E:\sistool\testme\Examples\phyeqC:\Physics TestE:\sistool\testme\Hungarian\phyeq.txtE:\sistool\testme\Examples\gerdicC:\German TestE:\sistool\testme\Hungarian\gerdic.txtE:\sistool\testme\Examples\fredicC:\French TestE:\sistool\testme\Hungarian\fredic.txt!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMeReg.ini!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMe.iniE:\sistool\testme\std\Testmepics.mbm!:\System\Apps\TestMe\Testmepics.mbmE:\sistool\testme\Hungarian\Hungarian.hlp!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMe.hlpE:\sistool\testme\Hungarian\Hungarian.rsc.opo!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMe.rscE:\sistool\testme\std\Testme.app!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMe.appE:\sistool\testme\std\Testme.aif!:\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMe.aifTestMeTestMeTestMeTestMeP For an ideal gas P1 x V1 P2 x V2 ------- = ------- T1 T2 work done = " force x distance moved in+ direction of force power =& energy transformed work done' ------------------ = ----------' time taken time taken !moment of a force about a pivot =2force x perpendicular distance from force to pivot energy =) potential difference x current x time wave speed = $ frequency x wave length v = f x lambe Speed = distance ---------- time taken electrical energy (in kWh) =+ power (in kW) x time (in h) &energy supplied to raise temperature =! mass x shc x temp change potential difference = current x resistance electric power =# potential difference x current weight =& mass x gravitational field strength 4for mass m moving with velocity v, kinetic energy = momentum = mass x velocity Wave Equation m/s = Hz x metres force (N) =' mass (kg) x acceleration (m/s Pressure (N/m ) (or Pa) = force F (N) ----- P = - area A (m acceleration = ! change in velocity! ------------------ time taken charge (coulombs) = % current (amps) x time (secs) Transformers%input voltage num of primary turns'-------------- = ----------------------'output voltage num of secondary turns Jmass m raised to a height h, increase in gravitational potential energy = mgh Volts = Joules -------- Coulombs Resistance (2) = x l rho x length ----- ------------ A Area (Capacitors) Charge = Capacitance (F) x Voltage Change in Momentum =!Final momentum - initial momentum Other Author Version email .description 2description2 Gary Ewer Physics Test gary.ewer@earthling.net$A Test containing physics equations.%For best viewing use the courier font> A TestMe Telep ================= Szeretn telep teni a minta f amely megmutatja, hogyan tanulhat pletek a TestMe seg vel?=============== TestMe Installation =============== chten Sie eine Beispieldatei installieren, mit der Sie mittels TestMe verschiedene Gleichungen lernen k nnen? TestMe Installation =============== Would you like to install an example test of how TestMe can be used to learn Physics equations?TestMe Installation =============== Would you like to install an example test of how TestMe can be used to learn Physics equations?P LDV\8PDFL($V8"<| (fruit) tree der (Obst) Baum (b (gold) fish der (Gold) Fisch (e) (house) number die (Haus) Nummer (Nr) (n) (language) laboratory das (Sprach) Labor (s) (light) bulb die Birne (n) (most) probably chst)wahrscheinlich (non) smoker der (Nicht)traucher (not) far from (nicht) weit (von) (rubbish) bin der (Abfall) Eimer (-) (to) there dorthin (to) there dahin (un)able to sort it out es klappt (nicht) (Un)comfortable (Un)bequem (un)fit (un)fit (un)reliable (un)zuverl 1... don't you, .... yes? (French = n est-ce pas?) nicht war? X4,*: (:2T: .... is not fun .... macht mir keinen Spa 2-0 (score) zwei zu null 2-star petrol Normal 4 star petrol Super 4 years ago vor vier Jahren a few einige A level exam das Abitur a lot of money eine Menge Geld A road Bundesstra A road die Bundesstra e (n) abroad das Ausland accelerator derVergaser (-) access die Zufahrt (en) access for residents only Anglieger frei accident der Unfall (f L0X,Z> &J:@>>86J accomodation die Unterkunft (k nfte) actor der Schauspieler address die Adresse (n) die Anschrift (en) adequate ausreichend adult der Erwachsene (n) die Erwachsene (n) advertisement die Reklame (n) after das Alter (-) air pressure der Luftdruck (dr airbed die Luftmatratze (n) airline stewardess Steward(e airport der Flughafen (h airport der Flughafen (h alarm clock der Wecker (-) all the best! mach's gut! All the same to me Das ist mir egal *Dl.|2B allowed gestattet alone allein alone allein along entlang (+acc) already schon also, too although obwohl altogether insgesamt always immer angry, naughty animal/(pet) das (Haus) Tier (e) announcer (TV/radio) der Ansager die Ansagerin (nen) anorak der Anorak (s) another anderes (a different) noch (another one of the same) answer die Antwort (en) apology die Entschuldigung (en) $L:>:"2$<@ apple der apfel appointment, meeting die Verabredung apprentice der Lehrling (e) area, district der Bezirk (e) area, region das Gebiet (e) der Arm (e) armchair der Sessel (-) around um (+acc) arrival die Ankunft (k nfte) arrival die Ankunft (Ank nfte) Kunst article der Artikel (-) as a rule in der Regel as far as bis zu (+dat) as I just said wie gesagt*wie schon erw hnt (as I already mentioned) ash wednesday Aschermittwoch <*6B>h(,, &"H6, ashtray der Aschenbecher (-) an (+acc or dat) at that time, then damals at the, to the end am, zum Ende attainment die Leistung (-en) attic, loft der Dachboden (B der Speicher (-) die Tante (n) available ltlich avenue die Allee (n) entfernt das Baby (s) der R back/front wheel das Hinter/Vorrad bad marks schlachte Noten badge der Schild (e) N,60N.(6"8B<,,L block of flats der Wohnblock block of flats der Block (s) das Hochhaus (h user) blood test die Blutprobe blouse die Bluse (n) board, stage das Brett (er) boarding house die Pension (en) das Fremdenheim (e) das Boot (e) der K bonnet die Haube das Buch (B cher) book-shelf das B cherregal booking in die Ammeldung (en) der Stiefel (-) boot (of car) der Kofferraum (r <&(2F0$B,F8 *2T: border, limit die Grenze (n) boring langweilig born in geboren in born on geb, geboren am bowl, dish, scales die Schale (n) bowler hat eine Melone der Junge(n) der B stenhalter (-) der BH brake die Bremse (n) braking light das Stopplicht (er) brass band die Blaskapelle bread das Brot break die Pause (n) breakdown die Panne (n) breakdown vehicle der Abschleppwagen (-) breakfast das Fr ck (e) breat, chest die Brust (Br bricklayer Maler bridge die Br cke (n) briefcase, schoolbag die Mappe (n) bright broadcasts die Sendung (-en) brochure die Brosch broken kaputt broom der Besen brother der Bruder (Br brother and sister Geschwister brother-in-law der Schwager (Schw brown braun budgerigar der Wellensittich (e) buffet car der Speisewagen (-) builder der Bauarbeiter (-) ,XH6$<<8 &N<@&B building das Geb building site, roadworks die Baustelle (n) Buissines Studies Wirtschaftskunde bungalow der Bungalow (s) der Bus (se) bus driver der Busfahrer (-) bus stop die Haltestelle (n) business die Handlung (en) businessman%der Gesch ftsmann (m nner) or (leute) der Kaufmann (m nner) die Kaufleute but, however butcher der Fleischer (-) der Metzger butcher's die Metzgerei (en) butcher's die Fleischerei (en) butter die Butter button, knob der Knopf (Kn 6:(>><*T8NJHV*&B s (chen) cable car die Seilbahn (en) der K fig (e) cake shop die Konditorei (en) cake shop die Konditorei (en) camera der (Foto)Apparat (e) camping das Camping camping equipment der Campingartikel (-) camping gas der Campinggas camping site der Campingplaz (pl camping stove der Campingkocher (-) campsite der Campingplatz (pl campsite for tents der Zeltplatz (pl canteen die Kantine die M tze (n) capital die Hauptstadt (St dte) B X`:F6(8L>026J6RR das Auto (s) der Pkw (s) der Wagen (-) car park, parking space der Parkplatz (pl car wash die Autow sche (n) car, coach of train der Wagen (-) caravan der Wohnwagen (-) die Karte (n) care, precaution Vorsicht! career advice die Berufsberatung(en) caretaker der Hausmeister (-) carpet der Teppich (e) carpet der Teppichboden cartoon der Trickfilm (e) cash desk, box office die Kasse (n) cassette die Kassette (n) cassette recorder der Kassettenrecorder castle die Burg (en) das Schlo sser) &J.*"..4,FP casual ssige die Katze (n) catalytic converter der Katalysator cathedral der Dom (e) Catholic katholisch cattle das Vieh ceiling die Decke (n) cellar der Keller (-) chair der Stuhl (St chalk die Kreide (n) chambermaid das Zimmerm dchen (-) changing room der Umkleideraum (r cheap billig cheeky frech cheers! Zum Wohl! cheers! Prost, Prosit &444N$8B$D6*2,H. der Chef (s) chemist die Drogerie (n) chemist die Apotheke (n) chemist der Drogist (en) chemist, pharmacist der Apotheker (-) chemistry Chemie cheque der Scheck (e or s) cheque card die Scheckkarte (n) chess das Schach chest of drawers die Kommode (n) chicken das Huhn (H hner) child das Kind (er) chip fryer die Friteuse choice die Wahl (en) choice, selection die Auswahl (en) christmas Weihnachten dXFD*: church die Kirche (n) cinema das Kino (s) class die Klasse (n) class book, form book das Klassenbuch (B cher) class epresentative der Klassensprecher (-) die Klassensprcherin (nen) class teacher (female) die Klassenlehrerin (nen) class teacher (male) der Klassenlehrer (-) class test die Klassenarbeit (en) class trip die Klassenfahrt (en) classical klassisch classroom das Klassenzimmer clean sauber clerk der Angestellte (n) clinic die Klinik (en) cloakroom die Garderobe (n) clock die Uhr (en) 66:,*H8*&*&@D\V< clock, watch die Uhr (en) closed (of road) gesperrt closing day der Ruhetag (e) cloth der Lappen (-) clothes die Kleider Clothesbrush die Kleiderb rste (n) clothing die Kleidung (en) der Verein (e) der Klub (s) coast die K ste (n) Coffee der Kaffee coffee pot die Kaffeekanne (n) die Erk ltung der Schnupfen colleague der Kollege (n) die Kollegin (nen) collect together (people) sich versammeln collection die Sammlung (en) ,.$0(<8VTZ6:2F collide together zusammensto Cologne colour die Farbe (n) der Kamm (K come in! herein! comedy die Kom die (n) comfortable bequem commerce Handelswissenschaft compartment das Abteil (e) comprehensive school die Gesamtschule (n) Compulsary Subject das Pflichtfach ("er) compulsory subject das Pflichtfach (F cher) computer der Computer (-) Computer studies Informatik concert das Konzert (e) confectioner, pastry Konditor(in) .R.<., *$< 4<,B^ conference die Tagung congratulations herzlichen Gl ckwunsch! constipated verstopft constipation die Verstopfung der Koch (K cooker der Herd (e) cookery Kochen corner die Ecke (n) costs die Kosten costume, suit das Kost m (e) cosy gem tlich cotton die Baumwolle (n) couchette der Liegewagen (-) cough der Husten (-) country road die Landstra e (n) country, state (of Germany) das Land (L nder) N@<(X*B6FL&86@Z0 cousin der Cousin (s) die Cousine (n) cousin (female) die Kusine (-) cousin (male) der Vetter (-) die Kuh (K crash, collision der Zusammensto cream die Creme (s) credit card die Kreditkarte (n) crockery das Geschirr (e) crossing (sea) berfahrt (en) crossing, junction die Kreuzung (en) die Tasse (n) cup (sports) der Pokal (e) cupboard der Schrank (-e) current, electricity der Strom curtain die Gardine (n) der Vorhang (h cushion das Kissen (-) $NFJ6 customs der Zoll customs control die Zollkontrolle (n) customs house das Zollamt ( mter) customs official der Zollbeamte (n) cyclist der Radfahrer (-) die Talsperre (n) danger die Gefahr (en) dangerous hrlich dangerous hrlich dunkel date of birth das Geburtsdatum (daten) daughter die Tochter (T chter) day before shrove tuesday Rosenmontag FP6J<>RP6<8:2&&8 deep freeze die Tiefk hltruhe (n) definite, certain, definitely bestimmt delay die Versp tung (en) dental technician Zahntechniker(in) dentist der Zahnarzt ( rzte) department die Abteilung (en) department store das Warenhaus (h user) department store das Kaufhaus (h user) departure die Abreise (n) departure der Abflug (fl departure die Abfahrt (en) deposit das Pfand (Pf nder) depressing deprimierend das Pult (e) dessert Nachtisch destroyed, broken zerst HJV2 &*F< detached house das Einfamilienhaus detatched house das Einfamilienhaus dialling (STD) code die Vorwahlnummer (n) diarrhoea der Durchfall died gestorben diesel das Diesel difficult schwierig dining room der Speisesaal (s dining room das E zimmer (-) direct direkt direction die Richtung (en) director, manager der Direktor (en) der schmutz dirty schmutzig dirty dreckig disappointed uscht P2.B<<@2H$D4D disco die Disco (s) die Discothek (en) discount der Rabatt (e) die Sch ssel (n) dishwasher die Sp lmaschine (n) district, ward der Kreis (e) diversion die Umleitung (en) divorced, separated geschieden doctor der Arzt ( rzte) documentary der Dokumentarfilm (e) der Hund (e) dormitory der Schlafraum (r dormobile der campingbus double room das Doppelzimmer (-) hinunter downstairs, below unten drawn (match) unentschieden ,4.L,B (4$B. dress das Kleid (er) Drink Cans nkedosen driver der Fahrer (-) driving licence der F hrerschein (e) drums das Schlagzeug duck, Citroen 2CV die Ente (-n) stumm duty free zollfrei duvet die Steppdecke (n) das Ohr (en) earache die Ohrenschmerzen (pl) east of stlich + gen east... leicht electric Elektro- electric appliance der Apparat (e) NF.X@.<6@NR,>TF82B.0FdB$$ except er (+dat) exchange der Umtausch (t usche) exchange der Austausch (e) excursion der Ausflug (fl excuse me please entschuldigen Sie bitte excuse me! sorry! Entschuldigung! exercise book das Heft (e) exhaust der Auspuff (e) exhibition die Ausstellung (en) der Ausstieg (e) die Ausfahrt (en) experiment die Untersuchung (-en) express train der D-Zug (Z der Eilzug (z extra tutoring Nachhilfestunden das Auge (n) das Auge (n) .2N(.02 .866.,$* das Gesicht (er) factory die Fabrik (en) factory worker der Fabrikarbeiter (-) die Messe (n) die Kirmes (sen) der Jahrmarkt (e) family die Familie (n) famous der Fanatiker (-) fan, supporter der Fan (s) der Bauernhof (h farm house das Bauernhaus farmer der Baurer (n) fashion die Mode (n) fashion die Mode fashionable modisch 4Z@**>@"N24*:( fast train der Schnellzug (z father der Vater (V favorite subject das Lieblingsfach (F cher) favourable, good value nstig die Geb hr (en) die Geb hr (en) fee payable hrenpflichtig felt tip pen der Filzstift (e) female weiblich ferry die Autof hre (n) die F hre (n) fiance der Verlobte (n) fiancee die Verlobte (n) field das Feld (er) field, meadow die Wiese (n) derf Film (e) 0.