C:\Sistemp\PIQInfo.SISC:\Sistemp\DarkHorizon_122.sisC:\Sistemp\Bis.txt!:\System\Apps\DarkHorizonSIS\Bis.txtDarkHorizonSIS 736.9 kB PIQInfo.rsc!:\system\OPL\PIQInfo.rscPIQInfo.opo!:\system\OPL\PIQInfo.opoPIQInfo.mbm!:\system\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmPocket IQ Library! Copyright Version:Visit us at www.PocketIQ.comPocket IQ information noticeThis file is an essential shared elementof Pocket IQ applications. Please do notdelete or alter in way, as doing so mayaffect applications in the Pocket IQ range.ContinuePutting the IQ back in shareware c:\PIQInfo C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc Pocket IQ information notice +(This file is an essential shared element +(of Pocket IQ applications. Please do not +'delete or alter in way, as doing so may ++affect applications in the Pocket IQ range. ContinueO APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW C:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW D:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifKW E:\SYSTEM\APPS\ .aifK & Pocket IQK O0O0O WELCOME SPLASHO SYSTEM\ gE3"" "2CTe gVUD3" "2CTefw wgVUD33#""23" "2CTefw xwfUv xwfUD3" !2CTUfw wfUD3" !2CTUv C:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\sysram1.opx!:\system\opx\sysram1.opxC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\won!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\wonC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\faq.txt!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\faq.txtC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\readme.txt!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\readme.txtC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\message!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\messageC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\lost!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\lostC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\laugh!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\laughC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\intro!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\introC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\icon!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\iconC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\file_id.diz!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\file_id.dizC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\DarkHorizon.hlp!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\DarkHorizon.hlpC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\DarkHorizon.app!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\DarkHorizon.appC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\DarkHorizon.aif!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\DarkHorizon.aifC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\cheer!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\cheerC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\beep!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\beepC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\attack!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\attackC:\OPL-32\Dark Horizon\Distribution\artwork!:\system\apps\DarkHorizon\artworkDarkHorizony Sound EDBMS[100000df].dll EFSRV[100000BD].dll BAFL[1000004e].dll APGRFX[1000011b].dll euser[100000C1].dll OPLR[10000077].dll 0,0@0P0\0h0 ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H; =(=4=@=L=X=d=p=|= >$>0><>H>T>`>l>x> ? ?,?8?D?P?\?h? *Record.app Eqqq}ggyu]U mE]agU Eu}quyacgeq]]U U]E}ggeecaeE ]E]EycimcgyqM] uoiyU qmoaqg g0;:5 yyqU]me ]]]EqEM] Ekcq] ]]EMMMqeeyeyqqMU UMeayU ]uqyaci kig}M u]}gu Uuemk UM}yq] ]Mq}yck oeqqquU 40204 Eqye}}ygm kkkiogu kgqu}gcaq ]qgmom}] ]eokmey}yaoiceU EyaoocyE Maoioa}E UMuuM] U]Mqyao }oioaq] UEqcoocyU Mu}qEU ]EMuMU U]Mqgo ieqE]UEMuuE Uu}eyqM] Mgcooa}E kuEME 17 ]gikmq uakie e0:::7 ekka] Uyamack 0:::6 :::3y ucgEU]e UymoaU ]amg}U kaeuU Mgyqu Uugeu ]uqMU UMqak iE]Mu uaomeM U]Mu}egcmok koayu U]]Euq}yy}quE]UU ]Eu}eami ]qecmomcgyqME]U UU]]]]]]]]U U]EMqygcok iceqM] U]]]]U U]]Eu}ygmi kmg}M UEMuuuMEU UU]]]]]]UU ]Eu}eci iceq] UEMuqqquMME]UU UEM}yamk iocgyq] ]Mq}}}}quuuME] UUU]]UU U]EMuqygacccayM Uueamik kog}] UEuuqquuME]U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDark Horizon - Frequently Asked Questions 01/09/99 ----------------------------------------- Maintained by JS Greenwood jsg@palmscape.com Revision History: v1.00 - 01/09/99 - First FAQ Release Contents: 1. Why do I get a "Error in Dark.opo" message? 2. Why can I only buy one terraformer? 3. Can I redesign items myself? 4. Will the enemy attack me if I don't train troops? 5. Why can't I produce enough food for civilians? 6. I had enough food, now I don't - why? 1. Why do I get a "Error in Dark.opo" message? This message appears on startup if you are running ExtraBars, and have Dark Horizon on one of your ExtraBars. ExtraBars appears not to support programs that have a space in their title. You can either run Dark Horizon from the normal toolbar; select it from "/system/apps/Dark Horizon/Dark Horizon.app"; download the latest available patch from www.altervisitor.com to remove the space from Dark Horizon's name; or plead with the author of ExtraBars (Jason Kneen - contactable through www.palmscape.com) to update ExtraBars. The same is true of other macro & shortcut based programs. This should have been corrected in v1.20 as the application name for Dark Horizon has has the space removed. 2. Why can I only buy one terraformer? Because the game would be too easy otherwise. 3, Can I redesign items myself? No. The terraformer is initially "re-designed" to give players a chance to get to grips with the game without having anything urgent to do. This option may be implemented in later versions of the game. 4. Will the enemy attack me if I don't train troops? Yes. It just takes quite a long time on the "Easy" setting. They are continually amassing troops, though. 5. Why can't I produce enough food for civilians? To produce more food, Hydroponics units need to be bought. Once these are bought, they need to be moved to the surface of the planet, and switched to "Running" status. This can be done on the planet view. The unit's current status is always displayed in this view. 6. I had enough food, now I don't - why? When a magnetic storm hits, disrupting all equipment, the status of all Hydroponica and Ore-Salve units is switched to "Inactive". This must be changed in the Planet view to resume production. Dark Horizon v1.22 README (c)1998-2000 PocketIQ & JS Greenwood File last updated 02-March-2000 ----------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. Introduction background release history 2. The Story 3. Installing Dark Horizon 4. Playing Dark Horizon 5. Game Options 6. Frequently Asked Questions 7. How To Register 8. Miscellaneous details contact details free updates! disclaimer & licence agreement 1. INTRODUCTION - Background Welcome to Dark Horizon, a quality application from Pocket IQ and JS Greenwood. Dark Horizon is the latest in high quality entertainment software for the EPOC platform. The idea of the game is simple - colonise all of the planets of a solar system whilst protecting yourself from the alien colonies inhabiting other planets of the system. The idea of the game may not be original, but as far as I'm aware it's a first on the S5. Due to the complexity of the game, the large number of pre-rendered animations, the amount of sound effects, and so on, the game is fairly large. Please don't let this put you off from trying it. The game has spent a lot of time in development, and its playability should reflect this. - Release History +---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Version | Date | Notes | +---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+ | v0.10a | 01/06/98 | Internal version number used during development | | v0.99 x | 07/04/99 | Non-public versions released to beta testers | | | | 8:Error correction; RC 1:no known bugs | | v1.00 | 27/06/99 | First publicly released version - no known bugs | | v1.01 | 07/07/99 | Several minor updates made - saving quicker | | v1.0xi | 03/08/99 | Internal versions: | | | | v1.02i - top toolbar added | | | | v1.03i - touch-screen support added | | | | v1.04i - New message system, FAQ, other issues | | | | v1.05i - New toolbars implemented | | v1.10 | 06/09/99 | Public release of new interface + more | | v1.11 | 08/11/99 | Minor updates - bug fix | | v1.15 | 16/02/00 | Internal version: | | | | Static Bkgd's replaced, dynamic titlebar added | | v1.20 | 25/03/00 | Major update - support for more machines + more | | v1.21 | 02/04/00 | Minor bug fix in messages, and libs. included | | v1.22 | 14/04/00 | Minor bug in load/save fixed | +---------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+ Legend: + = added * = altered - = removed v1.22 * Platoon carrying on battle cruisers loading/saving fixed v1.21 + "sysram1.opx" file now included in the distribution archive * Length of messages increased to avoid overflows on large screens v1.20 (incl. v1.15) * Title music changed to something more appropriate * Artwork size (both colour and B&W) shrunk by over 200kb * Introductory animation (and music) can be skipped on unregistered version * Introductory animation automatically turned off after 1st viewing + Clicking on right-half of stats. screen now displays resource status (left side still switches planet) + Preliminary support added for background pausing (not functional yet) + Automatic detection and configuration of colour/B&W artwork + Dialogs for troop & weapon replaced with popup menus on training view + Dialog for aggression selection on Battle view replaced with popup menu + aggression can be changed by clicking on the value as well as the image on Battle view + platoons can be quickly loaded/unloaded from ships by selecting their names on the left of battle view + selected bay shown by ">" in battle view + Title screen displays registration information in colour mode Support for extra EPOC machines (i.e. REVO): + Intelligent top toolbar - resizes to ANY screen width + Intelligent side toolbar - adjusts number of buttons depending on screen height * Old screen backdrops replaced with a tileable image + Item details given in shop view if screen height is large enough + Planet view image scales to fit available height + Messages box on Main view scales to available space + Training images scale to fit + Magnetic-Spring based AI interface designed - items on screen automatically arrange to fit (optimised down to Revo resolution) * Application name, path, etc. changed to "Dark Horizon" Personal Rant: Ever since v1.00, it has been apparent that Dark Horizon doesn't work with utilities including "ExtraBars". Here's the thing: EPOC SUPPORTS FILENAMES WITH SPACES IN THEM. Dark Horizon had space in its title. Why couldn't anyone write a program that also supported this? It's not like I haven't told the authors of such programs about this. It's not like I haven't offered my time to help sort it. I've even offered to fix the problems myself if they give me their source code. But no. It's easier to add extra bells and whistles to their program rather than dealing with a SERIOUS FLAW. Well, they win. I'm tired of people e-mailing me telling me about the problem with Dark Horizon, when it's NOT MY FAULT. I've renamed the application to "DarkHorizon" without a space. That means that if you have a previous version installed you'll have to delete it yourself. And if you have any saved games, you'll have to copy them across yourself. YES, this is a pain, but it's not my fault. E-mail the authors of all of those shortcut programs and whinge at them - once they've fixed their programs, I'll rename Dark Horizon back. v1.11 * "Land" button on Launchpad view doesn't crash game * Bug in save-game option fixed * Bug in Payload option fixed * Graphics clipped properly on Training view v1.10 + Touch-screen support added on all views + Top toolbar added to change view + Context sensitive toolbars added + Selected menu options remembered + All items automatically unloaded when item sold + FAQ added to documentation + Check for previously saved game on startup * Pop-up messages replace dialogs * Population displayed on "Stats" view * New random events (Farming output rates) * Training menu information saved correctly * Full documentation update * Minor bugs and typos fixed - Platoon type/weapon cheat removed v1.01 + "Saving..." busy message + cached saving system - MUCH quicker saving (especially on CFs) + User notified of incorrect registration + Unique ship names automatically generated * Food shortage message appears much less often (unless multiple shortages) * Planet animations load slightly quicker, and don't flicker after loading * Contrast of titlescreen slightly better * User is reminded Unique ID is needed for registration * Correct info displayed about battles underway (Info on Battle view) * Unknown ship takes right amount of food/fuel * 100% aggression marker on battle screen menu appears * Typo in messages fixed * Magnetic storms have modified effect * other minor changes v1.00 * Initial public release 2. THE STORY 2257-03-02 It's finally begun. After years of unease, months of failing negotiations, and weeks of preparation, the war is upon us. Being on the edge of the inhabited sector, our system shouldn't come under much contention. With any luck the ownership of these planets will be decided on paper when it's all over. For now we'll just keep our heads down - we have no troops or cruisers to fight with anyway. 