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SETSTONE ADDCHAIN FORWARD SETTINGS% INITBOARD INITGAME GOTOTURN ABOUT COUNT TOGGLEDIRECT STARTSGF FORWARD DIALOG_SAVEAS DIALOG_OPEN DOBACKGROUND MAKEBUTTONS MAKEINDICATOR KILLINDICATOR DRAWBOARD TBARHIDE TBARSHOW CENTERBOARD SETTINGS% TBVIS% Score+ Score game( Count stonesOc File+ Start new game...Onh+ Open game...Oo+ Save game as...Osh+ CloseOe Tools+ Undo last moveOz+ Redo moveOr+ Goto Turn...Ogh+ Score>O Direct ModeOd Options+ InfoBox( Toolbar Text( Disable background( Last Move Blink( Cursor Control( Toolbar ToggleOt( Reset Board Size/PositionO Load SGFOl+ ForwardOr+ BackOz+ Export SGFOx( Help+ HelpO About...Oa Oe|B[ On|B[% + Cancelled Og|B[ Oa|B[ Oc|B[ Od|B[ Og|B[ Ol|B[ Or|B[ Oz|B[ Os|B[ Oo|B[ Ot|B[( INITBOARD INITGAME + Cancelled FORWARD Crash, Bang, Boom! Unexpected error. Please contact me at + ed@went.cxK +( and tell me what the program was doing when the error showed up. +#The following will also be helpful: Went v1.3.2 AUTOSAVE SETTINGS% LSETT& c:\system\apps\wentW c:\system\apps\went c:\system\apps\went\went.iniW c:\system\apps\went\went.ini c:\system\apps\went\went.ini TCURSOR% TINFO% TTEXTICONS% TBACKGROUND% TSHOWLAST% TBOARDX% TBOARDY% TBOARDSCALE% TTBAROFF% TCURSOR%$ TINFO%$ TTEXTICONS%$ TBACKGROUND%$ TSHOWLAST%$ TBOARDX%$ TBOARDY%$ TBOARDSCALE%$ + TTBAROFF%$ SETTINGS% BOARD% GAMECHAIN% WSAVE GAMECHAIN% SETTINGS% Saved... WLOAD INITGAME GAMECHAIN% SETTINGS% OPENSGF BLANKBOARD DRAWBOARD INITTURN INITGAME SETTINGS% HOHPO FORWARD SETTINGS% + Goto TurnO TurnO Enter 0 for last turn CancelO WSAVE SETTINGS% GAMECHAIN% c:\system\apps\wentW c:\system\apps\went +!c:\system\apps\went\autosave.wentW +!c:\system\apps\went\autosave.went +!c:\system\apps\went\autosave.wentO Autosaving... About Went...O Went v1.3.2 Built + Jun 06 2000K+ 17:37:08K+ EST]K Created by 'Eddie' Berdan ed@went.cxK Logo/icons by acidrain LSETT& c:\system\apps\went\went.hlpW c:\system\apps\went\went.hlp d:\system\apps\went\went.hlpW d:\system\apps\went\went.hlp WLOAD INITKNOWNBOARD FORWARD SETTINGS% GAMECHAIN% c:\system\apps\went\handicap_O .wentKW c:\system\apps\went\handicap_O .wentKO d:\system\apps\went\handicap_O .wentKW d:\system\apps\went\handicap_O .wentKO ErrorO \system\apps\went\handicap__O .wentK +$file not found. Handicaps could not be loaded. Defaulting to no handicap. Replace the file to remove this error. GAMECHAIN% SETTINGS% SGFNEXT NEXTTURN DOCAPTURES SETSTONE SETTINGS% GAMECHAIN% KILLS% FLOODMARK FLOOD SETSTONE INDICATE PREVTURN SETTINGS% GAMECHAIN% GAMECHAIN% SETTINGS% BOARD% KILLS% SURROUNDED FLOOD BOARD% SETTINGS% Suicide not permitted.O Ko not permitted.O SURROUNDED BOARD% h8\[ SETSTONE SETTINGS% BOARD% KILLS% FLOODMARK BOARD% SETSTONE GAMECHAIN% SETTINGS% DRAWTURN SETTINGS% Direct ModeO SETTINGS% BOARD% CountO Black Stones: White Stones: WINDOWS% SETTINGS% TBWIDTH% TBVIS% HOHPO BLANKBOARD DRAWBOARD INITTURN SETTINGS% + New Game?O Size+ 9x9,13x13,19x19 Handicap+ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 StartO CancelO WarningO +%Maximum handicap for 9x9 boards is 5. Setting handicap to 5. BLANKBOARD DRAWBOARD INITTURN MAKEINDICATOR SETSTONE SETTINGS% WINDOWS% TBWIDTH% TBVIS% BOARD% HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO HOHPO SETTINGS% BOARD% INDICATE HIDEINDICATOR BOARD% WINDOWS% SETTINGS% SETTINGS% BOARD% WINDOWS% W/O WOPEN WSAVE WLOAD WSIZE OPENSGFA@ CLOSESGF GETSGF'A SGFNEXTjA DEMAND MAKEINDICATOR KILLINDICATOR2F HIDEINDICATOR INDICATE SYSTEM\ "Data.app Table1 Title &Help text "Keywords index Table1 ColA9 ColB9 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 Index1 ColA12 Arial Times New Roman for the last move (only one). uAPlacement Each player takes turns, starting with black, placing stones on the intersecting lines of the board. Stones may be placed on the edges and corners as well. Definitions A stone is adjacent to another if it is to the left, right, above or below the other (ie, NOT diagonal). Two or more stones of the same player which are adjacent are said to form chains. SBEnd Game The game simply ends when both players pass. Cleaning Up When the game is done, any remaining neutral spaces are filled (take turns), and any stones which cannot be saved