(,`<8XN .2< > final das Endspiel (e) finger der Finger (-) das Feuer (-) fire place der Kamin fireman&der Feuerwehrmann (m nner) or (-leute) firm, company die Firma (en) first name der Vorname (n) first, second, third erste, zweite, dritte flannel, cloth der (Wasch) Lappen (-) flach die Wohnung (en) flight der Flug (Fl floor der Stock (Stockwerke) floor der Flur floor der (Fu ) Boden (B floor, storey die Etage (n) der Stock (St das Stockwerk (e) , *($ND>4 flower die Blume (n) die Grippe flute die Fl te (n) die Fliege (n) folding klappbar folding chair der Klappstuhl (st folding table der Klapptisch (e) food (for animals) das Futter food, meal das Essen (-) der Narr foolish rrisch der Fu football der Fu ball (b footballer der Fu ballspieler for, per forbidden verboten NTH,(.(: 00(>T* foreign language die Fremdsprache (n) foreigner (female) die Ausl nderin (nen) foreigner (male) der Ausl nder (-) forest der Forst (e) die Gabel (n) das Formular (e) fortunately leider fountain pen der F ller (-) free kostenlos free time die Freizeit free, not engaged French Franz fridge der K hlschrank ( friend der Freund (e) die Freundin (nen) friendly freundlich 0*4*8(<.R8P8 friendly, nice sympathisch from now on von nun an from when? ab wann? from where woher, von wo full (of food) full board die Vollpension furnished bliert furniture die M bel (plural) garage die Garage (n) garage, workshop die Werkstatt (st garden der Garten (G rten) garden tools die Gartenger te (plural) gardening die Gartenarbeit das Gas Geneva > Z^,8202$ <6B.< geography Erdkunde Geographie German Deutsch German football league die Bundesliga (gen) German railway die Deutsche Bundesbahn die DB das M dchen (-) give your word versprechen glass das Glas (Gl glasses die Brille (n) glove der Handschuh (e) das Tor (e) good day, hello (guten) Tag! good evening guten Abend! good God! ach (du lieber) Gott! good luck viel Gl good Morning (guten) Morgen! 0,P:&0<*FB:(2 good night gute Nacht! good value preiswert good/bad tempered gut/schlecht gelaunt goodbye! (auf) Wiedersehen! goodness! Himmel! goose die Gans (G grammer school das Gymnasium grandad der Opa/Opi Grandfather der Gro vater (v grandmother mutter (m tter) grandparents die Gro eltern granny die Oma/Omi grass das Gras (Gr gravy die So great! prima! great! Klasse! N$FFF,0 green green greengrocer's der Gem ndler (-) grocer's das Lebensmittelgesch ft (e) ground der Boden ground floor das Erdgescho (sse) ground floor das Erdgescho (sse) ground floor das Erdgescho (sse) group die Gruppe (n) guest der Gast (G guide (female) die Reisef hrerin (nen) die Reiseleiterin (nen) guide (male) der Reisef hrer (-) der Reiseleiter (-) guided tour die F hrung (en) guilty schuldig guinea pig das Meerschweinchen (-) 0R&&N$"^:Z>,(BT,.X handbag die Handtasche (n) handball der Handball (b handkercheif das Taschentuch (t cher) Hanover Hannover happy gl cklich happy Christmas! frohe/fr hliche Weihnachten! happy easter! frohe Ostern! happy New Year! frohes/gl ckliches Neujahr! happy, cheerful, funny lustig hard working der Hut (H have a good journey gute Fahrt! have a good journey home! gute Heimfahrt have fun! viel Spa der Kopf (K headache die Kopfchmerzen (pl) der KopfwehnA0 @<.0 * headlight der Scheinwerfer (-) headmaster der Direktor (en) health die Gesundheit health spar der Kurort healthy gesund heart das Herz (en) heat die hitze heated beheizt heiter bright helicopter der Hubschrauber (-) Hello (in S Germany) Gott! hello! Servus! her, their high, tall die Wanderung (en) ((.:*4h@0R*62<2. der H gel (-) history Geschichte hit song der Schlager hit(parade) die Hit(parade) hobby das Hobby (s) hobby room der Hobbyraum hobby, leisure activity die Freizeitsbesch ftigung hold up, delay, queue der Stau holiday der Urlaub (e) holiday, public holiday de Feiertag (e) holidays die Ferien home comeing die Heimkohr home country Die Heimat homework die Hausaufgabe (n) honest, sincere ehrlich hopefully Hoffentlich *F2.*`&2F <2ZffR horse das Pferd (e) hospital das Krankenhaus (h user) hostel die Herberge (n) hot meals warme K hotel das Hotel (s) hotel das Gasthaus (h user) der Gasthof (h hours stundenlang house das Haus (H user) hovercraft das Luftkissenboot (e) hungry hungrig husband der Ehemann (m nner) hut, shed die H tte (n) I can't stand ... Ich kann ... nicht leiden I cleaned my teeth ich habe mir die Z hne geputzt !I don't mind, it's the same to me es ist mir egal I enjoy playing ... ich spiele gern ...1B3 BH.T4P> l".,>@6F I feel dizzy mir ist schwindlig I got angry ich habe mich ge rgert I hope so hoffentlich I hope you get well soon gute Besserung! I moved house ich zog um I prefer playing ... ich spiele lieber I spent (time) ich verbrachte I stayed in hospital for 1 day"Ich bin einen tagen im Krankenhaus I washed my teeth"ich habe mir das Gesicht gewaschen I went ich ging I'm cold mir ist kalt I'm hot mir ist hei I'm ill mir ist bel/schlecht I'm pleased/glad es freut mich I'm sorry es tut mir leid die Ahnung (en) die Idee (n) &2:4>>.<,..,\2 identity card der Ausweis (e) krank important wichtig impression der Eindruck in a suburb in einem Vorort in a valley in einem Tal in front of vor (+acc or dat) in front of vor (+acc or dat) in open air im Freien in the country auf dem Lande in the east im Osten in the front vorn (e) in the future Zukunft in the middle mitten in the middle of town in der Mitte der Stadt in the mornings morgens @06.0..&NP6N8F<6 in the mountains in den Bergen in the north Im Norden in the open air im Freien in the south in the village im Dorf in the west im Westen in vain, free umsonst in-law Schwieger- inclusive inbegriffen/inbegr inclusiv independant, self employed selbst indicator der Blinker (-) industrial estate das Industriegebiet industry die Industrie (n) information die Auskunft (k nfte) inhabitant der Einwohner (-) injection die Spritze (n) $H.&04T>B2X82>42 injured verletzt inner city die Innenstadt (St inquisitive neugierig insane wahnsinnig insect das Insekt (en) inside, within innerhalb instructions die Gebrauchsanweisung (en) instrument das Instrument (e) insurance die Versicherung (en) intelligent intelligent Inter City train der Inter-City-Zug (z interest das Interesse (n) interesting interessant invitation die Einladung (en) is that far ist das weit is that so? really? ,,JF||J@," T*6.D island die Insel (n) isn't it? nicht wahr it can(not) be es kann (nicht) sein it doesn't matter es macht nichts it was love at first sight!es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick It was thundering and lightning Es hat gedonnert ud geblitzt it was worth it Es hat sich gelohnt it's a pleasure gern geschehen jacket die Jacke (n) jeans die Jeans die Stelle job, place of work die Arbeitsstelle (n) jogging das Jogging journalist Journalist(in) journey die Reise (n) junction road die Querstra e (n) ^.$..`*.F&,B der L we (n) lively lebhaft living room das Wohnzimmer (-) loads of (jobs) jede Menge (Jobs) local train der Nahverkehrszug der Speicher looked at askance schief angeguckt lorry der Lastkraftwagen (-) der Lkw (s) lorry Lkw (HGV) der Lastwagen lorry driver der Lkw-Fahrer (-) louder and louder immer lanter lounge das Wohnzimmer niedrig LP record die Langspielplatte (n) luggage das Gep ckFB< BH6RB F@J.4 luggage rack das Gep cknetz (e) luggage trolley der Kofferkuli (s) lunch das Mittagessen (-) lunch/midday break die Mittagspause (n) machine, train die Maschine (n) magazine das Magazin (e) die Zeitschrift (en) die Illustrierte (n) maiden name der M dchenname (n) main station der Hauptbahnhof der Hbf main street die Hauptstra e (n) make preparations die Vorbereitung (-en) machen nnlich male warden der Herbergsvater ( man, husband der Mann (M nner) man-made matrial der Kunststoff (e) die Landkarte (n) mark, grade die Note (n) 66L*@0D6 :(0 peaceful ruhig pear, lightbulb die birne die erbsen pedestrian der Fu nger (-) pedestrian der Fu nger (-) pedestrian zone die Fu ngerzone (n) pencil der Bleistift (e) pensioner der Rentner(-) people die Leute people die Leute pro (DM9 pro Stunde) performance die Auff hrung (en) performance die Vorstellung (en) performance die Leistung (en) perhaps vielleicht person die Person (en) 00&F( .<.JT"26" person der Mensch (en) person die Person (en) petrol das Benzin petrol station die Tankstelle (n) photo das Foto (s) physics Physik piano das Klavier (e) picnic das Picknick (s or e) picture das Bild (er) Picture Post card die Ansichtskarte piece/sheet of paper das Blatt (Bl tter) das Schwein Pile up die Karambolage pillow das Kopfkissen (-) pilot der Pilot ,&F@D.0.*,FTT><< place die Stelle (n) place der Ort (e) place of birth der Geburtsort (e) place, seat der Platz (Pl place, square der Platz (Pl der Plan (Pl plane das Flugzeug (e) plant die Pflanze (n) plastic die Plastik plate der Teller (-) plate of cold meats der aufshnitt platform der Bahnstieg (e) das Gleis (e) play (in the theatre) das Schauspiel (e) pleasent, attractive angenehm pocket money das Taschengeld pocket radio das Kofferradio *(F:.L quite good ziemlich gut rabbit das Kaninchen (-) radio der Rundfunk radio das Radio railway die Bahn (en) railway station der Bahnhof (h der Bhf raincoat der Regenmantel (m ntel) ready, finished fertig real, genuine really wirklich receipt die Quittung (en) reception der Empfang (f receptionist die Empfangsdame (n) record die Schallplatte (n) record die Platte (n) record player der Plattenspieler (-) :62.:6 recorder die Blockfl te (n) recording die Aufnahme (n) reduction die Erm igung (en) referee der Scheidsrichter (-) relative (Aunt, uncle etc) der Verwandte (n) die Verwandte (n) relaxed aufgelockert religion die Religion remote control Fernbedienung rent and meals!die Unterkunft und die Verflegung die Miete und das Essen rented flat die Mietwohnung repair die Reparatur (en) report das Zeugnis (se) required erforderlich researcher der Forscher (-) result das Ergebnis (-se) J82:@08LP& results das Ergebnis (se) return hin und zur return ticket die R ckfahrkarte (n) reward'die Belohnung (e.g. Doing well in test)&der Finderlohn (Finding lost property) Rhine der Rhein reich right of way, priority die Vorfahrt right, on the right rechts river der Flu road exit die Ausfahrt (en) roller skate der Rollschuh (e) das Dach (D cher) das Fremdenzimmer (-) der Raum (R das Zimmer (-) room indication der Zimmernachweis (e) die Reihe (n) $88B&<,NB row (in cinema) der Rang (R rowing boat das Ruderboot (e) Religion rubber das Gummi rubber der Radiergummi (s) rubbish der Abfall (f rubbish bin der Abfalleimer (-) rubbish! Quatsch! rucksack der Rucksack ( ruler des Lineal (e) rules (of the game) die (Spiel)Regeln rush hour traffic Berufsverkehr traurig safe journey home! komm' gut nach Hause saftey belt der Sicherheitsgurt (e) sailor der Matrose (n) "T.L@H( salary das Gehalt ( lter) sale, special offer der Ausverkauf (k salesman der Verk ufer (-) der Sand sandal die Sandale (n) sandcastle die Sandburg (en) satisfactory befriedigend saucepan der (Koch) Topf (T scarcely scarf der Schal scenery, countryside die Landschaft (en) school die Schule (n) school assembly die Schulversammlung school bag die Schultasche (n) school book das Schulbuch (b cher) school council <,86`RBVH4$.<&Zb school day der Schultag (-e) school hall die Aula school life das Schulleben schoolboy der Sch ler (-) schoolfriend (female) die Schulefreundin (nen) schoolfriend (male) der Schulfreund (e) schoolgirl die Sch lerin (-nen) schoolyard, playground der Schulhof ( science die Naturwissenschaft (en) scout der Pfadfinder (-) das Meer (e) sea sickness seekrank seasickness die Seekrankheit season die Saison secondary modern school die Hauptschule (n) secretary der Sekret r (e) die Sekret rin (nen) ^>:|(HV(6.0H see you later/ afterwards bis sp ter/ nachher selection, choice die Auswahl self confident selbstbewu self-service die Selbstbedienung die SB das Selbsttanken (-) selfish egoistisch semi-detached house das Doppelhaus semi-detatched house das Zweifamilienhaus seperated getrennt series die Sendereihe (n) service die Bedienung service der Dienst (e) service station die Rastst tte (n) sewing das Geschlecht (er) shade der Schatten (-) shampoo das Haarwaschmittel *\**:*(0.XTLP6 shampoo das (Haar) Shampoo she, they sheep das Schaf (e) sheet das Bettuch (t cher) das Bettlaken (-) shelf das Regal (e) das Schiff (e) ship building der Schiffbau shirt das Hemd (en) der Schuh (e) der Laden (L das Gesch ft (e) shop assistant, sales person ufer(in) shopping basket der Einkaufskorb (k shopping trip der Einkaufsbummel (-) shopping trolley der Einkaufswagen (-) shoulder die Schulter (n) . 8(^>8*BbT,*8J28 spot fine die Geldstrafe (n) stable der Stall (St stadium das Stadion (Stadien) stadium das Stadion (Stadien) staffroom das Lehrerzimmer stage die B hne (n) stage play das Theaterst ck (e) stairs, staircase die Treppe (n) ds Treppenhaus stalls (theatre, cinema) das Parkett (e) state der Staat (en) station die Station station der Bahnhof (h stationer's der Schreibwarenh ndler der Aufenthalt (e) steam boat der Dampfer (-) steep steil L:D&&LH*,.2:* steering wheel das Steuerrad (r stereo die Stereoanlage (n) stewardess die Stewarde (essen) stomach der Magen stomach der Bauch stomach ache die Magenschmerzen (pl) stomach upset die Magenverstimmung stone der Stein (e) straight away gleich straight on geradeaus stream der Bach (B street die Stra e (Str) (n) stretcher die Bahre strict streng striped gestreift student der Student(en) .6..0.