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Unregistered shareware !!!Registered to It is illegal to distribute this programDeveloped by FatCatz Distributed by RMR Softwarehttp://www.rmrsoft.com e-mail: support@rmrsoft.comAbout puzzleBy CongratulationsYou have completed this puzzleCrossword Pro load errorPlease install Crossword Pro againCurrent puzzle not savedSave current puzzle?Install sample puzzles?Enter the name of a new folder to install the puzzles into, orleave the 'New folder' box blank to use an existing folder.New folder,Folder,DiskPlease registerYou are on day of your 28 days evaluation period.If you enjoy playing FatCatz Crossword please register. The cost of registration is only $14.95, this will remove the nagscreens, and enable auto resuming and the Restore command.For registration information refer to: Help|How to registerOpen fileNon Crossword format files will be automatically convertedDelete after conversionPreferencesPuzzle width (% of screen)Auto resumeAutomatically jump completed cellsShow alternatives in Spell checkUse personal dictionary in Spell checkRegister Crossword ProNameRegister FatCatz CrosswordNameCodeFor registration information refer to: Help|How to register.Enter your nameRestore puzzleReveal complete solution?Save current puzzle before closing?Save puzzleScoreTotalCorrectWrongLettersWordsCompletedUncompletedFilledEmptyCellsRevealedCluesTime day(s)hhmmssSet zoomPuzzle zoom toClues zoom toSpell checkUnrecognised word: No suggestionsShowing first suggestionsSuggestions & ' h Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 ColA4 ColB4 "DATA.APP CFatCatz Crossword Copyright 1999-2001 FatCatz Play crosswords wherever you are. Crossword let s you concentrate on solving the puzzle by providing features that includes automatically tracking and the crossing out of completed clues, it also provides direct access to Spell for quick spelling checks. Download puzzles from the Internet or manually type them in, with Crossword there is no need for a dictionary, pencil or eraser anymore! The only crossword program you ll ever need. Some of Crossword s features: Auto resume from last puzzle Can import all of the popular Internet puzzle formats. Different skill levels Automatic highlighting of wrong letters and completed clues. Cheat feature Automatic tracking of clues with movement on the grid Automatic jump completed cells Direct access to Spell Fully customisable screen layout with multiple zoom levels Save and restore options Score board feature CBArrow keys - Move puzzle Del or Space - Delete letter Fn+O or , - Go to start of word cell Fn+I - Go to end of word cell Shift+Arrow keys - Move clue list cursor Enter - Go to next unfinished clue Shift+Enter - Go to previous unfinished clue . - Display clue in full Tab - Switch direction To enter letters just type, the cursor will move to the next cell automatically. Note: Most commands can be performed using the pen. For example, tap a highlighted cell to switch direction. Tip: To resize the puzzle window, drag the space between the puzzle window and the clues windows. DShareware Concept: Crossword is shareware, this means you can distribute the unregistered version freely, you can also freely evaluate Crossword for not more than 28 days, after this time you must choose to register or otherwise you must delete it from your machine. The unregistered version of Crossword cannot auto resume, and the Restore puzzle Command is disabled. Cost of registration: You can purchase the registration code for only US$14.95. Benefit of registering: Once registered you will have full access to Crossword. Benefits are: No nag screens Auto resuming and Restore puzzle Free support if required Free upgrades to version 1.XX How to Register: Your can purchase the registration code by: cash, credit card online or by telephone. We will email you a registration code to unlock Crossword. If you do not provide us with a email address we will post it to you, please allow up to four weeks for delivery. For payment information visit the Purchase page at http://www.fatcatz.net Telephone: Phone +1 (510) 658-5244, to place a order select the option to transfer your call to an answering service. There is a telephone order handling charge of $5. The telephone order charge includes an automatic receipt by post. SDIf you would like to create or manually enter a puzzle, from newspapers, magazines etc., the best way to do it is to open Word and enter in the details using the template below. Important: You must save it as a plain text file (File|More|Export as text file) with the .txt extension. Template format: The template contains special tags. Bold tags < > are required. The data cannot be longer than 255 characters on each line Puzzle title <author> Puzzle creator <date> Date the puzzle was created or other information <grid> Use one line for each row in the grid. '-' (negative) for a empty cell. # (hash) for a black cell. If the puzzle is to contain the solution then enter the letters instead of '-'. <across> Enter each across clue on a separate line, clue number must not be entered. <down> Enter each down clue on a separate line, clue number must not be entered. Template example: <author> FatCatz (c) 1999 <grid> ##T#### PSION## ##M###M #GEOFOX <across> Company that designed the EPOC OS. Second EPOC machine. <down> A S5 build in program that has a map. Released in 1999. CThe Internet is the best place to look for more free puzzles. Here are a few starting places: Note: Print denotes no format and requires you to manually type in the puzzle. Across Puzzle Gallery http://www.litsoft.com/across/gallery.htm American, Across format CapeCod http://www.capecodonline.com/cctimes/crossword American, Across format ClueMaster http://www.cluemaster.com British, Across format Cruciverb-L http://www.cruciverb.com American, Across format. Guardian Unlimited http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk British, Print USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/life/puzzles/puzzle.htm American, USA Today format Tip: We also have a detailed list of puzzle archive sites on our web site which is constantly kept up to date, http://www.fatcatz.net Finally we welcome you to submit puzzles to us. CYou can load any puzzles with the following extensions: .PUZ - USA today or Across Lite * .TXT - Plain text in the Crossword format ** <No extensions> - Crosswords own format * Only unscrambled puzzles. ** Refer to topic 'Typing in puzzles' for the required text format. No conversion is required, Crossword will automatically detect the format and convert to Crossword s own format. It will automatically delete the original file after conversion. You can disable this option. The advantage of Crosswords format over the other puzzle formats are: 1. Reduced file size 2. Tapping the file icon in the System screen will open the puzzle in Crossword 3. Faster loading Note: Some puzzles may not have answers in which case the Skill and Reveal commands will not be available. Important: If you rename the puzzle file, do not modify or delete the extension, Crossword requires the extension to determine the format of the file. CTools|Preferences Puzzle width: This sets the width of the puzzle window. This can also be performed by dragging the gap separating the puzzle window and the clues windows. Auto resume: Tick the check box if you want Crossword to save your progress when you close it, and to resume when you re-open it. Automatically jump completed cells: Tick the check box if you want Crossword to automatically jump completed cells. If you set the skill level to Easy Crossword will jump to the first incorrect cell. Show alternatives in spell check: Tick the check box if you want the spell checker, (Ctrl+L) to show alternatives to the word if the word is spelt incorrectly. Use personal dictionary in spell check: To use the Personal dictionary as well when checking the spelling of a word tick the check box. AIf you are stuck you can cheat and reveal a letter Ctrl+Z, complete word Shift+Ctrl+Z, or even the complete solution. Shift+Ctrl+C. Note: For puzzles that do not contain answers the Reveal letter, Reveal word, and Reveal complete solution commands will be disabled ATools|Skill You have the option to adjust the skill level. The different skill levels determine the amount of help you receive. Easy, highlight wrong letters and hightlight clues completed with the wrong word. Medium, highlight clues completed with the wrong word. Hard, no hints are given. To see how well you are performing view the score board View|Score to see how many cells have been correctly filled in. Note: For puzzles with no answers the Skill command will be disabled. wAWorld Wide Web: http://www.fatcatz.net Support forum: http://forums.fatcatz.net Email: support@fatcatz.net Please report any bugs, also any comments/suggestions always welcomed. If you are looking for more quality software then why not visit our web site. If you have an idea for a game or application let us know and if we use your idea you'll receive a free registration! EFatCatz hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited license subject to the terms and conditions contained herein to the use of FatCatz Crossword, (called "the Software" in this agreement). If you are a registered user* you may install the software on an unlimited number of machines so long as one and only one copy is being used at any one time. As a registered user you may not either temporarily or permanently transfer or sub-license your rights to use the Software. As a unregistered user you may freely distribute the unregistered version of the Software. You acknowledge the rights to the Software are the sole and exclusive property of FatCatz. By accepting this agreement, you do not become the owner of the Software in accordance with this agreement. The software including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse translation is expressly forbidden. FatCatz cannot and does not accept any liability for the unlikely event of an error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either expressed or implied by FatCatz. