There is a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. |
VSFLEX3.OCX - Allows the User to manipulate Micro$oft Access databases to produce complicated sorts and filters on the raw data itself. Has a built-in SOUNDEX feature that is a treat to use.
VSSPELL.OCX - Allows you to use a spell checker within your Visual Basic programs.
There are many others besides the ones listed above.
The reason why I've mention all of these
is because:-
1. They are all Shareware
2. Are all fully functional with nothing crippled.
3. They all start-up with a single nag-screen.
4. They all use the
SAME method to display this nag-screen!.
Please Note:
OCX files are used solely in Windows '95
and above, they come in 16 bit and 32 bit flavours. VBX files on
the other hand are 16 bit add-on files for use with VB3 and below and are
primarily for use under Windows 3.1.
Once I've explained how to defeat the nag-screen you can then use this method any ANY OCX or VBX add-on that also uses this Shareware method for displaying nag screens! One other product that comes to mind that also uses this method is the 'Early Morning Editor' that allows VB4 programmers to incorporate Word Processing features such as Search, Edit, Replace, Count etc into their VB3/4 programs.
I will first explain how to disable the nag-screens within these OCX & VBX files then explain some interesting notes about this 'crack'.
For this example I will assume you have installed VSOCX6.OCX but the same principle applies to all of the above products.
using your favourite Hex Editor,
Hex Workshop is a good
choice to use but if you don't have this
then any hex editor
will do.
2. Use the option: Search and type in the following hex codes:
80 00 4F 00 B4
3. What you should
find is that your hex editor has found this hex string right in the
code that deals with
the nag screen text.
4. Now change the first byte '80' into '00' so that it now shows:-
00 00 4F 00 B4
5. Save changes
to the OCX file.
That's it!. Once you use this OCX file
in the VB design environment or in a run-time environment no nag screen
will appear!. The OCX file can now be used and distributed as though
it has been registered.* See Final Notes *
This Crack Loader was generated using RTD's
Patch Making Engine V2 simply
because it was quick and easy to use..:)
Thanx guys.
segment byte public
assume cs:code, ds:code org 100h start:
mov dx,offset logo
; Show your logo
db 'VSOCX6.OCX', 0
logo db '[PATCH FOR [FILEIN]
db 'OK!',0Dh,0Ah,'þ CHECKiNG FiLESiZE
: $'
sizemismtch db 'Opps!',0Dh,0Ah,'þ FiLE iS PACKED OR WRONG VERSiON!',0Dh,0Ah,'$' erroropen db 'Opps!',0Dh,0Ah,'þ CAN', 027h,'T OPEN FiLE !!',0Dh,0Ah,'$' ofs
dw 57256 , 2
There are two things worth mentioning here regarding this kind of hack.
1. Since we've now disabled
the nag-screen the 'About Box' for this OCX file will now no-longer be
shown in the Visual basic design environment because it too uses the same
nag-screen dialog resource we have just disabled.
2. If you run a program
that uses a 'cracked' VBX file in Window's '95 then for some reason Window's
'95 will display a bogus 'OUT OF MEMORY' dialog box when you try and run
this cracked VBX file. Pressing OK to this dialog box will close this error
message and the program will run as normal.
Final Note: This lame tutorial
explains how *NOT* to reverse this type of control, for the -correct-
way see Essay No74.
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