2257-07-13 Heavy casualties have been taken on both sides. The war has centered mainly around Earth and Thyrax, with systems such as ours being largely ignored. Only two bombing runs have made it as far as this planet; those destroyed a lot of our supplies, but given a little time we'll have the base up and running at 100% again. 2257-08-04 The last two weeks have been horrific. The Thyraxians must have spent the first few months of the war amassing the huge armada that is decimating all of the human colonies. Communications with other colonies is being kept to a minimum - both through choice, and because of the destruction of all our comms relays. All of the other science outposts are in the same situation as us - if we keep quiet then we might be forgotten. 2257-11-10 It's been over two months since we heard anything from any other human outpost. We have to assume the worst. We must have either lost, or be on the verge of losing the war. The only saving grace is that this system appears to have been forgotten amongst the carnage surrounding us. The magnetic interference from the Thyraxian weapons is blocking all signals in and out of this system. It seems likely that this is jamming all their sensors and stopping us from being detected. How long this will last no one knows... 2258-01-01 The inter-stellar silence has continued, but we've managed to get one of our probes as far as the last planet in our system. It's lucky we managed that. There appears to be a small Thyraxian outpost there, roughly the same size as our own. Our statisticians have concluded that one of their hybrid ships (war & cargo) must have crash landed there. We've stayed out of harm's way for the last 10 months, but now it's time we made our stand. So to begin the new year, and to provide the colony with hope, we've settled on a New Year's Resolution. Under the shield of the magnetic interference, we hope to seize control of the entire system before we're wiped out. Once that's done, who knows? Regrouping all remaining human colonies, making one last stand to save our race? For now, under the command of our new colony commander, we prepare for battle... 3. INSTALLING DARK HORIZON The standard distribution method for this application is as a self- extracting SIS archive. This archive should be opened, either from the EPOC machine itself, or from the browser of a computer with PsiWin software installed. The onscreen instructions should then be followed. If your machine supports colour display, the colour artwork pack should also be downloaded, and the instructions included with that package should be followed. 4. PLAYING DARK HORIZON Once Dark Horizon starts, pressing either the MENU key or tapping the MENU silk-screen button to the side of the screen will bring up the main menu. From here you can choose from either of the two main menus. The main game options are on the first menu. These consist of starting a new game, loading a previously saved game, configuring the game, or quitting Dark Horizon. The second menu has the information based options: starting the on-line help engine, registering the game, the high-scores table, and the information about the game (version number, author, contact details, shareware status, etc). To play Dark Horizon for the first time, the NEW GAME option from the GAME menu should be selected. Once this is done, the game starts straight away. The introduction below outlines the basics of the game: When a new game is started, you are in control of one planet at one end of the solar system, whilst the Thyraxian Minions are in control of one planet at the opposite end of the system. The main screen displays all of the messages relating to the game, whilst the animation to the right displays the current status of the selected planet. To change planets, tap the Planet button on the toolbar, then select the desired planet from the list. To change the name of the planet, select "Rename" from the planet menu. To view details about the planet, tap the "Info" toolbar button. The current date is always displayed at the top of the screen. On any of the views of the game, the taxes can be collected from all of the other colonies to the main base by selecting the collect taxes on the "Planet" menu. To change to a different view of the game, tap on one of the View buttons at the top of the screen. Stats - This screen displays all of the information regarding the currently selected planet, along with details of the spacecraft on or above the planet. The taxrate can be altered by selecting the relevant option from the "View" menu. As the taxrate is altered, the morale on a planet changes. The morale of a planet affects the population growth rate. The current status of all of the bays, surface sites, and orbit paths can also be viewed from this screen by selecting the relevant options on the "View" menu. Shop - On the shop screen there are only three options; "choose a ship" from the list, "get information" about the current ship (the info button or the menu option both perform the same task, as usual), and "buy ship". You can only buy a ship on a given planet if you have enough credit in your main account, if there is a free bay on that planet to put it in, and you must also have enough resources on that planet to build that ship. A special case is the terraformer, which does not occupy any bays, and which you can only own one of. Launchpad - Ships can be launched and landed, can travel to other planets, and flights can be aborted on this screen. For a ship to be launched, it must be in a bay on the currently selected planet. If it requires a crew (all ships except for solar generators and terraformers do), this must be on board before the ship can take off. 50 units of fuel are also required for take-off of these craft (again, except the satellite and terraformer). 5 units of fuel are needed for each days travel between planets as well. A ship can only takeoff if there is a free orbit path above the current planet. Likewise, a ship can only travel to another planet if there is a free orbit path there. Ships can only land if there is a free docking bay. When flights are aborted, the ship returns to the planet of origin (as long as there is a free orbit path). No fuel is used returning when a flight is cancelled, and no fuel is used when landing a ship. Planet - All of the stations at sites on the current planet can be turned on or off on this display, as well as allowing you to transfer ships from the docking bays to the surface. The "Item Status" sub-menu on the "View" menu allows you to control the status of the mining and agricultural units. Menu entries for all other types of ships are greyed out. The "Planet" view can also be used for swapping ships around when all of the bays are full and there are ships that need to land. Cargo - After choosing a Bay to be used as the default on this screen, several operations can be performed on this ship. If funds are required, the ship can be sold, for half of the list value. If the ship has just been bought, and is any other than the solar satellite or the terraformer, then a crew can be assigned. This will take civilians from the current planet's population, and it must be done before the ship is launched. Passengers and a payload can also be assigned to the ARK-7 cargo transporter. These can then be taken to other planets to help establish colonies there. Fuel can be added to a ship with the relevant menu option as well. The rule of thumb for fuel amounts is 20 units for take off, and 5 more for each days travel. To move platoons of troops onto the Psi-Strom battle cruiser, the Battle view must be selected. Training - All of the platoons for the game (whichever planet they're on) can be controlled on this screen. The type of troop, and the weapon for each platoon can be assigned from the menus. The pictures (or animations) of these are then displayed in the main portion of the screen, with the prices per soldier for each displayed in the lower right of the screen. Above this display are the details for the current platoon (number of troops, status, etc). Once a platoon has had troops assigned to it, it should be trained. When a platoon in training reaches 100%, it is automatically set to inactive. The platoon must then be equipped before it can be used in battle. Once a platoon has been equipped, the type of troop, weapons, and number of troops cannot be altered. The platoon must either be killed in battle or disbanded before any such changes can be made. Disbanding a platoon will return the troops to civilian status on the current planet. No credits will be returned for the equipment of the platoon. On the REVO, and other devices that have small screens, selecting the "Assign" button when a platoon is 100% trained will attempt to equip the platoon. Battle - When you set battle cruisers down on a planet which is under the rule of the Thyraxians, switching to this display allows you to control the battle between your forces and theirs. The screen displays which platoons are on the planet's surface, and which ships are in the docking bays. Platoons can be swapped between the two using the menu options. The aggression of the troops can be altered, but using a high aggression setting may tire your troops out. Note: A platoon will not be counted as taking part in the battle whilst it is on a ship in a docking bay. Also, when a battle is lost, some members of the platoons in that battle may be captured. They will still register as being in the platoon, but the platoon is classed as dead. You can re-form the platoon as normal when this happens. 5. GAME OPTIONS - Configuration Options Once in a game, there are many options that can be configured to the user's specification. To change any of these options, either select the Options button on the toolbar to the right of the screen, or choose the Configure option from the Game menu. From the configuration screen, the following options can be customised: Difficulty: The speed at which the enemy develops, their strength when attacking you, etc. are all altered by changing the difficulty setting. The two more difficult settings (Medium and Hard) are only available in the registered version of the game. Day Length: The speed at which time passes in the game can be altered with this option. It is recommended that this option be left at the default setting unless you are waiting very long periods for platoons to train, money to accrue, etc. Sound volume: As is obvious, the sound level for the game can be changed here. If the volume is set to Off, then all of the sound files except for BEEP can be deleted. Doing this will significantly reduce the size of the game. However, DO NOT turn the sound back on without restoring all of the sound files first. Autosave: In the registered version of the game, it is possible to save and restore the current game state. With this option selected, if the application is exited part way through a game, the game state will automatically be saved. All questions such as whether or not to save changes made to the configuration are also skipped. If the game is not registered, questions relating to the saving of the configuration are skipped also. Intro Anim: Once the game has been registered, the introductory animation can be turned off to make it quicker to get into the game. This option has no effect in the unregistered version. Code: There MAY have been some hidden features put into this game. If there have, then the place to type in codes to access them is here. You'll be told of the effect the code you entered had (if there are any such codes). - Menu Options Firstly, it should be pointed out that accessing the menu shortcuts on this game is slightly different from most other programs. Although the shortcuts displayed on the menus have the "Control" key as part of the shortcut, and these shortcuts can be used with the "Control" key, it is also possible to press the hot-key without holding down "Control" for the same effect. This makes accessing shortcuts easier, hopefully making the game more enjoyable to play. Most of the menu options are related to changing planets and the view of the game, and are described in the Playing Dark Horizon section of this file. Other options that might need explanation are as follows: Load: If you have previously backed up your state of play in a game of Dark