You Are New to Computers?
Don't worry. Everyone is at some point! Here are a few basic tips for new computer
Don’t Become Frustrated
It’s not easy to “drag a scrollbar with the mouse” or “double-click”
if you’re using the computer for the first time. Just keep practicing.
The more you do it, the easier it will become.
Do Become Friends with Your Mouse
When moving the mouse, there will be an image on the screen that moves around
as well. This is called a mouse cursor or pointer. The pointer changes its appearance
depending on what is beneath the pointer:
Your mouse has at least two buttons for you to use. These buttons are used to
tell the computer that you want to do something. The left mouse button is used
most often. When instructions say to “Click” or “Double-click,”
they mean with the left mouse button. To click the left mouse button, press
down the button on the left side of the mouse and release it. To double-click,
press down twice quickly without moving the mouse. (Press the left mouse button
down once, release it, press it again, and release it.) Instructions will always
specify “Right-click” anytime you should click with the right mouse
Do the Lessons
The five easy lessons in the Quilt Design
Wizard™ User Manual hold your hand while you work in the software. Work
through each lesson in order. It’s the easiest way to learn.
Watch the Help Videos
you learn best by seeing, be sure to watch the Help videos. You’ll see
small movies, with sound, showing how Quilt Design Wizard™ works. They’re
keyed to where you happen to be working in the program at the time. So if you’re
on the Print tab, you’ll see videos on printing. If you’re on the
Blocks tab, you’ll see how to work with blocks, and so on. Sometimes a
picture is worth a thousand words.
Don’t Worry
Be happy – you won’t break anything! Have you ever watched a young
child at a computer? Kids press keys on the keyboard and click with the mouse
fearlessly. They learn fast by trial and error because they are not afraid.
Play like a child in the program, and have fun!