most important thing to remember in caring for your quilt is to keep it out
of direct sunlight, which can cause fading. If you decide to store your quilt,
make sure the quilt is clean. To clean your quilt, follow the directions in
the cleaning section. Never have your quilt dry-cleaned because the harsh chemicals
can cause damage. Do not store your quilt in plastic bags. Store the quilt in
a closet or enclosed space. Wrap the quilt in clean, un-dyed, un-bleached muslin,
or use a clean pillowcase. Remove the quilt from storage every six months and
lay flat on both sides. Inspect the quilt for any damage that may have occurred.
When returning the quilt to storage, fold it in a different way to prevent creases
in the quilt. If you folded in halves the first time, you should fold in thirds
the second time or vice versa.