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Installation The program is downloadable as a "zip" file, which contains this "readme" and the "sis" installation file for the Psion. Once "unzipped" (using the "unzip" program widely available for the PC or Psion) all that needs to be done is to double click on the "sis" file on your PC, or double tap on it on your Psion, and the program should be installed on your Psion. Note that this does not work if you have the old (2.0) version of PsiWin. If this is the case, the easiest option is to download "setup.exe" from Psion's website - http://www.psion.com/downloads/epoc32/epocinstall/setup.exe Once installed on your Psion, this gives you an "install program" option, which can be used to install the "codriver.sis" file. Hope that's not too complicated! Once installed, CoDriver should appear as an icon on the "Extras" menu and can be run from there. Detailed help is available from within the program by choosing "Help" on the tools menu. The program will initially load a example route, but you will want to import a route from your own routefinding program before you use the program to take you anywhere. Choose "Import" from the File menu, and follow the instructions from there. Note, importing routes is the most complicated part of CoDriver, and you might like to read the "Help" first! Registration Registration costs 15 and removes the nag screen, entitles you to use beyond an evaluation period and encourages me to go on developing the program. You can register by post, address given in the program, or online by credit card at http://www.reg.net The Reg.net id number is 4327. Contact I can be emailed at patrick.fox@virgin.net. The program is 1999 Patrick Fox Feel free to link to the program at http://freespace.virgin.net/patrick.fox/codriver/ Version History 9/3/99 Version 1.00 released. 10/3/99 Distribution file altered to "sis" - thanks to Steve Lichfield for his help in this. 11/3/99 Version 1.01 released. * Bug fixes - Import from Psion RoutePlanner was crashing more often than not. Changed so RoutePlanner uses the LaserJet III printer driver (slower but more predictable than the General one) and rewrote the import routine accordingly. Error during import no longer leaves a blank screen but reverts to beginning of previous route. Non-open RoutePlanner produces prompt. Recognises French and German "Left"/"Right", although automatic import from RoutePlanner still fails in these languages due to different keyboard shortcuts. Manual import works. The .ini file couldn't be read for Continental users who use commas as decimal points. Fixed. 13/3/99 Version 1.02 released. * Bug fixes - Progress bar now keeps correct position on route when stepping backwards manually (it was getting left behind before). Reinstated error handling for Import (which had accidentally got turned off while I was debugging 1.00 and not turned back on!). Also made it rather more informative depending on the likely type of error. Autoswitchoff is now only disabled while the program is in the foreground. * New Features - Limited international support. CoDriver can now import automatically from German and French versions of RoutePlanner. (Note it still gives you instructions in English, but it will now at least work!) 14/3/99 Version 1.03 * New Features - When road numbers are displayed by RoutePlanner as eg A20/E15, CoDriver now takes the first of these not the second (which doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Does anyone use these E numbers?!). Greater accuracy in GPS mode with RoutePlanner routes (2% "fudge factor" added, since RoutePlanner usually underestimates distances slightly). Added registration details for online registration through www.reg.net. Back Table1 FHFFHF2*`8404::N $CDC$ Clipboard distance column $CNC$ Clipboard direction column $CRC$ Clipboard roadname column $PDC$ Printfile distance column $PNC$ Printfile direction column $PRC$ Printfile roadname column $BLF$ Backlight flag $SNF$ Sound flag *$LTM$ Light on time (in 10ths of a second) $CMW$ Clipboard minwin $PMW$ Printfile minwin $CGR$ Clipboard grad $PGR$ Printfile grad $CWF$ Clipboard winfac $PWF$ Printfile winfac $WN1$ Initial warning at x miles NR^.F*H^2<` $WN2$ Second warning at x miles -0.15 #$WN3$ Post junction info at x miles ($ERS$ Scale factor for EnRoute distances $SFN$ Source FileName $RVF$ Saved route was reversed? $GPS$ Use the GPS $MKM$ Miles or Km on last import +$PPC$ Psion or PC as source for last import $REG$ Registration code $TBF$ Toolbar visible flag ,$ASF$ Use "Autosense" to identify junctions? "CoDriver #C:\Files\Programs\CoDriver\CoDriver TBARLINK Z:\SYSTEM\OPL\TOOLBAR.OPO MAINO NDETIM NDELAT NDELNG NDEDST NOWTIM NOWLAT NOWLNG NOWDST NOWVEL NOWDIR% TOTDST DSTADJ FUNC% DATA$ FLAG% IDXFL% MINVEL PRVDST WINDOW CRNSCR WRNSTG% CRNADJ PBSE$ FBSE$ FINDST DPOSN DDIRN% CPOSN CDIRN% WINFAC MINWIN BKLFLG% TTA1& TTA2% TTSTAT% TM1A1& TM1STAT% TM2A1& TM2STAT% GESTAT% ENDFLG% TTYOFL% STRFLG% BLONFLG% PLYFLG% PLYSTAT& SNDFLG% LGHTIM& RECCNT% ENRTSF