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. This Software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. * A registered user is a person who has purchased the unlock code. /BVisit FatCatz's web site http://www.fatcatz.net for more qualify software including freeware. Below are just a few of our software for EPOC: Agenda Plus: Enhance Agenda with three new views: month view, planner view and a list view. MagicKeys: A clipboard and key macro utility, Similar to MS Words Autotext feature. PsiTris: A Tetris style game with many features, best of all it's freeware Sokoboxx: A Sokoban game with over 200 levels (75 exclusively for Sokoboxx). Features include: unlimited undo, multiple zooms, and includes a powerful level editor. More softwareR FatCatz Crossword! IntroductionR FatCatz Crossword! Crossword: Quick startR FatCatz Crossword! How to registerR FatCatz Crossword! Auto resumingR Press Ctrl+K and tick the check box if you want Crossword to automatically save and resume your last puzzle. If you do not open Crossword directly (opening Crossword via a puzzle file) you loose the data saved from the last puzzle. FatCatz Crossword! Copying & pastingR You can use the Copy and Paste commands to move words between programs. Note: When using the Paste command, if the word is longer than the allowed size it will be clipped. FatCatz Crossword! Creating a puzzleR FatCatz Crossword! Finding new puzzlesR FatCatz Crossword! Loading a puzzleR FatCatz Crossword! Puzzle sizesR Crossword is able to handle most puzzle sizes however the total number of clues either across or down cannot exceed 100. Also the bigger the puzzle grid the more memory is required so for large puzzles make sure you close programs you are not using. FatCatz Crossword! PreferencesR FatCatz Crossword! Revealing letters & wordsR FatCatz Crossword! Saving and restoring puzzlesR File|More|Save puzzle File|More|Restore puzzle The current state of a puzzle can be saved and resumed later, the following information are also saved: Puzzle zoom level Clues windows' zoom level Puzzle window width Skill level FatCatz Crossword! Skill levelsR FatCatz Crossword! Contact UsR FatCatz Crossword! LicenseR FatCatz Crossword! CreditsR Bob Norris - Comments and suggestions Tim Salmon - Puzzle compiler Phil Spencer - Beta tester Andy Waller - Beta tester Also thank you to all the registered users. FatCatz Crossword! Table1 title synonym QUEUD YffYff ZfZ$U& eYffY fYVfeefeef QQD@D QUQUD TE@DUU EDADD jUeV2U ETDD@ ADQ@DA fYffU ADPUUD EAEDD@D kfefY EDEDDA UTDQD, QDED, QDDED VVfYf VfYYV EETDT UQE3U iffjf ZeUVe VUDQEQ?U QET>U keeVf EDD>U UUED=U UED=U VfeUf jfVUAT;U ZYfVV EEDTT jfVUE:U eUUT9U feVUT:U YefUA UDQ3U YUUDD DDT*U YffUEDTD TDEUU fUUDEE QUUEQ QQEET$U EETDTUE ETDT@ jVUYeU QAPETT&U QTT&U EETDT$U EDQD$U kVUYVV YEQQETDT"U QDQTP TUQQ#U jUUDE jYUVUY kUVUUe kUUYeU VYUVU UUUUEUUUUUQ QUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT UUETUUUUUUUUU QPPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUA PAEUUUU TUUUU ZeUUU EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UEDUUUUUETUUUUU "c:\opl\FCCrossword\FCCrossword.opl TBARLINK +&C:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.oslW +&C:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.osl +&D:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.oslW +&D:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.osl +&E:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.oslW +&E:\System\Libs\RMRShared\RMRShared.osl Cannot find RMRShared.osl+ Install program againW8 + CrosswordO GWIDTH% GHEIGHT% BARWIDTH% TWOBUTTWIDTH% PATHNAME$ CWNAME$ SAVENAME$ CWDIR$ SHOWTOOLBAR% HELPTHREAD& MINIT% SKILL% SHOWALT% AUTOSAVE% USEUSERDIC% PERCENT% EXDELETE% CWZOOM% CWWID% CWVISIBLEY% CWVISIBLEX% CWDLGWIDTH% CWCELLSIZE% CWDLGSCROLLBARY% CWDLGSCROLLBARX% CWDLGBARDIVY CWDLGBARDIVX CWDLGBARY% CWDLGBARX% CWOFFSETX% CWOFFSETY% CWDIRECTION% CWGINFO3& CWNUMBERFONT& CWCHARFONT& DRAWCLUEW$ CLUEZOOM% CLUEWID% CLUETEXTWID% CLUEVISIBLEY% CLUEVISIBLEX% CLUEDLGBARY% CLUEDLGBARX% CLUEDLGBARDIVY CLUEDLGBARDIVX CLUEDLGSCROLLBARY% CLUEDLGSCROLLBARX% CLUEOFFSETX% CLUEOFFSETY% CLUEGINFO3& CLUEGINFO4& CLUE$ CLUEIDX$ CLUESTATE$ CLUESTATEADDR& CLUESTATEANS$ CLUEIDXADDR& GRIDCOORD$ GRIDCOORDADDR& CLUEHEIGHT% CLUEWIDTH% CLUENOWIDEST% p CLUEFONT& CWCURSORX% CWCURSORY% CLUECURSORY% ANSWERS% RESTORETYPE% p FINISHED% GBAUTOJUMPLETTER% GBACROSSDOWNTHEIGHT% GBACROSSDOWNFONT& GBARROWFONT& CWDATE$ CWTITLE$ -q CWAUTHOR$ CWWIDTH% q CWHEIGHT% q CWSTARTX% q CWSTARTY% q CURRENTW% r NOTSAVED% SCORECHEATL% SCORECHEATW% SCORETIME& STARTTIME& LOGOID& NAGDAYS& GBPRO% 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RESTOREPUZZLE SAVECW SCORE SETZOOM SHOWANSWERS SHOWCLUELIST2 SHOWTOOLBAR SPELLCHECK SPELLCHECKRESULT&Z SPELLRESULTB ZOOMIN ZOOMOUT OPENPUZ% OPENGETGRIDNUMBER8( SYSTEM\ SYSTINFO DATEZ SPELL GPRINTERB *FCrosswordh LICENCE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LICENCE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM. BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, TAP NO. FatCatz hereby grants you, and by using the software you accept, a limited licence subject to the terms and conditions contained herein to the use of FatCatz Crossword, (called "the Software" in this agreement). If you are a registered user you may install the software on an unlimited number of machines so long as one and only one copy is being used at any one time. As a registered user you may not either temporarily or permanently transfer or sublicence your rights to use the Software. 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