Horizon, you can restore it with this option. Any current game you are playing will be lost. A saved game can be restored from as many times as is desired. Backup: If you want to quit the game but may want to resume it at a later date, or you are about to make a tactical decision you are not sure of, then you may want to make use of the Backup feature. This saves every detail relating to the current state of the game. All saved games are stored in Dark Horizon's directory. Toolbar Info Button: As well as displaying information about the game, this button pauses the game until the dialogue box displayed is closed. - Other Options There are many keypresses that can be used instead of the standard hot-keys, and there are several options not available through the menu system. These are as follows: Screen Toggle: Tapping the stylus on the "Cut/Copy/Paste" silkscreen button at the left of the screen will toggle between the current view, and the main view. This allows you to quickly review all recent messages. Message Review: Pressing the backspace key in any of the views will display the most recently received message in the bottom-left of the screen. This message will disappear after a few seconds. Date Display: Pressing the space bar in any of the views will display the current date in the bottom-left of the screen for a couple of seconds. - View Dependent Keypresses Main Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Select previous planet Right arrow key: Select next planet Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Statistics Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Select previous planet Right arrow key: Select next planet Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Tab key: Set tax rate Shop Enter key: Purchase current item Left arrow key: Select previous item Right arrow key: Select next item Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Launchpad Enter key: Travel Left arrow key: Move ship to docking bay Right arrow key: Move ship to planet's surface Up arrow key: Launch ship Down arrow key: Land ship Planet Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Move ship to docking bay Right arrow key: Move ship to planet's surface Up arrow key: Select next planet Down arrow key: Select previous planet Cargo Up arrow key: Select previous docking bay Down arrow key: Select next docking bay Left arrow key: Assign Crew Right arrow key: Assign Fuel Enter key: Assign passengers Tab key: Assign payload Training Left arrow key: Select previous platoon Right arrow key: Select next platoon Enter key: Toggle suit Tab key: Toggle weapon Up arrow key: Next stage of training Down arrow key: Previous stage of training Battle Enter key: Display information on planets Left arrow key: Select previous docking bay Right arrow key: Select next docking bay Up arrow key: Load platoon onto ship Down arrow key: Unload all platoons 6. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Please see the accompanying "FAQ.txt" file for details. 7. HOW TO REGISTER Pocket IQ applications can be registered exclusively through Palmscape, the leading online store for the EPOC platform. To register this product simply visit the Pocket IQ internet site and follow the registration instructions. Alternatively you can register directly with Palmscape in any of the following ways: - Online Orders: Purchase online via Palmscape's secure online service. Simply visit www.palmscape.com, and select the "Buy now" link. Palmscape accept most major credit cards (see below). - Telephone \ Fax orders: Palmscape accept telephone orders via the United Kingdom office which can be reached on +44 (0)1234 353970. - Postal Orders: Payment can be made by UK Cheque, Cash or Credit Card direct to the Palmscape office, located at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT England. Please mark clearly that you wish to purchase this application. - Payment types: Palmscape accept major Credit cards, Switch, Delta as well as UK Cheque, Eurocheque and Cash. If you are paying in any currency other than GB Pounds please add 10% to cover conversion fees. 8. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS - Contact details PocketIQ can be contacted in a number of ways, for either support or registering your software. - Internet http://www.pocketIQ.com - Telephone / Fax +44 (0)1234 353970 - E-mail jsg@pocketIQ.com support@pocketIQ.com - Post 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT England - Reporting Bugs If you find a problem with the game, please e-mail: jsg@palmscape.com with full details of the error. This should include what machine you are running it on (e.g. Psion S5, Geofox One, etc), the error displayed on the screen and so on. - Disclaimer & Licence Agreement A full end-user licence agreement is included in this distribution archive as "LICENCE.TXT" Visit us at www.pocketIQ.com for more quality shareware and freeware programs *Record.app Ma}qckmeyM y}M]i i}EMU ]UEqquuqMMMU ]EMqygcoi iEE}M kmyuU ]Muqq}}qquME] ]Mqygcok a}y}uE Uuecmi kmae}EU U]EMuuuuuME]U UEu}eami my}uEU Mecok iceqMU U]EMuuuuuMME]U U]Eu}ygcoi iceq] UEMuqqqqqquME]U UEu}eamik UEMuqqqqquME]U aEkEa ge]aM UMuei Eye}E UEuygamik ioiimeM UU]EMuuME]UUU UEu}yamk ]EMMMMuuME]U UU]EMqygamk UEMqeamk ]Mqyeeyy}quM] U]]]UUU]Muqygco kay}eaeM U]EE]]]UUUU ]uyemk MuEMgomm eeiioogM}aM ]ME]]U U]EEEMuqyegacoikk UEMuq}yy}quuM] UU]]E]E]]UUU UU]Euqygami iuU]U kmeuU ]EMuuuuMME]U UUUUUUU UU]EMu}ygcok Eu}egaagge}qMEU UU]]]]]]]UU ]Mqygcok ]u}eacccage}uEU UU]]EEEE]]]] ]Mqyaok U]Euq}yy}}uM]U UUUUUUUU Eqeaoi U]]EE]]]UUUU U]u}eaok ]ycoiomoikkmaq] 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UqayayaqUUE Uaymym qakkmyE EUEmy kEayU yaUUUUakqUa EUUUqamq EyykqE aqEUE UUEky EqymyUyyEyymayq Uqyaq amyyUEq qqqqqqak yykmEmy kkmmaE EEaammqy mkymaaE kaqyqqqE EamaE aUqmyy UEEayEUq UkamaU yyUqamk UmaEU EkmUU aaEEU yyqEU mkkmk kmkyE UkkkU EaqqEEqy yEqUqy kmqEU UymyE aymyE EUaqEEEE EEmmm yayyU mmaqU qaqamyy UEyqamaaaq UEqEE Eaaaa ayqqyk ayqyEEU yammE ykmaa EqEyqE qqakym yUUyy mkaUa UyqaaqEqE amkmkka yEqEq UUmmkyU Eyqqa maqUU aqUEq qyyaU kkyaaU makkk Eqaamq EEaEk qqEak kyyayU UmmyU qEEmk qyaaEU kyEEyqE UaEEU ymaaaqq EakmE UymqU UyqqEakka yEyqEq UqqmyEU UkqEyy mkyam qqyEU yqqmy ayqaU kyyyky qqayUqE Uqmyyy UyEUqa EEEyaqU UUmkm UaUUU kUaaU kaamU yayEU EmyqUy yUUqEEU Eaqqkk kaUqU UUqyqk UEmaqmaayE aEyka qUEqEyU EUqkyamaqE EakqE qEEmmakkyaE EqqayUq kmkkky qEUya Uymmaqq qyyaa Uamaaqq EkyqE qqUqa EaykE qmEUq qkmaq UqyEUykk qUyyU Eaqqm yUUqa EmmUk mEUEU mkyEqU UqqEU qkmmaqEU EyyyEU myqmy qUaay kqEykU UEUyU UmUqyaya ayEEU yayaE qEaam UykaqU UykkaaU UEEya kmyyEU maUEamkkE kkqUyymkyEqa UakkaU amqqqUaqU kUEyk UmymyUUU EmkaEU UUEUUUUEma mEUEy Eaaaq UUyyEy yykyUq UUqqym UEyyUq Eyyyak kqUUUU EakkE mmmkU Uqaaq UyUUqUy qayqmyy UyqEEqyam qmkayU EqqyymU EUUUUyUUUUU EkymkyyaE Eyqyaqyakkk Uaaakmk EEyqEq EqkkkaU ayyym kmyyyE Uqamm mykky UkaqqEEamy qmyqU aqqUEm aamyma UUyky Uyaaq kyyam Uyaya qqyaU qmkkqEE UEqaaqE qqymy qakkmy yaEqma Emkky UqqmyUEqm mykym kkayU qyqyUyka akaaE UmmkmE myEUE kmmqq yUUaEy aqqqEyyyk Uyqmy UEEmyymE EEymqEqE mayUEyUE qEymkk qyamqEEEayqy ymaEEy EqUqmkkm amaqa EqEEEU qqEyk qyEUU kkqEy mmmEyyqq yaqam aqUqEUaEEyay mqakEqq EmEyyaakq UmkayU UqEUEU yyammk mUqyEE EUUEE mEqka mmaqy kaUEq kqEqE qkmyaka kqUyak UyqykEU yaUEaqaU Uqykq EkaaaEq EmUaEkaEyaqE ykkak kyqUqk qkqUmkyE UEmkm qUUqq amyyqUkyEqEy Uqmqyqa kaEyyqy EaEUUq EaEqamyakmE EEUqyk qykkU mkEaU maqmk kkyEqmmay akyqyE UaamkU yUqyE qamqEEU qqyyaqE yEaqqyU qyyaya maamm qaEykkkkU EyEUU yaqqEU qqakyE UqymaU UaaqU UyEUq UUyaqEyayq Emyaa qUEUqy UqyaUEU UEUyq yyEamm EUqyEEq yUyaqEU UEyaaU yyqqU UqaqymyU EEyaqE yqUqU 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aEEyyamq ayyEUE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 9d9G~ +----------------------------------------------------+ | Dark Horizon (c) 1999-2000 PocketIQ & JS Greenwood | +----------------------------------------------------+------------------------+ | A space exploration / combat game for the EPOC-32 platform | | Includes pre-rendered planet-based animations, intelligent interface, | | high quality digitised speech, multiples levels of difficulty, powerful | | computer AI, load & save options, etc. | +-------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Ver: 1.21 | WWW: http://www.PocketIQ.com | e-mail: jsg@PocketIQ.com | +-------------+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+P "data.appY@ Table1 Title: Item: Table1 ColA9 ColB9 ColA10 ColB10 Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial APlanet - All of the stations at sites on the current planet can be turned on or off on this display, as well as allowing you to transfer ships from the docking bays to the surface. The "Item Status" sub-menu on the "View" menu allows you to control the status of the mining and agricultural units. Menu entries for all other types of ships are greyed out. The "Planet" view can also be used for swapping ships around when all of the bays are full and there are ships that need to land. 2257-03-02 It's finally begun. After years of unease, months of failing negotiations, and weeks of preparation, the war is upon us. Being on the edge of the inhabited sector, our system shouldn't come under much contention. With any luck the ownership of these planets will be decided on paper when it's all over. For now we'll just keep our heads down - we have no troops or cruisers to fight with anyway. 2257-07-13 Heavy casualties have been taken on both sides. The war has centered mainly around Earth and Thyrax, with systems such as ours being largely ignored. Only two bombing runs have made it as far as this planet; those destroyed a lot of our supplies, but given a little time we'll have the base up and running at 100% again. 2257-08-04 The last two weeks have been horrific. The Thyraxians must have spent the first few months of the war amassing the huge armada that is decimating all of the human colonies. Communications with other colonies is being kept to a minimum - both through choice, and because of the destruction of all our comms relays. All of the other science outposts are in the same situation as us - if we keep quiet then we might be forgotten. 2257-11-10 It's been over two months since we heard anything from any other human outpost. We have to assume the worst. We must have either lost, or be on the verge of losing the war. The only saving grace is that this system appears to have been forgotten amongst the carnage surrounding us. The magnetic interference from the Thyraxian weapons is blocking all signals in and out of this system. It seems likely that this is jamming all their sensors and stopping us from being detected. How long this will last no one knows... 2258-01-01 The inter-stellar silence has continued, but we've managed to get one of our probes as far as the last planet in our system. It's lucky we managed that. There appears to be a small Thyraxian outpost there, roughly the same size as our own. Our statisticians have concluded that one of their hybrid ships (war & cargo) must have crash landed there. We've stayed out of harm's way for the last 10 months, but now it's time we made our stand. So to begin the new year, and to provide the colony with hope, we've settled on a New Year's Resolution. Under the shield of the magnetic interference, we hope to seize control of the entire system before we're wiped out. Once that's done, who knows? Regrouping all remaining human colonies, making one last stand to save our race? For now, under the command of our new colony commander, we prepare for battle... BThe Main Screen displays all of the messages relating to the game, whilst the animation to the right displays the current status of the selected planet. To change planets, tap the Planet button on the toolbar, then select the desired planet from the list. To change the name of the planet, select "Rename" from the planet menu. To view details about the planet, tap the "Info" toolbar button. The current date is always displayed at the top of the screen. On any of the views of the game, the taxes can be collected from all of the other colonies to the main base by selecting the collect taxes on the "Planet" menu. To change to a different view of the game, tap on the View button on the toolbar. Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial BStats - This screen displays all of the information regarding the currently selected planet, along with details of the spacecraft on or above the planet. The taxrate can be altered by selecting the relevant option from the "View" menu. As the taxrate is altered, the morale on a planet changes. The morale of a planet affects the population growth rate. The current status of all of the bays, surface sites, and orbit paths can also be viewed from this screen by selecting the relevant options on the "View" menu. BShop - On the shop screen there are only three options; "choose a ship" from the list, "get information" about the current ship (the info button or the menu option both perform the same task, as usual), and "buy ship". You can only buy a ship on a given planet if you have enough credit in your main account, if there is a free bay on that planet to put it in, and you must also have enough resources on that planet to build that ship. A special case is the terraformer, which does not occupy any bays, and which you can only own one of. Contacting Palmscape Palmscape can be contacted in a number of ways, for either support or registering your software. Internet: http://www.palmscape.com Telephone / Fax: +44 (0)1234 353970 Email: jsg@palmscape.com support@palmscape.com Post: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT England Upgrades! Registered users of Dark Horizon are entitled to receive free upgrades via the internet or on floppy disk, as they become available. For details on how to get the latest version see "Contacting Palmscape". If you do not have access to the internet send a stamped addressed envelope with a PC formatted floppy disk to the address shown. Please note that the free upgrades offer excludes postage fees & hardware costs. Reporting Bugs If you find a problem with the game, please e-mail: jsg@palmscape.com with full details of the error. This should include what machine you are running it on (e.g. Psion S5, Geofox One, etc), the error displayed on the screen and so on. Disclaimer & Licence Agreement Dark Horizon, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the author. Registered users may install the software on an unlimited number of machines so long as they are for their own use exclusively. Although Dark Horizon is shareware, you are encouraged to pass the distribution file to your friends and colleague, registered copies may not be lent, sold or rented without the express written permission of the author. Palmscape and the author cannot and does not accept any liability for loss caused by error, defect or failure of the software including any loss of any kind. No guarantee is either offered or implied by Palmscape or the author. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. e to a different view of the game, tap on the View button on the toolbar. Configuration Options Once in a game, there are many options that can be configured to the user's specification. To change any of these options, either select the Options button on the toolbar to the right of the screen, or choose the Configure option from the Game menu. From the configuration screen, the following options can be customised: Difficulty: The speed at which the enemy develops, their strength when attacking you, etc. are all altered by changing the difficulty setting. The two more difficult settings (Medium and Hard) are only available in the registered version of the game. Day Length: The speed at which time passes in the game can be altered with this option. It is recommended that this option be left at the default setting unless you are waiting very long periods for platoons to train, money to accrue, etc. Sound volume: As is obvious, the sound level for the game can be changed here. If the volume is set to Off, then all of the sound files except for BEEP can be deleted. Doing this will significantly reduce the size of the game. However, DO NOT turn the sound back on without restoring all of the sound files first. Autosave: In the registered version of the game, it is possible to save and restore the current game state. With this option selected, if the application is exited part way through a game, the game state will automatically be saved. All questions such as whether or not to save changes made to the configuration are also skipped. If the game is not registered, questions relating to the saving of the configuration are skipped also. Intro Anim: Once the game has been registered, the introductory animation can be turned off to make it quicker to get into the game. This option has no effect in the unregistered version. Code: There MAY have been some hidden features put into this game. If there have, then the place to type in codes to access them is here. You'll be told of the effect the code you entered had (if there are any such codes). Menu Options Firstly, it should be pointed out that accessing the menu shortcuts on this game is slightly different from most other programs. Although the shortcuts displayed on the menus have the "Control" key as part of the shortcut, and these shortcuts can be used with the "Control" key, it is also possible to press the hot-key without holding down "Control" for the same effect. This makes accessing shortcuts easier, hopefully making the game more enjoyable to play. Most of the menu options are related to changing planets and the view of the game, and are described in the Playing Dark Horizon section of this file. Other options that might need explanation are as follows: Load: If you have previously backed up your state of play in a game of Dark Horizon, you can restore it with this option. Any current game you are playing will be lost. A saved game can be restored from as many times as is desired. Backup: If you want to quit the game but may want to resume it at a later date, or you are about to make a tactical decision you are not sure of, then you may want to make use of the Backup feature. This saves every detail relating to the current state of the game. All saved games are stored in Dark Horizon's directory. Toolbar Info Button: As well as displaying information about the game, this button pauses the game until the dialogue box displayed is closed. Other Options There are many keypresses that can be used instead of the standard hot-keys, and there are several options not available through the menu system. These are as follows: Screen Toggle: Tapping the stylus on the "Cut/Copy/Paste" silkscreen button at the left of the screen will toggle between the current view, and the main view. This allows you to quickly review all recent messages. Message Review: Pressing the backspace key in any of the views will display the most recently received message in the bottom-left of the screen. This message will disappear after a few seconds. Date Display: Pressing the space bar in any of the views will display the current date in the bottom-left of the screen for a couple of seconds. View Dependent Keypresses Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Select previous planet Right arrow key: Select next planet Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Statistics Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Select previous planet Right arrow key: Select next planet Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Tab key: Set tax rate Enter key: Purchase current item Left arrow key: Select previous item Right arrow key: Select next item Up arrow key: Select previous planet Down arrow key: Select next planet Launchpad Enter key: Travel Left arrow key: Move ship to docking bay Right arrow key: Move ship to planet's surface Up arrow key: Launch ship Down arrow key: Land ship Planet Enter key: Display information on current planet Left arrow key: Move ship to docking bay Right arrow key: Move ship to planet's surface Up arrow key: Select next planet Down arrow key: Select previous planet Cargo Up arrow key: Select previous dockG ing bay Down arrow key: Select next docking bay Left arrow key: Assign Crew Right arrow key: Assign Fuel Enter key: Assign passengers Tab key: Assign payload Training Left arrow key: Select previous platoon Right arrow key: Select next platoon Enter key: Toggle suit Tab key: Toggle weapon Up arrow key: Next stage of training Down arrow key: Previous stage of training Battle Enter key: Display information on planets Left arrow key: Select previous docking bay Right arrow key: Select next docking bay Up arrow key: Load platoon onto ship Down arrow key: Unload all platoons CLaunchpad - Ships can be launched and landed, can travel to other planets, and flights can be aborted on this screen. For a ship to be launched, it must be in a bay on the currently selected planet. If it requires a crew (all ships except for solar generators and terraformers do), this must be on board before the ship can take off. 50 units of fuel are also required for take-off of these craft (again, except the satellite and terraformer). 5 units of fuel are needed for each days travel between planets as well. A ship can only takeoff if there is a free orbit path above the current planet. Likewise, a ship can only travel to another planet if there is a free orbit path there. Ships can only land if there is a free docking bay. When flights are aborted, the ship returns to the planet of origin (as long as there is a free orbit path). No fuel is used returning when a flight is cancelled, and no fuel is used when landing a ship. QCCargo - After choosing a Bay to be used as the default on this screen, several operations can be performed on this ship. If funds are required, the ship can be sold, for half of the list value. If the ship has just been bought, and is any other than the solar satellite or the terraformer, then a crew can be assigned. This will take civilians from the current planet's population, and it must be done before the ship is launched. Passengers and a payload can also be assigned to the ARK-7 cargo transporter. These can then be taken to other planets to help establish colonies there. Fuel can be added to a ship with the relevant menu option as well. The rule of thumb for fuel amounts is 20 units for take off, and 5 more for each days travel. To move platoons of troops onto the Psi-Strom battle cruiser, the Battle view must be selected. CTraining - All of the platoons for the game (whichever planet they're on) can be controlled on this screen. The type of troop, and the weapon for each platoon can be assigned from the menus. The pictures (or animations) of these are then displayed in the main portion of the screen, with the prices per soldier for each displayed in the lower right of the screen. Above this display are the details for the current platoon (number of troops, status, etc). Once a platoon has had troops assigned to it, it should be trained. When a platoon in training reaches 100%, it is automatically set to inactive. The platoon must then be equipped before it can be used in battle. Once a platoon has been equipped, the type of troop, weapons, and number of troops cannot be altered. The platoon must either be killed in battle or disbanded before any such changes can be made. Disbanding a platoon will return the troops to civilian status on the current planet. No credits will be returned for the equipment of the platoon. Once Dark Horizon starts, pressing either the MENU key or tapping the MENU silk-screen button to the side of the screen will bring up the main menu. From here you can choose from either of the two main menus. The main game options are on the first menu. These consist of starting a new game, loading a previously saved game, configuring the game, or quitting Dark Horizon. The second menu has the information based options: starting the on-line help engine, registering the game, the high-scores table, and the information about the game (version number, author, contact details, shareware status, etc). To play Dark Horizon for the first time, the NEW GAME option from the GAME menu should be selected. Once this is done, the game starts straight away. The introduction below outlines the basics of the game: When a new game is started, you are in control of one planet at one end of the solar system, whilst the Thyraxian Minions are in control of one planet at the opposite end of the system. +CBattle - When you set battle cruisers down on a planet which is under the rule of the Thyraxians, switching to this display allows you to control the battle between your forces and theirs. The screen displays which platoons are on the planet's surface, and which ships are in the docking bays. Platoons can be swapped between the two using the menu options. The aggression of the troops can be altered, but using a high aggression setting may tire your troops out. Note: A platoon will not be counted as taking part in the battle whilst it is on a ship in a docking bay. Also, when a battle is lost, some members of the platoons in that battle may be captured. They will still register as being in the platoon, but the platoon is classed as dead. You can re-form the platoon as normal when this happens. Background Welcome to Dark Horizon - the latest in high quality entertainment software for the Psion Series 5 (and other compatible EPOC-32 platforms). The idea of the game is simple - colonise all of the planets of a solar system whilst protecting yourself from the alien colonies inhabiting other planets of the system. The idea of the game may not be original, but as far as I'm aware it's a first on the S5. Due to the complexity of the game, the large number of pre-rendered animations, the amount of sound effects, and so on, the game is fairly large. Please don't let this put you