!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\data\Reeldata!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\data\Cash.pot!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\Reel4!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\Reel3!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\Reel2!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\Reel1!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\Scores!:\system\apps\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.ini\Uploads\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.hlp!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.hlp\Uploads\RMRFruit\Texture!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Texture\Uploads\RMRFruit\Side Bar.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Side Bar.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\Title2.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Title2.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\RMRIcon.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\RMRIcon.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\Reel Editor.opo!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Reel Editor.opo\Uploads\RMRFruit\FruitsA.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\FruitsA.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\Fruits.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Fruits.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\Fruit Title.mbm!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\Fruit Title.mbm\Uploads\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.aif!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.aif\Uploads\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.app!:\system\Apps\RMRFruit\RMRFruit.appRMRFruitP "Data.app)@ AThe aim of RMRFruit is to make money. This is done by spinning the reels and trying to line up identical fruits and symbols in the central row. Doing this wins you either money or a feature, the former of which can be gambled to make more money, or to lose it. #AYou are limited in terms of the number of times you can spin the reel. This number is known as your credits. Each new game is started with 25 credits. Money you win is stored in the bank as winnings. These can be used to buy more credits at a rate of 1 per credit, should you ever run out. BWhen you are not in a feature and the reels are still, you can press Menu to access various options. From here you can save and load games. Each file contains the number of winnings and credits you have, as well as the position of the reels. Hold and nudge information is not saved. Games can be loaded either from the menu, or by selecting the game file from the System screen. By default, RMRFruit looks for a folder named "\FruitSaves" to store saved games, though this does not need to exist and games may be stored anywhere. CWhenever you have finished spinning the reels, you may be offered the chance to either hold any of the reels, or to nudge them a limited number of times. In either case, this is done by tapping one of the four buttons which appear below the reels. Alternatively, you can press the corresponding number: 1, 2, 3 or 4. Reels which are held can be released by tapping them again. Nudges allow you to control the movement of the reels. For every one nudge, you can move one reel one place. Unlike most fruit machines, the nudges push the reels in the same direction as they normally spin. You are limited in terms of how many nudges are available to you. This normally varies between 1 and 10 nudges, although there have been rumours of 99 nudges being given to some lucky players Table1 Title: *Help Text: Sort: Arial Times New Roman Table1 ColA9 ColB9 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 Index1 ColA12 AAs far as the testers can tell, there are no actual bugs in the game. Sometimes, holds and nudge buttons have a slow response time when pressed on the screen. When playing, the game requires a large amount of processing power, and therefore may slow down in the event of other programs running at the same time. Cheats? Of course there are....If you want to know them, send me an email... AAt any time, you can use your winnings to buy more credits. These cost 1 each. You will find this cost a bit expensive when you begin to play, though you will find as you play more and you win more that this is not too expensive. You are given the option to buy credits if you run out of credits anyway. You can also sell credits to exchange for winnings at any time, though you cannot have less than 1 credit. Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial ERMRFruit offers two main features, these being the Winning Streak and the Special Feature. The Winning Streak is activated by lining up four Stars. The reels will then spin and win continuously a random number of times. Each time you win, you will be able to gamble the money as usual, except that features are not available for exchange. The Special Feature is activated by lining up four Special Feature images. The fruit machine will then be replaced by a board containing number values and text. You will be initially given the option to play or take your winnings. Choosing to play will cause a digital dice to roll and you will move up to six places forward (clockwise). As you move, money is accumulated. At any time, this can be taken and added to your total. Also, there are a number of spaces on the board which do not contain a figure. Instead, special features are offered. Two types of winning spins are offered, as are three other