<2J&>B>2JF stupid subject das Fach (F cher) suburb der Vorort (e) suburb die Wohngegend successful erfolgreich der Anzug (z suitcase die Reisetasche (n) suitcase der Koffer (-) summer sale der Sommerschlu verkauf summit der Gipfel suncream die Sonnencreame (s) sunglasses die Sonnenbrille (n) suntan lotion die Sonnenmilch suntan oil das Sonnen supermarket der Supermarkt (m rkte) supplement der Zuschlag (schl ge)'B\ N*F86@L\\D>2*@@&~J>242XPb66 taken, occupied, engaged besetzt der Wasserhahn (h der (Wasser) Hahn (H tape recorder das Tonbandger das Taxi (s) tea, evening meal (cold) das Abendbrot (e) das Abendessen (-) teacher (female) die Lehrerin (nen) teacher (male) der Lehrer (-) teaching der Unterricht die Mannschaft (en) teapot die Teekanne (n) technical college die Fach(hoch)schule (n) technical drawing Technisches Zeichnen technical high school die technische Hochschule technical studies Technik technology, IT Informatik 6P4&&D&4<@<,8R( telephone das Telefon (e) telephone number die Telefonnummer (n) television der Fernseher tennis das Tennis das Zelt (e) tent site der Zeltplatz (pl die Semester terrace die Terrasse (n) terrace house das Reihenhaus terrible, terribly schrecklich terrible, terribly furchtbar terrific, great test driver Testfahrer(in) thank you very much bitte (sch n/ sehr) thanks vielen Dank R&V,,"X>R4.NL that is to say (i.e.) das hei mlich that is why darum that's (not) fine/ OK es/ das geht(nicht) the country das Land the Danube die Donau the EEC die EWG the eldest lteste (n) lteste (n) the English Channel der Kanal the Federal Republic die Bundesrepublik the FRG, Germany die BRD the Moselle die Mosel the pronunciation die Aussprache (-n) the same to you (polite) gleichfalls The subjects I am good at$die F cher, die ich an liebsten habe the Thames die Themse theatre das Theater (-)XA` <0,N, theatre das Theater (-) there there therefore deshalb daher thin, narrow, tight schmal thing die Sache thirsty durstig dieser thought (that) gedacht (da thriller der Krimi (s) through durch (+acc) through traffic der Durchgangsverkehr thumb der Daumen (-) 64>Ht@L*,*.Fh@B@ ticket der Fahrschein (e) ticket die Fahrkarte (n) ticket die Eintrittskarte (n) ticket collector der Schaffner (-) ticket for a number of journeys die Mehrfahrtenkarte (n) ticket office der Schalter (-) ticket office der Fahrkartenschalter der Schlips (e) die Krawatte (n) tiger der Tiger (-) tights die Stumpfhose till receipt der Kassenzettel (-) till soon/ tomorrow/ then bis gleich/ morgen/ dann timetable der Fahrplan (pl timetable der Stundenplan ( tin opener der Dosen ffner (-) t>P204LH*40(L tired tissue das Papiertaschentuch (t cher) to zu (+dat) to (not) be in agreement with (nicht) einverstanden sein to (with buildings) zu (+dat) to (with towns, countries) nach (+dat) to accelerate Gas geben to allow erlauben (wk) to answer antworten (wk) to answer (someone) beantworten (wk) to apply (for a job) sich bewerben to arrest verhaftet to arrive ankommen (sep) to arrive at erreichen to ask fragen (wk) to ask a question eine Frage stellen ,*T2@R*B.<6NlF6$ to attempt versuchen to bark bellen (wk) to be afraid of Angst haben vor (+ dat.) to be allowed to to be away/missing fehlen (wk) to be board sich langweilen gelangweilt to be called to be cancelled ausfallen (sep) to be fun machen to be homesick Heimweh haben to be hungry Hunger haben to be moved up a year versetzt werden to be on, the light is on au sein (das Licht ist an) to be over, finished zu Ende sein to be thirsty Durst haben to become werden 4@:@,*H*.6$6V*`( to begin, start beginnen to begin, start anfangen (sep) to belong to ren (+DAT) to bike, cycle radfahren (sep) to bleed bluten (wk) to book buchen (wk) to book in sich anmelden (sep, wk) to bowl kegeln (wk) to brake bremsen (wk) to break bremsen gebremst to bring bringen to brush sich b sten (wk) to brush teeth sich die Z hne putzen (wk) to build bauen (wk) to build a sandcastle eine Sandburg bauen (wk) to buy kaufen (wk) *:.<62R:,^.:, to buy tickets sen (wk) to calculate rechnen (wk) to call rufen to call nennen (wk) to camp in tent zelten (wk) to carry, wear tragen to catch (fish, ball) fangen to change umsteigen (sep) to change wechseln (wk) to change (clothes) sich umziehen (sep) to chat, talk plaudern (wk) to cheat mogeln (wk) to check tickets, passport kontrollieren (wk) to choose hlen (wk) to clean sauber machen (wk) to clean putzen (wk) H04F(J6j*6*,B44, to clear up/away umen (sep,wk) to climb klettern (wk) to close, shut schlie to close, shut zumachen (sep, wk) to collect sammeln to comb one's hair sich k mmen (wk) to come back ckkehren to complain sich beklagen (wk) sich beschweren (wk) to cook kochen (wk) to copy abschreiben (sep) to cost kosten (wk) to cough husten (wk) to cover, lay table decken (wk) to cross berqueren (wk) to cycle radfahren (sep) to dance tanzen (wk)1Bg L4LL,.6"2$NJ0 to decide beschlie en (zu + infinative) beschlossen to decide on sich entscheidenDich habe mich (daf r) entschieden (f r + Acc) = I have decided to... to declare at customs verzollen (wk) to depart abfahren (sep) to depart (of plane) abfliegen (sep) to die (in a crash) ums Leben kommen to dive tauchen (wk) to do (sport) treiben to do sport Sport treiben to do, make to do, make machen (wk) to drink trinken to drivea walking pace Schritt fahren to dry (up) (ab) trocknen (sep, wk) to earn verdienen (wk) to eat essen :,8&0:.F:F<\@P28 to eat (of animals) fressen to empty leeren (wk) to enquire sich erkundigen to enter betreten to examine untersuchen to exchange umtauschen (wk) to exert ben (wk) to express ausdr ausgedr to extend anbauen (wk, sep) to fail an exam durchfallen (sep) to fall/drop fallen (lassen) to fasten selt belt (sich) anschnallen (sep) to feed (animals) ttern (wk) to feel (well) sich (wohl) f hlen (wk) to feel like Lust haben to fetch abholen (sep, wk) *H:0 *"6**T66@8n to fill llen (wk) to fill a form llen (sep, wk) to fill the tank volltanken to fill up tanken (wk) to find finden to fish angeln (wk) to flow to follow folgen (wk,dat) to forget vergessen to get kriegen (wk) to get kriegen (wk) (coloquial) bekommen to get brown braun werden to get fit (sich) trimmen to get in, on einsteigen (sep) to get lost sich verfahren to get lost on foot sich verirren (wk) sich verlaufen :T:6* N4DX*"6<:\ to get off aussteigen (sep) to get on with each other sich vertragen to get to know kennenlernen to get up aufstehen (sep) to get well genesen to go gehen to go for a walk spazierengehen (sep) to go out ausgehen (sep) to go to sleep einschlafen (sep) to go to the toilet auf die Toilette gehen to go, drive fahren to grow wachsen to have a bath baden (wk) to have a cold ltet sein to have a light Feuer haben to have a rest, lie down sich hinlegen (sep) H...**,H to ice skate Schlittshuh laufen to injure verletzen verletzt to introduce bekannt machen (wk) to invite einladen (sep) to iron geln (wk) to jog joggen (wk) to jump, dive springen to keep a distance Abstand halteb to keep free freihalten (sep) to knit stricken (wk) to knit stricken (wk) to knock klopfen (wk) to land landen (wk) to last dauern (wk) to laugh lachen (wk) to lean out hinauslehnen (sep, wk) ,((,:(.:*>^48&"Z to learn lernen (wk) to leave verlassen to leave verlassen to leave, let lassen to lend, borrow leihen (wk) to like gern haben to like leigen k to listen ren (sep, wk) to live wohnen (wk) to look (like) aussehen (sep) to look after, to check (oil) nachsehen (sep) to look at ansehen (sep) to look, watch gucken (wk) to lose verlieren to make basteln to make things with your hands basteln (wk) 084D:,<&PB<2:*8V to marry heiraten (wk) to miss (person) vermissen to miss (time) verpassen to miss train etc verpassen (wk) to move (sich) bewegen (wk) to move in einziehen to move Rooms umziehen (sep) to mow hen (wk) to my astonishment zu meinem Erstaunen to need (for) brauchen f r (wk) to neglect verwahrlosen (wk) obtain besorgen (wk) to offer anbieten angeboten to open ffnen (wk) to open aufmachen (sep,wk) to order, get in lane einordnen (sep, wk) >:*2**4D,D*@,<,: to organise organisieren (wk) to pack einpacken (sep, wk) to paint malen (wk) to paint (an) streichen to park parken (wk) to park parken (wk) to pass an exam bestehen to pay attention aufpassen (sep) to peel len (wk) to photograph fotografieren (wk) to plan planen (wk) to plan, intend vorhaben (sep) to play spielen (wk) to play truant nzen (wk) to praise loben (wk) to prepare vorbereiten (wk) .444@Zn4 .<:V*6H to press cken (wk) to protect tzen (wk) to protect tzen (wk) to punish bestrafen (wk) to put away umen abger to put on/get dressed (sich) anziehen (sep) to put up a tent aufbauen (sep, wk) aufschlagen (sep) to queue Schlange stehen to read lesen to recognise erkennen to recover sich erholen (wk) to relax sich ausruhen (wk) to remind (remember) (sich) erinnern (wk) to rent mieten (wk) to repair reparieren (wk) to repeat year sitzenbleiben (sep){Aq .$::0*.( to report melden (wk) to rescue retten to reserve reservieren (wk) to reserve reservieren (wk) to ride (horse) reiten to ring mieten (wk) to ring klingeln (wk) to row rudern (wk) to rub reiben to rub in einreiben (sep) to run rennen to run laufen to run over berfahren to sail segeln (wk) to save for sparen f r (wk) to sell verkaufen (wk) 06,&&,:&d Z000 to sell verkaufen (wk) to send, broadcast senden to serve dienen (wk) to sew hen (wk) to sew hen (wk) to share teilen (wk) to shave sich rasieren (wk) to shoot schie to shop ufe machen (wk) einkaufen (wk, sep) to show zeigen to show (documentation) vorzeigen (sep, wk) to shower duschen (wk) to sign unterschreiben to sign unterschreiben to sing singen :to sit (already sitting - I am sitting in front of the TV) sitzen H>0&&.2:LL>4".@" to sit down sich (hin) setzen (wk) to sit down Platz nehmen (wk) to ski skifahren (sep) to sleep schlafen to sleep schlafen to sneeze niesen (wk) to speak, talk sprechen to spell buchstabieren (wk) to spend (money) ausgeben ausgegaben to spend (time) verbringen verbracht to spend money ausgeben (sep) to spend time verbringen to stand stehen to start starten (wk) to start engine anlassen (sep) to stay bleiben "FJH,H2&(`p N` to stay bleiben to stay down a year sitzenbleiben to stay in, behind nachsitzen (sep) to stay overnight bernachten (wk) to stick kleben (wk) to stop (doing) ren (sep, wk) to study studieren (wk) to swim schwimmen to swim baden (wk) to switch off aus machen (sep, wk) ausschalten to switch on an machen (sep, wk) einschalten (sep, wk) to take nehmen to take nehmen to take nehmen to take down a tent abbauen (sep, wk) to take off/get dressed (sich) ausziehen (sep) :R("@864866""",HR@ to tow away abschleppen (sep, wk) to train (sich) trainieren to transfer versetzen (wk) to travel reisen (wk) to travel verkehren (wk) to travel reisen (wk) to travel, to go fahren to travel, to go fahren to try on anprobieren (wk, sep) to turn off abbiegen (sep) to turn off (engine) abstellen (wk, sep) to unpack auspacken (wk, sep) to use benutzen (wk) to visit (person) besuchen besucht to visit (place) besichtigen besichtigt to visit, attend besuchen (wk) 4@N(H$HN.,0:>4::.2:@@@B tour, round trip die Rundfahrt (en) tourist information office das Informationsb ro (s) tourist office das Verkehrsamt ( mter) tourist office das Verkehrsamt ( mter) tourist sight die Sehensw rdigkeit (en) tournament das Tournier (e) towards, against gegen (+acc) towel das Handtuch (t cher) towel das Handtuch (t cher) tower de Turm (T die Stadt (St die Stadt (die St town centre die Stadtmitte (n) town hall das Rathaus (h user) town hall das Rathaus (h user) town plan der Stadtplan (pl B^HJ0*L<<@,.,VT@ town plan der Stadtplan (pl town walk, wander in town der Stadtbummel (-) town/ city wall die Stadtmauer (n) tracksuit der Trainingsanzug (z trader der H ndler (-) traffic der Verkehr traffic jam die Verkehrsstauung (en) traffic lights die Ampel (n) traffic lights die Ampel (n) traffic sign der Wegweiser (-) train der Zug (Z training das Training die Stra enbahn Trans European express der TEE-Zug (Z transistor radio das Transistorradio (s) travel agent das Reiseb ro (s) @@R0Z,&J.4$X6 travel agent das Reiseb ro (s) travel agent das Reiseb ro (s) travel pass, ticket der Fahrausweis (e) traveller der Reisende traveller's cheque der Reisescheck (e or s) das Tablett (e) treatment die Kur trip round the world eine Weltreise trousers die Hose (n) trumpet die Trompete (n) der Fernseher TV channel, radio station das Programm (e) TV set der Fernsehapparat tippen type of secondary school die Realschule (n) type of sport die Sportart (en) <*D0N6.F,T2* typewriter die Schreibmaschine (-n) der Reifen (-) tyre pressure der Reifendruck (dr umbrella der Regenschirm (e) uncle der Onkel (-) under, below unter (+acc or dat) underground die U-Bahn underground garage die Tiefgarage (n) underwear die Unterw unemployed arbeitslos unemployment die Arbeitslosigkeit unfortunately leider unfortunately zum Gl cklickerweise unfriendly unfreundlich uniform der Uniform 024@64D university die Universit t (en) die Uni unsatisfactory mangelhaft unsatisfactory ungen hinauf upper floor das Obergescho upstairs, above usually hnlich vacuum cleaner der Staubsauger (-) valid valley das Tal (T der Lieferwagon (-) varied abwechslungsreich die Mehrwersteuer (n) vegetables das Gem se (-) vehicle das Fahrzeug (e) vending machine der Automat (en) N06,V,:26*.0 very good sehr gut der Tierarzt ( rzte) Vienna die Aussicht (en) der Blick (e) die Aussicht (en) village das Dorf (D rfer) violin die Geige (n) visibility was bad die Sicht war schlecht visit der Besuch (e) visit die Besichtigung (en) Vocabulary die Vokabeln volleyball der Volleyball vorbereiten prepare der Lohn (L waiter der Kellner (-)9B r<*J8P8H4L>D( 2 &$44&J by the sea