off from trying it. The game has spent a lot of time in development, and its playability should reflect this. Pocket IQ applications can be registered exclusively through Palmscape, the leading online store for the EPOC platform. To register this product simply visit the Pocket IQ internet site and follow the registration instructions. Alternatively you can register directly with Palmscape in any of the following ways: Online Orders: Purchase online via Palmscape's secure online service. Simply visit www.palmscape.com, and select the "Buy now" link. Palmscape accept most major credit cards (see below). Telephone \ Fax orders: Palmscape accept telephone orders via the United Kingdom office which can be reached on +44 (0)1234 353970. Postal Orders: Payment can be made by UK Cheque, Cash or Credit Card direct to the Palmscape office, located at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT England. Please mark clearly that you wish to purchase this application. Payment types: Palmscape accept major Credit cards, Switch, Delta as well as UK Cheque, Eurocheque and Cash. If you are paying in any currency other than GB Pounds please add 10% to cover conversion fees. A1.INTRODUCTION Background Release History 2. THE STORY 3. INSTALLING DARK HORIZON 4. PLAYING DARK HORIZON 4.1 Main View 4.2 Statistics View 4.3 Shop View 4.4 Launchpad View 4.5 Planet View 4.6 Cargo View 4.7 Training View 4.8 Battle View 5. GAME OPTIONS Configuration Options Menu Options Other Options View Dependent Keypresses 6. HOW REGISTER 7. MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS Contacting Palmscape FREE Upgrades! Reporting Bugs 8. DISCLAIMER & LICENCE AGREEMENT Before installing Dark Horizon, please check to make sure that the following files are included in the archive: The files "pscape.mbm" and "pscape.opo" will also be included if the archive is a ZIP file. If this is the case, these two files should be copied to the directory "C:\System\OPL". Note that the "D" drive should NOT be used for this. It is be possible to install Dark Horizon to either the internal drive (C:) or the external disk (D:) on the Series 5. The default of "C:" will be assumed for the rest of this section, replacing this with "D:" in each case will result in a perfect installation to the external drive though. If the application arrived in an SIS package then double clicking on this in Windows will begin the installation of the application. Following the on-screen prompts will ensure that the installation completes successfully. If the application arrived in a ZIP package, then the files must be decompressed manually to the correct folder by the following method: Firstly, create a directory in "C:\SYSTEM" called "DARK HORIZON". (If you cannot see the "C:\SYSTEM" directory, you must go to the system screen, bring up the menus at the top of the screen, go to TOOLS, then select PREFERENCES. The box next to "Show 'System' folder" must be checked. Then click OK.) All of the files out of the DHorizon_100.Zip must then be copied into this directory. The icon for Dark Horizon will then appear on the extras bar. Tapping on this with the stylus will then start the program. (Alternatively double tapping/pressing enter on the Dark Horizon application within the DARK HORIZON directory will start the game). "Filename Arial .Description Arial >DARKHORIZON.APP Arial VThe main game program Arial >DARKHORIZON.AIF Arial The application information file Arial >DARKHORIZON.HLP Arial The help file for the game (Psion Help format) Arial ARTWORK Arial File containing all images for use in the game Arial Arial File containing images for use on extras bar Arial .FILE_ID.DIZ Arial The description of the archive for BBS services Arial *README.TXT Arial The ASCII documentation for this game Arial CHEER Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial WELCOME Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial ATTACK Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial MESSAGE Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial INTRO Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial LAUGH Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial Arial Sound effect for use in the game Arial Arial Sheet1 &Sheet.app Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial The Pocket IQ End User Licence Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you and Pocket IQ Limited. By downloading or installing this SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, remove this SOFTWARE immediately. Pocket IQ END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT (EULA) This licence refers to any product which is distributed by Pocket IQ. GRANT OF LICENCE This Pocket IQ Licence Agreement ("Licence") permits you to use one copy of this product, on multiple machines which may include user documentation provided in electronic form ("SOFTWARE"), providing it is for the sole, exclusive use of the registered user. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer or by more than one user at any one time. COPYRIGHT The SOFTWARE (including any images and text incorporated into the product) is owned by Pocket IQ and the independent application author, or its suppliers and is protected by English copyright laws and international treaty provisions. REVERSE TRANSLATION The SOFTWARE, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the Pocket IQ and the independent application author. LIMITED WARRANTY To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Pocket IQ and the independent application author disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Pocket IQ, the independent application author or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this Pocket IQ product. The SOFTWARE is supplied 'as is' and no advice or technical support is guaranteed from Pocket IQ or any third party. 4.8 Battle View Arial Arial 5. Game Options> 6. How To RegisterE 7. Miscellaneous DetailsB /# 8. Disclaimer & Licence AgreementB Welcome to Dark Horizon, a quality application from Pocket IQ and JS Greenwood Support: jsg@PocketIQ.com Internet: www.PocketIQ.com For more complete help, please view the README.TXT file. To do this, select "More->Import Text File..." in Word, and select the relevant file. Sketch &Paint.app Welcome to Dark Horizon5 Contents5 1. Introduction> Arial Arial 2. The Story> 3. Installing Dark Horizon> 4. Playing Dark Horizon> Arial Arial Arial 4.1 Main View Arial Arial Arial 4.2 Statistics View Arial Arial 4.3 Shop View Arial Arial 4.4 Launchpad View Arial Arial 4.5 Planet View Arial Arial 4.6 Cargo View Arial Arial 4.7 Training View Arial Arial &C:\System\Apps\DarkHorizon\DarkHorizon CHOICE% TBID1& TBID2& TBID3& TBID4& TBID5& TBID6& TBID7& TBID8& TITLEANIM& AD_ANIM& TITLE% FRAME& CFILE% TEMP$ TCHAR$ PLANET_NAME$ TEMP1$ TEMP2$ NEWRATE& ORBIT$ SURFACE$ TEMP_NAME$ START_BAY% AVAILABLE_ITEM% FREE_BAY% ITEM_TO_BUY% TEMP_PLANET% TEMP_SHIP% TEMP_SITE% TEMP_BAY% CANCEL_FLIGHT% CANCEL% ALPHA% TEMP_BAY$ TEMP_SITE$ PASSENGERS& TEMP_FUEL& TEMP_FOOD& TEMP_ENERGY& TEMP_RESOURCES& MAX_F& MAX_E& MAX_R& TEMP_TROOPS& TEMP_MAX& TEMP_MAX_TROOPS& TEMP_COST& DISBAND% SHIP% PLATOON% TEMP_PLATOON$ TEMP_PLATOON% TEMP_PLATOON% TEMP_SHIP$ TEMP_NAME$ TEMP_CODE$ INPUT% GAME_FILE% FILENAME$ TEMP_VOLUME% TEMP_DIFFICULTY% TEMP_DAY_LENGTH% TEMP_ANIM% TEMP_INTRO% TEMP_AUTOSAVE% TEMP_NUM1& TEMP_NUM2& TEMP_FREEZE% ROCKET& GUNSHOT& FLAG& SPRITES& CURRENT_SHIPS% ORBIT% SURFACE% APPSIZE& APPSIZE2& ARTSIZE& NEW_LINE$ NUM_MESSAGES% QUIT% GAMEOVER% RESTART% COLOUR% SWITCH_VIEW% DISPLAY_TITLES% MACHINE_ID$ STARTDRIVE$ HELPID& HELPSTATUS& SOUNDSTATUS& NOSOUND% AUTOSAVE% RESTORE_GAME% RESTORE_START% REGISTERED% REG_NAME$ REG_CODE$ VOLUME% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% PCHANGE% INGAME% NEXTSECTION% VIEW% PLANET% DIFFICULTY% ILLEGAL_GAME% HIGH_SCORE$ HIGH_SCORE& SCORE& SCORE ALIEN_PLANET_NAME$ PATH$ SPIN_ANIM& DISPLAYED_PLANET_ANIM% MESSAGE$ FREE_MESSAGE% DISPLAYED_MESSAGES% LAST_MESSAGE$ MAIN_MENU% STATS_MENU% SHOP_MENU% LAUNCHPAD_MENU% PLANET_MENU% CARGO_MENU% TRAINING_MENU% BATTLE_MENU% PLANET$ PLANET_OWNER% PLANET_TERRA_TIME% PLANET_DISTANCE% PLANET_BAY% PLANET_SURFACE% PLANET_ORBIT% CASH& TAXRATE% PLANET% PLANET_ANIM% POPULATION& GROWTH_RATE% WAR_AGGRESSION% MORALE% FOOD% FUEL% ENERGY% RESOURCES% ENEMY_STRENGTH& YOUR_STRENGTH& TERRA_STATUS% TERRA_POSITION% TERRA_PLANET% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_STRENGTH& PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% PLATOON_SUIT% PLATOON_WEAPON% PLATOON_TRAINED% SECTION% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% ( TRAINING% DATE% YEAR% PLANETANIM& ( PT_ANIMS% DAY_LENGTH% LAST_TIME& CURRENT_TIME& UPDATE_FROM_EVENTS% CHEAT_CODE$ PROGRESS_INVENTED_TERRA% PROGRESS_BOUGHT_TERRA% EFFICIENT_FARMING% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_CREW% ITEM_PASSENGERS% ITEM_PAYLOAD1% ITEM_PAYLOAD2% ITEM_PAYLOAD3% ITEM_PAYLOAD4% ITEM_PLATOON1% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% NUM_CRUISER% NUM_CARGO% NUM_ORE% NUM_HYDRO% NUM_SOLAR% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% SELECTED_BAY% BAY_STATUS% SELECTED_ITEM% ITEM$ ITEM_COST% ITEM_RESOURCES% SELECTED_PLATOON% TRAINING_PLATOON% SUIT_COST% WEAPON_COST% SUIT_STRENGTH% WEAPON_STRENGTH% LOCAL_PLATOON_SUIT% LOCAL_PLATOON_WEAPON% SUIT$ WEAPON$ ELECTRO_ANIM% YOUR_STRENGTH_LOST ENEMY_STRENGTH_LOST D APPTITLE$ APPVER$ EMAIL$ APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ iD APPEMAIL$ D SPLASHID& SPLASHXPOS% SPLASHYPOS% TITLE_WINID% TB_DOLLAR1& TB_DOLLAR2& TB_GRAPH1& TB_GRAPH2& TB_LAUNCH1& TB_LAUNCH2& D TB_LAND1& D TB_LAND2& TB_ABORT1& TB_ABORT2& TB_RIGHT1& TB_RIGHT2& D TB_LEFT1& D TB_LEFT2& TB_STATUS1& TB_STATUS2& D TB_CREW1& D TB_CREW2& TB_PASSENGERS1& TB_PASSENGERS2& D TB_FUEL1& D TB_FUEL2& TB_PAYLOAD1& TB_PAYLOAD2& TB_TRAIN1& TB_TRAIN2& TB_EQUIP1& TB_EQUIP2& TB_UP1& TB_UP2& !E TB_DOWN1& %E TB_DOWN2& FIRST_TIME% BACKGROUND_TILE% TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND% GWIDTH% GHEIGHT% SMALL_SCREEN% READCFG REG_CODE$ INIT_SOUND INITIALISE_VARIABLES WRITE_HIGHSCORES LOAD_ICONS TBARLINK +B bC Dark Horizon jsg@pocketiq.com ]D+ 1998-2000 JS Greenwood Loading Dark Horizon... \system\apps\darkhorizon\K artworkK DW.(^ DarkHorizonK+ .iniK( DarkHorizon+ Introductory Info.K +8It appears you are playing this game for the first time,O +9Please read the documentation found in the various ReadMeO files before playing this game.O W/O(LO Psi-Strom Battle Cruiser ARK-7 Cargo Transporter OreSalve Drilling Station Hydroponica Agriculture Station Solargen Energy Satellite HyperForm Terraformer Commando Hydro Trooper Cyber Snake Electro Armoured Laser Rifle Flame Thrower Rocket Launcher BANK JOB (+ HOLOCAUST GOD'S GIFT COLOUR ME BAD DONATE CODE Vorstok Kalista Strenks Plisk Grankta Mylek Linvarsk Orteza Nilgrosk Sharnkaz ArtworkKO O HW( ArtworkKO O!HW( ArtworkK( Z:\system\opl\toolbar.opo + Main_menuO TB_ABORT1& PATH$ TB_ABORT2& TB_PAYLOAD1& TB_PAYLOAD2& TB_CREW1& TB_CREW2& TB_DOLLAR1& TB_DOLLAR2& TB_DOWN1& TB_DOWN2& TB_EQUIP1& TB_EQUIP2& TB_FUEL1& TB_FUEL2& TB_GRAPH1& TB_GRAPH2& TB_LAND1& TB_LAND2& TB_LAUNCH1& TB_LAUNCH2& TB_LEFT1& TB_LEFT2& TB_PASSENGERS1& TB_PASSENGERS2& TB_RIGHT1& TB_RIGHT2& TB_STATUS1& TB_STATUS2& TB_TRAIN1& TB_TRAIN2& TB_UP1& TB_UP2& ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( ArtworkK( 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TBAROFFER% CLEAR_MESSAGES GET_INFORMATION RENAME_PLANET WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG CHANGE_PLANET LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% STATS LAUNCHPAD PLANET CARGO TRAINING DAYS_EVENTS CHECK_FOR_HIGHSCORES WINNING_ANIMATION PLAYSOUND2 TBARHIDE VOLUME% COLOUR% TITLE_WINID% GWIDTH% TBID1& TBID2& TB_STATUS1& TB_STATUS2& TBID7& TBID8& TBID5& TBID6& PLANETANIM& RESTORE_GAME% INGAME% TBWIDTH% NEXTSECTION% NUM_MESSAGES% TEMP_DAY_LENGTH% DAY_LENGTH% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% PLANET% PLANET$ PLANET% SECTION% MAIN_MENU% DATE% YEAR% DISPLAYED_PLANET_ANIM% VIEW% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& UPDATE_FROM_EVENTS% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% RESTART% GAMEOVER% REGISTERED% PATH$ PlanetO TerraO formKO InfoO ConfigO PlanetO TerraO formKO InfoO L{1\[# O({9\O PH{1\O L{9\O L{1\[ O2{9\O L{9\O L{1\[ L{9\O L{1\[ O){1\O L{9\O LO L{1\[ 9sO + Day length: DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes?O Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Clear MessagesOz Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa PlanetO TerraO formKO InfoO ConfigO PlanetO TerraO formKO InfoO {O#{O DarkHorizon+ VictoryK +0Congratulations, you've defeated the Thyraxians.O +0Now you just have to scavenge the sector for anyO +2more remaining humans to take on the full might ofO the Thyraxian homeworld with.O But that's another game!O +/If you expected an animation or something here,O +$then how about registering the game.O OK, I'll register itO No wayO DarkHorizon+ VictoryK +,Thanks; there's information in the helpfile,O +2in the Readme.Txt file, and on the game's website.O +0Registering will get you extra features such as:O More difficulty levelsO Certain troopsO A better ending sequenceO +! The backup and restore featuresO A lot more...O DarkHorizon+ VictoryK +$Fair enough, but you'll miss out on:O More difficulty levelsO Certain troopsO A better ending sequenceO +! The backup and restore featuresO A lot more...O laughKO DarkHorizon+ Game OverK The war has been lost.O +)You have been defeated by the Thyraxians.O +.Rethink your strategy, regroup, and try again!O Od|RWBIx O!0\[ OB0\[* I'll try harder next timeO They were luckyO DISPLAY_MESSAGES MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% PLANETANIM& GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% DATE% YEAR% PLANET% PLANET_OWNER% PATH$ PLANET_ANIM% PT_ANIMS% PLANET$ L{O2{O ArtworkKO O(H{ ArtworkKO O ArtworkKO O ArtworkKO ArtworkKO O#H{ ArtworkKO O$H ArtworkKO GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% DATE% YEAR% PLAYSOUND2 PATH$ VOLUME% SMALL_SCREEN% AD_ANIM& TITLEANIM& introKO {O&h{O ArtworkK( {OU{O ArtworkK( COLOUR% TITLE_WINID% GWIDTH% GHEIGHT% TITLE% PATH$ TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND% SMALL_SCREEN% REGISTERED% REG_NAME$ ArtworkKO 1.22K+ - Registered to: K KW2LO O(LPH 1.22K+ Registered to: K 1.22K+ - Unregistered VersionKW2LO O(LPH 1.22K+ Unregistered versionK 1.22K+ Registered to: K 1.22K+ Registered to: K 1.22K+ - Shareware versionKW2L 1.22K+ Unregistered versionK UPDATEVIEW_MAIN DISPLAY_MESSAGES VIEW% PLANET% INGAME% SECTION% PLANET% LAST_TIME& MESSAGE$ REGISTERED% GWIDTH% FREE_MESSAGE% DarkHorizon+ 1.22K Registered version Shareware version Initialising system... [done] +$Registering enemy presence... [done] +$------------------------------------ The war begins... Init'ing system... [done] Reg'ing Enemy... [done] +!