C:\Sistemp\IRC Emoticons.hlp!:\Psion5CD1\Emoticons\IRC Emoticons.hlpC:\Sistemp\Bis.txt!:\Psion5CD1\Emoticons\Bis.txtEmoticons 24.9 kBP "DATA.APP Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 Table1 &Emoticon: "Meaning: "Meaning: 68H.FN>*.Z ",04D User has a moustache User is winking at you Wink...or bad plastic surgery? User is a vampire User is a bucktoothed vampire |-{!Charlie Brownicon ("Good Grief!") Love or just good scotch? User is shocked User is perplexed :-f'User is both bucktoothed and perplexed Eeek! User smirks User is a smoker User smokes a pipe User has pursed lips User is licking his/her lips ,(L4^jp:>nLHvNVr C=:-) User is a chef Coffee calls. :-r Bleaggh need to brew a fresh pot User has broken nose |~()User has broken nose and is still in pain :-v/User is speaking out of the side of their mouth :-V2User is shouting at person using the next terminal User plays in rock band B-D}}} User plays with ZZ Top \:)1User is Ronald Reagan...or Nancy giving dictation 7:) User is a Ronald Reagan imitator User speaks with forked tongue :-W5User speaks with forked tongue and insists you listen :<)!User is from an Ivy League School y==X)0User talking on car phone just drove into a treeOB |znXXR 0* *VH.P0 8^{}7User is prying jaws open with vise to display amazement +-:-)5User is the Pope or holds some other religious office `:-)0User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning O:-)%User is an angel (at heart, at least) :-S&User just made an incoherent statement *<:-)!User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat Uh oh... ...it's Mr. Bill! User is a bozo Pet smiley Mean pet smiley d8=%Beaver wearing goggles and a hard hat E-:-) User is a HAM radio operator User is braindead [:-)!User is wearing a portable stereo User is an egghead F$4B(R4;*{O)xClassic overkill smiley: user is a drunk, sly chef with moustache, toupee and double chin in and is caught in an updraft User sucks lemons9B HF**b2842H0 User is just some happy square Stock drops...so does the jaw User is forlorn User is a robot >>-O->(User had a bad day at the Little Bighorn User is a woodpecker User is a little girl :-)-8 User is a big girl User is a salamander User has been surfing too long *-<:-{{{ User is Santa }:-}{{W--4User is Satan or dyslexic and attempting to be Santa =|:-)=5User is Abe Lincoln or a really cheap imitation Santa o-<:-{{{ User is a cheap imitation Santa User wears a toupee Toupee in an updraft >(68PLLNJ":>J* User loves a sunset Smirk :-\ 8o User after cold shower User is Popeye User licks their lips User's lips are zipped :^P"User is sticking tongue out at you User is an Amazonian headhunter 7:) User is a Ronald Reagan imitator >w"User is thumbing their nose at you (-_-) User gives you a secret smile Kissy-face User is a happy cyclops User is a hungry cyclops User is a cyclops with a squint Cyclops winking 0j.,64FZN8.04,(8 <:>== User is a turkey MSN/User is trying not to be, but is still a turkey User is a baboon User is a lemur %- User is happy drunk User is beyond drunk User has had a cycling accident :-O>-o$User is an American tourist (oh joy) :'O!User is pretending to be Bob Hope User is John Q. Public User is a sly one Not a happy camper (-::-( User is two-faced User is a walrus User is punchy User has a mohawk cutoB DrX"0H@dj2< User is talking like a duck :-$3User insists you put your money where your mouth is :-:&User is French (jou notice ze accent?) Tongue-tied User is four-eyed User is a private investigator User is keeping an eye out .-),I told you you'd put your eye out with that! &-)/User needs opera glasses to see terminal screen User is a hosehead The Madman Strikes Again #-):User is auditioning for part of Lieutenant Geordie LaForge User says: "Have a day" User is a little fuzzy %-{&User has been at the terminal too long User needs medical attentioniB P4:VH\,b2hB@BR@:-o ^^^^: User zipped fly too fast 4\4:<0l::R624 User wears a monocle [:](User is being crushed by heavy machinery User wears bifocals User has a funky hairdo User wears weird glasses User is cross-eyed (:-)/User never computes without protective headgear User's headlights are on O>-<|= Women only please... o>8<|= Interesting women only please... o[#|== Men only please... o[#+== Oh, puh-lease... User is bull-headed Winkie o{=8~~$User farts in your general direction (:>-< User thought you were a copqB n2BP0HV Ht2H<:@2 |-(1User is having another late night at the terminal :-{#} User wears braces User digs nuclear explosions (:-#!User wishes they hadn't said that User chews tobacco :-) )-: User has a theatrical bent d:-)$User is a trucker (or a baseball fan q:-)EUser is a rapper, a catcher, or doesn't know how to put on a ball cap User had bad pizza for dinner (:+)3User wants you to know they have an enormous...nose User has two noses User has extremely large ears User enjoys winter sports User is a blabbermouth User is psychotically happy Handshake accepted ,Jt88426D*8<`(@L User is very sad :-) -8 User is sexually aroused (m) !-( %1User attempted to display arousal to wrong person :-(O) User is in your face =|:-) User wears a top hat User has curly hair User has wavy hair User is a bit blurry User is looking down on you ...