks to Steve Litchfield for his +/website tutorial. VK logo created by Eric Keef. E-mail deatharc@hotmail.com NBAL% NUMBERS% SOUND% Sound Sound+ On,Off DONEO NBAL% Ball Options Number of balls to be drawn+ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Maximum number on each ball?O DoneO SHUTDOWN GENERATE O`L{A[ O`L{A[ MYFIRST& PICKNUM( SETUP GENERATE" SHUTDOWN HELP) ABOUT SOUND BALLS Lotto 9d9Gk 9d9G? This SIS-file is designed from BISON Software. Bison Software doesn't accept any liability for the function of the programme to be installed. Please pay attention to the comment in the README file of the author. Before installing this software please make a B A C K U P of your Psion Series 5. Have a lot of fun! Diese SIS-Datei wurde von Bison Software erstellt. Bison Software bernimmt keinerlei Garantie f r die Funktion des zu installierenden Programmes. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise in der README Datei des Autors. Bevor Sie das Programm installieren machen Sie ein B A C K U P Ihres Psion Serie 5. Viel Spa