There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
This essay is the Fourth in a series
of tuts based on a program that was featured in the 'Cracking
Challengers For All' forum that shows what can be achieved if
people join together to crack the same program.
1. Deep within your System Registry it uses the following branch to store it's program settings and User Registration.
It's a 30 day, time limited program that will 'expire' after 30 days of
being installed.
The Day's Left... counter is located in a file called RCW.d98 and
is placed in your C:\windows directory. This file will be deleted by the
program itself once the User has used up their 30 days evaluation period.
When first run, this hidden file will contain
the following number:-
Now this number won't at first, mean very
much to us, but once we later learn that it is in fact, our 'days remaining'
counter then we can begin trying to work out what formula it is based on.
Typically, (but not always) it will be based on a simple method that the
majority of Shareware programs out today uses. In the case of 'Registry
Crawler' our 'Days remaining' is based on this formula:-
729650 / Current Year / Current Month = Days remaining
So the number 729650 represents the TOTAL number of days since the year 0000. The formula used by the program does not take into account leap years and assigns 30 days to each month regardless of wether some months have 28 days or 31 days in them.
In my case I can calculate how many days left I have using this formula:-
729650 / (Current Year) 1998
= 365 Days
365 days / (Current Month) 12
= 30 Days <----Number of days I
have left
All the program needs to do is fetch the
current Year & Month from your pc then convert this to days like this:
1998 X 12 = 23976 days (Current Year X Current Month). Then
the program will subtract this number from 729650 and if the result
becomes negative then you have used all your 30 day evaluation period.
After running this program several times using different Crackerz tools such as REGMON, FILEMON and making plenty of notes as I went along it was time to dead list this babe..
W32Dasm is my personal choice for creating a dead listing, although many experienced crackers prefer to use IDA Pro, but if your a newbie stick with W32Dasm for now, it's much easier to use and follow....
In my dead listing I always go straight into the String Data Resources of the target program, we can gain a lot of valuable info just by noting down what we see and what looks interesting..
Mem Location
"Registered Version"
"Thank you for very much for trying "
"Welcome to the Registered Version "
"The registration information you "
There are many other interesting strings
but these will do for us..
As newbies our attention may go directly to the string reference "YMA19X@24$Z%" which 'looks' like a serial number and we may even try and enter this as our serial number.. Program responds by informing you that the serial number is incorrect"... Oh well, it was worth a try..
OK, our next attempt is usually to locate a 'Bad Cracker' type message and try and backtrack through the code a little until we find the first conditional jump statement.. The idea here is that if we find this conditional jump that leads to our 'Bad Cracker' message then it also should show us where the 'Good Boy' message string is at the same time!. Do programs really work like this and can they be cracked as easily as this!.. Well, the only way to find out is by trying this idea out for ourselves..
Right, if you've run this program a few
times and also tried to register it using some false serial numbers then
you'll know that the 'Bad Cracker' message begins with: "The
registration information you " so in our String Data Resources
locate this piece of text and double-click on it..
You should see this code fragment...
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or
(C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00403E7B 6AFF
:00403E7D FF15C8E94000
Call USER32.MessageBeep
:00403E83 837DF000
cmp dword ptr [ebp-10], 00000000
:00403E87 B800000000
mov eax, 00000000
:00403E8C 7406
je 00403E94 ->Since this jump does not
->skip over our 'Bad Cracker'
->message we can ignore it.
:00403E8E 8B45F0
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:00403E91 8B4020
mov eax, dword ptr [eax+20]
:00403E94 6A30
push 00000030 -> Message Box Type
:00403E96 683CCB4000
push 0040CB3C ->"UNREGISTERED User"
:00403E9B 68FCC94000
push 0040C9FC ->"The registration
-> information you "
->"have entered could not
->be validated."
:00403EA0 50
push eax
:00403EA1 FF1508EA4000
Call USER32.MessageBoxA ->Display Message
->to User
:00403EA7 E90EFFFFFF
jmp 00403DBA
What is of importance to us is that we've found just one occurrence of the 'Bad Cracker' message and that this program calls this routine from memory location 00403DD0 so lets now go and examine this memory location..
* Referenced by a (C)onditional Jump
at Address :00403DAE(C)
:00403DC9 E872FCFFFF
call 00403A40 ;Check *real* & *Fake*
;EAX=00000000 if wrong #
;EAX=00000001 if correct #
:00403DCE 85C0
test eax, eax ;Eax=0?
:00403DD0 0F84A5000000
je 00403E7B ;If eax=0 then 'Beggar
The (J)ump if (E)qual instruction as
we know, goes directly to our 'Beggar off cracker' message routine but
how do (I) know at this stage that the code after this conditional jump
is where the program registers itself?.