---... Emergency #$%^@# Encrypted emoticon; (:-|K- Formal chat requested l=+Chat requested regarding housing in Arizona User is Batman User sells airline tickets User is giving you the evil eye .<>P8|j4^FJ44 <|-(4User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes =0== -6User is Mexican or a stylish woman on a railroad track =t== -AUser is Mexican or a stylish woman who has been run over by train User salutes you <:-)<<| User is an astronaut (:-... User's heart is broken ~M`'~ User is a very intelligent camel :-)!!! User is Sam Kinison >|->7User is an elder Chinese national approach with respect :-(%)-User has tonsillitis or a fly in their throat <<<<(:-) User sells hats {O--<'User is a dead fish...or thinks you are @>--->---- User offers you a rose (:-{~ User has moustache and drools User makes no comment O-S-< User is in a hurry LB.hn&vT62nh4. O-Z-< User is awkward and in a hurry O-&-< User is getting impatient -|==>- User is a user XXXXXXXXXXX&User has copy-protected their emoticon ==:[OO']>:==(User feels like they're being railroaded User is a frog pp#5User is a cow that wants you to think they are a frog O-G-<"User thinks they should come first User is a Picasso fan User gives you a hug ||2Chat requested regarding four-wheel drive vehicles @O=E<=+User wears a skirt and a turtleneck sweater User is an elephant __Q~`__ User is a cat -(>User ought to know enough to wear safety glasses around lasers User has a cold N>6^42*B`P@ ;^?!User got their lights punched out User is a football player User needs a haircut :-a)User can lick their own nose (see "dork") %*@:-( User is hung over -=#:-) User is a wizard User is a Cylon i-=<***** User has flamethrower i-=<*****X-(!User has flamethrower and uses it :-""User smokes two cigarettes at once User is a recent graduate ($^}>==[ZUser has successfully sued us for copyright violation regarding unlicensed use of a smiley Arial Arial Table1 &Emoticon: "Meaning: Arial Arial Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 pA1.0 About This database is not FREE. It forms part of a program called Green Pages which costs 5 to register. You may evaluate it for 30 days after which you should remove it or register it. Many other databases are included in this registration fee. Check the below URL for more details. 1998 Gareth Brandwood GDBwood@aol.com http://users.aol.com/gbrandwood N>6^42*B`P@ ;^?!User got their lights punched out User is a football player User needs a haircut :-a)User can lick their own nose (see "dork") %*@:-( User is hung over -=#:-) User is a wizard User is a Cylon i-=<***** User has flamethrower i-=<*****X-(!User has flamethrower and uses it :-""User smokes two cigarettes at once User is a recent graduate ($^}>==[ZUser has successfully sued us for copyright violation regarding unlicensed use of a smiley Table1 &Emoticon: "Meaning: Arial Arial Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 Index1 ColA3 Table1 &Emoticon: "Meaning: Arial Arial Table1 ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 Index1 ColA3 A1.0 About This database is not FREE. It forms part of a program called Green Pages which costs 15 to register. You may evaluate it for 30 days after which you should remove it or register it. Many other databases are included in this registration fee. Check the below URL for more details. 1998 Gareth Brandwood gareth@brandwood.force9.co.uk http://www.brandwood.force9.co.uk N>6^42*B`P@ ;^?!User got their lights punched out User is a football player User needs a haircut :-a)User can lick their own nose (see "dork") %*@:-( User is hung over -=#:-) User is a wizard User is a Cylon i-=<***** User has flamethrower i-=<*****X-(!User has flamethrower and uses it :-""User smokes two cigarettes at once User is a recent graduate ($^}>==[ZUser has successfully sued us for copyright violation regarding unlicensed use of a smiley uAThis database is not FREE. It forms part of a program called Green Pages which costs 5 to register. You may evaluate it for 30 days after which you should remove it or register it. Many other databases are included in this registration fee. Check the below URL for more details. 1998 Gareth Brandwood gareth@brandwood.force9.co.uk http://www.brandwood.force9.co.uk N>6^42*B`P@ ;^?!User got their lights punched out User is a football player User needs a haircut :-a)User can lick their own nose (see "dork") %*@:-( User is hung over -=#:-) User is a wizard User is a Cylon i-=<***** User has flamethrower i-=<*****X-(!User has flamethrower and uses it :-""User smokes two cigarettes at once User is a recent graduate ($^}>==[ZUser has successfully sued us for copyright violation regarding unlicensed use of a smiley This SIS-file is designed by BISON Software. Bison Software doesn't accept any liability for the function of the programme to be installed. Please pay attention to the comment in the README file of the author. Before installing this software please make a B A C K U P of your Psion. Have a lot of fun! Diese SIS-Datei wurde von Bison Software erstellt. Bison Software bernimmt keinerlei Garantie f r die Funktion des zu installierenden Programmes. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise in der README Datei des Autors. Bevor Sie das Programm installieren machen Sie ein B A C K U P Ihres Psion. Viel Spa