Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea Charrßn ┴rtico,
Photo: G. Beaton
A small, long-tailed seabird, similar to the Common Tern, but slightly slimmer, with a shorter neck and bill, and a longer tail. Length: 28-39 cm.; weight: 90-120 g. Breeds in Alaska, northern Canada and northern Eurasia and winters in Antarctic waters. Uncommon at sea off Puerto Rico during its long-distance migration, but it is occasionally found feeding with Roseate and Sandwich Terns. TAXONOMY: CHARADRIIFORMES; LARIDAE; Sterninae |
Photo: G. Beaton
References Bent, A.C. 1921. Life histories of North American gulls and terns. Smithsonian Instit. U.S. National Museum Bull. 113. (Reprinted by Dover Press, 1963). del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. 1996. Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 3. Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Ehrlich, P.R., D.S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye. 1988. The birderÆs handbook: a field guide to the natural history of North American birds. Simon and Schuster/ Fireside, NY.
Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds: an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Harrison, P. 1987. A field guide to seabirds of the world. Stephen Greene Press, Lexington, MA. Hatch, J. J. 2002. Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). In The Birds of North America, No. 707 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. Hume, R.A. 1993. Common, Arctic, and Roseate Terns: an identification review. Brit. Birds. 86:210-217. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. A guide to the birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Princeton. Raffaele, H.A. 1989. Una guía a las aves de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes. Publishing Resources, Inc., Santurce, PR. Raffaele, H.A., J.W. Wiley, O.H. Garrido, A.R. Keith, and J.I. Raffaele. 1998. Guide to the birds of the West Indies. Princeton. Next related species in taxonomic order Previous related species in taxonomic order |