From using REGMON I saw that this program
on being run, checks for the presence of a key
called '4D' in our System Registry here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\4Developers\RCrawler which because it's not present yet, is a good indicator that it could be created only when this program is registered. Therefore, it's also very likely that the program must create this new key after our serial has been checked and accepted and not before.. This kind of thinking comes with time and lots of practice and while it's only a hunch it's still worth checking out. Anyway, If this is so, then the steps this program would have to take in order to create this new key would go something like this:-
1. Using the system .DLL & function
ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA prepare
2. Assign a new key called "4D"
and give it a value representing our
3. Finally, use the system .DLL & function
ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey to
With this in mind now look at the code
that lies below our je 00403E7B instruction!!
:00403DD6 8D45E8
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-18]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Software\4Developers\RCrawler" :00403DEE 8B15ECC64000
mov edx dword ptr [0040C6EC]
Can you see the same 'pattern' of events
as described above? and that this code will
be executed IF the serial is found
to be correct!.
* Referenced by a (C)onditional Jump at Address :00403DAE(C)
:00403DC9 E872FCFFFF
call 00403A40 ;Check *real* & *Fake* #
;EAX=00000000 if wrong #
;EAX=00000001 if correct #
:00403DCE 85C0
test eax, eax ;Eax=0?
:00403DD0 0F84A5000000
je 00403E7B ;If eax=0 then 'Beggar
At this point I'm assuming that the call 00403A40 goes to the serial generation routine because if the Test eax,eax fails, then I know that the program will execute the 'Beggar off Cracker' routine. What's the opposite of an invalid serial? that's right, a correct one and as expected, the code underneath the je 00403e7B does in fact, appear to create and save a new Key called 4D and give it a value of some sort into our System Registry file.
We need to explore where that call 00403A40 goes to more closely...
:00403A40 64A100000000
mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000000] ;We land
:00403A46 55
push ebp
:00403A47 8BEC
mov ebp, esp
:00403A49 6AFF
:00403A4B 68193C4000
push 00403C19
:00403A50 B9FFFFFFFF
mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00403A55 50
push eax
:00403A56 64892500000000
mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], esp
:00403A5D 83EC0C
sub esp, 0000000C
:00403A60 2BC0
sub eax, eax
:00403A62 57
push edi
:00403A63 BFF8C64000
mov edi, 0040C6F8 ;Location of our User
:00403A68 F2
repnz ;Count/Copy
letters in User name
:00403A69 AE
:00403A6A F7D1
not ecx ;ECX = length
of User Name+1
:00403A6C 49
dec ecx ;Dec ECX by 1
to correct length of
:00403A6D 83F908
cmp ecx, 00000008
:00403A70 7311
jnb 00403A83 ;Continue if UserName >=8
:00403A72 33C0
xor eax, eax ;Else tidy up and zero eax
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:00403A77 5F
pop edi
:00403A78 64890D00000000
mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], ecx
:00403A7F 8BE5
mov esp, ebp
:00403A81 5D
pop ebp
:00403A82 C3
The above section
of code simply checks to see if the User Name is 8 or more characters in
length, if less than 8 letters then zero the eax register and exit this
sub routine. When the program exits this routine the test eax, eax at memory
location 00403DCE on finding that the eax
register contains the value of 0 will treat this as though you entered
an invalid serial number.
:00403A83 BFF8C64000
mov edi, 0040C6F8
:00403A88 B9FFFFFFFF
mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00403A8D 2BC0
sub eax, eax
:00403A8F F2
:00403A90 AE
:00403A91 F7D1
not ecx
:00403A93 2BD2
sub edx, edx
:00403A95 8D41FF
lea eax, dword ptr [ecx-01]
:00403A98 B90C000000
mov ecx, 0000000C
:00403A9D F7F1
div ecx
:00403A9F A1F0C64000
mov eax, dword ptr [0040C6F0] ->"YMA19X@24$Z%"
:00403AA4 8D4DF0
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:00403AA7 8A0410
mov al, byte ptr [eax+edx]
:00403AAA 50
push eax
:00403AAB 6810C94000
push 0040C910 ->"8267-"
:00403AB0 E8F94A0000
Call 004085AE
:00403AB5 50
push eax >-----:
At this point type:
d eax
In your Softice Hex/Ascii
window you'll see something like this:-
The first four numbers
a further memory address which in order for you to see you must reverse
the sequence like this:-
Type: d 740D6600 (in reversed order)
Now Softice's hex/Ascii window you should now see
Now just keep pressing
F10 until you land at: :00403B73
< Snip Snip >
:00403B6A 3B4DF0
cmp ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:00403B6D 0F877AFFFFFF
ja 00403AED ->End of main character
:00403B73 8B45EC
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-14]
The above code block starting from 00403AED to 00403B60 is the 'main' loop to the generation of our *real* serial number. This section of code grabs one letter from our User Name at a time and 'converts' it to a valid serial code. Now it would be easy for a newbie to assume that once the routine had reached this far that the serial they can see in Softice's Hex/Ascii Code Window was the 'full' serial they need to register this program.. Wrong.. Our serial number needs one more letter adding to it before it will be recoqnised as a true serial number for our User Name..