features: Double or Half: This allows you the chance to double your winnings or credits, but there is the risk of halving either value. Play the Odds: A new screen will appear with flashing values. Press a key for guaranteed winnings. Up the Ante: Here you press a key to stop a moving horizontal bar. The fuller the bar, the more money you win. Features may be taken by pressing Tab. All of these features exit you from the main Special Feature. Note that the main Special Feature also contains a Lose space, from which everything you accumulate is lost instantly. BWhenever you win anything other than the jackpot, the cashpot or a feature, you will be given the option to gamble your winnings. This is done on the gambling screen which consists of all of the money values. Pressing Space gambles the money. It can go either up or down. If you drop off the bottom, you lose. If you reach the top, you win the jackpot. In either instance, you return to the game to play your next credit. At any time you can press Enter to take your winnings. At certain stages along the gambling line you can press Tab to exchange any winnings for a feature. This may be either the winning streak, or the main special feature. RBRMRFruit is a standard 4-reel Fruit Machine for the Psion Series 5, with a few added features. New to version 2.0 The Gambling table has been visually improved. There are now two sets of fruits graphics which you may choose between - either classic or modern. Note that in the modern graphics, the melon is replaced by strawberries. The reel editor has had some bugs fixed. An hidden extra has been added. New to version 1.01 Version 1.01 now provides a reel editor, a high score table, and some minor bug fixes. Version 2.0 1999 RMR Software & Andrew Harsent support@rmrsoft.com amh@i.am CRMRFruit now provides a reel editor to registered users. This may be accessed either from within RMRFruit, from the Tools menu, or it may be run independantly from the file. It is stored at: \System\Apps\RMRFruit\Reel Editor.opo When you start the editor, the fruits will be displayed on the left, and the reels on the right. To scroll any of the reels, simply touch them. The direction of the scrolling depends on whether you touch a reel at the top or the bottom. To change any fruit on a reel, simply drag a fruit from the left onto a reel on the right. The menu provides the option to reset the reels to their default content. You can also save the contents, or exit the editor and return to RMRFruit. If you run the editor from within RMRFruit, no changes will seem to have been made until you close completely and restart the program. Note: After the reels have been edited, the next time RMRFruit starts, the new reels will need to be initialised, and so the program may take several seconds longer to start. CLining up different fruits gives different winnings. Most of the items on the reels represent fruits and allow you to win money for placing in the bank, or gambling. Others give special features, discussed elsewhere. The money winning combinations are as follows: 3 Cherries = 3 Oranges = 3 Grapes = 3 Stars = 3 Melons = 3 Spec. Feature = 3 Bells = 3 Bars = 3 Cash Pot = 3 Pound Signs = 4 Cherries = 4 Oranges = 4 Grapes = 4 Melons = 4 Bells = 4 Bars = 4 Pound Signs = JACKPOT 4 Cashpots = Cashpot The cashpot is a special source of winnings which is always changing. Normally it just increases over time. If it is won, it returns to Note the following differences in the modern graphics set: Melons are now strawberries. Cashpots are now fruit machine images. Pound signs are now money bags. The special feature is now a diamond. RMRFruit is shareware. The game itself is playable, but the following features have been limited or disabled: The cashpot may not exceed Games may not be saved or loaded. The Reel Editor may not be used. By registering, you will be given a code specific to your name which will unlock these features. How to Register If you wish to register your copy, which will then give you full access to the program, and no nag screen, the cost is 7 (US$10, 25DM, 10Euros). There are two ways to register: Credit Card: Although this method will cost an extra US$5 in handling, it is very fast and reliable. To register on-line, go to our Home Page, and follow the instructions at: http://www.rmrsoft.com/ Alternatively, in the USA, you can phone 1-800-WWW2REG (1-800-999-2734) or (801) 355-5110 and quote the program name of 'RMRFruit' and the RegNet ID number 2740 By Post: Please send the money to either of the following addresses. UK cheques & Sterling Eurocheques (no foreign currency cheques please), or 'real folding' money, to the UK address, DM cheques to the German address, and US$ checks to the USA address. Please make any cheques (checks) payable to 'RMR Software' and include a stamped, self-addressed envelope or provide an E-Mail address : RMR Software c/o 6000 Natick Court Burke, VA 22015 Software c/o 46 Mortimer Road Kempston Bedford MK42 8RE ENGLAND Software c/o PSIOlogic Versand Sudentenstrasse 46 D 63571 Gelnhausen GERMANY We will then send you a unique code to enter with the 'Register' Menu option, which will allow you unrestricted use of the program. If you have any questions, we can be contacted at : support@rmrsoft.com Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman A full list of the programs available from RMR Software is as follows: Personal Accounts Suite RMRBank (For EPOC) RMRBank3 (For 3a/c/mx) SNABank (For Siena) S3Bank (For S3 Classic) 20 / US$30 / 60DM / 30 Euros) This is a Quicken-type Personal