au bord de la mer C.D.T. les travaux manuels (m) /EMT cabbage le chou cabinet le cabinet cable TV vision cabl cafe terrace la terrasse de caf tisserie cake le g cake shop tisserie un veau calm, quiet calme camel le chameau camera un appareil-photo camp-fire le feu de camp camper le campeur camping carnet le carnet de camping T@*$"06*@B* camping equipment le mat riel du camping campsite le terrain de camping campsite le camping candle la bougie capable capable car ferry le car-ferry car key la cl de voiture car park le parking car wash le lavage automatique car wash la laverie automatique caravan la caravane la carte care, worry le souci caretaker le/la concierge carpet le tapis carrot la carotte 26,&P2.6>>( (4L& cartoon le dessin anim cash desk, till la caisse cassette la cassette castle le ch catalytic converter un pot catalytique cathedral la cath drale Catholique catholique cauliflower le chou-fleur CD player une platine - laser les travaux pratiques (m) ceiling la plafond cellar la cave centime le centime centimetre le centim central heating le chauffage central century le si clefA "0"0,:&0&$&.:*$ certain certain certain certificates le brevet chair la chaise champagne la champagne champion le champion championship le championnat change la monnaie character le caract charming charmant cheap bon march cheese le fromage chemist le pharmacien chemist's shop la pharmacie chemistry la chimie cheque le ch quezA D8$$&&( $.8$R& . cheque book le carnet de ch cheque card la carte bleue cherry la cerise chess checs chest la poitrine chicken le poulet child un(e) enfant chilly frais chips les frites chocolate le chocolat choice, selection le choix choir la chorale chopped raw vegetables les crudit s (f) church glise cider le cidre cine camera la cam $&($ cinema le cin circus le cirque civics, social studies l' instruction civique (f) classical classique clean propre clever habile cliff la falaise climate le climat clinic la clinique clock la pendule cloud le nuage cloudy couvert cloudy nuageux clown le clown le club clutch un embrayageDA coach un autocar coach le car le manteau coat hanger le cintre un coq la morue coffee pot la cafeti coffee table la table basse la pi Cola-cola le Coca le rhume fraud froid colleague le/la coll collection la collection collision la collision &> drawback un inconv nient drawing le dessin dress la robe dresser le vaisselier dressing gown la robe de chambre dressing, plaster le pansement drink la boisson driver le chauffeur le conducteur driving licence le permis de conduire driving mirror troviseur driving school une auto- dry cleaning le nettoyage duck le canard dustbin la poubelle Dutch hollandais erlandais l$0&", Dutchman/woman un(e) Hollandais(e) un(e) N erlandais duvet la couette duvet cover une housse each one la pi une oreille early de bonne heure early facile economics les sciences conomiques (f) Edinburgh Edimbourg education l'education (f) un oeuf egg and cheese flan la quiche lorraine elder electric cooker la cuisini lectrique electric light bulb une ampoule lectrique N8@88",(J $,"0 electric razor socket le prise-rasoir electrician ctricien electricity lectricit electricity lectricit electronics l'electronique elegant elephant phant elsewhere ailleurs emergency exit la sortie de secours empty la fin engaged fianc engine le moteur England l'Angleterre English anglais English l' anglais (m) 6B:,*4$ English Channel La Manche English person un(e) Anglais(e) enjoy your meal bon app enough, fairly assez entertainment la distraction entertainment, show le spectacle entirely rement entrance une entr envelope une enveloppe environment l'environnement equal equipment quipement escalator un escalier roulant essential essentiel Eurocheque un euroch Europe l' EuropewA( <&6.(0( European un(e) Europ en(nne) European europ evening le soir la soir evening meal event nement everyone tout le monde everywhere partout exact juste exactly exactement examination un examen example un example excellent excellent except exchange change exchange office le bureau de change exciting passionnanthA) 2&26 ( (&,:<. excursion une excursion excuse une excuse exercise book le cahier exhibition une exposition exit la sortie expenses les frais expensive express un express express le rapide extra suppl mentaire extra payment le suppl extraordinary extraordinaire extremely mement un oeil les yeux factory une usine?A* 8 6$,$B la foire fairly assez family la famille famous la farme fashion la mode rapide father father-in-law le beau-p fault la faute favorite favori, favorite feather la plume feeling le sentiment feminine minin ferry terminal la gare meritime $8H6&.@, festival festivities les festivit fever, high temperatrure la fi fianc le/la fianc fields les champs fillet steak le filet film (for camera) la pellicule film star la vedette fine (money) une amende finger le doigt fir tree le sapin fire (unplanned!) un incendie fire! au feu! fire-place, hearth la chemin fireman le sapeur-pompierpA, @,"6$6" fireplace la chemin first premier first class la premi re classe first name le pr le poisson fish shop la poissonnerie fishing fitted, converted le drapeau la tarte flannel le gant de toilette flash gun (photography) le flash un appartement flavour le parfum une puce flight le volTA- &.H"( flood une inondation floor le plancher floor, storey flower la fleur flu la grippe flute la fl le brouillard les provisions (f) le pied football le football forbidden fendu forecast la pr vision foreigner trnger/une trang forest la for la fourchetteSA. 4.0(B0 formulaire la fiche form, shape la forme fox un renard fragile fragile franc le franc France la France frankly franchement gratuit libre free time le temps libre free/time les loisirs freezer le cong lateur French le fran French person un(e) Fran ais(e) French railway la SNCF HN2<<02$* fresh lemon juice le citron press fresh orange juice une orange press friend le / la camarade friend le copain / la copine friend un ami le/la camarade friend (boy) le copain friend (girl) la copine friendly aimable une grenouille partir de from time to time de temps en temps front l'avant front door la porte (d'entr front door la porte d'entr frozen food les produits surgel *""H*( fruit le fruit fruit juice le jus de fruit fruit tree un arbre fruitier frying pan la po complet plein full board la pension compl funny marrant funny rigolo funny funny comique la fourrure furious furieux Furnishing, fitting un am nagement furniture le meuble gallery la galerie~A1 :$6$0& @D$,00*2 un jeu games room la salle de jeux garage le garage garage owner la garagiste garden le jardin gardening le jardinage garlic l' ail (m) le gaz gas cooker la cuisini gas cylinder la bouteille de gaz gatage la garage la Grand-Bretagne gears les vitesses (f) generally ralement Gentlemen Messieurs geography ographie 406&2T& : German un(e) Allemand(e) German l' allemand (m) Germany l'Allemagne / FRA giraffe la girafe girl, daughter la fille gite, simple self catering house gladly volontiers glass le verre glass jug, carafe le carafe glove le gant une u goat's cheese le fromage de ch going to en direction de l' or goldfish le poisson-rouge P,20:H"&$, 2 F@6 good at sports, keen on sports sportif good evening Bonsoir good heavens! mon dieu! good luck Bonne chance good morning, hello Bonjour good value (of prices) ressant good, well goodbye au revoir goodness! tiens! goodnight Bonne nuit goose une oie gooseberry la groseille gram le gramme grand-children les petits-enfants grand-daughter la petite fille grandfather le grand-p 6B0"R8 $86 68@"Z grandmother la grand-m grandparents les grands-parents grandson le petit-fils grape le raisin grape picking la vendange/les vendanges grapefruit le pamplemousse grass l' herbe great formidable great, marvellous chouette great, sensational senass Greek le grec green card la carte verte grocer's shop picerie groundfloor le rez-de-chauss group le groupe group of buildings un ensemble de b timents 0N <<&6 guest house la pension guest room / B & B la chambre d' h guide le guide guided tour la visite guid guinea-pig le cochon d 'Inde guitar la guitare gymnastics la gymnastique la gr hairdresser's salon le coiffeur half la moiti half board la demi-pension le vestibule ham le jambon hamster un hamster la main hand towel un essuie-mains X>,4@ :D\ handbag le sac main handkerchief le mouchoir handsome, beautifull happy heureux happy birthday Bon anniversaire Happy Christmas! Joyeux No happy, lucky heureux hardly, scarcely peine hardware shop la quincaillerie le chapeau have a good trip Bon Voyage have a good weekend Bon week-end have a good year, Happy New Year he is in a good mood today#il est de bonne humeur aujourd' hui head lights le pharehA7 " "<*$& health la sant heart le coeur la chaleur heavy vehicle le poids lourd heavy, sultry lourd helmet le casque help! au secours! hen une poule Hi! Hello! Salut! Hi-Fi system la cha ne Hi-Fi high tide le mar e haute highway code le code de la route Hindu hindou historic historique hobby le passe-temps/un hobby .*$L44 >*8 hockey le hockey le trou holidays les vacances Holland la Hollande le domicile home economics less tudes m home-made (de la) maison homework le(s) devoir(s) honest hope un espoir horror film un film d'horreur hospital pital hospitality l' hospitalit chaud hot / cold water l' eau chaude / froide (f) hot water l' eau chaud D>8&$"$8V4@4 house la maison hovercraft roglisseur un hovercraft comment how are you? Comment allez-vous? how much is it? c'est combien how much, how many combien however cependant humour un humour husband le mari husband hypermarket un hypermarch I would (not) like je (ne) voudrais (pas) I would like je voudrais I'm afraid (of) j'ai peur (de) I'm fed up j'en ai marre la glace (D:*.4<((D>2 ice-cream la glace identity une identit identity card la carte' identit malade illness la maladie illustrated magazine un illustr imagination une imagination important important impossible impossible impressive impresionnant improvement une am lioration in addition en sus in front of devant in full sunshine en plein soleil in good condition en bon in June au mois de juin D4F>(<>8@<>4$$2@ in Lancashire dans le Lancashire in my opinion mon avis in poor condition en mauvais in poor condition en bon in spite of malgr in the country la campagne in the middle of au milieu de in the month of au mois de in the mountians la montagne in the open air en plein air in the process of en train de in this case dans ce cas in town en ville included compris independent pendant indigestion l' indigestion (f) .0@Z`X0 * 42R222 industrial industriel industry une industrie information les renseignements information office le syndicat d'initiative information office le bureau de renseignements information technology l' informatique (f) inhabitant un habitant injured bless inside un int rieur inside dedans instrument un instrument insurance une assurance insurance policy la police d' assurance intelligent intelligent intention une intention interesting ressant 2\D6""X&"$ Ireland l' Irlande Irish irlandais Irishman/woman un(e) Irlandais le fer repasser is worth island it is necessary il faut it's a question of, it's about il s' agit de it's close, sultry il fait lourd Italian un(e) Italien(ne) Italian italien Italy l' Italie item of identification la pi ce d'identit jacket le blouson jacket le veste la confiture7A> $(@2, jealous jaloux jeans le jean journey le voyage jug le carafe jug le pichet jumper le tricot la cl le kilo gentil kitchen la cuisine le genou knife le couteau knitting le tricot knob, button, switch le bouton la piste track, ski-run Ladies toilets Dames+A? " 4,* la dame le lac l' agneau (m) la lampe landing le palier lane, avenue une all large grand dernier late en retard Latin le latin la pelouse lazy paresseux le certificat le dipl lead-free sans plomb leaflet pliantzA@ ,",6"$B&H2 la fuite leather le cuir lecture la conf rennce le poireau left luggage office la consigne la jambe leg of lamb le gigot lemon le citron lemonade la limonade less expensive moins cher lesson le cours letter la lettre letter box la bo te aux lettres lettuce la laitue level crossing le passage niveau library la biblioth queIAA ,**, life belt la ceinture de sauvetage un ascenseur light la lumi light light (colour) clair lighthouse le phare lightning un clair line, route la ligne linen le linge le lion la liste literature la litt rature litre le litre little little, small petit lively @."" &0,"f> living room la salle de s living room le s la serrure le grenier London Londres long, longue long walk la randonne look out! attention! lorry le camion lost property office le bureau des objects perdus lounge, sitting room le salon un amour love film un film d'amour low tide le mar e basse luck la chance lumber room barras &&2. >,4,4>.82 lunch jeuner luxurious de luxe luxurious de grand luxe mackerel le maquereau fou, folle magazine le magazine la revue magician le magicien la femme de chambre main dish une entr maintenance un entretien major road la route nationale make up le maquillage make, brand name la marque male singer le chanteur l'homme manager le patronhAD .