--------------------------------- The war begins... GWIDTH% GHEIGHT% RESTART% INGAME% NEXTSECTION% VIEW% PLANET% ILLEGAL_GAME% RESTORE_START% SMALL_SCREEN% MAIN_MENU% STATS_MENU% SHOP_MENU% LAUNCHPAD_MENU% PLANET_MENU% CARGO_MENU% TRAINING_MENU% BATTLE_MENU% SCORE SCORE& YOUR_STRENGTH_LOST ENEMY_STRENGTH_LOST NUM_CRUISER% NUM_CARGO% NUM_ORE% NUM_HYDRO% NUM_SOLAR% MESSAGE$ NUM_MESSAGES% FREE_MESSAGE% DISPLAYED_MESSAGES% PLANET$ PLANET_OWNER% CASH& PLANET_ANIM% FOOD% DIFFICULTY% FUEL% ENERGY% RESOURCES% ENEMY_STRENGTH& YOUR_STRENGTH& POPULATION& PLANET_TERRA_TIME% PLANET_DISTANCE% ALIEN_PLANET_NAME$ TAXRATE% PLANET% GROWTH_RATE% WAR_AGGRESSION% MORALE% PLANET_BAY% PLANET_SURFACE% PLANET_ORBIT% TERRA_STATUS% TERRA_POSITION% TERRA_PLANET% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_STRENGTH& PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% PLATOON_SUIT% PLATOON_WEAPON% PLATOON_TRAINED% TRAINING_PLATOON% SECTION% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% DATE% YEAR% PROGRESS_INVENTED_TERRA% PROGRESS_BOUGHT_TERRA% EFFICIENT_FARMING% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_CREW% ITEM_PASSENGERS% ITEM_PAYLOAD1% ITEM_PAYLOAD2% ITEM_PAYLOAD3% ITEM_PAYLOAD4% ITEM_PLATOON1% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% SELECTED_BAY% SELECTED_ITEM% SELECTED_PLATOON% BAY_STATUS% LOCAL_PLATOON_SUIT% LOCAL_PLATOON_WEAPON% 'Planet O0 O |RWBO Ox8[V WRITECFG TCHAR$ TEMP$ CFILE% PATH$ REG_NAME$ REG_CODE$ DIFFICULTY% DAY_LENGTH% VOLUME% AUTOSAVE% ELECTRO_ANIM% DISPLAY_TITLES% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% DarkHorizonK+ .iniK( DarkHorizonK+ .iniK( + Reg. NameW + Reg. CodeW DifficultyW O0L0O40[ Day LengthW O0L0O:0[ VolumeW O0L0O40[ AutosaveW O0L0O20[ Electro AnimW O0L0O20[ Intro AnimW O0L0O20[ Background PauseW O0L0O20[ BonusW CFILE% PATH$ TEMP$ REG_NAME$ REG_CODE$ DIFFICULTY% DAY_LENGTH% VOLUME% AUTOSAVE% ELECTRO_ANIM% DISPLAY_TITLES% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% COLOUR% DarkHorizonK+ .iniK(" DarkHorizonK+ configuration fileK +F;Please do not edit this file without understanding what you are doing Reg. Name = Reg. Code = Difficulty = Day Length = + Volume = Autosave = Electro Anim = Intro Anim = Background Pause = Bonus = WRITE_HIGHSCORES TCHAR$ TEMP$ CFILE% PATH$ HIGH_SCORE$ HIGH_SCORE& DarkHorizonK+ .hstK( DarkHorizonK+ .hstK( CFILE% PATH$ TEMP$ HIGH_SCORE$ HIGH_SCORE& DarkHorizonK+ .hstK(" DarkHorizonK+ highscore fileK SOUNDSTATUS& APPSIZE& PLANET% PLANET% PLANET$ Current Planet is now NEW_MESSAGE PLAYSOUND2 NEW_MESSAGE2 DATE% YEAR% PROGRESS_INVENTED_TERRA% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% PLANET_ORBIT% ITEM_NAME$ PLANET$ UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% ENERGY% FUEL% RESOURCES% EFFICIENT_FARMING% FOOD% PLANET_OWNER% DIFFICULTY% ENEMY_STRENGTH& MAIN% PLANET% UPDATE_FROM_EVENTS% TAXRATE% POPULATION& CASH& MORALE% GROWTH_RATE% TERRA_STATUS% TERRA_POSITION% PLANET_DISTANCE% PLANET_TERRA_TIME% PLANET_ANIM% TERRA_PLANET% ALIEN_PLANET_NAME$ YOUR_STRENGTH& PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_PLANET% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_STRENGTH& WAR_AGGRESSION% ENEMY_STRENGTH_LOST YOUR_STRENGTH_LOST PLATOON_TRAINED% PLATOON_TROOPS% WEAPON_STRENGTH% PLATOON_WEAPON% SUIT_STRENGTH% PLATOON_SUIT% PATH$ VOLUME% GAMEOVER% SCORE SCORE& NEXTSECTION% TRAINING_PLATOON% SELECTED_PLATOON% Terraformer redesign completeO in orbit around K OK|RO |VRR* {U=\[ O2L0[ O2L8[ Food shortage on O-h0[ AR2\[l {Q1[/ @o@RJz Od|RO2|:[ Terraforming of K+ completeKO LO2P{ O |RWBO Od|RO2|:[ OKH{W Y@VRz O2@[1 ?RNR*ffffff OK@[1 ?RNR* Od@[. ?RNR* lostKO Battle lost on O |RWBO wonKO Battle won on |RWBx +(Magnetic storms disrupt all equipment...O DarkHorizon+ Sensor ReportK +)An unknown alien ship has appeared on theO +)sensors. They are requesting half of theO food and fuel resources from O Should we do as they ask?O +.The ship transported the goods and vanished...O OA8[N All food and fuel from O transported away!KO +$The ship disappeared without a traceO Under attackKO attackKO +1Improved crop yields give 200% farming efficiencyO +@Farming methods were destroying soil - crop yields at 100% againO DISPLAY_MESSAGES PLAYSOUND2 LAST_MESSAGE$ FREE_MESSAGE% NUM_MESSAGES% MAIN% MESSAGE$ GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PATH$ VOLUME% Food shortage on G TL|6[ TL|6[ Incoming message...O messageKO DISPLAY_MESSAGES LAST_MESSAGE$ FREE_MESSAGE% NUM_MESSAGES% MAIN% MESSAGE$ GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% Food shortage on G TL|6[ TL|6[ Incoming message...O GWIDTH% MESSAGE$ TBWIDTH% NUM_MESSAGES% PLAYSOUND2 SCORE& HIGH_SCORE& HIGH_SCORE$ PATH$ VOLUME% cheerKO DarkHorizon+ High ScoreK +)Congratualtions, you've got a high score!O +)Please enter your initials for posterity:O + Initials:O DISPLAY_MESSAGES MESSAGE$ NUM_MESSAGES% FREE_MESSAGE% PLANET% PLANET$ PLANET_NAME$ PLANET_OWNER% DarkHorizon+ Rename PlanetK CancelO Planet:O ,...K + New name:O +*Name unchanged - you don't own this planetO Planet renamedO +*Name unchanged - you don't own this planetO +$Name unchanged - planet terraformingO +$Name unchanged - planet terraformingO PLANET_OWNER% CASH& All taxes collectedO MAIN% STATS% LAUNCHPAD% CARGO% PLANET_OWNER% PLANET% PLANET_TERRA_TIME% PLANET$ CASH& POPULATION& TAXRATE% MORALE% ENEMY_STRENGTH& SHOP% SELECTED_ITEM% ITEM$ SMALL_SCREEN% ITEM_COST% ITEM_RESOURCES% PPLANET% PLANET_ORBIT% TEMP1$ ITEM_NAME$ TRAINING% PLATOON_STATUS% SELECTED_PLATOON% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% SUIT$ PLATOON_SUIT% WEAPON$ PLATOON_WEAPON% PLATOON_TRAINED% DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK Planet uninhabitedO Time to terraform: DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK Planet name: Credits: Population: + Tax rate: Morale: War:+ At war with ThyraxiansO War:+ At peaceO DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK The Thyraxians own this planetO Information on it is classifiedO Send a spy? (Cost 500 credits)O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK Incoming message from ...KO +- 'A spy has been caught trying to steal dataO +( on our planet. She has been executed.O ++ You will be made to pay for your crimes!'O Acknowledge transmissionO DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK Planet Name: Enemy Strength: DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK +*You are currently terraforming this planetO Time remaining: daysKO +%You will be informed upon completion.O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO DarkHorizon+ InformationK This planet is currently beingO terraformed by the Thyraxians.O No information is available.O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO +!A heavy battle cruiser capable ofO +&transporting 4 platoons across sytems.O To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO +%A long-range transport vessel capableO +"of transporting 500 people and 200O +"tonnes of produce between planets.O To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO +'An offshore drilling station to extractO +'minerals and other resources needed forO +(the production of all purchasable items.O To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO An agricultural station for theO +#production of food for the coloniesO To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO + A solar satellite with microwaveO +%transmitters. Used to power drillingO and agricultural stations.O To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO +%A Terraformer capable of transformingO +#lifeless planets into living worldsO in a matter of weeksO To crew:+ Cost:O creditsKO Resources:O DarkHorizon+ InformationKO Planet: Reserved Empty Orbit Not formed Training Active + Suspended DarkHorizon+ InformationKO Platoon: Troops: Status: + Strength:+ + Location:+ Aboard Planet: Type: Weapon: Trained: DarkHorizon+ InformationKO At PeaceO At warO PROGRESS_INVENTED_TERRA% PROGRESS_BOUGHT_TERRA% PLANET_OWNER% PLANET% TERRA_STATUS% TERRA_PLANET% PLANET_TERRA_TIME% MAIN% UPDATE_FROM_EVENTS% PLANET$ PLANET_DISTANCE% TERRA_POSITION% +ATerraformer undergoing redesign - notification upon completion...O You do not own a terraformerO +1Planet not devoid of life - cannot be terraformedO + Planet already being terraformedO +-Terraformer already travelling to this planetO DarkHorizon+ TerraformK +%The terraformer is already travellingO +!towards a planet which will take ++days to terraform; Do you wish to terraformO the current planet instead?O +"Time to terraform current planet: days.KO Terraforming DarkHorizon+ TerraformK Planet Name: Travel Time: daysKO Forming Time: daysK Proceed with terraforming?O Terraforming NEWRATE& TAXRATE% PLANET% PLANET$ PLANET_OWNER% DarkHorizon+ Set TaxrateK Set taxrate for ' + New rate:O CancelO ?JWBx Taxrate set to +'Taxrate unchanged - planet is not yoursO PLANET_BAY% PLANET% ITEM_NAME$ PLANET$ + Empty Bay DarkHorizon+ In BaysK Details of bay allocations:KO Bay 1: O Bay 2: O Bay 3: O PLANET_ORBIT% PLANET% ORBIT$ ITEM_NAME$ PLANET$ Empty Trajectory DarkHorizon+ In OrbitKO Details of orbit paths:KO Path 1: O Path 2: O Path 3: O Path 4: O Path 5: O Path 6: O PLANET_SURFACE% PLANET% SURFACE$ ITEM_NAME$ PLANET$ Empty Site DarkHorizon+ On SurfaceKO Details of surface sites:KO Site 1: O Site 2: O Site 3: O Site 4: O Site 5: O Site 6: O SELECTED_ITEM% ITEM$ DarkHorizon+ Choose ItemK + Pick an item to view details on:O ITEM_TO_BUY% SELECTED_ITEM% ITEM$ ITEM_COST% CASH& START_BAY% PLANET% AVAILABLE_ITEM% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_RESOURCES% RESOURCES% PLANET_BAY% PLANET_OWNER% PROGRESS_INVENTED_TERRA% PROGRESS_BOUGHT_TERRA% TEMP_NAME$ NUM_CRUISER% NUM_CARGO% NUM_ORE% NUM_HYDRO% NUM_SOLAR% FREE_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_CREW% ITEM_PASSENGERS% ITEM_PAYLOAD1% ITEM_PAYLOAD2% ITEM_PAYLOAD3% ITEM_PAYLOAD4% ITEM_PLATOON1% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% PLANET$ DarkHorizon+ Purchase ItemK + Purchase: Cost: Funds:O credits availableKO Proceed with purchase?O Ox@`[ +!Not enough funds to purchase itemO +"Not enough resources to build itemO No free bays to store item inO +%Maximum number of items already ownedO +0Cannot purchase items on a planet you do not ownO +>Terraformer being redesigned - notification upon completion...O +-You cannot purchase more than one terraformerO Terraformer purchasedO Psi-Strom # ARK-7 # OreSalve # Hydroponica # Solargen # HyperForm 1 DarkHorizon+ Purchase ItemK Ship name:O Item ' K+ ' in bay K on 'K TEMP_SHIP% PLANET% PLANET_BAY% PLANET_ORBIT% ITEM_CREW% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_NAME$ No ships in any baysO No free orbit pathsO No ship in that bayO No crew on boardO Not enough fuelO No free orbit pathsO Ship launchedO Empty,K DarkHorizon+ Launch shipK Select the ship to launch: Ship: CancelO No ship in that bayO No crew on boardO Not enough fuelO No free orbit pathsO Ship launchedO TEMP_PLANET% PLANET% PLANET_ORBIT% ITEM_NAME$ TEMP_SHIP% PLANET$ PLANET_DISTANCE% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% No ships in orbit to travelO + Reserved,K Empty,K DarkHorizon+ TravelK + Select