RVSFLG% GPSFLG% SNTCNT% MKMFLG% REGFLG% ASFLG% BUTS& TBRFLG% MPOS% BKGFLG% ANGSTD TBARINIT TBARBUTT GETINIGN REGISTER TBARSHOW TBARHIDE IMPORT% SETSFN% INIWRITE OPENRTE GETINIFS GRAPHINI GRAPHIC ANNOUNCE TTYINIT POSINFO NEWNODE CALCDIST KEYHAND TBAROFFER% TBWIDTH% BUTS.MBMKO CoDriverO OpenO ImportO NextO PrevO ExampleKW ExampleK Please Choose +#Import new route,Open existing file CancelO TIM:O TIM:O CODRIVER.INIK $SFN$O $RVF$O miles ,...K ,...K D`\[ TTY:A(" O'h@[+ +!Turn LINK off to receive from GPS Error $GPRMCC[ RegisterO W GPS has not acquired satellites Incompatible GPS Your GPS does not seem to be producing the "$GPRMC" word. +!Check it's set to NMEA 0183 mode. O.hD[ O.h@[ '{=`O O.hD[E O.h@[ Please attatch a GPS +%Speech Failure - probably low battery O.h@[ O.hD\[? O.h@[ O.h@[ ~TempRTE.tmpK ~tempBMP.mbmK DATA$ TTY:A(" NEXTITEM DATA$ NOWTIM NOWLAT NOWLNG NOWVEL MINVEL NOWDIR% O<|VJ O<|VJ Error W DATA$ MODINC% GRAPHIC MINANG% ANNOUNCE NDETIM NOWTIM NDELAT NOWLAT NDELNG NOWLNG NDEDST NOWDST TOTDST NOWDIR% MINVEL ANGSTD IDXFL% DSTADJ CPOSN WINDOW CDIRN% CRNSCR CRNADJ DPOSN WRNSTG% DDIRN% WINFAC MINWIN ASFLG% ?J2[1 ?R2\[ NDELAT NOWLAT NDELNG NOWLNG NOWDST ENRTSF TOTDST NDEDST DISPDIRN ROADNUM PLYFLG% WRNSTG% RECCNT% BKLFLG% BLONFLG% TM2A1& LGHTIM& TM2STAT% GPSFLG% DPOSN NDEDST DSTADJ MKMFLG% DDIRN% Batteries too low for backlight INKO W KMKO W MILESKO W ARRIVEDKO W + TURN LEFTKO W TURN RIGHTKO W GOKO W ONTO THEKO W + TURN LEFTKO W TURN RIGHTKO W FOLLOW THEKO W FORKO W KMKO W MILESKO W ARRIVEDO W POINT LOCALW UNCLASSIFIED ROAD SNDFLG% PLYFLG% PBSE$ PLYSTAT& Sounds\K Sounds\K GRAPHIC ANNOUNCE GPSFLG% WRNSTG% RECCNT% NDEDST DPOSN DDIRN% TOTDST IDXFL% NOWDST DSTADJ CPOSN WINDOW WINFAC MINWIN CDIRN% CRNSCR STRFLG% Choose current junction Joining the CancelO FINDST |*gfffff |*gfffff |NRJyO |*gfffff W2|NyO |*gfffff W2|NyO TOTDST DSTADJ FINDST NDEDST GPSFLG% |*gfffff Dist to next junction = + , total dist = K MANUAL MODE WRNSTG% DDIRN% RECCNT% PBSE$ LOCALW O94\[ ~TempBMP.mbmK PBSE$ pictures.mbmKO PBSE$ BKLFLG% SNDFLG% LGHTIM& ENRTSF RVSFLG% GPSFLG% TBRFLG% ASFLG% REGFLG% CoDriver.iniKW + SETUP.BAKK CoDriver.iniK CoDriver.iniK CODRIVER.INIK $BLF$O $SNF$O $LTM$O $ERS$O $SFN$O $RVF$O $GPS$O $REG$O $TBF$O $ASF$O F3KWC[ INIWRITE REGISTER PBSE$ REGFLG% RegistrationO ++Registration costs 15, encourages me to go +(on developing the program and allows you +)use of the program beyond a trial period. +(You can register by post (at the addressO +)on the right) or online by credit card atO +"www.reg.net using program ID 4327.O My AddressOa+ Register NowOr+ CancelO Register +#Please enter your REGISTRATION CODE Registration code CancelO CODRIVER.INIK $REG$O F3KWC[/ Registration Successful Incorrect registration code My AddressO Send a cheque for 15 to +%Dr Patrick Fox, Flat C3, Foxtor HouseO +"Derriford Rd, Plymouth PL6 8BQ UKO +0Please include an e-mail address if possible for +(speedy return of your REGISTRATION CODE. PBSE$ MINWIN WINFAC CODRIVER.INIK MW$KO GR$KO WF$KO $WN1$O $WN2$O $WN3$O *KW O Error storing prefences DIAGINIT DIAGEND RESETPOS CMDN% CMDP% CMDO% CMDI% GENPREF IMPPREF REGISTER TBARSHOW TBARHIDE INIWRITE GRAPHINI GRAPHIC PLYFLG% BLONFLG% TM2STAT% PLYSTAT& GPSFLG% TBMENUSYM% REGFLG% MPOS% ENDFLG% PBSE$ TBVIS% TBRFLG% TBWIDTH% '{A`[ File+ Open...Oo+ Import...Oih+ ExitOe Actions+ Goto Junction...Og+ Next InstructionOn+ Previous InstructionOp Actions+ Goto Junction...Og+ Next JunctionOn+ Previous JunctionOp Preferences+ Import...OI+ General...OGh+ ToolbarOt Tools+ Help...Oh+ About...Oah+ Register...Or Tools+ Help...Oh+ About...Oah+ Register...Or( O 8[ O@{Ix O`{Ix Og@`[ O @[- About CoDriver CoDriver version 1.03a Author+ Patrick Fox 1999 Email+ patrick.fox@virgin.net Oh@[) CoDriver.hlpK+ CODRIVER.INIK $TBF$O ~TempBMP.mbmKW ~TempBMP.mbmKW( DIAGINIT SETSFN% DIAGEND ENDFLG% DIAGINIT IMPORT% DIAGEND ENDFLG% RESETPOS RESETPOS INIWRITE GRAPHIC ANNOUNCE LGHTIM& GPSFLG% SNDFLG% BKLFLG% ASFLG% PBSE$ BKGFLG% General PreferencesO Use GPS Speech at junctions Backlight on at junctions "Autosense" junctions Junction Warnings ( +$Initial warning precedes junction byO +#Second warning precedes junction byO +!After junction, give road info atO CancelO CODRIVER.INIK $GPS$O $BLF$O $SNF$O $ASF$O $LTM$O $WN1$O $WN2$O $WN3$O CODRIVER.INIK INIWRITE PBSE$ MINWIN WINFAC +!PC (AutoRoute),Psion RoutePlanner Set Import Preferences for Importing from CancelO CODRIVER.INIK DC$KO NC$KO RC$KO MW$KO GR$KO WF$KO Importing from Clipboard (PC)O + Importing from Psion RouteFinderO Column Information( Distance info in columnO Direction info in columnO Road name info in columnO Identifying Junctions( Minimum Window ( Scoring GradientO Error FactorO CancelO CODRIVER.INIK DC$KO NC$KO RC$KO MW$KO GR$KO WF$KO CODRIVER.INIK FBSE$ ENDFLG% RVSFLG% Choose Route File File,Folder,DiskO Reverse Direction CancelO EXTRACT% RVSFLG% TBARSETTITLE PBSE$ RVSFLG% FBSE$ ~TempRTE.tmpK Oeh@`[ ~TempRTE.tmpKW ~TempRTE.tmpK ~TempRTE.tmpK ~TempRTE.tmpK ~TempRTE.tmpK ~TempRTE.tmpK TURN% ROAD$ IMPPREF CLIPDATA SENDKYS% PRINDATA INIWRITE NAVINFO PBSE$ FBSE$ CODRIVER.INIK $MKM$O $PPC$O A2B.ODBK TEMP.TXTK Import File Import from+!PC (Autoroute),Psion RoutePlanner + Units are+ Miles,Kilometers Then Save As...O File,Folder,DiskO1_ PreferencesOp+ CancelO \C`[- +#You must specify a destination file CODRIVER.INIK DC$KO NC$KO RC$KO Data from PC +.Connect PC and Psion, run PsiWin and ClipSync, +-then choose "Copy Itinerary" on the PC. Press +%"OK" on the Psion once it has beeped. ++Alternatively, import from plain text file. Import from+ PC Clipboard,Plain text file CancelO Processing Route DataO Choose File to Import From File,Folder,DiskO CancelO Processing Route DataO Data from Psion RoutePlanner +-Make sure "Route" is running with your chosen +,route open, then press "OK" to automatically +"get route data from Route Planner. +9Alternatively, print to a file using the "HP LaserjetIII" +3printer driver, and choose "Import from print file" Import from+%RoutePlanner automatically,Print file CancelO C:\SYSTEM\TEMP\PF.TMP Unsuccessful Choose File to Import From File,Folder,DiskO CancelO Processing Route DataO ~TempRTE.tmpK Oeh@`[ CODRIVER.INIK $MKM$O $PPC$O O$hD\[ O$hD[ O$h@[ Turn right onto Turn left onto Go onto C:\SYSTEM\TEMP\PF.TMP A2B.ODBK TEMP.TXTK Error W in ImportK +'Do your "Columns" settings match those? +(in your RoutePlanner? (Alter by choosing +*"Preferences" from the Import dialog box). +,Is "ClipSync" running on your PC and did the +%Psion beep when you copied the route? +!You could try importing manually. +0You did save the route data as a plain text file +1did you? You should be able to open it in Notepad +/on the PC and see plain text separated by tabs. +&Are you using a non-English version of +."RoutePlanner"? If so, try importing manually. +0Did you print to a file using the "Laserjet III" printer driver in RoutePlanner? GETINFO$ O:0\[ |>\[Q O-@`[ LEFTW LINKSW GAUCHEW RIGHTW RECHTSW DROITEW O:0\[ 0\`[b O:<`\[ TEMP$ c:\SYSTEM\DATA\CLPBOARD.CBD( TEMP$ O*@[C TEMP$ OUT1$ OUT2$ OUT3$ NEXTLINE NXTITMP TEMP$ O$h@[ TEMP$ C[ PREV& THREAD& TMPHND% PBSE$ C:\SYSTEM\TEMP C:\SYSTEM\TEMP\PF.TMP C:\FILES\ROUTE Fetching Route dataO KeysK + Fetching Route data, timeout in O secsKO C:\SYSTEM\TEMP\PF.TMPO Can't find "Route" application Is Route (EnRoute) running? +%If it is, please contact me to change +%the UID, otherwise just start "Route" and try importing again. CancelO TTYOFL% BKGFLG% MAIN} TTYINIT RESET POSINFO NEXTITEMn NEWNODE MODINC% MINANG%F CALCDIST ANNOUNCE ROADNUM PLAYn RESETPOS* GRAPHINI!$ GRAPHIC*% DISPDIRNr& ADDV) GETINIGN REGISTER GETINIFS}/ INIWRITE KEYHAND_1 CMDO%m7 CMDI% CMDN% CMDP%&8 GENPREFL8 IMPPREF SETSFN% IMPORT%?A OPENRTE EXTRACT% NAVINFOYP GETINFO$8R CLIPDATA PRINDATA PRINDATAOLD7Z NEXTLINE NXTITMP SENDKYS% DIAGINITNb DIAGEND SYSTEM\ "Data.app Table1 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 ColB12 Table1 Title Content Arial Arial BWhen attatched to a GPS, the program should keep up with your position automatically. It attempts to compensate for small inaccuracies in distances by sensing when you reach the junction. However, large errors, or if you yourself take a wrong turning, can throw the program's "dead reckoning" out. In this situation you can use the Actions menu to reset the program to your actual position. You can choose to go forward to the next junction, back to the previous or to goto any specific junction. The "forward" and "backward" options are available in two other ways as well. Either use the buttons on the toolbar or, most easily, a single tap on the spacebar moves forward while a double tap moves backwards. AAs soon as a file has been imported, its loaded into the program which is ready to issue instructions. However, it is also saved on the Psion in a form which can be simply opened in future, without the bother of re-importing it. To use the file in the future either choose "Open" from the file menu or double tap on the file on the system screen. The "Open file" dialog has an option to reverse the route if you wish to follow the same route on a return journey. AWithout a GPS attatched, its up to you to advance through the instructions manually. In practice, its easiest to do this with the space bar - single tap to go forwards, double tap to go backwards. However, it can also be done from the Actions menu, which also provides the option to go to a specific junction. The "Forward" and "Back" buttons on the toolbar also step through the instructions. BThe General Preferences dialog is, I hope, fairly self-explanatory. It allows selection of whether or not to use a GPS and allows speech and backlighting at junctions to be turned on or off. The second section of the dialog allows you to specify the distances in miles at which you are warned of junctions. There are three warnings. The first (initially set to 1 mile before the junction) gives turn direction and road number information. The second (initially 0.15 miles before the junction) repeats the turn direction. Finally, (0.5 miles after the junction) the new road number is confirmed, along with the distance to travel to the