(4 0F*">4 manager le g la carte market le march market le march married marvellous mereilleux masculine masculin mashed potatoes la pur match le match matches les allumettes mathematics les math matiques (f) maths les maths (f) maximum maximum maximum price le prix maximum mayonnaise la mayonnaise meadow le pr 0&F0( $H, le repas means le moyen mechanic canicien medicine le sirop medicine, treatment dicament medium (steak) point meeting union melon le melon member le membre member's card la carte d' adh men's toilets Hommes le menu menu, card la carte metal metre micro-computer le micro-ordinateur @">"$& microwave le four micro-ondes mild, sweet le lait mineral water une eau min minimum minimum minimum price le prix minimum mirror la glace mirror le miroir Madamoiselle la brume mistake la faute mistake une erreur misty brumeux mixed cold meats une assiette anglaise modern moderne modern history l' histoire moderne (f)sAG $. :L&< modern languages les langes modernes (f) moment le moment money l' argent (m) monkey le singe month le mois monthly mensuel monument le monument encore morning le matin mosquito un moustique mother mother-in-law la belle-m motor-assisted bicycle lomoteur motorbike la moto motorcyclist le motocyclistefAH 0,""<$. D"0$"(*$ motorway une autoroute mountain la montagne mouse la souris mouth la bouche Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss M/Mme/Mlle Mr, Sir Monsieur Mrs, Madam, Ms Madame mummy la maman municipal, council-run municipal museum le mus mushroom le champignon music la musique Muslim musulman mussels les moules mustard la moutarde mutton le moutonhAI ,"2$""0:,.8" 4 my goodness! mon Dieu! le nom narrow, tight troit natural naturel naturally naturellement nature la nature naughty chant near to near to proximit nearby, neighbouring voisin necessary cessaire needlework la couture neighbour le/la voisine(e) nephew le neveu nervous Netherlands les Pays BasNAJ never mind, tough! tant pis nouveau neuf, neuve les actualiti news paper le journal prochain next door to, beside next, following suivant sypathique syampa niece la ni night la nuit nightdress la chemise de nuit pas de no luck pas de chance "048BD no, none aucun(e) noise le bruit noisy bruyant non-drinking water eau non-potable non-smoker le non-fumeur normal normal normally normalement Northern Ireland l' Irlande du Nord le nez not bad pas mal not expensive pas cher not included non-compris not to work ne pas marcher not too expensive pas trop cher not very expensive pas tr s cher maintenant`AL 0 ",,.0H($4 nowhere nulle part number le num la noix nylon le nylon oar un aviron obligatory obligatoire obstinate occupied occup odd, strange bizarre of concrete of course certainment of the family familial of wood en bois of brick en brique offer la promotion office le bureau officer monsieur l'agentMAM 8.,P.(" often souvent oh well! tiens! l' huile OK, agreed! d' accord vieux old, ex- ancien omelette une omelette on behalf of de la part de on form, fit en forme on the left gauche on the phone, "speaking" l' appareil on the right droite on time l' heure onion un oignonvAN 2D**,,0 H6,," opera un op operation une op ration operator (female) une op ratrice opinion une opinion opposite en face de optician un opticien optimistic optimiste orchestra un orchestre other autre out of order, broken down en panne out of season hors saison outing une excursion outside un ext rieur outside hors de outside dehors le fourhAO &.&&",2 $F0("@ over there owner le propri taire oyster une hu package le paquet la douleur painting la peinture pair of shorts le short pancake la cr pancake shop or stall la cr perie papers les papiers (m) parasol le parasol parcel le colis parents, relatives les parents le parc le jardin public :,.22(,(&8 parking le stationnement parking disc le disque de stationnement parking space le parking party la boum passage, passing le passage passer-by le passant passport le passeport passtime le passe-temps la terrine patient le patient pavement le trottoir paw, foot la patte peaceful paisable peaceful, quiet tranquille peach la poire *,NL$"$(2"4(0&FD les petit pois pedestrian le pi pedestrian crossing le passage clout pedestrian precinct la zone pi tonne pencil le crayon people les gens pepper le poivre per cent pour cent per person par personne perfect parfait permission la permission person la personne pessimistic pessimiste petrol l' essence petrol-pump attendant le pompiste phone box la cabine t phonique ` T .>(2 phone call le coup de t phone un coup de fil photo la photo physical education ducation physique piano le piano picnic le pique-nique picnic area une aire de repos picture le tableau picturesque pittoresque pig un cochon pill la pilule pillow un oreiller pineapple un ananas place le lieu place un endroit place of birth le lieu de naissancenAS "@,($4$&F20* le plan plant la plante plaster le pl le sparadrap plastic la plastique plate une assiette platform le quai la pi ce de th player le joueur pleasant pleasant, friendly, kind aimiable pleasantly ablement pleased, happy content pleasure le plaiser la prune plumber le plombier pocket la poche $R>@F< police la police police rescue service le police-secours police station la gendarmerie police station le commissariat police station le poste de police policeman un agent de police polite polluted pollu pollution la pollution pauvre popular populaire le porc pork butcher, cooked meats la charcuterie le port porter le porteur &84nJ0P>$(4(D@B@ possible possible post card la carte postale post code le code postal post office le bureau de poste P et T, P.T.T la poste post to be collected poste restante post, mail le courrier postal collection la lev e du courrier postal order le mandat postal poster le poster postman le facteur potato la pomme de terre pottery la poterie pound sterling la livre sterling pound weight (500 gr) la livre power point la prise de courant precipitation la pr cipitation prescription une ordonnance present le cadeau pressure la pression pretty price le prix price list le tarif priority la priorit priority from the right la priorit droite private problem le probl programme le programme proof of identity la pi ce d' identit Protestant protestant proud public holiday le jour f publicity la publicit 0&."0&(,6< ($8". pullover le pull(over) punctual ponctuel puncture la crevaison punctured purse le porte-monnaie pyjamas le pyjama quality la qualit quantity la quantit quarter, (litre) le quart quater, district le quartier Quebec quickly rapidement quiet tranquille quite, totally tout fait rabbit le lapin radiator le radiateurPAX railway le chemin de fer la pluie raincoat un imperm rainy pluvieux rare (steak) saignant rarely rarement raspberry la framboise rate of exchange le cours de change rather razor le rasoir reading la lecture ready really vraiment received reception ception F&.$>N80(H$2, le loyer repair paration repair man parateur report le bulletin reservation servation restaurant le restaurant result sultat return ticket un aller-retour reversed charges en PCV reward compense Rhine Le Rhin rhinoceros le rhinoc le riz riche ridculous ridiculeYA[ 8:**6( right of way le passage pot la patinoire risk le risque river le fleuve river la rivi la route road junction le carrefour road map la carte routi road, street la rue roadway la chauss roadworks les travaux (m) roast meat le toit la pi room, hall la salle 4. NB$$8 rotten moche round roundabout le rond-point rucksack le sac rugby le rugby run out of petrol la panne d' essence rush hour l' heure d' affluence Russia la Russie Russian le russe Russian person un(e) Russe safety belt le ceinture de securit sailboard la planche voile salad, lettuce la salade le solde sales assistant le vendeur la vendeusewA] "&,(PH*.(&"@( salesman le marchand le sel salty same, even sandal la sandale sandwich le sandwich sardine la sardine satellite dish une antenne parabolique satellite photo la photo satellite satisfied satisfait saucepan la casserole saucer la soucoupe sausage saucisson savoury piquant school trip la visite scolaire science la science XB((>& F&B,@ science fiction un film de science fiction sciences le sciences naturelles scooter le scooter Scotland l' cosse Scotsman/woman un(e) Ecossais Scottish cossais la mer sea food les fruits de mer (m) sea sickness le mal de mer season la saison le si seat belt la ceinture de s curit second le seconde second class la deuxi me classe security curit see you later tout l'heure 2@B: sport le sport sports ground le terrain de sport spring le printemps spying l' espionnage square la place square square metre tre carr stadium le stade staircase un escalier stamp le timbre starter un hors d' oeuvre state, condition statement le constat station la gare stationer's shop la papeterie stay, living room le s jourmAg . 428D&( $ 00", STD code un indicatif steak le steak steering wheel le volant stereo la cha ne-st stick of bread la baguette sting, bite, injection la piq stomach le ventre stomach un estomac un arr storm la temp storm un orage stormy orageux straight on tout droit straight, stiff rapide strange trange strawberry la fraiseuAh 6.6(<&6( striped strong student un(e) tudiant(e) sturdy,stocky costaud subtitles les sous-titres suburb la banlieue subway le passage souterrain success le succ suggestion la proposition suitcase la valise summer sun le soleil sun burn le coup de soleil sun cream la cr me solaire sun-stroke une insolation sunny ensoleill 8::8, D,*.4T" sunrise le lever du soleil sunset le coucher de soleil sunstroke le coup de soleil supermarket le supermarch suprising surprenant surgery la salle de consultation surprise la surprise surprising tonnant surprising surprenant surrounded by entour surroundings, neighbourhood les environs sweet le bonbon sweet sweet shop la confiserie swelling le gonflementtAj 6.., L,($ swimming pool la piscine swimsuit le maillot de bain Swiss suisse Swiss person un(e) Suisse Switzerland la Suisse sympathy la sympathie tabacconist le tabac table la table table place, cover charge le couvert table-cloth la nappe tablet le comprim tablet le cachet la queue talk, speech le discours tanned bronz le robinet <"&00B48 tape recorder le magn tophone taste le go taxi rank la station de taxis le th teaching l' enseignement (m) quipe teapot la th telegram gramme telephone phone telephone directory un annuaire television vision temperature la temp rature la tente terrace la terasse terrific, great super text book le manuel 2&BZJJ6lL( Thames La Tamise thank you merci $that comes to 10 francs (altogether) a fait 10 francs (en tout) that one that's enough a suffit that's fine that's no use a ne sert rien the Channel Tunnel le tunnel sous la manche the day after tomorrow s-demain the day before yesterday avant-hier the leader le responsable &the major French credit guarantee card la carte bleu the organizer, leader le responsable theatre le th theft le vol alors?Am ",2." ":*$$4 there there is il y a there was il y avait there will be il y aura there you are! thief le voleur mince this one thousand mille throat la gorge throat pastille la pastille thunder le tonnerre ticket le billet ticket le ticket ticket office le guichetrAn &00>0,V& la mar la cravate tiger le tigre tights le collant till Saturday Samedi till tomorrow demain time table un emploi du temps time, occasion la fois timetable un horaire timetable change le changement d' horaire le pourboire tired fatigu title le titre to accelerate acc to accept accepter to accuse accuser ,24622P&.&*L Bf2 to advise conseiller to apologize s' excuser to appear, seem to apply to s' adresser to appreciate appr to approve of approuver to arrange to meet prendre rendez-vous to arrive arriver to ask (for) demander to assure assurer to astonish tonner to attend, go to, be with quenter to bark aboyer to be 10 years old avoir 10 ans to be admitted to hospital tre admis pital to be afraid avoir peur J64V&80>008D.2*H to be ashamed (of) avoir honte (de) to be back tre de retour to be better aller mieux to be billed, advertised l'affiche to be born to be busy at s' occuper to be called s'appeler to be careful faire attention to be cold avoir froid to be cold faire froid to be delighted jouir to be fed up with en avoir marre to be fine faire beau to be hungry avoir faim to be ill aller mal to be in year 10 tre en troisi DFHBDFD0D4.6400. to be in year 11 tre en seconde to be in Year 12 tre en premi to be in Year 13 tre en terminale to be in year 7 tre en sixi to be in year 8 tre en cinqi to be in year 9 tre en quatri to be interested s' int resser to be light faire jour to be on holiday tre en vacance to be right avoir raison to be silent se taire to be situated se trouver to be thirsty avoir soif to be warm avoir chaud to be warm faire chaud to be well aller bienoAr (0 :6(&6 $$*$>"0 to be worth valoir to be wrong avoir tort to beat battre to become cold se refroidir to become mild s' adoucir to begin commencer to believe croire to belong to appartenir to bite mordre to bleed saigner to blow souffler to borrow emprunter to brake freiner to brake down tomber en panne to break casser to break in cambrioler L&2V L$"" &.t&F to break one's arm se casser le bras to bring apporter to bring back rapporter to brush one's teeth se brosser les dents to bump cogner to burn to burn one's hand se br ler la main to burst clater to buy acheter to call appeler to camp camper to cancel annuler to carry, wear porter to cash a cheque, an order toucher un ch que / un mandat to change changer to change gear passer une vitesse <$&Vhf&&,"84 to change, exchange changer to chat bavarder to check rifier to check the oil level rifier le niveau to check the tyre pressures rifier les pressions to check the water level rifier le niveau d'eau to choose choisir to clean nettoyer to clear barrasser to close fermer to close, lock up enfermer to collect collectionner to come venir to come back rentrer to come back revenir to complain se plaindre 6,4 $$B0(@ to congratulate f liciter to contact contacter to cook faire la cuisine to cost to cough tousser to count compter to crash into se heurter contre to criticise critiquer to cross traverser to cultivate, to grow cultiver to cut couper to cut one's finger se couper le doigt to cycle faire du cyclisme to dance danser to dare to date-punch ticket composter T2**(X*8 4>.