There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
The programs are -:
GSC GroundStation Control. This program provides housekeeping and scheduling functions for the complete groundstation package. Features include file deletion and log processing along with system wide setup functions.
MSPE MicroSat Protocol Engine. This program provides all the uploading and downloading functions required to access the satellites.
View-Dir View Directory. This provides the directory viewing and message viewing/reply functions, along with some message housekeeping functions.
MsgMaker Message Maker. All message creation and replies are performed through Message Maker. It gives the user a large amount of flexibility when sending messages and binary files while still providing a quick, automated function.
ProcMail Process Mail. Processes received messages as they are downloaded from the satellite, and places them in the required directories for viewing.
MsgView Message Viewer. Views all ASCII messages received from the satellite. Messages can be replied to and deleted.
UpdKeps Update Keps. Automatically updates the keplerian database when new keps files are received from the satellite.
Telemetry decoder works with MSPE to display real time telemetry while
the pass is in progress."
ON Successful registration your CALL SIGN
(user name) you used to register this program with will be placed in your
System Registry file here:-
Callsign = "GB 34567"
<----Change this to whatever you wish.
Although I cracked this program without
resorting to a dead listing I still recommend to everyone that they still
create one using W32dasm. It will help you greatly if you get a visual
idea on where these protection routines are and how they connect with each
Lets begin..
Firstly, fire up GSC.EXE and you'll be prompted to enter your User Name and a Registration Number, so put in some details into these input boxes.
Next, press Ctrl-D to start up Softice and type bpx messageboxa then 'X' to leave Softice.
Now click on the 'Register' button.
Softice now breaks at the start of the
MessageBoxA routine, so press the 'F11'
key once. A messagebox appears on your screen informing you that
the registration code was incorrect.. Click on the 'OK'
button and Softice breaks again and we land here.
:0041FDC3 E822FCFFFF
call 0041F9EA ;Check Registration Numbers
;returns either:
;EAX = 0 Wrong Serial
;EAX = 1 Correct Serial
:0041FDC8 85C0
test eax, eax ;Incorrect serial?
:0041FDCA 7437
je 0041FE03 ;Then Beggar off cracker
Look! memory location [00452A00] is having the value of '1' placed into
it! This is a 'classic' example of how
the 'REG FLAG' is used within
programs. If the serial is found to be correct then place a '1' into
a specific memory location that the program then checks while it's
running to see if it's been registered. The default value for this
memory location is 99 times out of 100 always '0', representing that it
is running in Shareware Mode.
:0041FDCC C705002A450001000000
mov dword ptr [00452A00], 00000001
:0041FDD6 6A40
push 00000040
:0041FDD8 6898AF4400
push 0044AF98 ->"Registration Complete"
* StringData Ref from
Data Obj ->"Thank you for registering your "
->"copy of WiSP."
:0041FDDD 68B0AF4400
push 0044AFB0 ;The 'Thank you for..' messg
:0041FDE2 8B0DB4204500
mov ecx, dword ptr [004520B4]
:0041FDE8 51
push ecx
:0041FDE9 FF15A8764500
Call USER32.MessageBoxA
:0041FDEF 68E0AF4400
push 0044AFE0 ;Msg box title
:0041FDF4 8B15B4204500
mov edx, dword ptr [004520B4]
:0041FDFA 52
push edx
:0041FDFB FF1598764500
Call USER32.SetWindowTextA
:0041FE01 EB25
jmp 0041FE28
:0041FE03 8B45EC
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-14] ;If serial is
;invalid then
;come here.
:0041FE06 50
push eax
:0041FE07 FF1558744500
Call ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey
:0041FE0D 6A30
push 00000030
:0041FE0F 68F8AF4400
push 0044AFF8 ->"Registration Error"
* StringData Ref from
Data Obj ->"Incorrect registration number.
->" Please ensure your number and "
->"callsign are correct and try again."
:0041FE14 680CB04400
push 0044B00C
:0041FE19 8B0DB4204500
mov ecx, dword ptr [004520B4]
:0041FE1F 51
push ecx
:0041FE20 FF15A8764500
Call USER32.MessageBoxA ;Show Beggar off
;Cracker Message.
:0041FE26 EB0C
jmp 0041FE34 ; We land here after
; returning from setting a
; Softice Breakpoint on:
; bpx messageboxa
Look at the above
code and study it. My own personal approach to cracking this type of program
is to back-track through the code starting from the where the 'Beggar off
cracking' message is UNTIL I come across the FIRST Conditional jump instruction
that decides which of the above two messages gets executed.
Our two messages are: "Thank you for registering..." and "Incorrect registration..."
OK, here again is
the first conditional jump statement I found:-
:0041FDC3 E822FCFFFF
call 0041F9EA ;Check Registration Numbers
;returns either:
;EAX = 0 Wrong Serial
;EAX = 1 Correct Serial
:0041FDC8 85C0
test eax, eax ;Incorrect serial?
:0041FDCA 7437
je 0041FE03 ;Then Beggar off cracker
Simply nop'ing out
the je 0041FE03 statement won't help you here, because as soon as you run
the program again it will find that you don't have a registration number
and it will continue on running in Shareware mode.
Our next plan of
attack is shown by the instruction test eax,eax which tells us that
the above call 0041F9EA returns a value in the EAX register depending on
wether the program found an invalid or correct registration number.
In this case the call 0041F9EA will return either a '0' meaning invalid
serial number entered or a '1' meaning correct serial number found.
This kind of setup is a 'classic' example of what many programs uses today
and the patch I'm about to show you will work on many of these programs
with little or no modification to the patch I'm about to reveal to you.
OK, lets follow in our Dead listing where this call goes to..
* Referenced
by a CALL at Addresses: :0040BD0F , :0041FDC3
This routine is Call'd in two places by this program.
The firs time at startup and the second time to check your serial number
when you try and register this program. So if we can 'break' this
protection system here then we don't need
to patch this program anywhere
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 00000030
push esi
push edi
The rest of this routine is quite large
so I've cut a large section of
this code out, besides, it's irrelevant for this purpose of this essay..
cmp ecx, dword ptr [ebp-2C]
jne 0041FC3F
mov eax, 00000001 ;look!, here's where
;this routine returns a
;a '1' in the EAX
;register if the serial
;is found to be valid.
jmp 0041FC41 >-: ;Perform housekeeping
: ;tasks and exit this
: ;routine
pop edi <------:
pop esi
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
Can you see now how
to *crack* this program yet?. No?
Tsk Tsk.. let me
show you...
The above routine
must return either a '1' or a '0' in the EAX register, in our case we want
to always make this routine return a value of '1' meaning our registration
number was accepted by the program. Lets borrow just TWO instructions
from this whole serial number checking routine and make them work for us..
Lets borrow:
Move eax,00000001
and rewrite the BEGINNING
of this routine with just these two instructions so that it looks like
Referenced by a CALL at Addresses: :0040BD0F , :0041FDC3
This routine is Call'd in two places by this program.
The firs time at startup and the second time to check your serial number
when you try and register this program. So if we can 'break' this
protection system here then we don't need
to patch this program anywhere
move eax, 00000001 ;Force EAX = 1
;Tell program to
;return, thereby
;ignoring the rest of
;this routine!
sub esp, 00000030
push esi
push edi
Can you see now?. We've just cut short a large routine and made it a two line instruction routine instead. Now every time this routine gets called it will simply place a value of '1' into the EAX register then return the program execution back to wherever it was original called from. This 'patch' method will work in many programs currently available today on the web.
Job Done.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
Ripping off software through serials
and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
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