next junction. }FLight doesn't turn on at junctions: * Is it enabled in the General Preferences? * Are your batteries nearly dead? No speech: * Is it enabled in the General Preferences? * Is your battery low (even slightly)? It takes a great deal of current to run the speaker at full volume (more than 1/3rd Amp when the light is on as well) and only batteries which are fairly fresh are able to deliver this. Try Nicad rechargeables - they can deliver higher peak currents. Why is the speech so "Mickey Mouse"-ish?! * This is quite deliberate - the Psion's speaker is barely powerful enough to hear in a moving car. Raising the pitch of the speech both matches it slightly better to the speaker's frequency response and also raises it above much of the low-frequency "rumble" that makes up most of the noise in a car. The program tells me the road number but not the direction to turn: * This is a problem with your route finding program, not CoDriver. EnRoute (Route) on the Psion is a bigger culprit than Autoroute in this respect, preferring to suggest "Go onto..." rather than commit itself to a turn direction. One thing you can sometimes do to help - make sure any "Via" points are not placed at junctions at which you will turn. If they are, the routeplanning program just says "Arrive at Via1... Depart from Via1 on the..." rather than giving a turn direction. CoDriver doesn't tell me when I reach my "Via" points: * You're right, it doesn't! This refects the way I tend to use "Via"s - to shape the route rather than to indicate intermediate destinations. Let me know if you use them differently and I'll consider announcing arrival at "Via"s in a future version. ong with the distance to travel to the next junction. FThe "Import preferences" dialog box allows the alteration of various settings to do with importing files. The settings are different for importing from a PC or from the Psion, therefore the first thing is to specify which of these you are using. CoDriver assumes a route file will be presented as a table, with data in rows and columns. It automatically ignores titles and initial blank rows, but once it comes to a row with data in it needs to know which columns contain the various pieces of information that it needs. The initial settings are for the default setup of AutoRoute 97 on the PC and RoutePlanner on the Psion. Two different pieces of data may share one column (eg in RoutePlanner both turn direction and road number are in column 3). The second section of the dialog is probably best left alone! When using a GPS, CoDriver tries to identify when you actually reach junctions based on a large change in speed and direction near the expected position of the junction. By correcting its position at each junction, the program is (when it gets it right!) able to avoid gradually "drifting" out of sync with reality, as it otherwise would due to the accumulation of small inaccuracies. The settings in this part of the dialog box all affect how close to the expected position a junction needs to be to be counted. The program will be alert for possible junctions within a "window" at least "minimum window" miles either side of the junction, but up to "error factor" distance since last junction either side. Within this window, junctions are weighted according to how close to the expected position they are. The scoring gradient affects the size of this weighting, from 0 (no weighting) to 1 (maximum weighting). 8BThe "Import" function fails: * Have you set the columns up correctly? The default settings are for the default setup of Autoroute (PC) and Route (Psion), but if your versions differ you may need to change these settings so the the Psion knows in which columns to find distance, turn direction and road number details. * If you're copying from a PC is the "ClipShare" program running on the PC to enable the Psion to share the contents of the PC's clipboard? Is the Psion connected to the PC, with the Remote Link turned on, at the time you copy the route on the PC? ail at patrick.fox@virgin.net IThe Psion doen't recognise my GPS: * Have you turned the "Remote Link" to "Off"? (Ctrl-L on the system screen)? * You do have a "null modem" adapter between the GPS and the Psion, do you? * You may not have a compatible GPS. The GPS must output the "$GPRMC" word. This is part of NMEA0183, and I know it works with a Garmin12, but I have heard that some Magellans in particular don't output all the NMEA0183 sentences. If you're having problems, get in touch and I'll see if there's any way round it. The directions are coming at the wrong time: * Are the units set correctly? (Miles/Km). They must be set (at the time of importing) the same in both your route finding program and CoDriver. * Have you taken a wrong turning? CoDriver does not know where you are, only how far you've gone. It can't spot if you make a wrong turning and instead will continue to prompt you as if you were on the correct route. Either recalculate your route (if you're using a Psion based routefinding program) and import it afresh