*04* to deal with, take care of s' occuper de to decide to cider de to declare clarer to decorate corer to defend fendre to deliver the post distribuer le courrier to describe crire to dial composer le num to die mourir to disappear dispara to disapprove of sapprouver to discover d couvrir to discuss discuter to disembark d barquer to distribute distribuer to divorce divorcer PH@LHP^$ &T.0F& to do odd jobs, DIY faire du bricolage to do odd jobs, to potter bricoler to do sport pratiquer un sport to do the shopping faire les courses to do the washing faire la lessive to do the washing up faire la vaiselle to do water sports faire des sports nautiques to doubt doubter to dream to drink boire to drive conduire to drive at a walking pace rouler au pas to drive, move rouler to drop laisser tomber to drop someone poser quelqu'un to drown se noyer *6*:B RT6B:J to dry to dry clean nettoyer to eat manger to embark embarquer to enjoy oneself s'amuser to escape s' vader to examine, check contr to extinguish, put out teindre to fail an exam rater un examen chouer un examen ussir un examen to fall tomber to feed the cat donner manger au chat to feed the dog donner manger au chien to feel ill se sentir mal to feel sick avoir mal au coeur to feel well se sentir bien to fill in a form remplir une fichepAy *&,",N4D to fill, fill in remplir to find trouver to find retrouver to find out se renseigner to fix fixer to flee to fly voler to fold plier to forecast to forget oublier to forgive pardonner to freeze geler to frighten effrayer to furnish, fit out, convert nager to get a knock se cogner to get angry se mettre en col rekBz B6T..fdR*T&& " *".$ to seem sembler to sell vendre to sell well/badly se vendre bien/mal to serve servir to set off se mettre en route to set out on holiday partir en vacances to share partager to shave se raser to shout crier to show montrer to sign signer to ski faire du ski to sleep dormir to slow down ralentir to smile sourire to snow neigerzA ""& X .((**2N*&$ to speak parler to spell peler to start marrer to stay rester to stay at a hotel descendre dans un h to steal voler to sting, bite piquer to stop s' arr to suffer souffrir to suggest proposer to suggest to supervise surveiller to support a team soutenir une quipe to suppose supposer to swallow avaler to sweep balayer2B <6"ZDP20,Zj<4B\V to swim faire de la natation to swim, bathe se baigner to take prendre to take a commission prendre une commission to take an exam passer un examen to take an interest in s' int resser to take away emporter to take back reprendre to take off coller to take one's driving test passer le permis to take one's temperature surveiller sa temp rature to take part in participer to take place avoir lieu to take place, happen se passer to take the dog for a walk promener le chien to take the plane, to fly prendre l'avion $(,*,,.*."(,&:4L to tear chirer to thank remercier to thaw, melt fondre to the east l'est to the left gauche to the north au nord to the right droite to the south au sud to the west l'ouest to think penser to think r to throe (out) jeter to thunder tonner to tidy ranger les affaires to tidy, put away ranger to train an animal dresser un animal &dJJJ *"Bf">4T 0 to travel voyager to travel by bicycle voyager bicyclette to travel by bus voyager en autobus to travel by car voyager en voiture to travel by train voyager en train to trust to try (on) essayer to turn tourner to turn over, reverse renverser to twist, sprain one's ankle se foulerle cheville to use utiliser to vacuum passer l'aspirateur to visit rendre visite to visit (a castle) visiter (un ch teau) to vomit vomir to wait (for) attendre ".".8$>$H2 . to walk marcher to wallpaper tapisser to want sirer to want, wish sirer to want, wish (to) vouloir to wash se laver to watch, to look at regarder to water arroser to water ski faire du ski nautique to weep, to cry pleurer to weigh peser to welcome accueillir to win gagner to wish souhaiter to wish to avoir envie de to wish to avoir envie de >6."|lR(& what a pity Quel dommage what, which quand where one must pay, not free payant which which lequel white coffee le caf white/red wine le vin blanc/rouge whose, of which large (Yes!) widow la veuve widower le veuf pouse wild animal Un animal sauvage le ventrA &4D"J*84 window la fen windscreen le pare-brise windscreen wiper un essuie-glace winter un hiver winter sports les sports d'hiver(m) with a cold enrhum with pleasure avec plaisir with success avec succ without without doubt sans doute witness le t le loup woman, wife la femme le bois la laine world le monde worse wrong, false faux, fausse un an une ann yellow jaune yesterday yoghurt le yaourt young jeune young man le jeune homme young person une jeune personne younger cadet youth club la maison des jeunes youth, young people la jeunesse le jardin zoologique le zoo sterling la livre sterling cZZ Fre 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,-,30,31,32,33,34,35,-,37,38,39 Ans or Ans -> Qu from the menu bar. Also if you are sure you know the answer to one of the questions and you no longer want to be asked it, just press Delete and it will not appear in the test until you switch back to Edit mode, or reset the test by selecting Reset from the menu. To do this you will need to save the Series 3 file as a text file (e.g. as a CSV file). You can then use File | Import Data Function in TestMe to import this text file. If you have trouble performing this conversion, please email me and I can give you further advice (or do it for you). I would have made this program shareware, however I think there is too much shareware around for Epoc 32 already, so I decided not to add to the collection. Therefore: REGISTRATION TOTALLY FREE! Registration could not be easier, all you have to do is visit my website fill in a few details, and then enter the code you are given into TestMe, and that is it! If you would however like to make a small contribution towards this program :-), you can post it to me via snail mail: Gary Ewer, 7 Sutton Park, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2RP. England (Gold bars are accepted) Version 1.0 - Original Program (called Testmake) for the Psion Series 3x Version 1.1 & 1.11 - Improvments to the Series 3x version Version 5.0 - First version for the Series 5 and renamed to TestMe. Version 5.1 - Added some extra functions (Import, Export and Merge in). Also the help file handling has been improved. Version 5.2 - Now compliant with all Epoc 32 devices including the Revo. Also added a proper scroll bar and Testme is now far more user configurable, with the addition of the preferences option. Version 5.21 - Fixed the bug in 5.2 where user preferences were not loaded correctly. Hungarian Translation also released. Version 5.22 - Corrected a few Epoc Style faults, and the Hungarian Translation has been tweaked. Version 5.3 - Added the File Properties dialog and added font selection and zooming in the Edit mode. If you have created a Testme file which you wish to share with other Testme users, you can add information about yourself and the file using the File Properties Dialog. It is possible to protect this information from being altered by selecting the "Protect" button in the File Properties Dialog and entering a code. Once the information has been protected Testme will ask you to enter the code before allowing you to make changes to the File Properties. Version History TestMe! Registering for FREE To register just visit: http://come.to/prosoft/ and complete the registration form. You will then be given a code which you can enter into TestMe to remove the start up nag screen. Arial 5. File Properties Testme! AIf you want to include unusual characters in your questions/answers, just put the cursor where you want the character to be and then press Ctrl-Shift-C. A Character map will then appear and you can choose whatever you want. If you want to enter an arrow to the right in your tests, just press Tab. It will not appear in the edit dialog box, however in the test mode it will appear as an arrow to the right. 4. Preferences TestMe! 6. Keys in Edit Mode TestMe! 7. The Learn Mode TestMe! 8. Keys in Learn Mode Next Qu / Reveal Ans: Any Key "Delete Qu": Del (Stops this question appearing in the test. This action can be reversed on the Menu Bar) Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "Cut" or "IR" Button (With Pen) TestMe! 9. Tips Swiss TestMe! u?10. Converting Series 3 Testmake Files to Series 5 TestMe files TestMe! About Registration TestMe! Contacting Me If you have any comments about this program, just email them to me at gary.ewer@earthling.net or gary@apexmail.com Alternatively you can visit my website at http://come.to/prosoft TestMe! Up: Up Arrow Down: Down Arrow Page Up: Dot (Above Left Arrow) Page Down: Left Arrow Top: Fn-Up Bottom: Fn-Down Edit Entry: Enter Delete Entry: Del Preview Entry: Tab Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "IR" Button (With Pen) If you press a Key (a-e, 0-9) you will be taken to the next entry beginning with that letter. 4. Preferences TestMe! 6. Keys in Edit Mode TestMe! 7. The Learn Mode TestMe! 8. Keys in Learn Mode Next Qu / Reveal Ans: Any Key "Delete Qu": Del (Stops this question appearing in the test. This action can be reversed on the Menu Bar) Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "Cut" or "IR" Button (With Pen) TestMe! 9. Tips Swiss TestMe! u?10. Converting Series 3 Testmake Files to Series 5 TestMe files TestMe! About Registration TestMe! Contacting Me If you have any comments about this program, just email them to me at gary.ewer@earthling.net or gary@apexmail.com Alternatively you can visit my website at http://come.to/prosoft TestMe! "Data.app Table1 ColA9 ColB9 ColA16 ColB16 ColA17 ColB17 ColA18 ColB18 ColA19 Index1 ColA19 Table1 Title Synon 3. Edit Mode's Functions TestMe! File | Import Data Function in TestMe to import this text file. If you have trouble performing this conversion, please email me and I can give you further advice (or do it for you). Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Scrollbar This gives you the option to turn the scrollbar on and off (which will speed up scrolling), choose whether to have it on the left or the right of the screen, and alter it's size. (obviously if you turn the scrollbar off the other options will not have an effect) Table Choose how big the two main columns are in the edit mode. e.g. to have them the same size choose 50%, to hide column 1 select 0% or to hide column 2 select 100%. Editing This gives you the option to remove the confirmation dialog that sometimes appears when you are adding questions. This confirmation dialog appears when a question is entered with no answer (or an answer with no question) There are many uses for this program and here are just a few: Obviously it can be used to learn vocab e.g French or German. It can be used to learn equations e.g. Physics or Chemistry. It can be used to learn anything which has a question and up to four answers! You can also use TestMe as a database program, e.g. for Web site addresses. TestMe5 Copyright Gary Ewer 1998 - 2000 Email: gary.ewer@earthling.net For the latest version of this program visit: http://come.to/prosoft TestMe! 1. Uses of TestMe Swiss TestMe! 2. The Edit Mode This is what the various columns on the main screen tell you: The left hand column is the question column. The second column is the first answer to that question The third column tells you whether there is an answer and if so how many there are. Swiss TestMe! New - Creates a new test file. Open - Opens an existing test file. Import Data and Export Data - Allows you to Import and Export text files. Merge in - Allows you combine TestMe files. File Properties - Lets you view information about the current Testme File. (See "File Properties") Learn it! - Switches to Learn Mode. Add Qu - Adds a new question to the test file. Change Qu - Edits the current Question. Delete current question - Deletes the question currently selected. Delete multiple questions - Deletes more than one question. Preview - Shows you what the question will look like in the learn mode. Find - Searches the file for the word you specify. Find again - Repeats the last search, starting at the current Question. Jump to question - Jumps to the question you specify. Zoom In / Out - Adjusts the size of the screen font used in the edit mode. Font - Lets you select the font used in the edit mode. Reorder - Puts either the first or second column in alphabetical order. Turn info off and Turn info on - Turns the info box (Bottom Right of the screen) on and off. Turning the info box off speeds up scrolling. Preferences - See "Preferences" section Up: Up Arrow Down: Down Arrow Page Up: Dot (Above Left Arrow) Page Down: Left Arrow Top: Fn-Up Bottom: Fn-Down Edit Entry: Enter Delete Entry: Del Preview Entry: Tab If you press a Key (a-e, 0-9) you will be taken to the next entry beginning with that letter. Once you have made your test you should then go to the Learn mode and Learn it! In this mode you will be repeatedly asked the questions in a random order. If you decide you want to reverse the Questions and Answers so you can learn your stuff in the reverse order (e.g. English to French rather than French to English) just choose Qu -> Ans or Ans -> Qu from the menu bar. Also if you are sure you know the answer to one of the questions and you no longer want to be asked it, just press Delete and it will not appear in the test until you switch back to Edit mode, or reset the test by selecting Reset from the menu. To do this you will need to save the Series 3 file as a text file (e.g. as a CSV file). You can then use File | Import Data Function in TestMe to import this text file. If you have trouble performing this conversion, please email me and I can give you further advice (or do it for you). I would have made this program shareware, however I think there is too much shareware around for Epoc 32 already, so I decided not to add to the collection. Therefore: REGISTRATION TOTALLY FREE! Registration could not