You need to keep
pressing the F10 key Until you land here:-
:00403B92 E8114D0000
Call 004088A8 ;Add the final letter to
;*real* serial #
;EAX = Address where *real*
;serial is stored.
:00403B97 50
push eax ;Save
the address of the *real*
;serial number
One the program returns from executing the Call 004088A8 instruction our serial number is now complete and the EAX register now points to the memory location that holds the address of where we can now sniff out our fully created serial number..
At this point type:
d eax ; In your Softice Hex/Ascii
window you'll see something like:
Now type: d followed by these first four bytes in reverse order.
In my case I typed: d 740D6600
Now we can see our serial number in all it's glory for the User Name of: Pirate Copy..
Once the program has been successfully 'registered' a new Binary key called 4D will be created at:- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\4Developers\RCrawler
Our new Binary key, 4D will be made up as follows:-
= Pirate Copy
= Serial Number
= 512 bytes in total
Here are two explanations provided on the forum to how the serial number
is generated...
In the words of Joseph,
The Registry Crawler uses the numbers 3,12 and a funny string of characters "YMA19X@24$Z%" as constants, in addition to this the program uses the length of the User's Name as another constant. one important variable is the the position of the character being proceessed, starting with 0 to n (n being the length of the user name). The first 5 characters in any serial number are the same for any User. First the program divides the length of the User Name by 12 and takes the remander and uses it as an offset to extract a character from the funny string. Thus, if the User Name is 8 chracter then the program will take the 8th charcter from this string which will be 4 as the first calculated character in the serial number--remember the count starts with 0. Next the position, which will be 0,1.2....n, and divides it by 3. If there is any remainder the program skips to the next character (using techi lingo, the program evaluates the modulo of n/3). This way only characters positioned at 0,3, 6,9 etc. are meaningful. Once a chracter is selected this way its Ascii value is divided by 2 and the integer result is added to 22. If the result is within the accepted range, which is the alphanumarical, then this new character is added to the serial number. Each calculated character is appended to 8267- in its turn. After all characters in the User Name are
processed, their total length count becomes significant. In the case of
an 8 character long User Name 4 characters are generated in the above discribed
procedure. thus after appendig to 8267-
the length becoms 9. This 9 is divided by 12 and the mod (remainder) is
used to extract the final character in the serial number, thus an 8 chracter
user name will yield a serial number looking like this:
In the words of LenraV,
I think this is how the serial no is generated base from your handle. Your name should not less than 8 char long. Lets compute the serial no for handle - Pirate Copy This String - "8267-" - is the initial value of our serial take note the length of this string which is 5. Lets find the remaining of our serial no. 8267- Our 6th char must come from this string "YMA19X@24$Z%" Divide length of ur name/handle by C (12 dec.) why? because there are only 12 char in this string - "YMA19X@24$Z%". B/C = 0 modulous of B (11 dec) take the 11th char from "YMA19X@24$Z%". (remember counting begin from 0) So that our 6th char is %. SN=8267-% Continue finding the 7th char. First Char ofmy handle is divided by 2 (location 403818) P = 50 / 2 = 28 + 22 = 4A = J check if within 1..9, A..Z, a..z SN = 8267-%J :00403B1E
3C5A cmp al, 5A ; al<=5A ?
The program is adding 3 to our present char position a = 61 / 2 = 30
+ 22 = 52 = R check if within 1..9,a..z, A..Z
space = 20 /2
= 10 +22 = 32 = 2 check if within 1..9,a..z,A..Z
p = 70 / 2 = 38
+ 22 = 5A = Z check if within 1..9,a..z,A..Z
Now for the last char. It must come from this string "YMA19X@24$Z%". Four bytes before the location of our serial
is a counter with the initial value of 5.
Length of string "8267-" + no. of char added to it ("%JR2Z") = A (10 dec) divided by C (12 dec) = 0 modulo A (10 dec) <- position of our last char in the string "YMA19X@24$Z%". (Remember counting start from 0) so that our final serial is = 8267-%JR2ZZ for handle Pirate Copy. |
Job Done.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
Ripping off software through serials
and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
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