June 1998
"NJWIN V1.6"
( 'Code Checking, a nasty surprise'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Sandman 
Code Reversing For Beginners 


Program Details
Program Name: njwin160.exe
Program Type: WWW Language Convertor
Program Location: Here
Program Size: 1.46 mb 
Tools Used:
 Softice V3.2 - Win'95 Debugger
W32Dasm V8.9 - Win'95 Disassembler
Easy (   )  Medium ( X  )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.


( 'Code checking, a nasty surprise'  )
Written by The Sandman


The author says about NJWIN:

"NJWIN v1.6 is designed to support any windows program to display Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters under the standard Windows environment. All Chinese / Japanese / Korean (CJK) coding standards are supported in NJWIN, and coding can be switched on the fly from one
coding to another depending on the document being viewed.

The Internet is the fastest growing communication tool today. Therefore, many of NJWIN's features are added specifically for Internet. As the result, NJWIN is best Internet CJK viewer for browsing CJK Web pages, reading CJK news in UseNet newsgroups and reading CJK email messages. NJWIN is distributed as Shareware, permission granted for any one to distribute NJWIN free of charge by any media."
About this protection system

This is an interesting program for all newbies to learn and study from. This program performs a check of it's internal code each time you close it so any attempts to 'patch it' will result in the program deleting itself from your hard disk!. Neat eh! Another interesting thing about it is that in it's help file it mentions that Users can enter a registration code via it's Registration screen to make it fully registered but I couldn't find anywhere to do this!..  After your 30 day trial is up the program then starts to display a Shareware Nag Screen every time you use it, this is where you are suppose to access the 'Registration Screen' but dispute many attempts the program refuses to let me in!!. Huh?

So it seems we have two tasks ahead of us if we are to *crack* this program.. Work out how it performs the self-checking and disable this and then try and fool the program into thinking it's been registered..

I won't tell you how many times I tried patching this program before the penny dropped that there had to be a reason why I kept losing this program from my hard disk. Good job I had plenty of cigarettes at hand, helped steady my nerves during the crucial learning period..:)  One last thing, this is a 16-bit program.
The Essay

After many attempts to track down the location in the program's code where it performs the actual code checking here's what I found and how you can check my findings too..:)

The program uses a Call 2E3C to execute a routine that does the actual deleting of the program itself from your Hard drive, which I found by single stepping through the code as it closed down. I found this by bpx'ing on the system function GetModuleFilename then stepped through the code and noting what happens after each call instruction was executed..

GetModuleFilename is a system function found in the KERNEL.DLL file, so make sure you have this line in your Winice.dat file if you wish to see Softice show you the symbols in this DLL file in our target file.

What this function does is to return to the calling program (in this case NJ.EXE) the exact location on your hard drive where NJ.EXE can be found. My knowledge is very scarce on this function but had a good idea that this program would use this function in order to delete itself if it found any changes to it's code.

Having made sure that the Call 2E3C instruction was the one that did the actual deleting of our target program it was then a matter of locating ALL further occurrences of this particular Call 2E3C instruction (there are a total of THREE locations) within the target program and testing which one of these call instructions gets called when the program finds out it's code has been changed.

I could, if I wish, simply nop (90h) all three Call's to memory location 2E3C which would then mean the program never gets the opportunity to delete itself but this *could* effect one or two registers which get used both before and after this instruction or, I could patch ALL three memory locations so that the program 'skips' over these particular Call's.  In the end I tested the program several times and found that only one of these calls actually gets used and that by patching just this one routine allowed the program to remain on my hard drive even after the program detected changes to it's code.

Here is the location and patch required to get this program to ignore any changes to it's code.:-

Location 1.


:0001.467A 8B46EA                 mov ax, [bp-16]
:0001.467D 8B56EC                 mov dx, [bp-14]
:0001.4680 3946EE                 cmp [bp-12], ax
:0001.4683 7505                   jne 468A ;1st occurrence of program check
:0001.4685 3956F0                 cmp [bp-10], dx
:0001.4688 740E                   je 4698
:0001.468A 8D86EAFE               lea ax, [bp+FEEA]
:0001.468E 16                     push ss
:0001.468F 50                     push ax
:0001.4690 9A3C2E7842             call 0001.2E3C


:0001.467A 8B46EA                 mov ax, [bp-16]
:0001.467D 8B56EC                 mov dx, [bp-14]
:0001.4680 3946EE                 cmp [bp-12], ax
:0001.4683 EB13                  jmp 4698 ;Ignore changes to program code.
:0001.4685 3956F0                 cmp [bp-10], dx
:0001.4688 740E                   je 4698
:0001.468A 8D86EAFE               lea ax, [bp+FEEA]
:0001.468E 16                     push ss
:0001.468F 50                     push ax
:0001.4690 9A3C2E7842             call 0001.2E3C

Lets test this before going any further..

