There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
Now, enter your Name and a fake Password.
Time to go into Softice and set a breakpoint.
Press CTRL-D then type bpx GetDlgItemTextA
Now, type X to return to the program. Click on "OK".
Bang! We're back in Softice at the start of USER32!GetDlgItemTextA
Type X
Now, press F11 to return to the instruction following the call
to USER32!GetDlgItemTextA.
F10 until:
:0040224B CALL 00409048 <- Routine to put hex value of fake password in EAX
F8 into this call (you CAN, if you want, step over this call
with a F10).
F10 until:
:0040904D MOV EDX, [EBP+08] <- Your fake password
To prove that this is your fake password, type d EDX
F10 until you return from the call. If you type
? EAX you'll see that EAX now holds the fake password.
F10 until:
:004021C3 CALL 0040225B
Since the instruction following this CALL is a TEST, F8 into the call. F10 until:
:00402279 CALL 004051C4
:0040227E POP ECX
:0040227F CMP EAX, EBX
F8 into the call at :00402279. Hmmm...not interesting.
F10 until you return from the CALL.
F10 until you come back to the same call (are you feeling like
a yo-yo yet? *grin*)
:00402279 CALL 004051C4
F10 over this call.
As a matter of fact, press F10 until EBX = EAX (:0040227F
CMP EAX, EBX). This should be the same as the length of the name that you
had entered. I had entered KLee8084. Therefore, EAX was 8. EBX was incremented
by 1 each time the loop was run through. (i.e., 8 iterations).
F10 until:
:0040229B CALL 00408E14
F10 over this call (well, you CAN F8 into any of the calls,
if you want to.)
F10 until:
:004022A3 CALL 00408D84
F10 over this call.
Well...look at the next instruction. Interesting, isn't it? *wink*
:004022A8 CMP EAX, [EDI+0000016E]
If you look at the value at EDI+0000016E, you'll see that it holds your
fake password (hex value). What, then, does EAX hold?
Type ? EAX
See the decimal value of EAX? That is the REAL password.
Write it down.
Time to clear the breakpoint (type bc * )
Now, type X to return to the program.
Click on "OK" to get rid of the nasty message box.
Enter the number that you had written down (the decimal value of EAX).
Click on "OK". No message box thanking you??? Nothing???
*grin* Click on Help.
Click on About...
Program cracked.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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