Welcome to Narcissus. ____________________ Applications Details Application : Narcissus Version : 3.01 Release Date : 2nd March 2000 Email : red@redfoot.net Internet : www.redfoot.net Distributor : Pocket IQ Register : www.PocketIQ.com Registration fee: 12 UKP (£12) ____________________ Distribution Archive A complete Narcissus distribution .zip file should include: Readme.txt - This text file Narcissus.sis - The Narcissus installation file PIQInfo.sis - Installation file for the Pocket IQ library _________________________ Installation Instructions 1. Unzip the Narcissus Zip file. 2. Either: i. Copy the .sis files to your Epoc machine and double click each one it turn to install the necessary application files to your computer. OR ii. Connect your Epoc machine to a PC or Mac. Double click each .sis file to automatically install all the necessary application files. 3. Narcissus will now be available for use. ________________________ Important note about Narcissus The original concept behind Narcissus came from Ad Bosch, who released many successful applications. For a number of reasons Ad was unable to continue the development of this application, and it should be considered a "finished" product. This means that whilst it is fully working and complete and it is not anticipated that future upgrade releases will be made to include additional features. RedFoot Software have agreed to maintain and host this application only. RedFoot Software are, however, still very interested to here from users, and would like to point out that this software has several years of development behind it making it a unique addition to any Epoc machine. Registering Narcissus will allow you to continue using its many functions, and unlock all restricted functions. ____________ Registration Narcissus is shareware, NOT free software. You may use it for an evaluation period of 21 days, after which you must register to continue using it. Narcissus is distributed exclusively through Pocket IQ, and you can register in a number of ways: 1. Online. Pocket IQ use the online registration services of Palmscape, the leading online store for epoc software. Simply visit the Palmscape internet site online at www.palmscape.com or www.palmscape.net. Full instructions are given on how to register using fully secure servers. 2. By telephone & post. Palmscape accept direct telephone and postal orders. Full instructions on how to register in this way can be found in the Narcissus help file. ________________ Narcissus history 02-Mar-2000 - Minor upgrade release to fix a couple of bugs and to add Pocket IQ support to the application. __________ Disclaimer Please read the licence agreement before using Narcissus. Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. No warranty or guarantee is either offered or implied. ___________________________________________________________ Narcissus is copyright (c) 2000 RedFoot Software & Pocket IQ