C:\Sistemp\Update.opo!:\System\Opl\Update.opoC:\Sistemp\SysRam1.opx!:\System\Opx\SysRam1.opxC:\Sistemp\Quizdata!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\QuizdataC:\Sistemp\Quiz5help!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5helpC:\Sistemp\Quiz5.mbm!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5.mbmC:\Sistemp\Quiz5.hlp!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5.hlpC:\Sistemp\Quiz5.app!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5.appC:\Sistemp\Quiz5.aif!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5.aifC:\Sistemp\File2.qiz!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File2.qizC:\Sistemp\File1.qiz!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File1.qizC:\Sistemp\Coolbar.opo!:\System\Opl\Coolbar.opoC:\Sistemp\Bis.txt!:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Bis.txtQuiz5 73.3 kB7 c:\System\Apps\Quiz\Update" UPDATE QUIZDATA c:\System\Apps\Quiz\Quizdata c:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Update c:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Update Copying to Update c:\system\apps\quiz\File1.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File1.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File2.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File2.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File3.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File3.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File4.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File4.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File5.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File5.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File6.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File6.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File7.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File7.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File8.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File8.qiz c:\system\apps\quiz\File9.qizC[I C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File9.qiz c:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Update c:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quizdata c:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quizdata Copying to Quizdata C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Update START/ UPDATE\ QUIZDATA Sound EDBMS[100000df].dll EFSRV[100000BD].dll BAFL[1000004e].dll APGRFX[1000011b].dll euser[100000C1].dll OPLR[10000077].dll 0,0@0P0\0h0 ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H; =(=4=@=L=X=d=p=|= >$>0><>H>T>`>l>x> ? ?,?8?D?P?\?h? Table1 C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File2.qiz Clinical Pharmacology C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\File1.qiz Surgery Times New Roman &Heading 1L &Heading 2L &Heading 3L Arial Arial YWQUIZ5 CONTENT: 1) Description 2) Changes since Quiz v1.0 3) Installation 4) Upgrading 5) Beginning Quiz 6) Editing Files 7) Author 8) Thanks! 1) Description Quiz5 v2.0 for the Psion Series 5 By Nick Tan UK 1998 (drnicktan@geocities.com) (n.cltan@umds.ac.uk) A Mini-Quiz programme to store and test yourself on questions. You can set up files, in which you can type your own questions (and answers!), and then run a mini-quiz to test yourself (or others!). FREEWARE - Epoc Freeware Movement (EFM). Because this is FREEWARE, I cannot accept any responsibility for damage to your Psion (or life!) by using this programme! The unique Uid& for this programme is 906896. You may freely distribute this programme as long as all files are kept together in Quiz5.zip and the copyright remains mine (Nick Tan). "Coolbar.opo" is the property/work of Jason Kneen (jasonk@compuserve.com). Reverse translation is strictly forbidden! NB UPGRADERS FROM QUIZ v1.0 - PLEASE READ UPGRADING INFO!! 2) Changes since Quiz v1.0 Looks more like Psion 5 Standard Interface. Menu added. ToolBar (Coolbar) added. Pressing on the Coolbar clock will bring up some "infopanels" - Battery Info, Disk Info & Link Info (Link Info not presently working - contact Jason Kneen for updates!). Help File included. Minor tweaks to interface. Automatic compaction of files after Editing. Can put bulk of files on C: or D: drives. Update.opo included to help update files from "Quiz" v1.0 Files included in Quiz5.zip Quiz5.app Quizdata Quiz5.aif File1.qiz Quiz5.mbm File2.qiz Quiz5.hlp Update.opo Coolbar.opo SysRam1.opo Quiz5help (word file) Readme.txt 3) Installation FOR 1ST TIME USERS 1) Put the following files into "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\" - "Quizdata" "*.qiz" files. 