be easier, all you have to do is visit my website fill in a few details, and then enter the code you are given into TestMe, and that is it! If you would however like to make a small contribution towards this program :-), you can post it to me via snail mail: Gary Ewer, 7 Sutton Park, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2RP. England (Gold bars are accepted) Version 1.0 - Original Program (called Testmake) for the Psion Series 3x Version 1.1 & 1.11 - Improvments to the Series 3x version Version 5.0 - First version for the Series 5 and renamed to TestMe. Version 5.1 - Added some extra functions (Import, Export and Merge in). Also the help file handling has been improved. Version 5.2 - Now compliant with all Epoc 32 devices including the Revo. Also added a proper scroll bar and Testme is now far more user configurable, with the addition of the preferences option. Version 5.21 - Fixed the bug in 5.2 where user preferences were not loaded correctly. Hungarian Translation also released. Version 5.22 - Corrected a few Epoc Style faults, and the Hungarian Translation has been tweaked. Version 5.3 - Added the File Properties dialog and added font selection and zooming in the Edit mode. If you have created a Testme file which you wish to share with other Testme users, you can add information about yourself and the file using the File Properties Dialog. It is possible to protect this information from being altered by selecting the "Protect" button in the File Properties Dialog and entering a code. Once the information has been protected Testme will ask you to enter the code before allowing you to make changes to the File Properties. Version History TestMe! Registering for FREE To register just visit: http://come.to/prosoft/ and complete the registration form. You will then be given a code which you can enter into TestMe to remove the start up nag screen. Arial 5. File Properties Testme! AIf you want to include unusual characters in your questions/answers, just put the cursor where you want the character to be and then press Ctrl-Shift-C. A Character map will then appear and you can choose whatever you want. If you want to enter an arrow to the right in your tests, just press Tab. It will not appear in the edit dialog box, however in the test mode it will appear as an arrow to the right. 4. Preferences TestMe! 6. Keys in Edit Mode TestMe! 7. The Learn Mode TestMe! 8. Keys in Learn Mode Next Qu / Reveal Ans: Any Key "Delete Qu": Del (Stops this question appearing in the test. This action can be reversed on the Menu Bar) Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "Cut" or "IR" Button (With Pen) TestMe! 9. Tips Swiss TestMe! u?10. Converting Series 3 Testmake Files to Series 5 TestMe files TestMe! About Registration TestMe! Contacting Me If you have any comments about this program, just email them to me at gary.ewer@earthling.net or gary@apexmail.com Alternatively you can visit my website at http://come.to/prosoft TestMe! Up: Up Arrow Down: Down Arrow Page Up: Dot (Above Left Arrow) Page Down: Left Arrow Top: Fn-Up Bottom: Fn-Down Edit Entry: Enter Delete Entry: Del Preview Entry: Tab Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "IR" Button (With Pen) If you press a Key (a-e, 0-9) you will be taken to the next entry beginning with that letter. 4. Preferences TestMe! 6. Keys in Edit Mode TestMe! 7. The Learn Mode TestMe! 8. Keys in Learn Mode Next Qu / Reveal Ans: Any Key "Delete Qu": Del (Stops this question appearing in the test. This action can be reversed on the Menu Bar) Zoom In / Out: Zoom buttons (With Pen) Change Font: "Cut" or "IR" Button (With Pen) TestMe! 9. Tips Swiss TestMe! u?10. Converting Series 3 Testmake Files to Series 5 TestMe files TestMe! About Registration TestMe! Contacting Me If you have any comments about this program, just email them to me at gary.ewer@earthling.net or gary@apexmail.com Alternatively you can visit my website at http://come.to/prosoft TestMe! $C:\OPL\Series 5\TestMe\Hungarian.rsc koztat +.Ebben a f jlban tal sszes kifejez +0amely a TestMe 5.3 magyar verzi hoz sz ges.O +4Ha let rli ezt a f jl a TestMe m ptelen lesz.O +&TestMe Verzi 5.3 - 1999. december 18.O TEXT$ introC[M r ez a program ingyenes, m gis nagyra m, ha regisztr ltatn s akkor ez a sz veg sem jelenne meg t bbet.) A regisztr ingyenes! +*A regisztr mellett t bbet is megtudhat +3a programr l a http://come.to/prosoft/ Web oldalon. Regisztr regC[W Regisztr Adja meg a regisztr sucC[J Regisztr m, hogy regisztr lta a programot. unsucC[c A regisztr sikertelen rem, ellen rizze, hogy helyesen adta-e meg a k regtoC[ Regisztr lva: searchC[ Keres notfoundC[ Nincs tal notavC[& Ez a t tel nem menu1C[p Megnyit jl import jl export sszef Gyakorl Teszt j teszt Teszt m Kijel lt teszt t bb teszt t + Betekint Keres Keres bbkeres + Rendez Info A programr TestMe s Teszt t Teszt szerkeszt jl Tulajdons Kicsiny openerrC[P Hiba! jl megnyit sakor az al bbi hiba t mergingC[ sszef delmultC[p Mely teszteket akarja t rlend teszt sz Utols rlend teszt sz from>toC[g +%A kezd sorsz m nagyobb, mint a z +,Adja meg ism t a t rlend tesztek sorsz delsureC[ Biztos, hogy t lni akarja: . tesztet? Biztos, hogy t lni akarja: deletingC[W A kijel lt tesztek t s megszak sa az Esc billenty delstopC[Q +,Biztos, hogy megszak tja a tesztek t on/offC[ jumpC[. Tesztre ugr Teszt sz nothing_to_findC[ Nincs tal findC[b Keres + Mit keres Honnan keresi tesztt l,Kijel lt tesztt open_file_errC[| Hiba! Az al bbi hiba t nt a jl megnyit sakor: Adjon meg m sik f jlnevet! exportC[ jl export jl,Mappa,Lemez export teszt sz Utols export teszt sz Bejegyz s hat sav_as_textC[$ jl export + Stop_TextC[s +(Biztos, hogy megszak tja az export Utols export lt teszt sz Text_SavedC[% jl export ImportC[ jl import jl,Mappa,Lemez jl,Mappa,Lemez Bejegyz s hat Hiba! +"A forr s a c jl ugyanaz! Adjon meg elt jlneveket! odbC[$ jl import stop_odbC[M +(Biztos, hogy megszak tja az import odb_doneC[% jl import addC[ j teszt + 1. V + 2. V + 3. V + 4. V Betekint changeC[ Teszt m + 1. V + 2. V + 3. V + 4. V OK, a hely OK, a v Betekint fullC[ +!A lemezen nincs t bb szabad hely, j teszt elveszett. rjon be m s nyitott f jlokat, +#vagy t lje a felesleges f jlokat. didC[V +1Biztos, hogy az Enter billenty t akarta lenyomni? reorderC[J Melyik oszlop szerint rendez? Oszlop + Rendez stop_reorderC[J +%Biztos, hogy megszak tja a rendez aboutC[ A programr Verzi : - 1999. december 18. tusz: Ingyenes Szerz : Gary Ewer 1998-2000 +#Email: gary.ewer@earthling.net Web c m: http://come.to/prosoft errorC[ nik, v ratlan hiba ad dott. Erre nem sz tottam. rem k n egy emailt a gary.ewer@earthling.net mre. rja le pontosan a hiba k nyeit, s azt, +.hogy mely billenty k lenyom sa okozta a hib gem lesz m g az al bbi adatokra is: TestMe Verzi + Volt egy A hiba: hiba a removeC[ + Figyelem! +,A program t ja megtelt: t bb tesztet nem lhet meg megtanultk jraind resetC[X +,A f r nem tartalmaz ismeretlen tesztet! Gyakorl jraind menu2C[S Szerkeszt TestMe s Teszt Megjel s megtanultk Gyakorl jraind laszb l a k l a v lasz ir s / Kicsiny Kicsiny perny s / Kicsiny helpC[E jl nem tal TestMe s option1C[ Rejtett Helye Bal oldalon,Jobb oldalon Gomb magass Gomb sz option2C[Y Teszt t zat be +)Az 1. oszlop sz ge (%-a k perny option3C[ Teszt szerkeszt Adatbevitel meger Igen,Nem +&(Tov bbi r szleteket a s ban tal toolbarC[: Szerk. Gyak. + OK/CancelC[ Imp_CompC[9 + File_PropC[ jl tulajdons (2. Sor) Szerz Email c ltozat ltozat kelt delem + Szerkeszt Enter_CodeC[ rja be a v delmi k +"A v delmi k +:csak annak megad val m thatja a f jl tulajdons gait. + Megszak SetC[- delmi k Not_SetC[9 delmi k sa megszakadt Enter_Code2C[l +7Adja meg a k dot a f jltulajdons gok megv ltoztat Code_ErrorC[- + Hib Hiba! nik, v ratlan hiba ad dott. Erre nem sz tottam. rem k n egy emailt a gary.ewer@earthling.net mre. rja le pontosan a hiba k nyeit, s azt, +.hogy mely billenty k lenyom sa okozta a hib gem lesz m g az al bbi adatokra is: TestMe Verzi Ismeretlen sz TEXTD !C:\OPL\Series 5\TestMe\German.rsc Information +'Diese Datei enth lt den ben tigten TextO +!der deutschen Version von TestMe.O +1Ohne diese Datei kann TestMe nicht funktionieren!O +"TestMe Version 5.3 - 25. M rz 2000O TEXT$ introC[_ +$Obwohl dieses Programm Freeware ist, ++bitte ich Sie, sich registrieren zu lassen. +0(Danach wird diese Bitte nicht mehr erscheinen!) + DIE REGISTRIERUNG IST KOSTENLOS! +8Besuchen Sie http://come.to/prosoft/ f r weitere Details +#und um sich registrieren zu lassen! Registrieren Weiter Hilfe regC[h Registrieren +*Bitte geben Sie den Registrierungscode ein Ihr Name sucC[N Registrierung erfolgt +#Vielen Dank f r Ihre Registrierung! unsucC[k +!Registrierung kann nicht erfolgen +4Bitte berpr fen Sie die korrekte Eingabe des Codes! regtoC[ Registriert f searchC[ Suche notfoundC[ Nicht gefunden! notavC[4 +&Diese Option steht nicht zur Verf menu1C[p Datei ffnen Daten hinzuladen Daten exportieren + Einf Lernen! Beenden Aufgaben Aufgabe hinzuf Aufgabe ndern Aktuelle Aufgabe l schen Mehrere Aufgaben l schen Vorschau Suchen Suche Erneute Suche Gehe zu Aufgabe Verschiedenes Sortieren Information Hilfe Einstellungen Bildlaufleiste Tafel Bearbeiten Eigenschaften Datei Ansicht Zoom: gr Zoom: kleiner openerrC[S Fehler Beim ffnen der Datei trat folgender Fehler auf: mergingC[ + Einf delmultC[W +#Welche Aufgaben wollen Sie l schen? Von Aufgabe bis Aufgabe from>toC[u +)"Von" Nummer ist gr er als "bis" Nummer! +6Bitte geben Sie die "Von" und "bis" Nummern erneut ein delsureC[ chten Sie folgende Aufgaben wirklich L SCHEN: bis chten Sie folgende Aufgabe wirklich L SCHEN: deletingC[9 sche Aufgaben Abbrechen mit Escape delstopC[M chten Sie das L schen wirklich STOPPEN? on/offC[ jumpC[3 Gehe zu Aufgabe Aufgabe Nummer nothing_to_findC[ Nichts gefunden findC[Q Suche + Wortsuche Suche beginnen von Anfang,Hier open_file_errC[ Fehler Beim ffnen der Datei " trat folgender Fehler auf: ++Bitte w hlen Sie zum ffnen eine neue Datei exportC[ Datei speichern in Textformat Ziel Datei,Odner,Disk Beginn bei Aufgabe Ende bei Aufgabe Daten Separator sav_as_textC[& Speichern als Textdatei + Stop_TextC[e +!Speichern als Textdatei ANHALTEN? Gespeichert bis Aufgabe Text_SavedC[# Textdatei gespeichert ImportC[ Textdatei hinzuladen Quelle Datei,Ordner,Disk Ziel Datei,Ordner,Disk Daten Separator Fehler +,Quelle und Ziel d rfen nicht identisch sein! +/Bitte geben Sie unterschiedliche Dateinamen ein Weiter odbC[$ Textdatei konvertieren stop_odbC[: Konvertieren ANHALTEN? odb_doneC[# Textdatei konvertiert addC[ Aufgabe hinzuf Aufgabe + Antwort 1 + Antwort 2 + Antwort 3 + Antwort 4 Vertauschen Beenden Vorschau changeC[ Aufgabe bearbeiten Aufgabe + Antwort 1 + Antwort 2 + Antwort 3 + Antwort 4 An Dateiende stellen + Abbrechen Vorschau fullC[ + Disk voll +,Neue Aufgabe konnte nicht gespeichert werden +$Schlie en Sie evtl. einige Programme +#oder l schen Sie berfl ssige Daten didC[7 EINGABE best tigen? reorderC[P +#Welche Spalte soll sortiert werden? Spalte + Sortieren stop_reorderC[7 Sortieren ANHALTEN? aboutC[ ber TestMe Version: (25. M rz 2000) Status: Freeware +$Autor: Gary Ewer 1998 - 2000 +%Email: gary.ewer@earthling.net ++Deutsche bersetzung von Dr. Manfred Runck + Homepage: http://come.to/prosoft errorC[u Sorry, unbekannter Fehler +:Bitte schicken Sie eine Email an : gary.ewer@earthling.net ++Beschreiben Sie bitte die GENAUEN Umst +#die zu diesem Fehler gef hrt haben. +,Ich ben tige au erdem folgende Information : TestMe Version 5.3 Es trat auf ein Der Fehler war : Weiter Beenden Fehler in removeC[ Problem +2Programmkapazit t ersch pft: L schen nicht m glich weitere Aufgaben aus Test. Weiter Test zur cksetzen resetC[A Keine Aufgaben mehr f r Test! Programm-Reset menu2C[ Datei Bearbeiten Hilfe Beenden Optionen schen" Aufg cksetzen Antw Aufg Aufg Antw Zoom + Zoom - Anzeige Zoom> helpC[: Hilfedatei nicht gefunden Lade Hilfe option1C[ Einstellungen Bildlaufleiste Position Links,Rechts Buttonh Buttonbreite option2C[E Einstellungen Tafel Breite der ersten Spalte (%) option3C[ Einstellungen bearbeiten Eingabe best tigen Ja,Nein +.