are removed. Scoring Chinese method: Each player scores a point for each empty intersection surrounded by his stones, and a point for each stone remaining on the board. Japanese method: Each player scores a point for each empty intersection surrounded by their stones, and a point for each stone captured during the game. Penalty Black gets a penalty of 5 points, due to the benefit of going first. AKo Formation The Ko Formation crops up from time to time in games. It is simply two moves which can be repeated indefinitely, with no progress to the game. For example: White may play at 'A' above, and remove the black stone at 'B'. Following that, black may play at 'B', capturing the white stone at 'A' and restoring the original state of the board. To solve this problem, no player may repeat a board position until he has played a stone in another area of the board. ACapture A stone is captured if its adjacent spots (called liberties) are all occupied by the opposing player's stones. Captured stones are then removed from the board. For example: A black play at 'A' will capture the white stone. A chain is captured if all of its liberties are occupied by enemy stones. For example: A white piece at 'A' will capture all the black stones. PABritish Go Association http://www.britgo.demon.co.uk/ European Go Centre http://www.xs4all.nl/~egcc/ American Go Association http://www.usgo.org/ Online Go Playing http://www.igs.nuri.net/ Go Encyclopedia http://www.cwi.nl/~jansteen/ Other sites http//nngs.cosmic.org/hmkw/golinks.html http://www.snafu.de/~jasiek/ position until he has played a stone in another area of the board. Sketch &Paint.app ]AStart a new game [ctrl-N] Tap where you wish to place a piece. The turn box in the bottom left will indicate who is to go next. On the large board sizes, the pen becomes less and less reliable for placing pieces. Play around with the zoom and board move features. Of course, there's also an undo feature to take back your last move (or moves). A white piece at 'A' will capture all the black stones. AWho captures first? After a stone is placed, enemy stones are removed first. For example: Playing a black piece at 'A' will capture the white 3-chain, since black always captures first, on its own turn. Suicide If, however, black could not remove the white 3-chain (say black was missing 'B'), black would not be permitted to place a piece at 'A'. A stone may not be placed where it has no liberties, unless it can instantly free up one or more by capturing adjacent stones. BI am now providing the source code to Went in all it's fetid glory. If you don't already have it, and want it, it can be found at my Psion pages (see the Contact section in this help file). I use OPL+ to do my coding, so you should too. Otherwise, the source will not compile. To assuage any fears, I am not giving up on Went by releasing the source code. I will still be developing Went as time permits. However, this empowers others to take a crack at things I haven't thought of or don't have the time to attempt. l-S : Save Went file Menu : opens the menu (surprise) Ctrl-R, : forward one move Enter Ctrl-Z, : back one move Backspace ? : Help!! BI found direct mode coming in handy as I was writing the program. I decided to leave it in the program, for everyone's general use. Direct mode simply turns off all checking and recording and places a piece directly. It does not update the gamechain, so any moves made will not be able to be undone without going into direct mode again and removing the pieces by hand. If a piece is already there, it will be removed. I find this also very handy for counting the score at the end of the game (removing dead chains). Note that you may also tap the turn box to change the active turn colour. Upon leaving direct mode, the active colour will automatically revert to what it was before. ASGF (Smart Game Format) files are a standard method of saving Go games for later review and commentary. Went has a limited capacity for viewing SGF files. Hit Ctrl-L to load an SGF file, and you can step through it with the Enter (forward) and Backspace (backwards) keys. You may override the next move by placing a piece on the board as if playing normally. Currently, almost