2) The following can be put into "\System\Apps\Quiz5\" on either C: or D: drives - "Quiz5.app" "Quiz5.aif" "Quiz5.mbm" "Quiz5.hlp" "Quiz5help". 3) Put the following into "C:\System\Opl\" folder "Coolbar.opo". 4) If you don't already have it, put into "C:\System\Opx\" folder "SysRam1.opx". 5) Quiz5 should now appear on extras bar. 6) You will not need "Update.opo" - it is for people upgrading from "Quiz v1.0" 4) Upgrading TO UPGRADE FROM "QUIZ v1.0" 1) Make a backup/copy of your "Quizdata" and "*.qiz" files. (Just in case!) 2) Create a new Folder "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\". 3) Place "Update.opo" into old "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder and run. 4) There should now be a translated version of your old "Quizdata" file in "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\". 5) Copy your old "*.qiz" files from "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder to the "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\" folder. 6) Place other new Quiz5 files (ie "Quiz5.app", "Quiz5.aif", "Quiz5.mbm", "Quiz5.hlp" & "Quiz5help") in "\System\Apps\Quiz5\" folder on either C: or D: drive. 7) Put the following into "C:\System\Opl\" folder ("Coolbar.opo") 8) If you don't already have it, put into "C:\System\Opx\" folder ("SysRam1.opx"). 9) Start "Quiz5" from the extras bar, and FULLY check that all your old files appear in "List". Also run the mini-quiz for each file and make sure that the questions correspond to your old file names. If things go wrong, please e-mail me to let me know! (I will need a copy of your old Quizdata file) 10) If all is well, you can delete "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder and content...if you wish. 5) Beginning the Quiz 1) Tap on "Begin" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) Choose subject to begin Quiz on, and press ENTER. 3) You'll be presented with a question. 4) To get the answer, press any key. 5) The answer will appear, and you will be prompted to be honest and say whether you got the question right or not. 6) Press C (if you got the answer correct), W (if you got the question wrong), or P (to pass). 7) To end Quiz, press ESC when the next question appears. 8) The questions are marked Medical School style...ie Negative marking!! So be careful with simply guessing! Correct Answer = +1 Incorrect Answer = -1 Pass = 0 6) Editing Files 1) Tap on "Edit" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) Choose a subject to edit and press ENTER. 3) A screen will appear which shows the first question and answer of the file, along with a large number of options. 4) Choose your option by typing the letter in brackets for that option. 5) Most options are pretty straightforward and need no explanation. 6) However, the ADD screen needs a bit of explanation! On the screen, there are four lines. Two say "Question:", and two say "Answer:". The "Question" lines are pretty obvious, but for the "Answer" lines, you need to state on the first line whether the question is "True" or "False", and you can then follow with an explanation. (See sample questions in "Surgery") This will become clear when you attempt the mini-quiz. NB Delete questions via the programme...don't just simply delete "*.qiz" files directly. Also, if you delete all the questions included in the programme, make sure that you set up another file with at least one question in it first! 7) Author Psion 5 version by Nick Tan '98. drnicktan@geocities.com n.cltan@umds.ac.uk Web Site: www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/4728/ (Based on Quiz for Psion 3a by Andy Ward). 8) Thanks! Andy Ward for first creating the idea and the first version of Quiz. Alan Richey for S5Event, for which this upgrade is made possible! Jason Kneen for Coolbar v0.9b1 (jasonk@compuserve.com) Ad Bosch for EFM SplashScreen Okay that's all! Best wishes, drnicktan@geocities.com n.cltan@umds.ac.uk Sketch &Paint.app "Word.app DDDEDUUE TUUUUUUE EUUUfUUU &UUETFDD4 TUUUUUUE FUUUUUUU 'TEDECDD4 TUUUUUUE 8UUUUUUE )DDDDDDD3 TUUUUUUE :UUUUUUE ;CDDD3443 TUUUUUUU =UUUUUUD LCDDD334R TTUUUUUU OTUUUUDT nCDD4333 DTUUUUUd RETTEDt 4D34333 CDETTUU BEDDDD 5D3433# CDDDTUE 4DDDDD WCD433# 3DDDDDE (DDDD4 h4D4333 ADDDDDDDDDDDt 23T&DDD MBDDD3 |5C433 aEDUUUUUUUUUu 23D:CDC aFCDDDDDDDDDd "3C}14 NXrNR ^5S83 ;mCCcM :m33RM "DATA.APP1@ Table1 ColA10 ColB10 ColA11 ColB11 ColA12 ColA13 ColB13 ColA14 ColB14 ColA15 ColB15 Index1 ColA12 fC:\documents\AccountsHelp Table1 