***Welcome to Pocket Bank*** Money management tool by: HobbyWare (1999) For Psion English Series 5/mx/7/netBook Available versions: English ver 4.02 released Aug 28/2000 New in this version: 1) more quicken updates 2) minor colour enhancement (netBook/Series 7) 3) more bug fixes and minor updates Cost: Freeware Warranties: None INSTALLATION **Always uninstall any previous versions of Pocket Bank** 1) UnZip Files and run PBANKv401.SIS You may install to either C or D or E (Series 7/netBook) drive. 2) Installing the additional SIS files *NOTE* You will need to install SYSINFO.SIS & SYSRAM1.SIS, that is if you do not already have Sysinfo.opx and Sysram1.opx files on your Psion. To check whether you have these files (OPX's), they will be in "C:\system\opx\" or "D:\system\opx\" or "E:\system\opx\" folder. 5) If you have installed everything correctly PktBank icon will appear in your extras bar. Run as usual. 6) See Help file for detailed use of Pocket Bank. Enjoy...! Planned features in future versions are: 1) Foreign currencies? 2) Password protection? 3) Any other suggestions for additions are welcome Richard Ryerson E-mail: "rryerson@on.aibn.com" Web page: "www.attcanada.net/~rryerson"