a ship and a destination:O Ship: Planet:O CancelO +)No free orbit paths on destination planetO No ship on this orbit pathO +#Ship already in orbit around planetO @`\[0 Not enough fuel to travel to Ship enroute, ETA daysKO PLANET% PLANET_BAY% PLANET_ORBIT% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_NAME$ TEMP_SHIP% +(Cannot land: no free bays on this planetO No ships on orbit paths to landO Ship landedO + Reserved,K Empty,K DarkHorizon+ Land shipK Select the ship to land: Ship: CancelO No ship on that orbit pathO Ship landedO ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% CANCEL% ITEM_NAME$ CANCEL_FLIGHT% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% PLANET_ORBIT% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% No flights to abortO DarkHorizon+ Abort FlightK Pick a flight to cancelO Flight: CancelO +7No orbit paths available at nearest planet to divert toO Flight abortedO TEMP_BAY$ TEMP_SITE$ PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ PLANET_SURFACE% TEMP_SITE% ALPHA% TEMP_BAY% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% Empty,K Empty,K DarkHorizon+ Move ItemK + Choose a bay and a surface site.O Site: CancelO +#No item in bay or no available siteO +#No item in bay or no available siteO TEMP_BAY$ TEMP_SITE$ PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ TEMP_BAY% PLANET_SURFACE% ALPHA% TEMP_SITE% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% Empty,K Empty,K DarkHorizon+ Move ItemK +!Choose a surface site and a bay .O Site: CancelO + No free bays or no items to moveO +"No item to move / not a vacant bayO PLANET% PLANET_SURFACE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% HO04\[U Ox4\[+ SELECTED_BAY% PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ CASH& ITEM_COST% ITEM_TYPE% FUEL% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_CREW% POPULATION& ITEM_PASSENGERS% FOOD% ITEM_PAYLOAD1% ENERGY% ITEM_PAYLOAD2% RESOURCES% ITEM_PAYLOAD3% ITEM_PAYLOAD4% ITEM_PLATOON1% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% ITEM_LOCATION_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_PLANET% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% ITEM_LOCATION_DISTANCE% TEMP_BAY% SELECTED_BAY% Empty,K No ships to sellO No ship to sell in that bayO T|WBI + Ship soldO DarkHorizon+ Sell shipK Select a ship to sell:O Ship: CancelO No ship to sell in that bayO T|WBI + Ship soldO TEMP$ PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ TEMP_BAY% SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_TYPE% POPULATION& ITEM_CREW% Empty,K +"No ships in bays to assign crew toO DarkHorizon+ Assign CrewK + Select a ship to assign crew to:O Ship: CancelO No ship in that bayO No crew neededO Not enough civilians on planetO Crew assignedO TEMP_BAY% PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_TYPE% POPULATION& SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_PASSENGERS% Empty,K No cargo ships in docking baysO DarkHorizon+ Assign PassengersK +,Select a ship, and the number of passengers:O Ship: Passengers:O CancelO No ship in that bayO +(Ship is incapable of carrying passengersO Passengers assignedO PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ FUEL% TEMP_FUEL& TEMP_BAY% SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_FUEL% Empty,K +*No ships in docking bays to assign fuel toO DarkHorizon+ Assign FuelK +#Select a ship, and the fuel weight:O Ship: Fuel:O CancelO No ship in that bayO This ship does not require fuelO Fuel assignedO PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ SELECTED_BAY% TEMP_BAY% FOOD% MAX_F& ENERGY% MAX_E& RESOURCES% MAX_R& TEMP_FOOD& ITEM_PAYLOAD1% TEMP_ENERGY& ITEM_PAYLOAD2% TEMP_RESOURCES& ITEM_PAYLOAD3% ITEM_TYPE% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% Empty,K +-No ships in docking bays to assign payload toO DarkHorizon+ Assign PayloadK Select a ship, and the payload:O Ship: Food:O Energy:O Ores:O CancelO ++No ship in that bay to assign passengers toO +&Maximum allowable payload exceeded by ( tonnes!KO +&Ship not capable of carrying resourcesO Payload assignedO SELECTED_PLATOON% Platoon K DarkHorizon+ Pick PlatoonK +#Choose the platoon to make current:O PLATOON_STATUS% SELECTED_PLATOON% LOCAL_PLATOON_SUIT% PLATOON_SUIT% +)Platoon active - cannot change troop typeO PLATOON_STATUS% SELECTED_PLATOON% LOCAL_PLATOON_WEAPON% PLATOON_WEAPON% +*Platoon active - cannot change weapon typeO TEMP_MAX& POPULATION& PLATOON_PLANET% PLANET% TEMP_MAX_TROOPS& TEMP_TROOPS& PLANET$ SELECTED_PLATOON% PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_TRAINED% PLATOON_STRENGTH& PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_SUIT% PLATOON_WEAPON% DarkHorizon+ Assign TroopsK +(Assign the following number of civiliansO from planet ' ' to platoon K civilians available)KO Civilians:O CancelO UQ}WBx +$Cannot assign more troops - Platoon already activeKO PLATOON_STATUS% SELECTED_PLATOON% TRAINING_PLATOON% PLATOON_TROOPS% SELECTED_PLATOON% PLATOON_SUIT% REGISTERED% PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_TRAINED% TEMP_COST& SUIT_COST% WEAPON_COST% PLATOON_WEAPON% CASH& PLATOON_STRENGTH& SUIT_STRENGTH% WEAPON_STRENGTH% TRAINING_PLATOON% +#Cannot equip - No troops in platoonO +3Electro-armour only available in registered versionO Platoon already activeO DarkHorizon+ Equip PlatoonK Platoon: Cost: Funds:O Really equip this platoon? Not enough funds - more credits neededKO {QOd{U}WB DISBAND% SELECTED_PLATOON% POPULATION& PLATOON_PLANET% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_STRENGTH& PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_SUIT% PLATOON_WEAPON% Platoon K DarkHorizon+ Disband PlatoonK Really disband this platoon?O SHIP% PLANET_BAY% PLANET% SELECTED_BAY% PLANET_OWNER% PLATOON% ITEM_PLATOON1% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% +#Cannot unload - planet terraformingO Platoon on surfaceKO PLANET_BAY% PLANET% SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_TYPE% PLANET_OWNER% ITEM_PLATOON1% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_PLANET% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% +&No ship in selected bay to unload fromO No troops aboard this shipO +#Cannot unload - planet terraformingO + Platoons moved to surfaceKO Platoon moved to surfaceKO No platoons moved to surfaceO TEMP_PLATOON$ TEMP_SHIP$ TEMP_PLATOON% PLATOON_PLANET% PLANET% PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_LOCATION% TEMP_PLATOON% SELECTED_BAY% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_PLATOON1% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% Platoon K Empty,K +!No active platoons on this planetO No ships to load platoons on toO DarkHorizon+ Load PlatoonsK Select Platoon to load,O and ship to load ontoO Platoon: Ship: CancelO No ship in this bayO +#Ship not capable of carrying troopsO +&No room for more platoons on this shipO Platoon aboard K FREE_MESSAGE% NUM_MESSAGES% MESSAGE$ GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% BACKGROUND_TILE% GHEIGHT% VIEW% TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND% SMALL_SCREEN% PATH$ Statistics + Launchpad Launch Planet Cargo Training Battle $OUOUOU $OUOUOU OUOUOU OUOUOU ArtworkKO O(O(O GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% TOOLBAR_BACKGROUND% VIEW% Statistics + Launchpad Launch Planet Cargo Training Battle $OUOUOU $OUOUOU OUOUOU OUOUOU STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% CHANGE_PLANET WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% SET_TAXRATE LIST_SHIPS_INBAY LIST_SHIPS_INORBIT LIST_SHIPS_ONSURFACE DAYS_EVENTS ORBIT% SURFACE% VIEW% SECTION% NEXTSECTION% GHEIGHT% TBID1& TBID2& TB_DOLLAR1& TB_DOLLAR2& TB_GRAPH1& TB_GRAPH2& TBID7& TBID8& UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLANET% SMALL_SCREEN% PLANET$ PLANET_OWNER% CASH& MORALE% FOOD% GROWTH_RATE% POPULATION& TAXRATE% ENERGY% FUEL% RESOURCES% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% PLANET% STATS_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% PlanetO GetO TaxesKO SetO TaxrateKO ListO ShipsKO PlanetO TaxesO RatesO Owner Funds Morale Popult'n OwnOO + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ List Ships>O Alter Tax RateOz Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% GET_INFORMATION BUY_SHIP WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG CHANGE_PLANET LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% CHOOSE_SHIP DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% SECTION% GHEIGHT% TBID1& TBID2& TBID3& TBID4& TBID7& TBID8& TB_DOLLAR1& TB_DOLLAR2& NEXTSECTION% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLANET% SELECTED_ITEM% PATH$ ITEM$ ITEM_COST% ITEM_RESOURCES% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% PLANET$ PLANET% SHOP_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% PlanetO PickO ShipKO InfoKO ShipKO PlanetO PickO ArtworkKO Information: +!A heavy battle cruiser capable of +&transporting 4 platoons across sytems. To crew: 12 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O +(A long-range transport vessel capable of +&transporting 500 people and 200 tonnes of produce between planets. To crew: 12 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O +'An offshore drilling station to extract +'minerals and other resources needed for +(the production of all purchasable items. To crew: 12 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O +*An agricultural station for the production of food for the colonies. To crew: 12 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O +.A solar satellite with microwave transmitters. +'Used to power drilling and agricultural + stations. To crew: 0 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O +%A Terraformer capable of transforming +(lifeless planets into living worlds in a matter of weeks. To crew: 0 Cost: O creditsK Resources: O L{1\[# TH{9\O TH{1\O T{9\O H{1\[ TH{9\O TH{1\O T{9\O H{1\[k DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Choose ShipOo+ Buy ShipOm Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% TRAVEL LAND_SHIP LAUNCH_SHIP MOVE_ITEM_TO_SURFACE MOVE_ITEM_TO_BAY CHANGE_PLANET WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% ABORT_FLIGHT DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% SECTION% GHEIGHT% TB_LAUNCH1& TB_LAUNCH2& TBID1& TBID2& TB_LAND1& TB_LAND2& TB_ABORT1& TB_ABORT2& NEXTSECTION% PLANET% SMALL_SCREEN% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ PLANET_SURFACE% PLANET_ORBIT% PLANET$ PLANET_DISTANCE% TEMP_SHIP% TEMP_BAY% TEMP_SITE% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% SELECTED_BAY% PLANET% LAUNCHPAD_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% LaunchO TravelO LandO AbortO FlightKO LaunchO TravelO LandO HO(HL Docking BaysW2LO Docking Bays Empty Planet Surface Empty In Orbit Empty Reserved Planet Distance L{1\[# PH{1\O H{1\[ TravelO LandO PH{1\O H{1\[ LaunchO To surfaceO PH{1\O H{1\[- PH{1\O HO)H{1\[# DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Launch ShipOA+ TravelOS+ Land ShipOD+ Abort FlightOF Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND REDRAW_TITLEBAR TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% MOVE_ITEM_TO_SURFACE MOVE_ITEM_TO_BAY WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG CHANGE_PLANET LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% SWITCH_STATUS DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% GHEIGHT% SMALL_SCREEN% PATH$ GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% SECTION% TBID1& TBID2& TB_RIGHT1& TB_RIGHT2& TB_LEFT1& TB_LEFT2& TB_STATUS1& TB_STATUS2& NEXTSECTION% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% PLANET% PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ PLANET_SURFACE% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% TEMP_BAY% TEMP_SITE% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% PLANET$ PLANET% PLANET_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% ArtworkKO O"HW( PlanetO ToO SurfaceKO BayKO ItemO StatusKO PlanetO SurfaceO Docking Bays : EMPTYK( + Item Name Status + Item Type Status EMPTY( OnO#O OffO#O NoneOdO BattleOdO CargoOdO MiningOdO AgricultureOdO EnergyOdO RunningOUO Not runningOUO L{1\[# H{9\O PH{1\O PH{9\O PH{1\[1 H{9\O PH{1\O {1\[1 H{9\O PH{1\O {1\[f H{9\O PH{1\O {1\[f DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Empty Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Item statusO Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Move item to surfaceOo+ Move item to bayOm+ Item status>O Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% SELL_SHIP CHANGE_PLANET ASSIGN_PASSENGERS ASSIGN_FUEL PAYLOAD WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% ASSIGN_CREW DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% SMALL_SCREEN% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% GHEIGHT% SECTION% NEXTSECTION% TB_CREW1& TB_CREW2& TB_PASSENGERS1& TB_PASSENGERS2& TB_FUEL1& TB_FUEL2& TB_PAYLOAD1& TB_PAYLOAD2& UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% PLANET% PLANET_BAY% SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_CREW% ITEM_FUEL% ITEM_PASSENGERS% ITEM_PAYLOAD1% ITEM_PAYLOAD2% ITEM_PAYLOAD3% PLANET_OWNER% POPULATION& FUEL% FOOD% ENERGY% RESOURCES% PLANET$ PLANET% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% CARGO_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% + Sell ShipO PlanetO CrewO Passe-O ngersKO FuelO PayloadO CrewO PeopleO FuelO Passengers Energy + Resources Empty( BattleO7O CargoO7O MiningO7O FarmingO7O EnergyO7O NoO7O YesO7O NoO7O YesO7O + Available + Civilians Energy + Resources L{1\[# PH{1\O L{1\[ T{9\[ DarkHorizon+ InformationKO Ship: Fuel: Passengers Energy + Resources H{1\O H{1\[ H{1\O H{9\O PH{1\[ O 0\[ PH{1\O H{1\[ DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Pick Bay+ Bay 1OZ( Bay 2OX( Bay 3OC( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Pick Bay>O + Sell ShipOA+ Assign CrewOS+ Assign PassengersOD+ Assign FuelOF+ PayloadOG Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT TBAROFFER% PICK_SUIT PICK_WEAPON WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG CHANGE_PLANET ASSIGN_TROOPS EQUIP DISBAND LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% PICK_PLATOON TRAIN DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% SMALL_SCREEN% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% GHEIGHT% SECTION% TBID3& TBID4& TB_PASSENGERS1& TB_PASSENGERS2& TB_TRAIN1& TB_TRAIN2& TB_EQUIP1& TB_EQUIP2& NEXTSECTION% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% PLANET% SELECTED_PLATOON% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLATOON_STATUS% PLATOON_TRAINED% SUIT_STRENGTH% PLATOON_SUIT% WEAPON_STRENGTH% PLATOON_WEAPON% SUIT_COST% WEAPON_COST% ELECTRO_ANIM% PATH$ PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% TRAINING_PLATOON% LOCAL_PLATOON_SUIT% LOCAL_PLATOON_WEAPON% PLANET$ PLANET% TRAINING_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% PlatoonO AssignO TroopsKO TrainO EquipO PlatoonO AssignO TrainO Platoon No.:O^O Troops:O^O Status:O^O Inactiv' Inactive Train Training Active Active Frozen + Suspended Trained:O^O {QOd{U}WB + Strength:O^O Suit Cost:O^O Weapon Cost:O^O ArtworkKO7O ArtworkKO ArtworkKO L{1\[# H{1\O H{1\[ CommandoO Hydro TrooperO Cyber SnakeO Electro-ArmourO +)Platoon active - cannot change troop typeO H{1\O H{1\[ LaserO Flame ThrowerO Rocket LauncherO +%Platoon active - cannot change weaponO DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Od0\[ Od@\[ O @[1 Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( + Pick Type+ CommandoOZ( Hydro TrooperOX( Cyber SnakeOC( Electro ArmouredOV( Pick Weapon+ Laser RifleOB( Flame ThrowerON( Rocket LauncherOM( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Pick PlatoonOA+ Pick Type>O Pick Weapon>O Assign TroopsOS+ TrainOD( EquipOF+ DisbandOG Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa STANDARD_BACKGROUND TBARBUTT PLATOON_NAME$ TBAROFFER% WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG CHANGE_PLANET LAST_MESSAGE CMDP% CMDN% CMDL% CMDB% CMDC% CMDX% GET_TAXES RENAME_PLANET GET_INFORMATION TERRAFORM CMDHS% CMDR2% CMDH% CMDA% UNLOAD_PLATOON UNLOAD_ALL_PLATOONS LOAD_PLATOON DAYS_EVENTS VIEW% SMALL_SCREEN% GHEIGHT% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% SECTION% TBID1& TBID2& TB_UP1& TB_UP2& TB_DOWN1& TB_DOWN2& TBID3& TBID4& NEXTSECTION% SELECTED_BAY% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% PLANET% MAIN% STATS% SHOP% LAUNCHPAD% PPLANET% CARGO% TRAINING% YOUR_STRENGTH& ENEMY_STRENGTH& COLOUR% PATH$ WAR_AGGRESSION% PLATOON_PLANET% PLATOON_LOCATION% PLATOON_TROOPS% PLANET$ PLANET_BAY% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_PLATOON1% PLANET_OWNER% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% PLATOON_STATUS% ITEM_TYPE% PCHANGE% QUIT% BACKGROUND_PAUSE% SWITCH_VIEW% BAY_STATUS% PLANET% BATTLE_MENU% DATE% YEAR% CURRENT_TIME& LAST_TIME& DAY_LENGTH% GAMEOVER% UsW2LO ThemW2LO PlanetO LoadO PlatoonKO UnloadO PlatoonKO SelectO BayKO PlanetO LoadO UnloadO ArtworkKOG ArtworkKOG ArtworkKOG HO%H{ ArtworkKOG HO>H{ ArtworkKO O2@[! ArtworkKO OK@[! ArtworkKO ArtworkKO Troops Planet: EmptyKOx Your Strength: Enemy Strength: Aggression: L{1\[# H{1\O 100%O PH{1\O PH{1\[k 100%O PH{1\O PH{1\[A Selected bay: PH{1\O PH{1\[G Platoon on surfaceKO Platoon not on a ship on this planetKO Platoon aboard K Platoon not activeKO +*Ship in selected bay cannot carry platoonsO No ship in selected bayO No free space on selected shipO Platoon not loaded onto a shipKO Platoon not activeKO DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? Selected bay: Selected bay: Empty Change PlanetO Change View+ MainOQ( StatsOW( ShopOE( `+ LaunchpadOR( PlanetOT( CargoOY( TrainingOU( BattleOI( Select BayO Unload PlatoonO AllOK Change Aggression+ 25%OZ( 50%OX( 75%OC( 100%OV( Game+ PauseOp+ NewOn+ RestoreOl+ BackupOb+ ConfigureOc+ QuitOx Planet+ Change Planet>O + Get TaxesOg+ RenameOk+ TerraformOf View+ Change View>O Get InformationOjh+ Select Bay>O Unload Platoon>O Load PlatoonOo+ Change Aggression>O Information+ High ScoresOd+ RegisterOv+ HelpOh+ AboutOa +1Sorry, this function has not yet been implementedO HELPSTATUS& HELPID& PATH$ DarkHorizonK+ .HlpK+ ABOUT APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ SPLASHID& SPLASHXPOS% SPLASHYPOS% APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rscW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.rsc C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbmW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.mbm +*C:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aifW +*C:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aif +*D:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aifW +*D:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aif +*E:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aifW +*E:\SYSTEM\APPS\DARKHORIZON\DARKHORIZON.aif & Pocket IQK OxO,O SPLASH SPLASHXPOS% SPLASHYPOS% APPTITLE$ APPVER$ APPYEAR$ APPAUTHOR$ APPEMAIL$ C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW C:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW D:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opoW E:\SYSTEM\OPL\PIQInfo.opo Dark HorizonO About + version K Copyright (C) & Pocket IQKO http://www.pocketIQ.comO REG_CODE$ REGISTERED% REG_NAME$ TEMP_NAME$ TEMP_CODE$ MACHINE_ID$ REG_CODE$ PCHANGE% DarkHorizon+ RegistrationK +&This software is already registered toO +"Thankyou for supporting shareware.O DarkHorizon+ RegistrationKO Note:+5To register, contact PocketIQ (details in help file).O +Strange things afoot: A weird effect decimates all populationsO +6Strange things afoot: food supplies strangely increaseO +&Strange things afoot: Colour turned ONO +'Strange things afoot: Colour turned OFFO DarkHorizon+ 'Strange things afoot'KO + Your personal unlocking code is:O +0If you have previously registered this game, andO +,your registration code does not work on thisO version of + DarkHorizonK+ , e-mail this unlockingKO +/code to the author for a new registration code.O +-If you have not registered this game, pretendO you never saw this screen.O +$That code appeared to have no effectO +Strange things afoot: A weird effect decimates all populationsO +6Strange things afoot: food supplies strangely increaseO +&Strange things afoot: Colour turned ONO +'Strange things afoot: Colour turned OFFO DarkHorizon+ 'Strange things afoot'KO + Your personal unlocking code is:O +0If you have previously registered this game, andO +,your registration code does not work on thisO version of + DarkHorizonK+ , e-mail this unlockingKO +/code to the author for a new registration code.O +-If you have not registered this game, pretendO you never saw this screen.O +$That code appeared to have no effectO DarkHorizon+ ConfigurationK +*It is inadvisable to change the difficultyO +,setting during a game. If you win this gameO +2the ending sequence / message may not be the same.O +*Do you still want to keep the new setting?O +8Difficulty setting only changeable in registered versionO +1Autosave only functions in the registered versionO WRITE_HIGHSCORES WRITECFG SAVE_GAME_STATE INGAME% REGISTERED% AUTOSAVE% PCHANGE% QUIT% NEXTSECTION% d\`[~ Quit + DarkHorizonK +)Quitting now will lose your current game.O Still quit?O DarkHorizon+ SettingsK Save configuration changes? + Saving...O INGAME% RESTART% NEXTSECTION% Restart+ DarkHorizonK ++Restarting now will lose your current game.O Still restart?O GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% SECTION% NEXTSECTION% MainO StatsO ShopO `+ LaunchpadO PlanetO CargoO TrainingO BattleO O 0\[ CHANGE_PLANET GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLANET$ PLANET% O 0\[ CMDV% CMDZ% GET_INFORMATION CHANGE_PLANET GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLANET$ PLANET% O 0\[ CMDZ% LAUNCH_SHIP ASSIGN_CREW VIEW% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% SELECTED_PLATOON% + Platoon 1O + Platoon 2O + Platoon 3O + Platoon 4O + Platoon 5O + Platoon 6O + Platoon 7O + Platoon 8O + Platoon 9O + More...O Platoon K Pick Platoon: TERRAFORM GET_TAXES TRAVEL MOVE_ITEM_TO_SURFACE ASSIGN_PASSENGERS EQUIP ASSIGN_TROOPS LOAD_PLATOON VIEW% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% CHOICE% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% ITEM$ SELECTED_ITEM% PLATOON_TRAINED% SELECTED_PLATOON% SMALL_SCREEN% GET_INFORMATION SET_TAXRATE LAND_SHIP MOVE_ITEM_TO_BAY ASSIGN_FUEL PLATOON_NAME$ UNLOAD_PLATOON UNLOAD_ALL_PLATOONS VIEW% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLATOON_STATUS% SELECTED_PLATOON% TRAINING_PLATOON% PLANET_BAY% PLANET% SELECTED_BAY% ITEM_TYPE% ITEM_PLATOON1% ITEM_PLATOON2% ITEM_PLATOON3% ITEM_PLATOON4% TrainO SuspendO Platoon K+ trainingKO Platoon suspendedKO +!Option not currently available...O CMDC% LIST_SHIPS_INBAY LIST_SHIPS_INORBIT LIST_SHIPS_ONSURFACE BUY_SHIP ABORT_FLIGHT SWITCH_STATUS PAYLOAD EQUIP VIEW% GWIDTH% TBWIDTH% PLANET% PLANET_SURFACE% ITEM_NAME$ ITEM_LOCATION_DETAILS% UPDATE_GLOBAL_VIEW% SELECTED_BAY% In bayO In orbitO On surfaceO Empty Bay 1O Bay 2O Bay 3O Selected bay is now: Bay TBARHIDE PLAYSOUND2 ILLEGAL_GAME% PATH$ VOLUME% ROCKET& SPRITES& GUNSHOT& FLAG& DIFFICULTY% DarkHorizon+ VictoryK Well done - you won.O +,However, you cheated. Either you used cheatO +,codes, or you changed the difficulty settingO +.part way through a game. Because of that, youO + don't get a nice animation here.O I'll play fair next timeO introKO ArtworkKOG HO>H{ ArtworkKOG ArtworkKOG +4The War has been won; the system is yours to govern. +IThis was the hardest level for the game - for a tougher challenge, you'll +Ghave to wait for the sequel, when you try and regain the entire sector! +FHaving completed the game on this difficulty setting, how about trying +Jone of the harder settings? You have paid for the privilege, after all... Press a key to continue STARTUP; LOAD_ICONS INIT_SOUND MAIN_MENUh PLAY_GAME UPDATEVIEW_MAIN UPDATEVIEW_MAIN_DAY TITLESCREENXD TITLES2 RESTART_GAME_VARSYI INITIALISE_VARIABLES READCFG WRITECFG'\ READ_HIGHSCORES WRITE_HIGHSCORESda PLAYSOUND2 REG_CODE$ CHANGE_PLANET WONGAME;g LOSTGAMENg DAYS_EVENTSag NEW_MESSAGE= NEW_MESSAGE2 DISPLAY_MESSAGES CHECK_FOR_HIGHSCORESs CLEAR_MESSAGES6 RENAME_PLANET GET_TAXES! GET_INFORMATION / TERRAFORMl SET_TAXRATE= LIST_SHIPS_INBAY LIST_SHIPS_INORBIT LIST_SHIPS_ONSURFACE CHOOSE_SHIPT BUY_SHIP9 LAUNCH_SHIP TRAVEL LAND_SHIP ABORT_FLIGHT MOVE_ITEM_TO_SURFACE) MOVE_ITEM_TO_BAY SWITCH_STATUS CHANGE_CARGO_BAY SELL_SHIP- ASSIGN_CREW ASSIGN_PASSENGERSs ASSIGN_FUEL PAYLOAD PICK_PLATOONG PICK_SUITI PICK_WEAPONL ASSIGN_TROOPST TRAIN EQUIP DISBAND PLATOON_NAME$ UNLOAD_PLATOON UNLOAD_ALL_PLATOONS LOAD_PLATOONM LAST_MESSAGE STANDARD_BACKGROUNDi REDRAW_TITLEBARm STATS LAUNCHPADD/ PLANET2D CARGO TRAINING NOT_DONE CMDH%O CMDA% SHOWSPLASHK ABOUT CMDR2% CMDS% CMDHS% CMDP% SAVE_GAME_STATE' CMDB% CMDL%V CMDC% CMDX%> CMDN%; CMDV%8 CMDZ%d CMDTBDOWNV% CMDTBDOWNZ% CMDTBDOWNE% CMDTBDOWNP%Z CMDTBDOWNA%z CMDTBDOWNB% CMDTBDOWNC%+ CMDTBDOWND%Y WINNING_ANIMATION DATEZ SYSRAM1 SYSTEM\ 2Dark Horizon *Record.app UUUUUUUUU UUU]]]UU]]]]UU]MMM]]]MuuuM]]MMMU]M]]MMM]MuMMU U]u}}] UMMUU ]M]Mmk mUUuom}}y }u]yoaU yg}uUU ]mmu] oMykmogMo }]kkM uyUMu ]uu}}] ymmoU yMMyU MM}ao} ]}Mgu amMgg yaau} ]uuuk} 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UFeffUUEe YEffU jffUE ijUUV fUYeVQ feUETFUjjQ UUejjU YTVUi UfYij VZUUf jZEDTQT ZUeUQfE EEUUDTQ VQiUY EQiQQ UUQED fZYEiEe YUUDUEEDTED EDZUED oUEDT ZTijE ojDUTQU UUDZE VTiUE ZjUQiU UQUZU VFTDD This SIS-file is designed by BISON Software. Bison Software doesn't accept any liability for the function of the programme to be installed. Please pay attention to the comment in the README file of the author. Before installing this software please make a B A C K U P of your Psion. Have a lot of fun! Diese SIS-Datei wurde von Bison Software erstellt. Bison Software bernimmt keinerlei Garantie f r die Funktion des zu installierenden Programmes. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise in der README Datei des Autors. Bevor Sie das Programm installieren machen Sie ein B A C K U P Ihres Psion. Viel Spa