Title "App Name "Synonyms Arial Description- Quiz5 BQuiz5 v2.0 for the Psion Series 5 A Mini-Quiz programme to store and test yourself on questions. You can set up files, in which you can type your own questions (and answers!), and then run a mini-quiz to test yourself (or others!). FREEWARE - Epoc Freeware Movement (EFM). Because this is FREEWARE, I cannot accept any responsibility for damage to your Psion (or life!) by using this programme! The unique Uid& for this programme is 906896. You may freely distribute this programme as long as all files are kept together in Quiz5.zip and the copyright remains mine (Nick Tan). "Coolbar.opo" is the property/work of Jason Kneen (jasonk@compuserve.com). Reverse translation is strictly forbidden! NB UPGRADERS FROM QUIZ v1.0 - PLEASE READ UPGRADING INFO!! le...ie Negative marking!! So be careful with simply guessing! Correct Answer = +1 Incorrect Answer = -1 Pass = 0 C1) Tap on "Edit" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) Choose a subject to edit and press ENTER. 3) A screen will appear which shows the first question and answer of the file, along with a large number of options. 4) Choose your option by typing the letter in brackets for that option. 5) Most options are pretty straightforward and need no explanation. 6) However, the ADD screen needs a bit of explanation! On the screen, there are four lines. Two say "Question:", and two say "Answer:". The "Question" lines are pretty obvious, but for the "Answer" lines, you need to state on the first line whether the question in "True" or "False", and you can then follow with an explanation. (See Sample questions in "Surgery") This will become clear when you attempt the mini-quiz. NB Delete questions via the programme...don't just simply delete "*.qiz" files directly. Also, if you delete all the questions included in the programme, make sure that you set up another file with at least one question in it first! fB1) Tap on "Begin" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) Choose subject to begin Quiz on, and press ENTER. 3) You'll be presented with a question. 4) To get the answer, press any key. 5) The answer will appear, and you will be prompted to be honest and say whether you got the question right or not. 6) Press C (if you got the answer correct), W (if you got the question wrong), or P (to pass). 7) To end Quiz, press ESC when the next question appears. 8) The questions are marked Medical School style...ie Negative marking!! So be careful with simply guessing! Correct Answer = +1 Incorrect Answer = -1 Pass = 0 BFOR 1ST TIME USERS 1) Put the following files into "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\" - "Quizdata" "*.qiz" files. 2) The following can be put into "\System\Apps\Quiz5\" on either C: or D: drives - "Quiz5.app" "Quiz5.aif" "Quiz5.mbm" "Quiz5.hlp" "Quiz5help". 3) Put the following into "C:\System\Opl\" folder - "Coolbar.opo" 4) If you don't already have it, put into "C:\System\Opx\" folder "SysRam1.opx". 5) Quiz5 should now appear on extras bar. 6) You will not need "Update.opo" - it is for people upgrading from "Quiz v1.0". ALooks more like Psion 5 Standard Interface. Menu added. ToolBar (Coolbar!) added. Pressing on the Coolbar clock will bring up some "infopanels" - Battery Info, Disk Info & Link Info (not presently working - contact Jason Kneen for updates!). Help File included. Minor tweaks to interface. Automatic compaction of files after Editing. Can put bulk of files on C: or D: drives. Update.opo included to help update files from "Quiz" v1.0 :\System\Opx\" folder "SysRam1.opx". 5) Quiz5 should now appear on extras bar. 6) You will not need "Update.opo" - it is for people upgrading from "Quiz v1.0". UPGRADE "QUIZ v1.0" 1) Make a backup/copy of your "Quizdata" and "*.qiz" files. (Just in case!) 2) Create a new Folder "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\". 3) Place "Update.opo" into old "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder and run. 4) There should now be a translated version of your old "Quizdata" file in "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\". 5) Copy your old "*.qiz" files from "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder to the "C:\System\Apps\Quiz5\" folder. 6) Place other new Quiz5 files (ie "Quiz5.app", "Quiz5.aif", "Quiz5.mbm", "Quiz5.hlp" & "Quiz5help") in "\System\Apps\Quiz5\" folder on either C: or D: drive. 7) Put into "C:\System\Opl\" folder ("Coolbar.opo") 8) If you don't already have it, put into "C:\System\Opx\" folder ("SysRam1.opx"). 