Reverse Code Engineering

General Newbie Forums...
The +Sandman's Newbie Forum

Moderator(s): +Sandman & Jeff 
Helpers:  The Snake, Princess, DoGBytes, Lord Soth, Volatility and many more..

Overview: Open to everyone wishing to learn about reversing. This forum has been in full use now for almost two years and is therefore well established to help you over the initial ups and downs of learning to reverse.

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will be deleted from this Forum. 

The Cracking For All Forum

Moderator(s): Volatility 

Overview: Dealing With Reverse Code Engineering At All Levels. Whether You're A Newbie, Or An Experienced Cracker, You're Welcome To Post!!! 

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will be deleted from this Forum. 

The German Cracking Center

Moderator(s): Vladimir 

Overview:  Hier bekommt ihr eine kommunikative Plattform für alle Reverser geboten, die der englischen Sprache nicht so mächtig sind. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr eine ständig wachsende Essay-Sektion, Linx zu anderen ReverserSites im Netz, eine Tool-Ecke, und -schließlich- das Forum, wo ihr euch austauschen und unterstützen könnt.  (Ich hoffe, in der Zukunft wird noch mehr dabei sein). Ich freue mich über jeden Besuch und natürlich über jegliche Art von Unterstützung (Übersetzten, Schreiben, Hosten). Dieses Forum ist nicht nur für deutsche Reverser,klar oder?! Vielmehr der Versuch, das CrackerNetzwerk auszuweiten, um allen die Möglichkeit der zusammenarbeit........zu bieten. 

ENGLISH Translation: 

The German Cracking Center.  Here you´ll get a communicative platform for german reversers, who don't understand english as good as many others. On this Site is a growing collection of essays (translated and own), links to other sites, a little crackme collection, a tools-edge and last but not least a forum to exchange your hints and thoughts (and there´ll be more and more in future). I would say hello and thx to all visitors, and appreciate any helpful hand. This is not a ONLY german forum!! Let us all work together, to get up a better network for newbies, advanced ones and even profs.....Greetings

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will be deleted from this Forum. 


Forums For Experienced Reverser's...

 +Fravia's Reversing Matters Forum

Moderator(s): +Fravia, DQ, +gthorne, iefaf, +svd

Overview: This forum covers just about everything under the sun that relates directly, or indirectly to reversing matters. Make no mistake, this forum goes into both light & heavy issues relating to reversing, so expect some late nights while you catch up on what is happening in the RCE scene..:)

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will not be taken lightly. 


 +Fravia's T.O.T. Forum

Moderator(s): +Fravia, DQ, +gthorne, iefaf, +svd

Overview: Originally setup to discuss the strengths & weakness of some of our tools, but you will find that this has been expanded to include a whole host of topics & issues.

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will not be taken lightly. 

+Greythorne's Linux Forum

Moderator(s): +Greythorne

Overview: Learn all about Linux and why this OS -could- one day replace Windows!. A must visit forum for all Linuxians.

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will not be taken lightly. 

The Seeker's Classroom

Moderator(s): The Seeker

Overview: If you are interested in learning about JavaScript then here's a forum well worth taking the time to visit. There are always some on-going JS project to get your teeth into along with some fun crypto-type puzzles to solve and learn from. Want to learn JavaScript? then here's where you can start! 

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will not be taken lightly. 

Iczelion's Win32 Assembly Forum

Moderator(s): Iczelion

Overview: The Win32 Assembly Forum is a good place to start from if you want to learn the basics to Assembly. There's lots to learn and plenty of links to follow and explore. Don't forget to visit Iczelion's web page, it's a treasure trove of knowledge & toolz..:) 

Please Note: Requests for Cracks & Serials will not be taken lightly. 


The +Sandman's Newbie Project Forum
The Project Forum was first started way back in 1999, with the sole purpose to help show newbies just exactly what was involved in Learning to was once a kind of living workshop, where students would be given a target to reverse and by working together they would learn the basic's to reversing.  Sadly however, this forum has been closed down because I no-longer have the time to run it.  Here are the archives of past Projects, study them well, for they are far more enlightning than -ANY- tutorial you will ever see on the web!.
Ready For Viewing, Completed Projects...
 D/L Size 
Project 1 - System NoteBook v1 N/A
Project 2 - Uninstall Manager 665K
Project 3 - The File Chopper - Not Available
Project 4 - Registry Crawler V1.2  164K
Project 5 - Cover Your Tracks 
Part 1 - Tasks
Part 2 - Solutions
Project 6 - Memory Game '95  1.3 MB
Project 7 - Acoustica V2.01a  938K


Page Created by: +Sandman
Created: 19th December 1999