c:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.inid:\personal\epoc32\c\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.rsc!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.rscd:\personal\epoc32\c\OPL\VRule\VRule.hlp!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.hlpd:\personal\epoc32\c\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.app!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.appd:\personal\epoc32\c\OPL\VRule\VRule17.mbm!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule17.mbmd:\personal\epoc32\c\OPL\VRule\VRule.mbm!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.mbmd:\personal\epoc32\c\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.aif!:\System\Apps\VRule\VRule.aifd:\personal\psion\VRule\install\VRuleEN.txtVRule FatCatzj mVRuleVContinueOKCancelManual NNonYesyBusy Cannot move in Extended modeFatCatz (c) Copyright 1998-2000Help file not foundFatCatz VRule No value entered for WidthNo value entered for HeightScreen locked, to unlock press Ctrl+LScreen unlockedThis item is not availablehttp://www.fatcatz.tmx10 pixelsmmInchPixelsAbout VRuleVRule Version The program is freewareCopyright (c) 1998-2000 FatCatzWorld Wide Web:www.fatcatz.tmForum:forums.fatcatz.tmEmail:support@fatcatz.tm Calibrate extended ruleCalibration is required to use the extended rule.Measure the gap from the left end of your EPOC device to the<- left end of this dialog box, in mmGap widthInstallation errorPlease install VRule againManual calibrationMeasure the screen, the box on the screen is to assist youMeasurement must be in mmWidthHeightPreferencesDisplay background dialog boxDisplay rule shadowVRule foreground hotkey, Ctrl+Fn+Select EPOC deviceVRule detected this EPOC device is a s5 or 5mxVRule detected this EPOC device is a GeofoxVRule detected this EPOC device is a RevoIf this is not the correct EPOC device you willneed to calibrate VRule manually, If so tap theManual buttonVRule does not have data on this EPOC deviceYou will need to calibrate VRule manuallySent to backgroundPress Ctrl+Fn+ to send VRule back to the foregroundDon't show this dialog box againUnitMetricmImperialiPixelpRule orientationHorizontalhVerticalvAlign ruleToptCentercBottombLeftfRightrFileSend to backgroundBCloseeViewTransparent screenTRule orientation>qAlign rule>RuleExtendedxLock screenlUnit>ToolsPreferences kCalibrate rule sCalibrate extented rule aHelp on VRule HAbout VRule Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 ColA4 ColB4 "DATA.APP UUUUUUUUU _kUUUUUUU _kUUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU VUUUUU _+eUUUUUU _+eUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+eUUUUUU VUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU [TUUUUU UUUUU qUUUU _UUUUT &paint.app [AVRule is very simple to use. You can drag the rule by using the pen or by using the following keystrokes; Pixel movement Fn+Arrow keys Large movement Shift+Arrow keys Place an object on the screen then tap the screen to get instant measurement readings. Metric, Imperial and pixel units are supported. Units can be changed at Menu|View|Rule. AWorld Wide Web: http://www.fatcatz.tm Email: support@fatcatz.tm Please report any bugs, also any comments/suggestions always welcomed. If you are looking for more quality software then why not visit our web site. If you have an idea for a game or application let us know. @DFatCatz hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited licence subject to the terms and conditions contained herein to the use of VRule, (called "the Software" in this agreement). You may install the software on an unlimited number of machines. No payment is required for its use. Written permission must be obtained from FatCatz if you wish to distribute the Software on the Internet, on CD, or by any other means. You acknowledge the rights to the Software are the sole and exclusive property of FatCatz. By accepting this agreement, you do not become the owner of the Software in accordance with this agreement. The software including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse translation is expressly forbidden. FatCatz cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by FatCatz. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. This Software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. IntroductionR VRule Copyright 1998-2000 FatCatz Transform your EPOC device into a virtual rule instantly. You never know it might come in handy! VRule! VRule: Quick startR VRule! Extended RuleR }To measure objects that are slightly larger than the screen but smaller than your EPOC device use the Extended Rule, Ctrl+X VRule! Transparent ScreenR Shift+Ctrl+T will toggle between a transparent screen and a blank screen. A transparent screen is useful if you want to measure screen objects in pixels. VRule! Contact UsR VRule! LicenceR VRule! Table1 title synonym c:\opl\VRule\VRule.opl GBPATHNAME$ GBMINIT% GBHELPTHREAD& GBHEIGHT% GBWIDTH% GBRULEWID% GBTRANSPARENT% GBRW% GBRH% GBRX% GBRY% GBALIGN% GBMACHINE% GBRTYPE% GBBUTX% GBBUTY% GBADWID% GBBUTSIZE% GBADVERT% GBOFFSET GBEXTEND% GBBGBOX% GBSHADOW% GBKDIVMM GBKDIVI GBVRULEDRAGX% GBVRULEDRAGY% GBHOTKEY$ GBLOCKSCREEN% LOCATEFILE MANUALCALIBRATION% DISPLAYRULE System\Apps\VRule\ + VRule.mbmKO + VRule.mbmKO + VRule.mbmKO W.OPLO OPOPO VRuleW2LO TO_W/O_LO VRule W/O2L VRule is sponsored by:( CONTROL% SHIFT% RULEOFFER% PROGTOBKGD GBLOCKSCREEN% GBHEIGHT% GBRH% GBRTYPE% GBRULEWID% GBWIDTH% GBEXTEND% GBALIGN% GBKDIVMM GBOFFSET GBKDIVI W.LW1 W0W1O W0W1O W0W1O W0W1O W0{M} W1{M} PH@[| PH@[Y '{A[ GBRULEWID% GBSHADOW% GBRW% GBRTYPE% GBRH% GBKDIVMM GBKDIVI GBEXTEND% GBOFFSET GBWIDTH% GBPATHNAME$ GBBUTX% GBBUTY% GBBUTSIZE% GBADVERT% GBADWID% GBHEIGHT% 1.01K W2LW- + VRule.mbmKO 1.01KW2O + VRule.mbmKO W,W/O TW/{O + VRule.mbmKO + VRule.mbmKO x10 pixels GBPATHNAME$ GBTRANSPARENT% GBRTYPE% GBALIGN% GBOFFSET GBEXTEND% GBBGBOX% GBSHADOW% GBHOTKEY$ GBLOCKSCREEN% GBKDIVMM GBKDIVI GBRW% GBRH% GBBUTSIZE% + VRule.RSCK VRule17.mbmKW + VRule.iniK VRule17.mbmK + VRule.mbmK VRule17.mbmK + VRule.mbmK + VRule.iniW + VRule.ini W/D`[ GBKDIVMM GBKDIVI GBRW% GBWIDTH% GBRH% GBHEIGHT% GBBUTSIZE% CLOSE GBHOTKEY$ _`1[ RULEALIGNVERTICAL RULEALIGNHORIZONTAL GBVRULEDRAGX% GBRULEWID% GBEXTEND% GBVRULEDRAGY% GBBUTX% GBBUTSIZE% GBBUTY% GBPATHNAME$ GBALIGN% hD\[: {Mx D H{5\ @ {=\ @ H{5\[m + VRule.mbmKO H{5\ @ {=\ @ H{5\[{ + VRule.mbmKO PROGTOBKGD CLOSE TRANSPARENT DISPLAYRULE RULEALIGNHORIZONTAL RULEALIGNVERTICAL MANUALCALIBRATION% CALIBRATEEXTENTED ABOUT GBRTYPE% GBALIGN% GBEXTEND% GBLOCKSCREEN% GBTRANSPARENT% GBMINIT% SHIFT% GBBGBOX% GBHOTKEY$ GBRULEWID% GBOFFSET GBHEIGHT% GBRH% GBRW% P`)Gp P`)Ip P`)Np P`)cp P`)ip P`)kp GBHELPTHREAD& GBPATHNAME$ GBTRANSPARENT% GBRTYPE% GBALIGN% GBOFFSET GBEXTEND% GBBGBOX% GBSHADOW% GBHOTKEY$ GBLOCKSCREEN% GBKDIVMM GBKDIVI GBRW% GBRH% GBBUTSIZE% GBWIDTH% GBHEIGHT% + VRule.ini + VRule.iniK + VRule.iniK GBTRANSPARENT% GBRULEWID% PROGTOBKGD GBPATHNAME$ GBHELPTHREAD& + VRule.hlpKW + VRule.hlpK+ DISPLAYRULE GBOFFSET GBEXTEND% DISPLAYRULE GBBGBOX% GBSHADOW% GBHOTKEY$ DISPLAYRULE GBRTYPE% GBALIGN% DISPLAYRULE GBRTYPE% GBALIGN% 1.01K VRULE+ DISPLAYRULE LOCATEFILE MANUALCALIBRATION% PROGTOBKGDs RULEOFFER%$ CLOSE TRANSPARENT CALIBRATEEXTENTED PREF^) RULEALIGNHORIZONTAL RULEALIGNVERTICALm* ABOUT DATEZ SYSTEM\ 9d9Gw VRuleh UUUUUUUUU _kUUUUUUU _kUUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU VUUUUU _+eUUUUUU _+eUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+UUUUUUU _+eUUUUUU VUUUUU UUUUUUU UUUUUUU [TUUUUU UUUUU qUUUU _UUUUT VUUUU VUUUU RUUUU RUUUU RUUUU RUUUU _RVUUU OPUUUU `TUUU _UUYU LICENCE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LICENCE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, TAP NO. FatCatz hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited licence subject to the terms and conditions contained herein to the use of VRule, (called "the Software" in this agreement). You may install the software on an unlimited number of machines, no payment is required for its use. Written permission must be obtained from FatCatz if you wish to distribute the Software on the Internet, on CD, or by any other means. You acknowledge the rights to the Software are the sole and exclusive property of FatCatz. By accepting this agreement, you do not become the owner of the Software in accordance with this agreement. The software including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse translation is expressly forbidden. FatCatz cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by FatCatz. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. This Software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.