(Weitere Details finden Sie in der Hilfedatei) toolbarC[C Bearbeiten Lernen! Hilfe Beenden + OK/CancelC[# + Abbrechen Imp_CompC[F Komprimiere Ausgabedaten Ausgabedaten komprimiert + File_PropC[ Dateieigenschaften + Dateiname Datei + (Zeile 2) Autor der Datei Email des Autors Versionsnummer Versionsdatum + Abbrechen Bearbeiten Enter_CodeC[ Eingabe Schutzcode ++Nach dem Aktivieren dieses Codes k nnen Sie +=die Dateieigenschaften nur nach Eingabe dieser Nummer ndern. Abbruch SetC[, Schutzcode aktiviert Not_SetC[2 Schutzcode nicht aktiviert Enter_Code2C[j +5Zum ndern der Dateieigenschaften bitte Code eingeben + Abbrechen Code_ErrorC[8 Fehler Code nicht korrekt Fehler Sorry, unbekannter Fehler +:Bitte schicken Sie eine Email an : gary.ewer@earthling.net ++Beschreiben Sie bitte die GENAUEN Umst +#die zu diesem Fehler gef hrt haben. +,Ich ben tige au erdem folgende Information : TestMe Version 5.3 Unbekannter Text Call Der Call war: WeiterO TEXT$ !C:\OPL\Series 5\TestMe\French.rsc Informations +'Ce fichier contient tout le texte utileO +#pour la version fran aise de TestMeO +!TestMe Version 5.3 - 25 Mars 2000O TEXT$ introC[] +&Bien que ce programme soit un Freeware +7j'appr cierai que vous vous enregistriez aupr s de moi. +*(Cet cran disparaitra si vous le faites.) L'ENREGISTREMENT EST GRATUIT +/Simplement visiter http://come.to/prosoft/ pour +#l'enregistrement et plus de d tails Enregistrement Continue regC[d Enregistrer +&SVP entrer votre code d'enregistrement + Votre nom sucC[K Enregistrement r + Merci pour vous tres enregistr unsucC[Q Enregistrement rifier que le code entr est correct regtoC[ Enregistr searchC[ + Recherche notfoundC[ PAS TROUVE notavC[/ +!Cette option n'est pas disponible menu1C[ Fichier Nouveau... + Ouvrir... Importer donn es... Exporter donn es... Fusionner... Apprendre! Sortie Question Ajouter Qu... Changer Qu... Effacer question courante... + Effacer de multiple questions... Appercu + Recherche Chercher... Chercher encore Sauter la question... Divers Ordonner... Informations A propos... Aide... rences Barres de d filement... Table... + Editer... Propri s fichiers... Zoom In Zoom Out Police openerrC[X Erreur +&L'erreur est survenue quand le fichier s'est ouvert: mergingC[ + Fusion... delmultC[^ +$Quelle question voulez-vous effacer? Depuis question Vers question from>toC[s +7"Depuis" nombre est plus grand que number"Vers" nombre! +&SVP retaper "depuis" et "vers" nombres delsureC[ +/Etes vous sure de vouloir EFFACER ces questions vers +0Etes vous sure de vouloir EFFACER cette question deletingC[> Effacement des questions ESC pour quitter delstopC[S +/Etes vous sure de vouloir stopper l'effacement? on/offC[ jumpC[; Aller question ro de la Question nothing_to_findC[ Rien trouver findC[U Trouver trouver Rechercher depuis part,Ici open_file_errC[ Erreur +.L'erreur suivant est survenue quand le fichier " s'est ouvert: +*SVP choisissez un nouveau fichier ouvrir exportC[ Sauver Fichier au Format Texte + Fichier Sortie,R pertoire,Disque part la Question Question parateur de Donn sav_as_textC[+ Sauver comme fichier texte... + Stop_TextC[d +)Stopper l'enregistrement au format texte? Aller Question Text_SavedC[" Fichier texte sauver ImportC[ Importer fichier texte + Fichier source,R pertoire,Disque + Fichier sortie,R pertoire,Disque parateur de donn Erreur +:Fichier source et fichier sortie ne peuvent tre les m SVP entrer diff rents noms + Continuer odbC[% Convertir fichier texte stop_odbC[5 Arret Convertion? odb_doneC[$ Fichier texte converti addC[ AJOUTER QUESTION Question ponse 1 ponse 2 ponse 3 ponse 4 Retour Appercu changeC[ CHANGER QUESTION Question ponse 1 ponse 2 ponse 3 ponse 4 Mettre la fin du fichier Annuler Appercu fullC[ Disque plein Nouvelle question perdue Fermer quelques fichiers +%ou effacer quelques fichiers inutiles didC[A Cela signifie presser ENTREE? reorderC[V +&Quelle colonne voulez vous r ordonn Colonnes Classement stop_reorderC[: Stopper le classement? aboutC[ A propos de TestMe Version: (25 Mars 2000) Status: Freeware +$Auteur: Gary Ewer 1998 - 2000 +%Email: gary.ewer@earthling.net +)French Translation by: Jean-Michel FROUIN + Homepage: http://come.to/prosoft errorC[ . une erreur est survenue +1SVP Envoyer un E-mail : gary.ewer@earthling.net +:en d crivant ce condition EXACTE de l'erreur et cette clef +/qui produit cette erreur.J'ai aussi besoin de + cette information additionelle : TestMe Version 5.3 Il y a une erreur L'erreur est : + Continuer Quitter erreur dans removeC[ Probl +4Capacit du programme atteinte : Incapable d' ffacer aucun autre mots du test. + Continuer Relancer le Test resetC[L +%Il ne reste plus de mot dans le test! Programme relanc menu2C[ Fichier diter Aide... Sortie Options "Effacer" Qu Relancer + Qu Zoom In Zoom Out + Affichage + Police... Zoom> helpC[J Fichier d'aide absent Chargement du fichier d'aide... option1C[ rences des barres de d filement Position Gauche,Droite Boutton Hauteur Boutton Largeur option2C[N rence de la table +"Largeur de la premi re colonne (%) option3C[| Editer pr rences e confirmation Oui,Non +*(Voir fichier d'aide pour plus de d tails) toolbarC[@ Editer + Apprendre Quitter + OK/CancelC[ Annuler Imp_CompC[9 Compresser fichier Fichier compress + File_PropC[ Propri s fichiers Nom fichier Description fichier + (Ligne 2) Auteur du fichier Email de l'auteur ro de cette version Date de cette version Annuler Proteger Editer Enter_CodeC[ Entrer code de protection +)Une fois le code d finit, vous ne pourrez +5Editer les propri s de fichier que en le r entrant. Annuler SetC[' Code enregistr Not_SetC[+ Code non enregistr Enter_Code2C[g +4Entrer code pour l' dition des propri s du fichier Annuler Code_ErrorC[4 Erreur Code incorrect Erreur une erreur est survenue +-Envoyer un E-mail : gary.ewer@earthling.net +?en d crivant les conditions EXACTE des circonstances et la clef +0qui provoqu cette erreur.J'ai besoin aussi de l'information suivante : TestMe Version 5.3 Appel texte inconnu L'appel est: + ContinuerO "C:\OPL\Series 5\TestMe\English.rsc Information +(This file contains all the Text requiredO +!for the English Version of TestMeO +5TestMe will cease to function if this file is removedO +#TestMe Version 5.3 - 2nd April 2000O TEXT$ introC[; +)Although this program is Freeware I would +/appreciate it if you would register it with me. ++(This screen will stop appearing if you do) REGISTRATION IS FREE +%Just visit http://come.to/prosoft/ to register and for more details Register Continue regC[^ Register +#Please enter your registration code + Your Name sucC[F Registration Successful Thank you for registering unsucC[` Registration Unsuccessful +1Please ensure you have entered the code correctly regtoC[ Registered to searchC[ + Searching notfoundC[ + Not Found notavC[+ This option is not availiable menu1C[& Import Data Export Data + Merge in + Learn it! Question Add Qu Change Qu Delete Current Question Delete Multiple Questions Preview Search Find again Jump to Question Reorder Turn Info About Preferences Scroll bar Table Editing File Properties Zoom In Zoom Out openerrC[X Error +)The following error occured when the file was opened: mergingC[ Merging delmultC[\ +&Which Questions do you want to delete? From Question To Question from>toC[d +)"From" number is larger than "To" number! +%Please retype "from" and "to" numbers delsureC[ +*Are You Sure You Want to DELETE Questions +)Are You Sure You Want to DELETE Question deletingC[= Deleting Questions Press Escape to Abort delstopC[J +'Are you sure you want to stop deleting? on/offC[ jumpC[5 Jump to Question Question Number nothing_to_findC[ Nothing to find findC[K Word to Find Search From Start,Here open_file_errC[ Error +)The following error occured when the file " was opened: + Please choose a new file to open exportC[ Save File in Text Format Output File,Folder,Disk Start at Question End at Question Data Seperator sav_as_textC[" Saving as Text file + Stop_TextC[T Stop saving as Text file? Got to Question Text_SavedC[ Text File Saved ImportC[ Import Text File Source File,Folder,Disk Output File,Folder,Disk Data Seperator Error +.Source File and Output file cannot be the same +!Please enter different File names Continue odbC[" Converting Text File stop_odbC[3 Stop Converting? odb_doneC[! Text File Converted addC[ ADD QUESTION Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Reverse Finish Preview changeC[ CHANGE QUESTION Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Put to End of File Cancel Preview fullC[ + Disk full New Question has been lost Try closing some programs or deleting any unwanted files didC[? Did you mean to press ENTER? reorderC[Q +#Which Column do you want reordering Column Reordering stop_reorderC[3 Stop Reordering? aboutC[ About TestMe Version: - 2nd April 2000 Status: Freeware +$Author: Gary Ewer 1998 - 2000 +%Email: gary.ewer@earthling.net + Homepage: http://come.to/prosoft errorC[ +/Sorry. it seems an unexpected error has occured +-Please E-mail me at : gary.ewer@earthling.net +/and tell me the EXACT circumstances and the key +1presses that led to this error. I will also need +&the following additional information : TestMe Version 5.3 There has been an The error was : Continue + error in removeC[ Problem +'Program Capacity full: Unable to delete any more words from the test. Continue Reset Test resetC[C + There are no words left to test! Program Reset menu2C[ Edit it Options "Delete" Qu Reset + Ans + Qu Zoom In Zoom Out Display Zoom> helpC[; Help file not found Loading Help file option1C[ Scroll Bar Preferences Position Left,Right Button Height Button Width option2C[> Table Preferences Width of 1st Column (%) option3C[i Edit Preferences Entry Confirmation Yes,No (See Help file for details) toolbarC[= Edit it Learn it + OK/CancelC[ Cancel Imp_CompC[> Compressing Output File Output compressed + File_PropC[ File Properties + File Name File Description (Line 2) File Author Author's email Version Number Version Date Cancel Protect Enter_CodeC[ Enter Protection Code +5Once this code has been set, you will only be able to +4edit this file's properties by entering this number. Abort SetC[+ Protection Code Set Not_SetC[/ Protection Code Not Set Enter_Code2C[[ +)Please Enter Code to Edit File Properties Cancel Code_ErrorC[3 Error Code incorrect Error +/Sorry. it seems an unexpected error has occured +-Please E-mail me at : gary.ewer@earthling.net +/and tell me the EXACT circumstances and the key +1presses that led to this error. I will also need +&the following additional information : TestMe Version 5.3 Unknown Text Call Call was: ContinueO TEXT+ C:\OPL\Series 5\TestMe\TestMe FONT% FONTSZ% MODE% MENU1% MENU2% TEXT$ _SCROLLBAR_LOW% _SCROLLBAR_DELTA% _SCROLLBAR_MIN% _SCROLLBAR_MAX% _SCROLLBAR_LENGTH% _SCROLLBAR_WIDTH% _SCROLLBAR_P% SCNWIDTH% SCNHEIGHT% SCROLL_LEFT% LINEHEIGHT% SCROLL_BUT_HEIGHT% SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH% EDIT_SIZE% EDIT_FONT% VERSION$ LINEY& LINEX% LINES% SCROLLID& SCROLL% MIDPOINT% SCROLL_POS% CONFIRM_ENTRY% TBARLINK \System\apps\Testme\Testme.rscKW \System\apps\Testme\Testme.rscK Installation Error "Testme.rsc" not foundO It should be in "O \System\apps\Testme\K+ +/Please reinstall Testme to correct this problemO ContinueO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKW Installation Error "Testmepics.mbm" not foundO It should be in "O \System\apps\Testme\K+ +/Please reinstall Testme to correct this problemO ContinueO Z:\System\Opl\Toolbar.opo contO TBARINIT TBARBUTT CMDH% SETREG% GETREG$ STD_VARS PROCESSCMDLINE TBARSHOW SCROLLBAR_CREATE% _SCROLLBAR_DRAWARROWBUTTON SCNWIDTH% SCNHEIGHT% TEXT$ VERSION$ SCROLL_POS% SCROLL% LINEY& SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH% SCROLL_LEFT% TBWIDTH% MIDPOINT% LINES% LINEHEIGHT% LINEX% SCROLLID& SCROLL_BUT_HEIGHT% MODE% **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** TestMeO toolbarO revoW osarisW +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +"\System\apps\Testme\testmepics.mbmKO +!\System\Apps\TestMe\TestMeReg.iniKW introO TestMe Gary Ewer 1998-2000KO + OK/CancelO D.A[T + OK/CancelO unsucO + OK/CancelO regtoO on/offO {QOd{UO |WBO<{QW SCREEN_DRAW CMDL2% CMDX% CREATEFILE DISPLAY MAINMENU PAGEUP PAGEDOWN BOTTOM SET_EDIT_FONT EDIT_ZOOM_IN EDIT_ZOOM_OUT TBAROFFER% PREVIEW _SCROLLBAR_DRAWARROWBUTTON _SCROLLBAR_FINDSCROLLBARCOORDS SLIDE_BAR ERROR TEXT$ LINEY& LINEX% LINEHEIGHT% SCROLL% SCROLLID& SCROLL_BUT_HEIGHT% SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH% LINES% _SCROLLBAR_P% OZ{AO Oz{A`[ OZ{AO Oz{A`[ O {A[ O/{9O O[{1\O O`{9`O O{{1\[ searchO hD\[! notfoundO O.{A[ O |B[ O |B[ O |B[ O |B[ O |B[ O |B[ notavO {A\[m {U}WBO L{9[v PL{9[~ TEXT$ MENU1% **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** menu1O CHANGE_PREFS EDIT_ZOOM_IN EDIT_ZOOM_OUT SET_EDIT_FONT FILE_PROP CMDL2% EXPORT IMPORT DISPLAY PREVIEW CMDH% ABOUT ORDER CREATEFILE CMDX% CHANGE TEXT$ **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** Oz{A[ OZ{A[ Ov{A OV{A`[ Ot{A OT{A`[ Ol{A OL{A`[ Ox{A OX{A`[ Os{A OS{A`[ Om{A OM{A`[e C:\Documents\O " SELECT * FROM QusK openerrO + OK/CancelO mergingO Op{A OP{A`[ Oq{A OQ{A`[/ delmultO + OK/CancelO from>toO + OK/CancelO delsureO deletingO delstopO deletingO Oh{A OH{A`[ Ob{A OB{A`[ Oi{A OI{A`[Z on/offO Oj{A OJ{A`[p jumpO + OK/CancelO Or{A OR{A`[ Og{A OG{A`[ nothing_to_findO searchO notfoundO Of{A OF{A`[$ findO + OK/CancelO nothing_to_findO searchO notfoundO On{A ON{A`[G C:\Documents\ Oo{A OO{A`[W C:\Documents\O Oe{A OE{A`[ Oa{A OA{A`[ Oc{A OC{A`[ Od{A OD{A`[s delsureO UPDATETBARTITLE TEXT$ **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** K+"" SELECT font, size, s1 FROM OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% " SELECT * FROM QusK open_file_errO + OK/CancelO C:\Documents\O UPDATETBARTITLE **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** K+(" FIELDS font, size, s1, s2, s3 TO OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% " FIELDS a, b, c, d, e TO qusK K+"" SELECT font, size, s1 FROM OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% FONT%$ + FONTSIZE%$ TEXT$ exportO HO@H_ + OK/CancelO from>toO + OK/CancelO sav_as_textO + Stop_TextO W7Oy@[ sav_as_textO |JB`[ Text_SavedO TEXT$ ImportO + OK/CancelO ERROR2 UPDATETBARTITLE DISPLAY TEXT$ K+(" FIELDS font, size, s1, s2, s3 TO OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% " FIELDS a, b, c, d, e TO qusK K+"" SELECT font, size, s1 FROM OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% FONT%$ + FONTSIZE%$ stop_odbO W7Oy@[ O$hD[ Imp_CompO " SELECT * FROM QusK odb_doneO K+"" SELECT font, size, s1 FROM OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% " SELECT * FROM QusK GETLASTUSEDFILE$ CREATEFILE **THIS PROCEDURE IS PROTECTED** + C:\Testme SCROLLBAR_CLOSE SCROLLBAR_CREATE% _SCROLLBAR_DRAWARROWBUTTON SCREEN_DRAW SCROLL_LEFT% SCROLL_BUT_HEIGHT% SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH% MIDPOINT% SCROLL% TEXT$ SCROLL_POS% SCROLLID& LINEY& SCNWIDTH% TBWIDTH% LINEX% CONFIRM_ENTRY% option1O + OK/CancelO QOd{UO option2O + OK/CancelO QOd{UO option3O + OK/CancelO LINEHEIGHT% CONFIRM_ENTRY% SCROLL% SCROLL_POS% SCROLL_BUT_HEIGHT% SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH% MIDPOINT% EDIT_FONT% EDIT_SIZE% TEXT$ " SELECT * FROM PropK AUTHOR2$ NAME2$ VERSION2$ DATE2& EMAIL2$ DESCRIPTION2$ DESCRIPTION22$ ACB[= K+O" FIELDS Author, Name, Version, Date, PW,email,description,description2 TO PropK AUTHOR2$ NAME2$ VERSION2$ DATE2& EMAIL2$ DESCRIPTION2$ DESCRIPTION22$ AUTHOR2$' NAME2$' + VERSION2$' DATE2&% PW2&% EMAIL2$' DESCRIPTION2$' DESCRIPTION22$' " SELECT * FROM QusK K+"" SELECT font, size, s1 FROM OtherK FONT% FONTSIZE% AUTHOR2$# NAME2$# + VERSION2$# DATE2&! 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