all information in the SGF file is ignored, including comments. This will be changed in the future. jACtrl-A : opens the About dialog box Ctrl-C : Counts number of stones Ctrl-D : toggles Direct-input mode Ctrl-E : Exit Ctrl-G : Goto Turn Ctrl-L : Load SGF file Ctrl-N : New game Ctrl-O : Open Went file Ctrl-S : Save Went file Menu : opens the menu (surprise) Ctrl-R, : forward one move Enter Ctrl-Z, : back one move Backspace ? : Help!! arrows : position board AZooming breaks the last move blink, since the sprites can't resize. The scaling level and board position should be saved upon exit. SGF files ignore all content except move information. There is a limit of 500 turns per game. SGF loading is really stinking slow. A workaround is to load an SGF file and then save it in the built-in format (ctrl-s) SGF files are assumed to be 19x19 boards. This is related to the ignoring of extraneous SGF info. Went v1.3.2 Go (WeiQi/WeiChi/Baduk), is an ancient asian board game. Went is a simple virtual board for playing Go on EPOC devices. It also provides some rudimentary support for viewing SGF-recorded games. intro How to play Go )play game rules placement adjacent chain How to use Went pen turn use zoom move undo Major ToDo List cPoint counting cursor control pluggable graphics styles internet connectivity Go Modem Protocol todo point internet oneplayer Credits/Contact GAuthor "Eddie" Berdan ed@went.cx http://went.cx/ Logos/icons acidrain credits author How to play Go (II) liberties capture chain How to play Go (IV) -end clean penalty scoring score point points How to play Go (V) ko repeated repeat How to play Go (III) precedence suicide capture BInfobox - Toggles display of the infobox Toolbar Text - Toggles display of text on the toolbar Disable Background - Removes background image for a slight performance gain. Last Move Blink - Displays a blinking cursor over the last move made (disabled because of board resizing) Cursor Control - Toggles cursor control of peice placement (not done) Toggle Toolbar - for those who value their screen real estate Reset board size/position - if you mess it up, this will fix it. Also, if you're hurting for drive space, you may delete the help file (went.hlp) and/or the graphics file (went.mbm) in "\system\apps\went\". This will not affect gameplay, and the program will simply not use the missing resources. he board. For example: A black play at 'A' will capture the white stone. A chain is captured if all of its liberties are occupied by enemy stones. For example: A white piece at 'A' will capture all the black stones. Sketch &Paint.app Sketch &Paint.app Websites Options config bitmap graphics Direct Mode direct mode input placing *key keys shortcut hotkey hotkeys controls SGF Files SGF sgf net files review Known bugs/problems bugs problems errors Open Source source opp opl compile What's new in v1.3.2 Added code so Went plays nice with other screen sizes Added board zooming and repositioning Saves board position and scale in went.ini Swiss what's new -end clean penalty scoring score point points How to play Go (V) ko repeated repeat How to play Go (III) precedence suicide capture Playing a black piece at 'A' will capture the white 3-chain, since black always captures first, on its own turn. Suicide If, however, black could not remove the white 3-chain (say black was missing 'B'), black would not be permitted to place a piece at 'A'. A stone may not be placed where it has no liberties, unless it can instantly free up one or more by capturing adjacent stones. Sketch &Paint.app 9d9Gc $TQPPQ p(rDT p(rDT TqDZb XrDZb r@Ee,N 0s@Ez< r@Ee,N AP@AP@ OnU,| AK$nD OeL"E OeL"Ep E[P?MB D`V@> E[P?M DPV@> JRJ1a4 JRJ1a4 Xpaq2 <%##@S XR4L2 XR4L1 F\Q#3U FB U FA U BAil0 BAYX0I OC`N4C/\ nh@/&LU@ D0(@w D0$@g PU@Pd "T(AX "T$AX D1D`UK @EJDE MYFNE BR$I\ ]@eAG Gu@~ JA% gA _% gA U`T@A H@eR5@ H@eR%@ @&0 ! @+5 ! Q@f ! h,UDw0! $@DAB $ABA@ @!P`DE R( !| (Y 0PA0! 1PA0! PA ! PAEt` PAEt` @P@D@ `PDTP @qTaT E@a@% FAbj) E@a@% "$A@ PPE@D @ QP @ aP \H0He \D0HQ `P@@@ YDA E P*TRPTa@ @fEAJ qHDVXX X@T`P AP@AP@ AaDEPd @`@EPd ERE Q0 D !@B ! !@B D !@B )TdDP )TdDP D%Td@ TH@ X p,`(`,P,P(`0 0(@(@,P,0004 ,@00, 4 0 @P(P D@4@8Q0@<` 0`8P4p8 4`4P8 8PD@@P< D@DhH0HPH@H H0