Scaly-naped Pigeon

Columba squamosa

Paloma Turca,
Paloma Nuquiescamosa


Audio (M. Oberle)

Photo: R. Crook*


IDENTIFICATION: A large, dark gray pigeon with a dull purple head. At close range a bright red eye-ring is apparent. An outer eye ring can be either yellow-cream colored or white, depending on age and nutrition. Length: 32-41 cm.; weight: 250-326 g.

VOICE: A slow, booming, four-note call with the last note more prolonged, "who-hoo-hoo-hooo." It calls from January to July, with peak calling correlated with the fruiting of preferred tree species. Audio (M. Oberle).

HABITAT: Moist forests, especially in mountains.

HABITS: Feeds in trees on fruits, seeds, leaf buds, and snails. Among the fruits reported in its diet in Puerto Rico are berries of figs, moral (Cordia sp.), jagua (Genipa americana), and several palms, especially royal palm. Despite its size, this pigeon hides very effectively in trees and is usually seen only when it flies in the distance or is perched on a distant wire or tree limb. The nest is a loose stick platform on a tree limb or in epiphytes. The female lays 1-2 white eggs. The incubation period is 14-15 days, and the young fledge 18-22 days after hatching. After the breeding season, this pigeon congregates in small groups at fruiting trees.

STATUS AND CONSERVATION: Common, permanent resident in mountain forests, where it has benefited from the recovery of native forests in the 20th Century. This is the most commonly shot pigeon of the four species legally hunted (typically September to November). Population levels decline after severe hurricanes, presumably due to temporary food scarcity.

RANGE: Breeds on most Caribbean islands, except the Bahamas and Jamaica. It is regularly heard in El Yunque and is quite tame on Culebra where hunting is prohibited.

TAXONOMY: COLUMBIFORMES; COLUMBIDA. Also called the Red-necked Pigeon.

Photo: A. Sßnchez Mu±oz


Photo: A. Sßnchez Mu±oz


Photo: C. Ruiz*


Photo: C. Ruiz*


Photo: C. Ruiz*


Photo: C. Ruiz


Photo: M. Oberle


Bent, A.C. 1938. Life histories of North American gallinaceous birds. Smithsonian Instit. U.S. National Museum Bull. 162. (Reprinted by Dover Press, NY, 1963).

Carlo, T. 1999. Alimentación de las aves terrestres de Puerto Rico. El Bien-te-veo 2(2):2.

Cruz, A. 1980. Avian feeding assemblages in Puerto Rico. Carib. J. Sci. 15:21-27.

del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. 1998. Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 4. Sandgrouse to cuckoos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

Gibbs, D., E. Barnes, and J. Cox. 2001. Pigeons and doves: A guide to the pigeons and doves of the world. Yale University Press.

Lefebvre, L., S. M. Reader, and S. J Webster. 2001. Novel food use by Grey Kingbirds and Red-necked Pigeons in Barbados. Bull BOC 121:247-249.

Ortiz Rosas, P. 1981. Guía del cazador: aves de caza y especies protegidas. Depto. de Recursos Naturales, San Juan, PR.

Pérez-Rivera, R.A. 1976. Estudio del reciclo y del potencial reproductivo de la tórtola cardosantera y la paloma turca de Puerto Rico. Science-Ciencia 3(3):76-79.

Pérez-Rivera, R.A. 1976. Defensa del nido y de los pichones por parte de la tórtola cardosantera (Zenaida aurita zenaida), la paloma turca (Columba squamosa) y la paloma sabanera (Columba inornata wetmorei) de Puerto Rico. Revista Cayey 8(16):93-98.

Pérez-Rivera, R.A. 1978. Preliminary work on the feeding habits, nesting habitat, and reproductive activities of the Plain Pigeon, (Columba inornata wetmorei), and the Red-necked Pigeon (Columba squamosa), sympatric species: an analysis of their interaction. Science-Ciencia 5(3):89-98.

Recher, H.F. and J. T. Recher. 1966. A contribution to the knowledge of the avifauna of the Sierra de Luquillo, Puerto Rico. Carib. J. Sci. 6:151-161.

Rivera Milán, F. F. 1989. Preliminary assessment of the impact of Hurricane Hugo to columbid populations in Puerto Rico and offshore satellite islands. El Pitirre 2(3): 2.

Raffaele, H.A. 1989. A guide to the birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Princeton.

Raffaele, H.A. 1989. Una guía a las aves de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes. Publishing Resources, Inc., Santurce, PR.

Raffaele, H.A., J.W. Wiley, O.H. Garrido, A.R. Keith, and J.I. Raffaele. 1998. Guide to the birds of the West Indies. Princeton.

Rivera-Milán, F.F. 1992. Distribution and abundance patterns of columbids in Puerto Rico. Condor 94:224-238.

Rivera-Milán, F.F. 1995. Detectability and population density of Scaly-naped Pigeons before and after Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico and Vieques Island. Wilson Bull. 107: 727-733.

Saliva, J.E. 1994. Vieques y su fauna: Vieques wildlife manual. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Boquerón, PR.

Scaly-naped Pigeon, Spanish text

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