\nCalc\marm\nCalc.mbm!:\system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.mbm\nCalc\marm\nCalc.aif!:\system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.aif\nCalc\marm\nCalc.hlp!:\system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.hlp\nCalc\marm\nCalc.app!:\system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.app\nCalc\marm\Readme.txtnCalc7 9d9GC nCalc Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 ColA4 ColB4 "DATA.APP kAnCalc is a calculator that works simultaneously in 3 bases: Binary, Hexadecimal and Decimal. It uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) with a stack of 15 elements. Tip: You can change base at any time, even while entering a number. Use nCalc to view numbers in each base or to perform calculations, such as shifting, that are not present in the standard calculator. KAReverse Polish Notation (RPN) means that you must enter both numbers before the operation to perform. So to add 4 and 5 the keys are: 4 Enter 5 i Note: i is the shortcut for + and Enter is the shortcut for Push. The result is left at the top of the stack. Tip: Use the menu, toolbar or pen to select the base you want to work in. 0AnCalc version 1.2 is copyright John McAleely 1997-1998. It is distributed without warranty as freeware. Feel free to give it to friends. You use it at your own risk. Note: The latest version can be found at: http://www.mcaleely.com/freeware/ Enjoy! John McAleely, February 1998. freeware@mcaleely.com &paint.app AOperators available are: Subtract Multiply Divide Power AND (bitwise) OR (bitwise) XOR (bitwise) NOT (bitwise) Negate (+/-) Shift Left Shift Right Note: Shift operations are performed in the currently active base. See Keypresses for keystrokes to access each operator. BThis is a means of input that uses a stack to store each number entered, and also the calculated results. You enter and push each number onto the stack. An operation will pop the values it requires from the stack, and then push back the result. nCalc does much of this for you, minimising the number of keystrokes required. Example To add 4 to 6 and then shift the result one bit right, the key sequence is: Enter Push 4 onto stack I Push 6, pop 4, pop 6, push 4 + 6 p Pop 10 Ctrl+b Select binary base > Shift right AThe top line of the screen is the current entry. Beneath the bold line is the stack. Tick marks have been added to the binary and hexadecimal columns so that their size can be seen at a glance. Zero values are drawn in grey to make the screen easier to read. nCalc IntroductionM nCalc! about getting started help Getting StartedM nCalc! help about introduction About nCalcM nCalc! .about introduction getting started author help Keypresses (nCalc)M Note: Some operations have several shortcuts. You can also use a menu command for some items. Power ^ # AND & n OR \ r XOR x NOT ! ~ +/- m Shift Left < Shift Right > Push Enter Pop p Swap s Clear Entry Esc Delete Del nCalc! shortcuts keystrokes keys LimitsM Numbers are stored internally as 32 bit signed values. The limits are the same as long integers in OPL. In decimal: Max 2147483647 Min -2147483648 nCalc! restrictions max min OperatorsM nCalc! operations keys functions Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)M nCalc! Screen LayoutM nCalc! Stack OperationsM Push Put the entry at the top of the stack. Pop Remove the top of the stack, and make it the current entry. Swap Exchanges the current entry and the top of the stack. Clear Resets the stack to all zeros. nCalc! operations keys functions stack Table1 title synonym c:\Development\nCalc DEBUG% SCRWID% SCRHGHT% MENUPOS% STACK& ENTRY& EDEC$ EHEX$ EBIN$ BASE% ENTRYDIRTY% STACKDIRTY% BACKDIRTY% CURFONT& DECOFFSET% BINOFFSET% HEXOFFSET% HELPID& TBARLINK z:\system\opl\Toolbar AppCont1O WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% EVENT& EVTYPE& MYINIT NEXTEV% SETENTRY CLEARSTACK INITTBAR CMDD% WIDMAIN% HOTKMOD% BACKDIRTY% CURFONT& HELPID& TBARINIT TBARBUTT TBARSHOW SCRWID% SCRHGHT% \system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.mbmKO \system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.mbmKO \system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.mbmKO \system\apps\nCalc\nCalc.mbmKO nCalcO ChangeO BaseKO PushO HelpO REDRAW CMDE% TBAROFFER% CHANGEBASEFROMXPOS OFFRCMD% CMDM% CMDSM% EVENT& WIDMAIN% {A\[ '{1\[# This item is not availableO MOVESTACK STACKDIRTY% STACK& MOVESTACK STACK& STACKDIRTY% STACK& L4\[" STACK& STACKDIRTY% CLOSEHELP OPENHELP LAUNCHHELP HELPID& HELPID& \System\Apps\nCalc\nCalc.hlpKW \System\Apps\nCalc\nCalc.hlpK+ About + nCalcK+ v1.2KO nCalc+ John McAleely, 1997-1998.KO nCalc+ is freeware.KO Get the latest version from:O +!http://www.mcaleely.com/freeware/O freeware@mcaleely.com( +.This dialog appears when the online help file: \System\Apps\nCalc\nCalc.hlpK is not installed.( ContinueO HELPID& BASE% ENTRYDIRTY% BASE% ENTRYDIRTY% BASE% ENTRYDIRTY% CMDD% CMDH% CMDB% DECOFFSET% HEXOFFSET% BINOFFSET% CMDH% CMDB% CMDD% BASE% CMDB% CMDD% CMDH% BASE% CMDH% CMDB% CMDD% BASE% SCRWID% TBWIDTH% DecOd( HexOh( BinOb( TBARHIDE TBARSHOW TBVIS% BACKDIRTY% CURFONT& ENTRYDIRTY% STACKDIRTY% BACKDIRTY% CURFONT& ENTRYDIRTY% STACKDIRTY% BACKDIRTY% O 0[& ENTRYDIRTY% ENTRY& EHEX$ EBIN$ EDEC$ SETENTRY SETENTRYFROMBIN O94[" O0L{O SETENTRY ENTRY& SETENTRY SETENTRY ENTRY& CLEARSTACK SETENTRY SETENTRYFROMBIN SETENTRYFROMHEX SETENTRY HANDLEMATHERR BASE% ENTRY& ENTRYDIRTY% EBIN$ EHEX$ O 0[, ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM ENTERNUM CMDP% CMDSP% SETENTRY SETENTRY OPNEGATE& ENTRY& SETENTRYFROMBIN SETENTRYFROMHEX SETENTRY OPSHIFTRIGHT& BASE% EBIN$ EHEX$ ENTRY& BINOP opPlusO BINOP opSubtractO BINOP opDivideO BINOP opMultiplyO BINOP opANDO BINOP opORO BINOP opXORO CMDS% SETENTRY HANDLEMATHERR ENTRY& SETENTRY HANDLEMATHERR ENTRY& ENTRYDIRTY% Overflow Divide by zero Out of range + Underflow Invalid arguments BASE% BASE% OFFRSPECIALKEY% CALLPROC% TBVIS% BASE% MENUPOS% HOTKMOD% '@`[m File+ CloseOe Stack+ PushOp+ PopOP+ SwapOsh+ ClearOn View+ Zoom InOm+ Zoom OutOMh+ Show toolbarOt( Change Base+ DecOd( HexOh( BinOb( Tools+ Change Base>Oqh+ HelpOH O0{1 . 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Oz{9`[ DEBUG% Oa0\` Oz8`[ call Bug: Proc %:,KW KEYENTER% KEYDEL% KEYESC% BINOP UNARYOP CMDQ% CMDSQ% O^{A[ opPowerO O!{A[ opNOTO O~{A[ opNOTO O&{A[ opANDO O*{A[ opMultiplyO O/{A[ opDivideO O\{A[ opORO O#{A[ opPowerO O<{A[ opShiftLeftO O>{A[ opShiftRightO INFO& HEXWIDTH% BINWIDTH% DECWIDTH% WINWIDTH% GAPWIDTH% DRAWBACK DRAWSTACK DRAWENTRY TBVIS% SCRWID% TBWIDTH% CURFONT& DECOFFSET% HEXOFFSET% BINOFFSET% BACKDIRTY% WINWIDTH% GAPWIDTH% BINOFFSET% INFO& BINWIDTH% HEXWIDTH% DECWIDTH% ENTRYDIRTY% STACKDIRTY% OUOUOU DRAWNUMLINE ENTRYDIRTY% INFO& ENTRY& BASE% DECOFFSET% DECWIDTH% BINOFFSET% BINWIDTH% HEXOFFSET% HEXWIDTH% DRAWNUMLINE STACKDIRTY% INFO& STACK& INFO& BINOFFSET% HEXOFFSET% BINWIDTH% DECOFFSET% DECWIDTH% HEXWIDTH% OUOUOU OUOUOU MAIN) APPCONT1a MYINIT INITTBAR| NEXTEV%K PUSHT MOVESTACK CLEARSTACK CMDE%^ CMDSH% OPENHELP LAUNCHHELP CLOSEHELP CMDH%F CMDD%y CMDB% CHANGEBASEFROMXPOS CMDQ%_ CMDSQ% CMDTBDOWNQ% CMDT% CMDM%Q CMDSM% SETENTRY^ SETENTRYFROMBIN SETENTRYFROMHEX CMDP%t CMDSP% CMDS% CMDN%' ENTERNUM] KEY1% KEY2% KEY3% KEY4%1 KEY5%V KEY6%{ KEY7% KEY8% KEY9% KEY0% KEYA%4 KEYB%Y KEYC%~ KEYD% KEYE% KEYF% KEYENTER% KEYP%0 KEYESC%O KEYM%u KEYDEL% KEYI%s KEYO% KEYU% KEYY% KEYN% KEYR%D KEYX%j KEYS% OPPLUS& OPSUBTRACT& OPMULTIPLY& OPDIVIDE& OPAND& OPOR&; OPXOR&W OPPOWER&w BINOP UNARYOP HANDLEMATHERR OPNOT&@ OPNEGATE&X OPSHIFTRIGHT&p OPSHIFTLEFT& OFFRCMD% CALLPROC% OFFRSPECIALKEY% REDRAW DRAWBACK DRAWENTRY!# DRAWSTACK7$ DRAWNUMLINE DATEZ SYSTEM\ * nCalc 1.2 Readme * If you wish to install nCalc, select "Yes" - otherwise select "No". All information in this readme is contained in the online help. Press Ctrl+Shift+h after starting nCalc to view this help. * Introduction nCalc is a freeware multi-base 'programmers' calculator for the Psion Series 5. Use it to compute and view results simultaneously in Binary, Hexadecimal and Decimal forms. * Author and Legal nCalc is copyright John McAleely 1997-1998. It is freeware, and has no warranty. Use it at your own risk. * Where do I get the latest version? Get the latest version at: http://www.mcaleely.com/freeware/ Enjoy! John McAleely freeware@mcaleely.com 28th February 1998.