9) Start "Quiz5" from the extras bar, and FULLY check that all your old files appear in "List". Also run the mini-quiz for each file and make sure that the questions correspond to your old file names. If things go wrong, please e-mail me to let me know! (I will need a copy of your old Quizdata file) 10) If all is well, you can delete "C:\System\Apps\Quiz\" folder and content...if you wish. Changes since Quiz V1.0$ Quiz5 Author Psion 5 version by Nick Tan '98. drnicktan@geocities.com n.cltan@umds.ac.uk Web Site: www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/4728/ (Based on Quiz for Psion 3a by Andy Ward). Quiz5 Installation Quiz5 Upgrading Quiz5 Beginning the QuizE Quiz5e Editing FilesF Quiz5m Thanks! Andy Ward for first creating the idea and the first version of Quiz. Alan Richey for S5Event, for which this upgrade is made possible! Jason Kneen for Coolbar v0.9b1 (jasonk@compuserve.com) Ad Bosch for EFM SplashScreen Quiz5~ D:\System\Apps\Quiz5\Quiz5 TBARLINK C:\System\Opl\Coolbar.opo MainO TOOLBAR% CONTROL% SHIFT% SCREENWIDTH% FALSE MINIT% MAINSCN% ICON$ PATH$ DATA$ THREAD& PROGRAM$ VERSION$ BEGIN& LIST& EDIT& CREATE& HELP& EXIT& SCREENHEIGHT% Quiz5 ICON$ O0O0O Quiz5 v2.0 FREEWARE By Nick Tan '98 LOAD_INI_FILE SETUP_TOOLBAR DEVICE TBARBUTT INSTRUCTIONS FALSE SCREENHEIGHT% PATH$ DATA$ ICON$ BEGIN& LIST& EDIT& CREATE& HELP& EXIT& \System\Apps\Quiz5\ D:\System\Apps\Quiz5\ QuizdataKW QuizdataK + Quiz5.mbmK MBM file not foundW8 BEGINO ListO EditO CreateO HELPO EXITO PATH$ +3..B$...C$. QuizdataK QuizdataK EFMSPLASH MAINSCN% SCREENWIDTH% SCREENHEIGHT% OFO-O Quiz5 Nick '98 Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons EVENT PROCESS ERROR_HANDLER SHIFT% CONTROL% PROGRAM$ TBAROFFER% DISPLAY_MENU ACTION_KEY SHIFT% CONTROL% @B` 8 '{A`[ MINIT% CONTROL% Quiz5 v2.0+ BEGIN QuizObh+ EXIT Quiz5Oe File Manager+ ListOlh+ EditOq+ CreateOch+ RenameOr+ DeleteOd Tools+ AboutOah+ HELPOh W:O`L{ BEGIN ABOUT CREATE RENAME DELETE O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ O`L{A[ Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons PATH$ MAINSCN% *.qizKW Let's see how smart you are... SELECT file Use left and right arrow keys to select file ...when you're ready... |RWBIx question KW KW2LO question KW Press any key...ESC to End Quiz +%Press C for a correct answer, W for a wrong answer, or P to pass Oc@`[ Ow@`[ OP@`[ ++Press any key to continue or escape to quit answer answers answer answers question + questions T|WBx Not bad... SCORE You scored K+ correct K incorrect K and you passed on in this test. This gives anO overall accuracy of CloseO Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons That was terrible...! SCORE You scored K+ correct K incorrect K and you passed on in this test. This gives anO overall negative score !O CloseO Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons EFMSPLASH AboutO Quiz5 v2.0 FREEWARE( +'Converted to Series 5 (By Nick Tan '98)O +#Original 3a Idea (By Andy Ward '97)( Comments to: drnicktan@geocities.comO n.cltan@umds.ac.uk( + Web Site: +*www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/4728O CloseO LOAD_INI_FILE MAINSCN% Empty slot 1 Question No Questions QuestionsKW2O QuestionsK +&Press any key to return to Main Screen Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons LOAD_INI_FILE PATH$ MAINSCN% *.qizKW You mess with my files... Select file name to EDIT or ADD questions to Use left and right arrow keys to select file ...you mess with ME! question KW of KW KW2LO question KW of KW - no questionsKW2LO - no questionsK +8(N)ext, (P)revious, (F)irst, (L)ast, (S)earch, (J)ump to +,(A)dd, (E)dit, (D)elete, (C)opy stem, (Q)uit ON@`[ OS@`[I Enter word or phrase to SEARCH for @\d\[ OP@`[ OF@`[ OL@`[ OJ@`[S Enter question number to JUMP to @\d\[ OC@`[ ADD new question + Question:O + Question:O Answer:O Answer:O Press ENTER when finishedO OA@`[ ADD new question + Question:O + Question:O Answer:O Answer:O Press ENTER when finishedO OE@`[ EDIT question + Question:O + Question:O Answer:O Answer:O Press ENTER when finishedO OD@`[| +#Do it, man...DO IT...no pressure... DELETE this question ? CancelO YesOy( OQ@`[ QuizdataK QuizdataK Press MENU or ToolBar Buttons LOAD_INI_FILE PATH$ *.qizKW A bit KEEN aren't we?!! ERROR Quiz5 cannot create any newO + files because the maximum numberO of nine files has been reachedO CloseO CREATE new file Enter name for new file @\d\[ Duhhhhhh...! ERROR Quiz5 cannot createO asKO this file already existsO CloseO FileK .qizK QuizdataK QuizdataK Hoooorahhhhh!! NEW File Quiz5 has successfullyO created O"W