Great Skua

Stercorarius skua

Salteador Grande



Photo: G. Beaton


A large, brown seabird with a hunchbacked appearance in flight and a white flash at the base of the primary feathers. Larger than the South Polar Skua, with reddish highlights to the feathers, and a larger bill. Length: 58 cm.; weight: 1,450 g. Nests on islands off Canada and elsewhere in the North Atlantic. Accidental offshore in the West Indies.

TAXONOMY: CHARADRIIFORMES; LARIDAE; Stercorariinae. Formerly placed in the genus Catharacta.

Photo: J. Hornbuckle


Photo: G. Beaton


Andersson, M. 1999. Phylogeny, behaviour, plumage evolution and neoteny in skuas Stercoraridae. J Avian Biol. 30:205-215.  

del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, eds. 1996. Handbook of Birds of the World, Vol. 3. Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

Grant, P. J. 1986. Gulls: a guide to identification. Buteo, Vermillion, SD.

Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds: an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

Harrison, P. 1987. A field guide to seabirds of the world. Stephen Greene Press, Lexington, MA.

Great Skua, Spanish text

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