into CoDriver or get back on route and use the "Goto junction" option to reset CoDriver at a known point. * Are your route instructions from a Psion based routefinding program? "Route" (previously "EnRoute"), althouh convenient does not give very accurate distances - compared to the storage on a PC CD-ROM it just doesn't have the space to store roads in sufficient detail to give accurate distances. You can easily find that CoDriver is a couple of mles adrift in giving you directions if you've used a Psion based routefinding program. There's no cure for this other than use a PC-based routefinding program - which can be startlingly accurate. * Your GPS isn't in "simulator" mode, is it?! (That's one I've done!) The displayed distance "jumps" shortly after a junction: * This is perfectly normal, and is simply a sign that the Psion has recognised that you've reached a junction, found that it's not quite where it was supposed to be (either because of errors in the RouteFinding program, or because of errors in recording your elapsed distance) and so has adjusted its internal "tripmeter" to compensate. Its this function which helps to keep things in alignment (most of the time!) when otherwise the Psion's measure of distance and the RouteFinding program's would inevitably slowly drift apart. eGThere are two ways to import routes from your PC routeplanner, one largely automatic and one manual in case the automatic version doesn't work! The first method makes use of the "ClipSync" program on the PC which comes as part of recent versions of PsiWin. This gives the Psion access to data stored on the PC's clipboard. The principle is thus simple - you copy the route to the clipboard on the PC, then tell CoDriver to start importing it. Thus - On the PC: Make sure the PsiWin connection server, ClipSync and your RoutePlanner are all running. In the routeplanner, choose to "Copy itinerary". The Psion should beep to confirm its receved the clipboard data. On the Psion: Make sure remote link is set to Cable (from the system screen). In CoDriver, choose "Import" from the file menu. Select "Import from PC (AutoRoute)" and specify a filename with which to save the route data on the Psion. Specify the units that AutoRoute is using. Press OK, then in the next dialog choose "Import from PC clipboard". Press OK and the file should be successfully imported. Note: CoDriver needs to know in which columns it will find each type of data (distance, road number etc). The default settings for import are for the default settings of MS AutoRoute 97. If your routeplanner's columns are in a different order, you will need to alter the preferences. Press the "Preferences" button in the initial Import dialog. You can then specify in which columns are to be found the distance (cumulative), turn direction and road number information. The Manual method of importing a routefile doesn't use the clipboard as an intermediary. Instead, you will need to save the route data to a plain text file on the PC, with tabs between the columns (perhaps best done by pasting the data into Notepad, then saving this file). Copy the file to the Psion and choose the "Import from plain text file" option. yCCoDriver takes the a route from a PC or Psion based routeplanning program (eg MS AutoRoute or Palmtop's Routeplanner) and presents the instructions "turn by turn" in clear pictographic and spoken form. The spacebar may be used to step between instructions as you come to each junction. Alternatively, if you can plug in a GPS, the program wll present the instructions automatically at the correct point. It uses the GPS data to record how far you've travelled and so "knows" when you've reached each junction. When using the GPS in this way, small inaccuracies in distance would tend to add up, causing the program's position to "drift" away from your real position Thus the program also uses the speed and direction information from the GPS to identify when you make each turn. It is thus able to reset its distance counter at each junction, improving the accuracy of its instructions. BThis program is shareware. You are free to try it out. However, if you wish to keep it for continued use, you must pay a registration fee of 15. The unregistered version is fully working but has a "nag" screen on startup. On registering, this disappears and you will also receive email notification of future upgrades, as well as encouraging me to continue working on and improving the program! To register, please send a cheque for 15 with your email address and the program code (found on the "nag" screen or by choosing "register" from the tools menu) to - Dr Patrick Fox Flat C3, Foxtor House Derriford Rd Plymouth PL6 8BQ You will receive a registration code which "unlocks" the full version. I'm happy to answer queries by email at patrick.fox@virgin.net GAlthough CoDriver loads an example route on running it for the first time, you will want to load your own routes before you actually use the program. Since CoDriver doesn't generate the route instructions itself, these