Jan 1999
How to Crack
Copernic 98 Plus v 2.51
Win Code Reversing
by YuGung 
Code Reversing For Beginners 
Program Details
Program Name: Copernic98plus.exe
Program Type: Internet Multiengine Search
Program Location: www.copernic.com
Program Size: 2.3 mb
Tools Used:
 Softice V3.2 - Win'95 Debugger
IDA - Dissembler
Easy ( )  Medium ( X )  Hard (    )  Pro (    ) 
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
How to Crack
Copernic 98 Plus v 2.51
Written by YuGung
Hi guys, my girlfriend jilt me 1 week ago and my reaction was simple: cracking, cracking, cracking. In one weekend i crack more than 12 different programs even my personal nightmare (i think every reverser as one) - a shitty professional program coded in visual basic 4.0 16 bit (sorry no smartcheck) and protected with Sentinel dongle. Well, what's the moral : you must be lonely and furious to be a good reverser ?  no, i think, anyway could be useful :-)  However thinking at the code has distracted my mind for many hours and that was a good thing....
In this big bundle of reversed programs i found this one that could be interesting to be analyzed.
Copernic98 plus is the "pro" version of Copernic98,  a beautiful freeware multiengine internet search program that really worth a look. The difference between the two versions is just the use of many specialized search channels (books, business, finance etc...) besides the "free-channels" (Web, E-mail, Newsgroup) and obviously the protection system.
About this protection system
Two level of protection: first an usual registration number to validate the program (visually similar to the Timelock routine), second the obligatory internet registration form that could be skipped just two times. But looking at the code disassembled by Ida i found an interesting message "PleaseCloseAllRegistry Monitoring ApplicationsBeforeRegister" ! Wow, something new, the program seem interested at your REGMON utility and consequently we are very interested to the register.
The Essay 
Run the program, go to the registration window, type your fake code end press enter; to break in Softice you need to BPX Hmemcpy or Drawtexta because no Messageboxex  breakpoint work. After some skip you jump directly in the following code

004376F1 mov     fs:[eax], esp
004376F4 lea     edx, [ebp-14h]
004376F7 mov     eax, [ebp-4]
004376FA mov     eax, [eax+1E8h]
00437700 call    sub_41B960
00437705 push    dword ptr [ebp-14h]     ===> READ THE FIRST PART OF THE FAKE CODE
00437708 push    offset loc_4379A0
0043770D lea     edx, [ebp-18h]
00437710 mov     eax, [ebp-4]
00437713 mov     eax, [eax+1F0h]
00437719 call    sub_41B960
0043771E push    dword ptr [ebp-18h]     ===> READ THE SECOND PART OF THE FAKE CODE
00437721 lea     eax, [ebp-8]
00437724 mov     edx, 3
00437729 call    sub_4039F8
0043772E mov     eax, [ebp-8]
00437731 call    sub_436C30              ===> CHECK THE CODE
00437736 test    al, al
00437738 jz      loc_4377E0

Go to 436C30 and we find the big validation routine; it's boring analyze this part of the code so we jump directly to the end where the program store the important value on AL:

00436DFB sahf
00436DFC jnz     short loc_436E06                ===> PATCH HERE WITH TWO 'NOP'
00436DFE mov     al, [ebp+var_5]
00436E01 xor     al, 1
00436E03 xor     [ebp+var_5], al
00436E06 loc_436E06:
00436E06 xor     eax, eax
00436E08 pop     edx
00436E09 pop     ecx
00436E0A pop     ecx
00436E27 lea     eax, [ebp+var_58]
00436E2A call    sub_4036BC
00436E2F retn

