Managing your project files in Quilt Design Wizard™ is similar to many software programs. If you're familiar with word processing applications, then you know that if you write a letter, save it, and then open it again another time and change it, your original letter will be replaced with the new letter. Quilt Design Wizard™ works in the same way. If you make a quilt, save it, and then open it again another time and change it, your original quilt will be replaced with the new quilt. In Quilt Design Wizard™, there is always one quilt per project file.

Start a New Quilt
Click New on the File menu. You'll have an empty quilt layout, and will be ready to start designing. You’ll see Untitled on the top title bar until you save your project. (If you were working on another quilt, you may see a message asking if you want to save it before starting a new one.)

Open an Existing Quilt
Click Open on the File menu. (If you were working on another quilt, you may see a message asking if you want to save it before opening the new one.) The Open dialog box will display.

The Look in: box displays the folder name of the location you are looking. If you want to open a project that was saved in a different folder, click the box’s down arrow to locate the folder. Double-click the folder to open it. Click the project name to select it. The name will appear in the File name: box. Click the Open button.

There is only one quilt per project. If you make changes to the quilt, the original will be replaced with your current quilt. If you want to keep your original quilt, be sure to use Save As to give your quilt project a different name.

Save a Quilt
Click Save on the File menu. The Save As dialog will display. The Save in: box displays the folder name where your file will be saved. If you want to save the project in a different folder, click the box’s down arrow to navigate to the folder you want. When you double-click on a folder, its name will display in the Save in: box.

Type in a name in the File name: box. Click the Save button. Your quilt has now been saved with the name you’ve given it. You will see the project name on the top title bar. There is only one quilt per project. If you make changes to the quilt, the original will be replaced with your current quilt. If you want to keep your original quilt, be sure to use Save As to give your quilt project a different name.

Delete a Quilt Project
You can delete a project using Windows Explorer or from Quilt Design Wizard™. Click Open on the File menu. The Open dialog box will display. Click on the project name you want to delete to select it.

Right-click to display the context menu. Click Delete. You’ll see a message asking if you’re sure you want to send the project to the Recycle Bin. Click Yes to delete the project. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and return to Quilt Design Wizard™.