first need to be imported from your RoutePlanner program. You need to choose "import" from the file menu to do this. Route instructions can be imported from either a PC based route program (such as MS AutoRoute) or one on the Psion (such as Palmtop's "RoutePlanner"). See later in the help file for detailed instructions on importing routes. Once you've imported a route, the Psion will initially present the first instruction. If you have a GPS, now's the time to plug it in, make sure "Remote Link" is set to off on the Psion and that the GPS is on. Go to the Preferences... General menu option and tick "Use GPS" to tell the Psion to start "listening" for a GPS signal. Without a GPS, tap the spacebar once to go to the next instruction, twice to go back to the previous one. With a GPS attatched, just start driving and the instructions should keep coming at the appropriate moment! If they get out of step with your actual position, you too can use the spacebar to step forwards or backwards, although this time you're telling the Psion that you've arrived at that junction rather than asking for the next instruction. Note, even with a GPS attatched, the Psion doesn't actually know where you are - only how far you've gone. So its quite possible to take a wrong turning and know nothing about it until the subsequent instructions don't match up with reality! If this happens, once you get back to a junction which is on your planned route, use the Actions... Goto junction... option to tell the program where you are so that it can start giving you accurate instructions again. @Palmtop's excellent "RoutePlanner" (previously "EnRoute") would seem to provide the perfect source for route information, giving a completely self-contained "In car navigation system" on the Psion. However, its distances are not as accurate as AutoRoute's. If you're using CoDriver with a GPS, its critically dependent on accurate distances between junctions, and thus this is a significant failing. RoutePlanner is also more reluctant to commit itself to "Left" or "Right" than Autoroute, preferring a less helpful "Go onto". However, as an "in-car backup" or for relatively short journeys (the distance inaccuracy increases with distance) it can be a useful source of route information. Once again, there are two methods of importing the data, one automatic and one manual. This has only been tested with the latest version of RoutePlanner (1.4) Feedback on other versions would be welcome. Automatic: In RoutePlanner: RoutePlanner must be running with your chosen route ready planned. Instruction type (choose the "Table" menu, then "Instruction type") is best set to "Instructions by road", although CoDriver will try to interpret other formats. You must be displaying the "At" column, which gives a cumulative distance. In CoDriver: Choose Import from the File menu. Choose to "Import from Psion RoutePlanner" and give a filename under which to save the route data. Specify the units that RoutePlanner is using. If you've changed the default column setup in RoutePlanner, press preferences to tell the Psion how its been changed. Press OK. Choose to "Import from RoutePlanner automatically", and after a short delay the route should be imported in CoDriver. What is actually happening is that CoDriver sends the keystrokes to RoutePlanner which are needed to cause it to print the route data to a file using the LaserJet III printer driver. If your version of RoutePlanner has different keystrokes for this0 from mine, it won't work. Hence there is a manual option! To import the route manually, you need to print the route to a file using the LaserJet III printer driver. in RoutePlanner choose print setup, set the printer to "LaserJet III via File", and use "Settings" to specify a filename. Choose print and the details of the route should be output to your chosen file. In CoDriver, choose "Import from Print file" instead of "Import from RoutePlanner automatically" and identify the file that you previously "printed". The program should then import the file. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. NFThe General Preferences dialog is, I hope, fairly self-explanatory. It allows selection of whether or not to use a GPS and allows speech and backlighting at junctions to be turned on or off. "Autosense junctions" refers to the method I've used of looking for a sharp change in speed and direction to identify when you reach the junction. The reason for this is that small errors in distance, particularly as measured by your routefinding program, soon accumulate to put the Psion's "dead reckoning" position out of sync with reality. You can, of course, correct this manually if you notice it, by using the spacebar or "goto junction" function to get back on track. However, "Autosense" is an attempt to do this automatically But... Inevitably, sometimes it gets it wrong. This tends to happen particularly in towns, when you might be stopping and starting in traffic or at lights in many places other than the actual junction. Although "Autosense" is weighted to take most account of turns nearest the expected position of the junction, this sort of situation can obviously mislead it. So there's an option to turn it off if you want to try without. The second section of the dialog allows you to specify the distances in miles at which you are warned of junctions. There are three warnings. The first (initially set to 1 mile before the junction) gives turn direction and road number information. The second (initially 0.15 miles before the junction) repeats the turn direction. Finally, (0.5 miles after the junction) the new road number is confirmed, along with the distance to travel to the next junction. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. GHAlthough CoDriver loads an example route on running it for the first time, you will want to load your own routes before you actually use the program. Since CoDriver doesn't generate the route instructions itself, these first need to be imported from your RoutePlanner program. You need to choose "import" from the file menu to do this. Route instructions can be imported from either a PC based route program (such as MS AutoRoute) or one on the Psion (such as Palmtop's "RoutePlanner"). See later in the help file for detailed instructions on importing routes. Once you've imported a route, the Psion will initially present the first instruction. If you have a GPS, now's the time to plug it in, make sure "Remote Link" is set to off on the Psion and that the GPS is on. Go to the Preferences... General menu option and tick "Use GPS" to tell the Psion to start "listening" for a GPS signal. Without a GPS, tap the spacebar once to go to the next instruction, twice to go back to the previous one. With a GPS attatched, just start driving and the instructions should keep coming at the appropriate moment! If they get out of step with your actual position, you too can use the spacebar to step forwards or backwards, although this time you're telling the Psion that you've arrived at that junction rather than asking for the next instruction. Note, even with a GPS attatched, the Psion doesn't actually know where you are - only how far you've gone. So its quite possible to take a wrong turning and know nothing about it until the subsequent instructions don't match up with reality! Even if you don't actually go wrong, small errors in the RouteFinding program's measure of distance can accumulate to put the Psion's dead reckoning position out of sync with reality. If this happens, once you get back to a junction which is on your planned route, use the Actions... Goto junction... option to tell the program where you are so that it can start giving you accurate instructions again. See also the section on "Autosense junctions" in the General preferences help for a further discussion of cumulative errors. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. KThe Psion doen't recognise my GPS: * Have you turned the "Remote Link" to "Off"? (Ctrl-L on the system screen)? * You do have a "null modem" adapter between the GPS and the Psion, do you? * You may not have a compatible GPS. The GPS must output the "$GPRMC" word. This is part of NMEA0183, and I know it works with a Garmin12, but I have heard that some Magellans in particular don't output all the NMEA0183 sentences. If you're having problems, get in touch and I'll see if there's any way round it. The directions are coming at the wrong time: * Are the units set correctly? (Miles/Km). They must be set (at the time of importing) the same in both your route finding program and CoDriver. * Have you taken a wrong turning? CoDriver does not know where you are, only how far you've gone. It can't spot if you make a wrong turning and instead will continue to prompt you as if you were on the correct route. Either recalculate your route (if you're using a Psion based routefinding program) and import it afresh into CoDriver or get back on route and use the "Goto junction" option to reset CoDriver at a known point. * Are your route instructions from a Psion based routefinding program? "Route" (previously "EnRoute"), althouh convenient does not give very accurate distances - compared to the storage on a PC CD-ROM it just doesn't have the space to store roads in sufficient detail to give accurate distances. You can easily find that CoDriver is a couple of mles adrift in giving you directions if you've used a Psion based routefinding program. There's no cure for this other than use a PC-based routefinding program - which can be startlingly accurate. * Your GPS isn't in "simulator" mode, is it?! (That's one I've done!) * Despite all I can do, as the program uses "dead reckoning" rather than an absolute position you will find that the position drifts out of sync with reality due to the accumulation of small errors. Using "Autosense junctions" fro the general preferences can help with this (although in some cases it can make it worse - see the discussion in the General Preferences help). Sometimes, though, you will just have to manually tell the program when you arrive at a junction in order to keep it in sync. The displayed distance "jumps" shortly after a junction: * This is perfectly normal, and is simply a sign that the Psion has recognised that you've reached a junction, found that it's not quite where it was supposed to be (either because of errors in the RouteFinding program, or because of errors in recording your elapsed distance) and so has adjusted its internal "tripmeter" to compensate. Its this function which helps to keep things in alignment (most of the time!) when otherwise the Psion's measure of distance and the RouteFinding program's would inevitably slowly drift apart. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. @Light doesn't turn on at junctions: * Is it enabled in the General Preferences? * Are your batteries nearly dead? No speech: * Is it enabled in the General Preferences? * Is your battery low (even slightly)? It takes a great deal of current to run the speaker at full volume (more than 1/3rd Amp when the light is on as well) and only batteries which are fairly fresh are able to deliver this. Try Nicad rechargeables - they can deliver higher peak currents. Why is the speech so "Mickey Mouse"-ish?! * This is quite deliberate - the Psion's speaker is barely powerful enough to hear in a moving car. Raising the pitch of the speech both matches it slightly better to the speaker's frequency response and also raises it above much of the low-frequency "rumble" that makes up most of the noise in a car. What do the beeps mean? * CoDriver beeps whenever it gives you an instruction, but you may have noticed these are not always the same. In fact, they're also giving you turn information, in case the speech which follows is inaudible. One beep - turn right, two beeps - turn left, three beeps - straight on. The program tells me the road number but not the direction to turn: * This is a problem with your route finding program, not CoDriver. EnRoute (Route) on the Psion is a bigger culprit than Autoroute in this respect, preferring to suggest "Go onto..." rather than commit itself to a turn direction. One thing you can sometimes do to help - make sure any "Via" points are not placed at junctions at which you will turn. If they are, the routeplanning program just says "Arrive at Via1... Depart from Via1 on the..." rather than giving a turn direction. CoDriver doesn't tell me when I reach my "Via" points: * You're right, it doesn't! This refects the way I tend to use "Via"s - to shape the route rather than to indicate intermediate destinations. Let me know if you use them differently and I'll consider announcing arrival at "Via"s in a future version. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. 9CThe "Import" function fails: * Have you set the columns up correctly? The default settings are for the default setup of Autoroute (PC) and Route (Psion), but if your versions differ you may need to change these settings so the the Psion knows in which columns to find distance, turn direction and road number details. * If you're copying from a PC is the "ClipShare" program running on the PC to enable the Psion to share the contents of the PC's clipboard? Is the Psion connected to the PC, with the Remote Link turned on, at the time you copy the route on the PC? * If you're importing from a non-English/French/German version of RoutePlanner, you will need to import manually. You will also find that "Left/Right" turn instructions are not recognised correctly. Please drop me a note and I'll see about correcting this. Introduction Getting started Importing from a PC &Importing from Palmtop's RoutePlanner Opening files Actions menu - With GPS Actions menu - Without GPS General Preferences Import Prefences Registration Problems - Setup Swiss Problems - General Swiss Problems - GPS Swiss I'm still stuck! Drop me an e-mail at patrick.fox@virgin.net - I've had a lot of fun developing this application and will be happy to help you get the most out of it. Table1 FHFFHF2*`8404::N $CDC$ Clipboard distance column $CNC$ Clipboard direction column $CRC$ Clipboard roadname column $PDC$ Printfile distance column $PNC$ Printfile direction column $PRC$ Printfile roadname column $BLF$ Backlight flag $SNF$ Sound flag *$LTM$ Light on time (in 10ths of a second) $CMW$ Clipboard minwin $PMW$ Printfile minwin $CGR$ Clipboard grad $PGR$ Printfile grad $CWF$ Clipboard winfac $PWF$ Printfile winfac $WN1$ Initial warning at x miles NR^.F*H^2<` $WN2$ Second warning at x miles -0.15 #$WN3$ Post junction info at x miles ($ERS$ Scale factor for EnRoute distances $SFN$ Source FileName $RVF$ Saved route was reversed? $GPS$ Use the GPS $MKM$ Miles or Km on last import +$PPC$ Psion or PC as source for last import $REG$ Registration code $TBF$ Toolbar visible flag ,$ASF$ Use "Autosense" to identify junctions? International Support ================ Note that at present, the program produces English instructions regardless of your choice of language. The point of having language selection is to allow CoDriver to correctly work with your version of RoutePlanner.