You Are New to Quilt Design Software?
Quilt design software gives you two major benefits. First, you can pre-plan
your quilt – actually seeing how it looks before you sew. And second,
you can print whatever patterns you need in whatever size you need them.
Your Quilt
You’ll start by selecting a layout style and size. Next, fill the layout
with quilt blocks. Then add a border or two. And finally try out fabrics, to
find just the right combination for you.
Customized Patterns
Pattern printing is easy. You simply tell Quilt Design Wizard™ to print,
and choose the style: rotary cutting, templates or foundation piecing. You’ll
get patterns for center blocks, sashing blocks, border blocks – in the
size you need – seam allowance and all. There’s no size-figuring
on your part.
With the patterns printed, you’re ready to start sewing. Need more help?
Print Quilt Design Wizard’s™ block piecing instructions. And see
the complete how-to-make-a-quilt instructions. You’ll never again suffer
the disappointment of spending many long hours on a quilt that doesn’t
turn out as pretty as you picture it in your mind.