I prefer to patch here instead at 00437736 because the protection routine is called three times, so change just two bytes make all the work. Now the fake code is accepted and a new file COPERNIC.DLL appear in the directory  proofing that Copernic 98 Plus is now registered.
But what about the register ? Until now we have no problem with the register just a simple serial code validation routine; run now COPERNIC 98 Plus and you jump into the electronic registration form. As i wrote before you can skip this one just two time, when you run the program for the third time you need to fill the form and press the "SEND" button or exit because the "REMIND ME LATER"  button is grayed. Now it's time to look at the Windows Register and  just to confirm our suspects open REGMON and run COPERNIC: punctual a message carefully say that you must close your register monitor program.  This routine could be easily reversed (it's still in COPERNIC.EXE some bytes after the previously patched routine) but i accept the challenge and try another Register Monitoring program. I run ExeSpy98 a good tool that you can use to monitor directly the API systems calls, set the program to follow the REGQUERYVALUEEXA and REGSETVALUEEXA functions and re-run COPERNIC: wow, no more boring message and we could look undisturbed at the Register. When we reach the registration form take a look at ExeSpy98 report there's a call to register key RegCardSkipCount : bingo !!! When the program start for the first time (checked by
FirtsUse register key) write the value AEh in RegCardSkipCount key then at each next run this value is  decreased until the program don't permit to skip the Registration form. I have tried to change directly the value in this register key but without result: COPERNIC use the value in the as seed for some calculation.

Ok, it's time to return to SoftIce, bpx RegQueryValueExa (but enable the breakpoint after some seconds or you need to skip more than ten RegQueryValueExa calls) and you arrive at this part of code located in COPERNICSVR.EXE:

004433A7 push    eax                 =====> LOOK EAX WHEN POINT TO "RegCardSkipCount" STRING
004433A8 mov     eax, [ebx+4]
004433AB push    eax
004433AC call    j_RegQueryValueExA_0

The value in EAX at 004433A7 point to the string of the key that RegQueryValueExA search and the value read  in the register is stored in ESI; when at 004433A7 we find a value that point to "RegCardSkipCount" string follow the value in ESI after the call at 004433AC using the BPM breakpoint and you arrive here:

00448230 push    ebp
00448231 mov     ebp, esp
00448233 add     esp, 0FFFFFFF8h
00448236 mov     [ebp+var_4], eax
00448239 push    0ABh
0044823E mov     ecx, offset aRegcardskipcou
00448243 xor     edx, edx
00448245 mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
00448248 call    sub_4492F4             =====> to RegQueryValue routine
0044824D xor     eax, 0ABh              =====> EAX = value of RegCardSkipCount key
00448252 mov     [ebp+var_8], eax
00448255 mov     eax, [ebp+var_8]

this routine is called at

005147CB call    sub_448230
005147D0 cmp     eax, 5            =====> EAX = number of times that you run the program
005147D3 jl      short loc_5147E5  =====> if EAX < 5 disable the "Remind Me Later" button
005147D5 mov     eax, [ebp-4]
005147D8 mov     eax, [eax+20Ch]
005147DE xor     edx, edx

The value in EAX, that is the RegCardSkipCount value, is XOR with ABh (the first time you run AE XOR AB = 5) if the result is less than 5 the "Remind Me Later" button is grayed. But we don't want that the Registration Form  appear so we need to search before where this routine is called.
The code that we see in IDA is terrible, full of nested routine very difficult to understand easily, so i will use here an approach that i read some time ago in one essay in Fravia site: in SoftIce when you break at 00448230  search the stack to see all the previous call typing STACK in the SoftIce command line; you read now many calls  that refer to the same file COPERNICSVR the first six or seven are located in the same part of code of the routine, but next you find a call located at 00517D5F, the main call must be from here ....

00517D3F cmp     dword ptr [ebp-8], 0
00517D43 jl      short loc_517D67      =====> Patch here with JMP 517D67
00517D45 mov     ecx, [ebp-4]
00517D48 mov     dl, 1
00517D4A mov     eax, ds:off_514120
00517D4F call    sub_42FC8C
00517D54 mov     [ebp-0Ch], eax
00517D57 mov     eax, [ebp-0Ch]
00517D5A call    sub_432DA8      =====> to the Registration Form
00517D5F mov     eax, [ebp-0Ch]
00517D62 call    sub_403094

Now the program work fine and you don't see anymore the Registration Form screen.

Final Notes 
Really i don't know why the programmers try to stop us using REGMON, easy to defeat and also they attract our attentions to the Windows Register; if any has time and patience i think that could be useful take a look at check-Regmon routine. Finally don't use this cracked program, just download the freeware version that is really good as this one.

My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ob Duh 
Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will encourage them to produce even *better* software for us to use and enjoy.

Ripping off software through serials and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

Essay by:          YuGung
Page Created: 01 January 1999