1. First, lets create a test copy of NJWIN.exe, we will use this to our tests on.. Use the File Manger and copy NJWIN.EXE as NJ.EXE

2. Start up your favorite Hex Editor and load in NJ.EXE file. Remember, this is our test copy and NOT the original file.

SEARCH FOR THE BYTES          : 3946EE75053956

Save the changes then startup the file NJ.EXE.. The moment of truth has arrived.

3. Now start up NJ.EXE (remember, this is our test copy and so doesn't matter if it gets deleted.

4. Now try and exit our target program.   The program will detect the changes we have made to it's code but should still leave the program on the hard drive...

5. Open up the File Manager and verify that our NJ.EXE is STILL on your hard disk..

The first part of our *crack* is now completed, we can now safely proceed to *crack* this program without fear of it disappearing from our Hard Disk...


After a quick check in W32Dasm it's obvious from checking the MODULE IMPORT SECTION that this program does not use the System Registry File, instead it uses the NJWIN.INI file located in the : C:\WINDOWS directory to hold all it's settings and User registration details.  No problem...

Fire up Softice using Ctrl-D and type: bc * to clear away any previous breakpoints we may have have made earlier in our previous cracking session and now lets create a new Softice breakpoint.  Type bpx getprivateprofilestring

GetPrivateProfileString is a system function commonly used in Windoze 3.1 to store information in .INI files.. It's still used in Win'95, but programmers like to 'hide' their program's details in the System Registry File for added security. It's much easier to track a file on your hard disk than to search through 1000's of entries in complicated looking Registry File.. Haven't they heard of Regmon *grin*..

Now start up NJ.EXE, Softice will almost straight away halt at the start of the GetPrivateProfileString function, in which case just press x to let the program continue on.. You will need to keep doing this many times UNTIL you get here:-

:0001.3C99 16                     push ss
:0001.3C9A 50                     push ax
:0001.3C9B 9AC26ADA3C             call 0001.6AC2
:0001.3CA0 83C40C                 add sp, 000C
:0001.3CA3 48                     dec ax
:0001.3CA4 7505                   jne 3CAB     ; Jump If NOT registered
:0001.3CA6 C6061A0601             mov byte ptr [061A], 01 ; Else Set 'Reg'
                                                          ; flag by placing
                                                          ; a '1' at memory
                                                          ; loc [061a]

Notice we have a jne 3CAB instruction, this will either be 'set' if the program couldn't find the registration code from the NJWIN.INI or, it will place in the memory location a value of '1' to signal to the rest of the program that this software is registered. Our first instinct here is to Nop (90h) out this jne instruction but if we go back to our 'Dead Listing' and perform a search for any memory references relating to [061A] then we find this:-

:0001.3D31 0BD0                   or dx, ax
:0001.3D33 750B                   jne 3D40
:0001.3D35 32C0                   xor al , al ;Make ax register =0000
:0001.3D37 A21A06                 mov byte ptr [061A], al
:0001.3D3A A21B06                 mov byte ptr [061B], al
:0001.3D3D EB0D                   jmp 3D4C

Can you see what's happening here?.. The program is placing a '0' into our memory location [061A] AND [061B], which is telling the program it has NOT been registered!. To *crack* this program we need to REVERSE this process and make it place a value of ''1" instead into these two memory locations..

Here's our patch then...

:0001.3D31 0BD0                   or dx, ax
:0001.3D33 750B                   jne 3D40
:0001.3D35 B001                   mov al , 1 ;Make ax register =0001
:0001.3D37 A21A06                 mov byte ptr [061A], al
:0001.3D3A A21B06                 mov byte ptr [061B], al
:0001.3D3D EB0D                   jmp 3D4C

By changing the xor al,al instruction into mov al,1we are now placing a '1' into these two memory locations instead of a '0'!

In order make our *crack* permanent all you need to do is load up NJ.EXE into your favorite Hex Editor and then:-

SEARCH for the bytes          : 0BD0750B32COA2

Now test this crack out and when your satisfied you can use this copy of the program instead of the original NJWIN.EXE which we kept as a backup should any of the patches fail to work.

Job Done.
The Crack
See above.
Final Notes

A fairly hard program to *crack* until you knew what was happening each time you tried to *patch* it, but after that everything seems to fall into place.

My thanks and gratitude goes to:-

Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.

+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ob Duh

Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to  produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.

If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

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Essay by:         The Sandman
Page Created: 27th June 1998