Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis Chiriría Pinta
Photo: G. Beaton
A long-necked, brown duck with a black belly and a bright red bill. Length: 43-53 cm.; weight: 650-1,020 g. Audio (M. Oberle). Breeds from southern Texas through Central America to southern Brazil. A rare visitor to wetlands in Puerto Rico. TAXONOMY: ANSERIFORMES; ANATIDAE; Dendrocygninae. Formerly called the Black-bellied Tree Duck. |
References del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. 1992. Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 1. Ostrich to ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. James, J. D. and J. E. Thompson. 2001. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis). No. 578 in The birds of North America (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. Madge, S. and H. Burn. 1988. Wildfowl: an identification guide to the ducks, geese, and swans of the world. C. Helm, London. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. A guide to the birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Princeton. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. Una guía a las aves de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes. Publishing Resources, Inc., Santurce, PR. Raffaele, H.A., J.W. Wiley, O.H. Garrido, A.R. Keith, and J.I. Raffaele. 1998. Guide to the birds of the West Indies. Princeton. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Spanish text Next related species in taxonomic order Previous species in taxonomic order |