Accounts package that has more functionality than any of the other financial programs currently available for Psions, and is less than half the price of the commercial programs. It is now the most successful Psion Shareware program, with well over 5500 registered users all over the world, and S5Bank won the Finance category of the Psion-sponsored EPOC/OPL competition. As well as the basic financial core, the program also includes for free, all these next 5 programs as fully-integrated optional modules. Otherwise these modules are available as the following standalone programs. Investment Performance Monitor RMRInvest (EPOC) S3AInv (S3a/c/mx) SNAInv (Siena) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) An Investment Performance Tracker to monitor a portfolio of stocks, shares or bonds. Fuel Consumption Monitor RMRFuel (EPOC) S3AFuel (S3a/c/mx) SNAFuel (Siena) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A Fuel Consumption Monitor for up to 10 vehicles. Financial Planner S3APlan (S3a/c/mx) SNAPlan (Siena) 7 / US$10 / 25DM / 10 Euros) A Budget Planner based on the Quicken Financial Planner. Home Inventory RMRHome (EPOC) S3AHome (S3a/c/mx) SNAHome (Siena) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A Home Inventory program based on the Quicken version. Expense Account Monitor S3AExp (S3a/c/mx) SNAExp (Siena) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) An Expense Account Monitor with optional Company Vehicle monitor. As well as these financially orientated programs we also offer the following other programs: Picture/Icon Editor RMRArt (EPOC) 12 / US$20 / 40DM / 20 Euros) S3ADraw (S3a/c/mx) SNADraw (Siena) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A Drawing or Icon viewer and editor. Collection Manager S3AColl (S3a/c/mx) SNAColl (Siena) 7 / US$10 / 25DM / 10 Euros) A Collection (books/records/etc) Manager. Extended ToDo Manager RMRTask (EPOC) S3ATask (S3a/c/mx) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) An Extended Task (ToDo) Manager. Note Taker/Jotter RMRNotes (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) An advanced 'Jotter' program Text/Hex Editor RMRText (EPOC) Freeware Diet/Weight/Exercise Tracker RMRDiet (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euro) Agenda Month Viewer RMRMonth (EPOC) 12 / US$20 / 40DM / 20 Euros) Utilities & Conversions RMRUtils (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A useful collection of utility and conversion tools File Compression/Archiving RMRZip (EPOC) PsiZip (S3a/c/mx) & Siena) 15 / US$25 / 50DM / 25 Euros) The EPOC and SIBO equivalents of WinZip and PKZip for the PC Vacation/Leave Tracking VacTrac5 (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) Program for tracking holidays for a group of employees. Solitaire RMRSol (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) The classic patience card game. Defender deVender (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) The classic 'Defender' arcade game. Contact Manager RMRContact (EPOC) 20 / US$32 / 60DM / 30 Euros) An Act!-like Contact Manager application File Manager RMRFile (EPOC) 15 / US$25 / 50DM / 25 Euros) A multi-function file manager along the lines of Windows Explorer. Company Car Manager RMRCar (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A program to record your business use of your Company Car. Sokoban Game RMRBoxx (EPOC) 10 / US$15 / 30DM / 15 Euros) A version of the classic strategy game Sokoban. Fruit Machine Game RMRFruit (EPOC) 7 / US$10 / 25DM / 15 Euros) The classic casino game. Sound Convertor/Player Soundtrans (EPOC) 12 / US$20 / 30DM / 20 Euros) A Sound convertor and player for all formats Internet News Reader RMRNews (EPOC) 15 / US$25 / 50DM / 25 Euros) These are all available from our Home Page at: http://www.rmrsoft.com/ and at all the usual on-line areas as follows: CompuServe : GO PSION America on Line : GO PDA (Psion area or New Files area) If you cannot get them from any of these places, simply send a floppy disk and Stamped, Self Addressed envelope to any of the addresses quoted in the 'How to Register' Help Item, and we will send you all ; the latest copies of the programs. (State which platform). Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman 88@,, Welcome to RMRFruit The Aim of the Game Playing the Game Everything can be controlled via either the keyboard, or by using the touch screen. Pressing Space will spin the reels. Pressing any number from 1 to 4 will activate a hold or nudge, should you be offered either. Credits & Cash Holds & Nudges The Fruits Gambling Features Saved Games Notes & Bugs Credit Exchange - Game Over A game is only officially over if you run out of winnings and credits, though you can finish a game by declining the option to buy credits when you run out. Shareware Restrictions Other Programs from RMR Reel Editor SC3!!"1CDC ##$#3$$3##$D%5 DD$33#35DD $##$C%%4 DCC3CSCCD 4DC3CcS DDEEDE 64DE6UE5DD DEEFE4D UF3TVeeTCD oVVeUDDt tffEDCfVfWD4D oWVWG4DD VCtwvwGD wvvwDd vwvwDSdw wVCDC ww6DCD ~hxxh wGDhhxwG4 wxxDD4 w74D5 4DUTT O4DF5 OEFUE $BB4U O22DDS >5$3D5 >$442 ?432D xyytxx3z h5DDiiyDDxxy33Cxxi8 yxH4DtxxHD4xy wGcgwTwwWSCdw vwC%DfwwTs vFDSgwgxgwgwvw74$ ~ggFgWGsgfdfg645vvg'EThgg4B3hgW4d GCdgv xgWF43 WffFVv&WfVdVfDDSffeTEeueVCCsefUDdffeVf4CCVeVDSsue% def53C VFF'VFEEFFUFVC4D 44CFF64DUUFVFEDTVFFD4FFV7 AVVE34D CT4DD5 DEEDTRCEDTDETDEDC3ETTDDCEEDEDCSCDDEDDETD5 @EDT3C3 355E5E4DD45 445D34D45 D4544D55T 1445C43 ?RCC43$4CC433 3DC443C3CDC334DD433C4 3344$44 #"2!C$# C4$"2"2"" 33#""244$" #"D4E# #"CTD #"2D4$ D$! 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