Western Spindalis Spindalis zena Spindalis Occidental
Male/Macho - Photo/Foto: B. Hallett
Female/Hembra -
Photo/Foto: B. Hallett |
TAXONOMY/ TAXONOMÍA: PASSERIFORMES; THRAUPIDAE. References/Referencias Altshuler, D. L. 2001. Ultraviolet reflectance in fruits, ambient light composition and fruit removal in a tropical forest. Evolution Ecol. Res. 3:767-778. Garrido, O.H., K. C. Parkes, G. B. Reynard, A. Kirkconnell, and R. Sutton. 1997. Taxonomy of the Striped-headed Tanager, Genus Spindalis (Aves: Thraupidae) of the West Indies. Wilson Bull. 109 (4):561-594. Isler M.L. and P.R. Isler. 1987. The Tanagers: natural history, distribution, and identification. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Levey, D. J. and C. Martφnez del Rio. 2001. It takes guts (and more) to eat fruit: lessons from avian nutritional ecology. Auk. 118(4): 819-831. Raffaele, H.A., J.W. Wiley, O.H. Garrido, A.R. Keith, and J.I. Raffaele. 1998. Guide to the birds of the West Indies. Princeton. |
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