CloseO LOAD_INI_FILE PATH$ *.qizKW Select file to RENAME Use left and right arrow keys to select file I like 'Nick' myself...! RENAME file Enter new name for file ...or how about...Nicholas?... @\d\[ +&Think of another name...like 'stupid'! ERROR Quiz5 cannot changeO toKO asKO this file already existsO CloseO O @[# +,Are you sure you don't wanna call it 'Nick'? RENAME file Change O"W to O"W CancelO YesOy( OY@`[J QuizdataK QuizdataK LOAD_INI_FILE PATH$ *.qizKW Select file to DELETE Use left and right arrow keys to select file one question no questions questionsK + ...last chance to say Goodbye... Confirm file DELETE Delete O"W This file has CancelO YesOy( OY@`[J QuizdataK QuizdataK CBARINIT TBARHIDE TBARSHOW TOOLBAR% SCREENWIDTH% Quiz5O BEGIN CREATE VERSION$ An unexpected error has occured +(Please E-mail me at : n.cltan@umds.ac.uk +/and tell me the EXACT circumstances and the key +1presses that led to this error. I will also need +&the following additional information : Version VK There has been an W The error was : W CloseO FALSE DEVICE PATH$ THREAD& + Quiz5.hlpKO K+ Quiz5.hlpK Help file not found EFMSPLASH THREAD& Don't go...boo hoo... Exit Quiz5? CancelO YesOy( W7Oy@[# START/ MAINt EFMSPLASH5 INITU LOAD_INI_FILE; INSTRUCTIONS PROCESS. DISPLAY_MENU1 ACTION_KEY BEGINC ABOUT LIST@ CREATE RENAME DELETE SETUP_TOOLBAR CMDA%u. CMDB% CMDC% CMDD% CMDE% CMDF% / ERROR_HANDLER&/ DEVICE SYSTEM\ Quiz5 Table1 HDZL@ 6Morphine may safely be given to patients with hepatic failure False +Morphine may safely be given to to control diarrhoea False ,Morphine may safely be given together with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor False +Morphine may safely be given repeatedly to "patients with trigeminal neuralgia False 3Morphine should if possible be avoided in patients with pancreatitis 3Morphine should if possible be avoided in patients with asthma 3Morphine should if possible be avoided in patients with respiratory depression 3Morphine should if possible be avoided in patients #with acute left ventricular failure False 3Morphine should if possible be avoided in patients with ureteric colic False Morphine can cause diarrhoea False Morphine can cause vomiting &Morphine can cause biliary tract spasm Morphine can cause antidiuresis Morphine can cause miosis 1Morphine stimulates some functions of the central nervous system 0Morphine depresses some functions of the central nervous system Morphine tranquilises Morphine produces euphoria Morphine produces dysphoria ,Endorphins are naturally -occurring peptides 0Endorphins counteract the analgesic activity of morphine False Endorphins are all shot acting False $Endorphins are not neurotransmitters False 3Endorphins probably play a part in the phenomena of opioid dependence and withdrawal /In the patient terminally ill with cancer nerve+compression may be relieved by prednisolone 9In the patient terminally ill with cancer headache due to6raised intracranial pressure responds to dexamethasone 2In the patient terminally ill with cancer anorexia may be helped by prednisolone 4In the patient terminally ill with cancer NSAIDs are)effective for bone pain due to metastases ;In terminally ill patients with pain the gap between doses9of analgesic should be short enough to prevent recurrence 0Adverse reactions to phenothiazine neuroleptics include cholestatic jaundice 0Adverse reactions to phenothiazine neuroleptics include akithisia 0Adverse reactions to phenothiazine neuroleptics include dry mouth TrueLF 0Adverse reactions to phenothiazine neuroleptics include parkinsonian syndrome 0Adverse reactions to phenothiazine neuroleptics include tardive dyskinesia 0In the management of epilepsy all hypnotics and sedatives are useful False /In the management of epilepsy patients must be 4persuaded of the importance of continuous medication 'In the management of epilepsy treatment must be life long False 3In the management of epilepsy it may be possible to,discover and eliminate precipitating factors 6In the management of epilepsy the timing of medication:should be adjusted if fits occur only at a particular time 1In the management of epilepsy sudden cessation of*treatment may result in status epilepticus /In the management of epilepsy monitoring plasma0concentration of drugs is solely a research tool False 6In the management of epilepsy the majority of patients!can be controlled on a sngle drug 4In the management of epilepsy the physician needs to5know the pharmacokinetic properties of each drug used 2In the management of epilepsy most patients can be